Ignition Platform - 7.9.3 ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Upgrading to 7.9.2 and above will no longer crash an open Designer when looking for the platform edition. Fixed - No longer able to drag and drop parent folders onto children in the Designer project resource tree. Gateway Fixed - "+" character in OPC connection name no longer logs errors in regards to system status tags. Fixed - Regression issue introduced by 7.9.2: Historical tag paths that query through the realtime provider in the format "[realtimeprov]tag" no longer return data, the provider is always assumed to be a historical provider. Gateway Network Fixed - Potentially blockage in the remote tag system on the consuming gateway when using many remote providers. Incoming values can block other operation results, causing timeouts to occur before recovering. Client Added Functionality - New Easy Chart option to track mouse movement automatically in X-trace mode. Fixed - Screens with many UDT bindings slower to load in 7.9.2. Alarming Modified Functionality - Performance improvements in the gateway handling of alarm status queries. Vision - 9.9.3 ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Very gradual memory leak in client charts triggered by high data density compared to chart size. Designer Fixed - Importing shared/project script module functions directly into the current namespace will update after a project save. Fixed - Dataset tags unsupported by OPC-UA Server "expose tags" feature, leads to heavy error logging. SFC - 3.9.3 ========================================================================================== Engine Fixed - A step that is cancelled before fully activated can get stuck in the "cancelling" state forever. Ignition Platform - 7.9.3-rc1 ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Upgrading to 7.9.2 and above will no longer crash an open Designer when looking for the platform edition. Fixed - No longer able to drag and drop parent folders onto children in the Designer project resource tree. Gateway Fixed - Regression issue introduced by 7.9.2: Historical tag paths that query through the realtime provider in the format "[realtimeprov]tag" no longer return data, the provider is always assumed to be a historical provider. Gateway Network Fixed - Potentially blockage in the remote tag system on the consuming gateway when using many remote providers. Incoming values can block other operation results, causing timeouts to occur before recovering. Client Added Functionality - New Easy Chart option to track mouse movement automatically in X-trace mode. Fixed - Screens with many UDT bindings slower to load in 7.9.2. Alarming Modified Functionality - Performance improvements in the gateway handling of alarm status queries. Vision - 9.9.3-rc1 ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Very gradual memory leak in client charts triggered by high data density compared to chart size. Designer Fixed - Importing shared/project script module functions directly into the current namespace will update after a project save. Fixed - Dataset tags unsupported by OPC-UA Server "expose tags" feature, leads to heavy error logging. SFC - 3.9.3-rc1 ========================================================================================== Engine Fixed - A step that is cancelled before fully activated can get stuck in the "cancelling" state forever. Ignition Platform - 7.9.3-beta3 ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Upgrading to 7.9.2 and above will no longer crash an open Designer when looking for the platform edition. Gateway Fixed - Regression issue introduced by 7.9.2: Historical tag paths that query through the realtime provider in the format "[realtimeprov]tag" no longer return data, the provider is always assumed to be a historical provider. Gateway Network Fixed - Potentially blockage in the remote tag system on the consuming gateway when using many remote providers. Incoming values can block other operation results, causing timeouts to occur before recovering. Alarming Modified Functionality - Performance improvements in the gateway handling of alarm status queries. Client Added Functionality - New Easy Chart option to track mouse movement automatically in X-trace mode. Fixed - Screens with many UDT bindings slower to load in 7.9.2. Vision - 9.9.3-beta3 ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Very gradual memory leak in client charts triggered by high data density compared to chart size. Designer Fixed - Dataset tags unsupported by OPC-UA Server "expose tags" feature, leads to heavy error logging. Fixed - Importing shared/project script module functions directly into the current namespace will update after a project save. SFC - 3.9.3-beta3 ========================================================================================== Engine Fixed - A step that is cancelled before fully activated can get stuck in the "cancelling" state forever. General - 7.9.2 ========================================================================================== Installers Fixed - For Linux/OSX, installer now installs jre-tmp folder (required for Edge) in correct folder if using non-default install directory. Ignition Platform - 7.9.2 ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Invalid characters in imported resource names are stripped out. Fixed - Translation imports now handle regional variants correctly Fixed - UDT bindings that define their type without a specific provider, such as "CustomType", will accept dropped bindings from any tag provider, local or remote. Fixed - Complex property types (UDT bindings) were loading all sub nodes of the editor tree, resulting in significant performance issues on systems with many tag providers, many UDT types, or remote providers. Fixed - Improved module dependency checking for Ignition Designer. Modified Functionality - Improved rollback workflow to avoid unneeded project saves. Fixed - Fixed system.gui.transform calls for use in mouseDragged events. Fixed - Fixed grammar in tip of the day Fixed - Changing the case of a folder name in under Data Types can cause the folder to disappear until the tag provider or gateway is restarted. SQLTags Fixed - Inconsistencies with path interpretation causing confusion with tag history and issues with remote historian providers. Fixed - UDT definitions and UDT instance definitions no longer count towards tag limit restrictions. Fixed - Modified locking in key/value log filter system to improve overall system performance. Added Functionality - Option on internal tag provider to keep all properties of a tag resident in memory, in order to improve performance when frequent reads of non-basic properties are required. Fixed - Subscriptions to gateway system tags that are made before the tags are created (such as through expressions, or as the driving tag of a scan class) break the tags, causing them to not work and appear as folders. Fixed - Overridden values of array tags in UDTs aren't loaded correctly in subsequent tag loads. Fixed - Tag script error status doesn't update from bad to good when script is edited and fixed. Fixed - Tag limit licenses now handle deleting folders correctly. Fixed - UDT definitions not updating correctly over remote providers, changes in source do not reliably get reflected in the remote provider. Fixed - String tags do not expose status properties about alarms. Added Functionality - Tag Diagnostic feature does not work on gateway status tags. Gateway Fixed - Gateway no longer generates an unusually large SQLite config.idb file on system startup. Gateway .gwbk backup files are now compacted as they are generated. Fixed - Alarm Status "Allow Ack" checkbox setting under Remote Service Security was not being checked, allowing a remote Gateway to always acknowledge alarms over the Gateway Network. Fixed - Alarm Notification "Accessible Pipeline Filter" setting under Remote Service Security was not restricting alarm notification pipelines. Note that if this setting is left blank, all notification pipelines will be available to remote Gateways. Fixed - The Connected Devices gauge on the Device Status page should now take into account devices with numerous connections. Fixed - Tag details status page now shows correct data Fixed - New voice modules no longer get moved to quarantine on start up. Fixed - Fixed issue that could cause publishing resources in a certain order to not trigger an update of the client. Fixed - Prevent datasource connection timeouts when attempting to retrieve the connection during a reconnecting state. Fixed - Removed unnecessary query warning from AD/DB Hybrid user source. Fixed - Improved browser interoperability for log configuration dropdown. Gateway Network Fixed - Subscription validation for multiple remote tag providers on one gateway was failing to check all providers, resulting in potentially stale tag values after disconnect or other unexpected event. Misc Fixed - Guarding against a ConcurrentModificationException while viewing expensive queries on the database status page Fixed - Renaming a datasource will update the corresponding historian name, regardless of case. Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Fixed NPE in empty optional AD/DB hybrid queries Fixed - Fixed AD logger's MissingFormatArgumentException Fixed - Handling non-faulted states on the Gateway Database status details page. Fixed - Links & Loading animation is no longer displayed for non-existent TCP Driver status page. Fixed - Fixed typo in SFC Transition tooltip. Fixed - Replaced Gateway feedback panel warn/error colored backgrounds. Fixed - CPU and memory charts on System Performance status page never updated unless the browser window was refreshed. Now the charts automatically update once per minute. Fixed - Menu auto-refreshes if modules are added/removed. Fixed - Fixed EAM config menu bug. Expressions Fixed - No longer attempting to expand tag values of type Dataset. Native Client Launchers Fixed - Windows native client launchers were unable to use a JRE in a /jre folder next to clientlauncher.exe. Added Functionality - Local fallback Gateway option has now been added to native launchers. The configured local fallback Gateway is used if the configured primary/backup Gateways cannot be contacted after a specified number of connect attempts. Scripting Fixed - Tag event scripts would use outdated module scripting functions after a module with updated function implementations was installed. Fixed - system.tag.queryTagCalculations function error when data types are mixed across requested tags. Vision - 9.9.2 ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Fixed typo in tooltip of selected property for Toggle Button component. Fixed - Fixed race condition that could cause NPE in console when using the Template Canvas component. Fixed - Prevent User Management component from displaying password errors when adding a new user to AD/DB Hybrid user sources. Fixed - All Days time now saves when changed in Schedule Management component. Designer Fixed - Stopped the Designer from staying in Preview Mode when a chart component throws an exception due to improper setup. Fixed - Publish selected dialog now updates correctly when a new project is opened. Misc Added Functionality - Added script function system.gui.getCurrentDesktop. Client Fixed - Local client fallback would sometimes accidentally trigger when a client was switching between a redundant master and a backup. Fixed - Cell update bindings were not working when used with template dataset parameter values. OPC-UA - 4.9.2 ========================================================================================== Server Fixed - Writing null to OPC-UA logs misleading/unnecessary NPE warning Ignition Integration Added Functionality - Added system.device.getDeviceHostname scripting function Client Fixed - Revert the behavior of zero-rate subscriptions: the subscription and its monitored items will be deleted instead of publishing mode and monitoring mode being set to disabled. SFC - 3.9.2 ========================================================================================== Misc Added Functionality - New getVariables() scripting functions for getting SFC chart scope. Engine Fixed - Race condition in tag() expression function can leave SFC transitions that use the function in a "false" state indefinitely Added Functionality - Added SFC Flight Data Recorder Siemens Driver - 4.9.2 ========================================================================================== Siemens S7 Driver Fixed - fixed a bug that caused writes to unsigned bytes to be restricted to the range of a signed byte. Tag Historian - 2.9.2 ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Tag Historian module now has a minimum required platform version of 7.9.1 Modbus Driver - 5.9.2 ========================================================================================== Modbus Driver v2 Fixed - Limiting the warnings given by drivers that are rescheduling subscriptions. Added Functionality - Added 'Max Retry Count' setting. Enterprise Administration - 2.9.2 ========================================================================================== EAM Added Functionality - EAM Backup Archive table's 'module' column now hides module list by default to reduce clutter. Added Functionality - Remote system upgrade functionality is now available for EAM agent Gateways. This functionality is only available for agents currently running 7.9. Gateway Network Fixed - Upon Gateway Network disconnect and reconnect, remote tag providers would throw a TimeoutExpiredException and would not recover. Fixed - A Gateway Network outgoing web socket that failed to connect would not close its socket file handle on Linux systems, which could result in file handle exhaustion over a long period of time. Fixed - Gateway Network outgoing connections in long polling mode (websockets turned off) was not displaying the round trip ping time. Fixed - The logging min level dropdown would not update to the selected level on some pages. Alarm Notification - 4.9.2 ========================================================================================== Alarm SMS Fixed - Fixed a parse error in the Twilio notification profile when using throttled messages. Allen-Bradley Drivers - 4.9.2 ========================================================================================== Logix v21 Driver Fixed - Fixed a bug that caused some structures to show up as an empty folder when browsed. Fixed - Preventing RejectedExecutionException on Logix driver restart. Reporting - 4.9.2 ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Show Utility prop for PDF Viewer now works when window is opened. Report Engine Fixed - Fixed error where some reports had problems serializing schedules. Report Designer Fixed - Shared scripts now work in runScript expressions in reports. Fixed - Importing and exporting reports now show the folder structure of the resource. Fixed - Fixed incorrect schedule descriptions. Fixed - Designer project tree rejects invalid names, gives better error message, allows unicode characters in most names. General - 7.9.2-rc1 ========================================================================================== Installers Fixed - For Linux/OSX, installer now installs jre-tmp folder (required for Edge) in correct folder if using non-default install directory. Ignition Platform - 7.9.2-rc1 ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Invalid characters in imported resource names are stripped out. Fixed - Translation imports now handle regional variants correctly Fixed - UDT bindings that define their type without a specific provider, such as "CustomType", will accept dropped bindings from any tag provider, local or remote. Fixed - Complex property types (UDT bindings) were loading all sub nodes of the editor tree, resulting in significant performance issues on systems with many tag providers, many UDT types, or remote providers. Fixed - Improved module dependency checking for Ignition Designer. Modified Functionality - Improved rollback workflow to avoid unneeded project saves. Fixed - Fixed system.gui.transform calls for use in mouseDragged events. Fixed - Fixed grammar in tip of the day Fixed - Changing the case of a folder name in under Data Types can cause the folder to disappear until the tag provider or gateway is restarted. SQLTags Fixed - Inconsistencies with path interpretation causing confusion with tag history and issues with remote historian providers. Fixed - UDT definitions and UDT instance definitions no longer count towards tag limit restrictions. Fixed - Modified locking in key/value log filter system to improve overall system performance. Added Functionality - Option on internal tag provider to keep all properties of a tag resident in memory, in order to improve performance when frequent reads of non-basic properties are required. Fixed - Subscriptions to gateway system tags that are made before the tags are created (such as through expressions, or as the driving tag of a scan class) break the tags, causing them to not work and appear as folders. Fixed - Overridden values of array tags in UDTs aren't loaded correctly in subsequent tag loads. Fixed - Tag script error status doesn't update from bad to good when script is edited and fixed. Fixed - Tag limit licenses now handle deleting folders correctly. Fixed - UDT definitions not updating correctly over remote providers, changes in source do not reliably get reflected in the remote provider. Fixed - String tags do not expose status properties about alarms. Added Functionality - Tag Diagnostic feature does not work on gateway status tags. Gateway Fixed - Gateway no longer generates an unusually large SQLite config.idb file on system startup. Gateway .gwbk backup files are now compacted as they are generated. Fixed - Alarm Status "Allow Ack" checkbox setting under Remote Service Security was not being checked, allowing a remote Gateway to always acknowledge alarms over the Gateway Network. Fixed - Alarm Notification "Accessible Pipeline Filter" setting under Remote Service Security was not restricting alarm notification pipelines. Note that if this setting is left blank, all notification pipelines will be available to remote Gateways. Fixed - The Connected Devices gauge on the Device Status page should now take into account devices with numerous connections. Fixed - Tag details status page now shows correct data Fixed - New voice modules no longer get moved to quarantine on start up. Fixed - Fixed issue that could cause publishing resources in a certain order to not trigger an update of the client. Fixed - Prevent datasource connection timeouts when attempting to retrieve the connection during a reconnecting state. Fixed - Removed unnecessary query warning from AD/DB Hybrid user source. Fixed - Improved browser interoperability for log configuration dropdown. Gateway Network Fixed - Subscription validation for multiple remote tag providers on one gateway was failing to check all providers, resulting in potentially stale tag values after disconnect or other unexpected event. Misc Fixed - Guarding against a ConcurrentModificationException while viewing expensive queries on the database status page Fixed - Renaming a datasource will update the corresponding historian name, regardless of case. Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Fixed NPE in empty optional AD/DB hybrid queries Fixed - Fixed AD logger's MissingFormatArgumentException Fixed - Handling non-faulted states on the Gateway Database status details page. Fixed - Links & Loading animation is no longer displayed for non-existent TCP Driver status page. Fixed - Fixed typo in SFC Transition tooltip. Fixed - Replaced Gateway feedback panel warn/error colored backgrounds. Fixed - CPU and memory charts on System Performance status page never updated unless the browser window was refreshed. Now the charts automatically update once per minute. Fixed - Menu auto-refreshes if modules are added/removed. Fixed - Fixed EAM config menu bug. Expressions Fixed - No longer attempting to expand tag values of type Dataset. Native Client Launchers Fixed - Windows native client launchers were unable to use a JRE in a /jre folder next to clientlauncher.exe. Added Functionality - Local fallback Gateway option has now been added to native launchers. The configured local fallback Gateway is used if the configured primary/backup Gateways cannot be contacted after a specified number of connect attempts. Scripting Fixed - Tag event scripts would use outdated module scripting functions after a module with updated function implementations was installed. Fixed - system.tag.queryTagCalculations function error when data types are mixed across requested tags. Vision - 9.9.2-rc1 ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Fixed typo in tooltip of selected property for Toggle Button component. Fixed - Fixed race condition that could cause NPE in console when using the Template Canvas component. Fixed - Prevent User Management component from displaying password errors when adding a new user to AD/DB Hybrid user sources. Fixed - All Days time now saves when changed in Schedule Management component. Designer Fixed - Stopped the Designer from staying in Preview Mode when a chart component throws an exception due to improper setup. Fixed - Publish selected dialog now updates correctly when a new project is opened. Misc Added Functionality - Added script function system.gui.getCurrentDesktop. Client Fixed - Local client fallback would sometimes accidentally trigger when a client was switching between a redundant master and a backup. Fixed - Cell update bindings were not working when used with template dataset parameter values. OPC-UA - 4.9.2-rc1 ========================================================================================== Server Fixed - Writing null to OPC-UA logs misleading/unnecessary NPE warning Ignition Integration Added Functionality - Added system.device.getDeviceHostname scripting function Client Fixed - Revert the behavior of zero-rate subscriptions: the subscription and its monitored items will be deleted instead of publishing mode and monitoring mode being set to disabled. SFC - 3.9.2-rc1 ========================================================================================== Misc Added Functionality - New getVariables() scripting functions for getting SFC chart scope. Engine Fixed - Race condition in tag() expression function can leave SFC transitions that use the function in a "false" state indefinitely Added Functionality - Added SFC Flight Data Recorder Siemens Driver - 4.9.2-rc1 ========================================================================================== Siemens S7 Driver Fixed - fixed a bug that caused writes to unsigned bytes to be restricted to the range of a signed byte. Tag Historian - 2.9.2-rc1 ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Tag Historian module now has a minimum required platform version of 7.9.1 Modbus Driver - 5.9.2-rc1 ========================================================================================== Modbus Driver v2 Fixed - Limiting the warnings given by drivers that are rescheduling subscriptions. Added Functionality - Added 'Max Retry Count' setting. Enterprise Administration - 2.9.2-rc1 ========================================================================================== EAM Added Functionality - EAM Backup Archive table's 'module' column now hides module list by default to reduce clutter. Added Functionality - Remote system upgrade functionality is now available for EAM agent Gateways. This functionality is only available for agents currently running 7.9. Gateway Network Fixed - Upon Gateway Network disconnect and reconnect, remote tag providers would throw a TimeoutExpiredException and would not recover. Fixed - A Gateway Network outgoing web socket that failed to connect would not close its socket file handle on Linux systems, which could result in file handle exhaustion over a long period of time. Fixed - Gateway Network outgoing connections in long polling mode (websockets turned off) was not displaying the round trip ping time. Fixed - The logging min level dropdown would not update to the selected level on some pages. Alarm Notification - 4.9.2-rc1 ========================================================================================== Alarm SMS Fixed - Fixed a parse error in the Twilio notification profile when using throttled messages. Allen-Bradley Drivers - 4.9.2-rc1 ========================================================================================== Logix v21 Driver Fixed - Fixed a bug that caused some structures to show up as an empty folder when browsed. Fixed - Preventing RejectedExecutionException on Logix driver restart. Reporting - 4.9.2-rc1 ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Show Utility prop for PDF Viewer now works when window is opened. Report Engine Fixed - Fixed error where some reports had problems serializing schedules. Report Designer Fixed - Shared scripts now work in runScript expressions in reports. Fixed - Importing and exporting reports now show the folder structure of the resource. Fixed - Fixed incorrect schedule descriptions. Fixed - Designer project tree rejects invalid names, gives better error message, allows unicode characters in most names. Ignition Platform - 7.9.2-rc1 ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Complex property types (UDT bindings) were loading all sub nodes of the editor tree, resulting in significant performance issues on systems with many tag providers, many UDT types, or remote providers. Fixed - Improved module dependency checking for Ignition Designer. Modified Functionality - Improved rollback workflow to avoid unneeded project saves. Fixed - Fixed system.gui.transform calls for use in mouseDragged events. Fixed - Fixed grammar in tip of the day Fixed - Changing the case of a folder name in under Data Types can cause the folder to disappear until the tag provider or gateway is restarted. SQLTags Fixed - Modified locking in key/value log filter system to improve overall system performance. Added Functionality - Option on internal tag provider to keep all properties of a tag resident in memory, in order to improve performance when frequent reads of non-basic properties are required. Fixed - Subscriptions to gateway system tags that are made before the tags are created (such as through expressions, or as the driving tag of a scan class) break the tags, causing them to not work and appear as folders. Fixed - Overridden values of array tags in UDTs aren't loaded correctly in subsequent tag loads. Fixed - Tag script error status doesn't update from bad to good when script is edited and fixed. Fixed - Tag limit licenses now handle deleting folders correctly. Fixed - UDT definitions not updating correctly over remote providers, changes in source do not reliably get reflected in the remote provider. Fixed - String tags do not expose status properties about alarms. Added Functionality - Tag Diagnostic feature does not work on gateway status tags. Gateway Fixed - Alarm Status "Allow Ack" checkbox setting under Remote Service Security was not being checked, allowing a remote Gateway to always acknowledge alarms over the Gateway Network. Fixed - Alarm Notification "Accessible Pipeline Filter" setting under Remote Service Security was not restricting alarm notification pipelines. Note that if this setting is left blank, all notification pipelines will be available to remote Gateways. Fixed - The Connected Devices gauge on the Device Status page should now take into account devices with numerous connections. Fixed - Tag details status page now shows correct data Fixed - New voice modules no longer get moved to quarantine on start up. Fixed - Fixed issue that could cause publishing resources in a certain order to not trigger an update of the client. Fixed - Prevent datasource connection timeouts when attempting to retrieve the connection during a reconnecting state. Fixed - Removed unnecessary query warning from AD/DB Hybrid user source. Fixed - Improved browser interoperability for log configuration dropdown. Misc Fixed - Renaming a datasource will update the corresponding historian name, regardless of case. Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Handling non-faulted states on the Gateway Database status details page. Fixed - Links & Loading animation is no longer displayed for non-existent TCP Driver status page. Fixed - Fixed typo in SFC Transition tooltip. Fixed - Replaced Gateway feedback panel warn/error colored backgrounds. Fixed - CPU and memory charts on System Performance status page never updated unless the browser window was refreshed. Now the charts automatically update once per minute. Fixed - Menu auto-refreshes if modules are added/removed. Fixed - Fixed EAM config menu bug. Expressions Fixed - No longer attempting to expand tag values of type Dataset. Native Client Launchers Fixed - Windows native client launchers were unable to use a JRE in a /jre folder next to clientlauncher.exe. Added Functionality - Local fallback Gateway option has now been added to native launchers. The configured local fallback Gateway is used if the configured primary/backup Gateways cannot be contacted after a specified number of connect attempts. Vision - 9.9.2-rc1 ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Fixed typo in tooltip of selected property for Toggle Button component. Fixed - Fixed race condition that could cause NPE in console when using the Template Canvas component. Fixed - Prevent User Management component from displaying password errors when adding a new user to AD/DB Hybrid user sources. Fixed - All Days time now saves when changed in Schedule Management component. Designer Fixed - Stopped the Designer from staying in Preview Mode when a chart component throws an exception due to improper setup. Fixed - Publish selected dialog now updates correctly when a new project is opened. Misc Added Functionality - Added script function system.gui.getCurrentDesktop. Client Fixed - Local client fallback would sometimes accidentally trigger when a client was switching between a redundant master and a backup. Fixed - Cell update bindings were not working when used with template dataset parameter values. OPC-UA - 4.9.2-rc1 ========================================================================================== Server Fixed - Writing null to OPC-UA logs misleading/unnecessary NPE warning Ignition Integration Added Functionality - Added system.device.getDeviceHostname scripting function SFC - 3.9.2-rc1 ========================================================================================== Engine Fixed - Race condition in tag() expression function can leave SFC transitions that use the function in a "false" state indefinitely Added Functionality - Added SFC Flight Data Recorder Tag Historian - 2.9.2-rc1 ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Tag Historian module now has a minimum required platform version of 7.9.1 Modbus Driver - 5.9.2-rc1 ========================================================================================== Modbus Driver v2 Fixed - Limiting the warnings given by drivers that are rescheduling subscriptions. Added Functionality - Added 'Max Retry Count' setting. Alarm Notification - 4.9.2-rc1 ========================================================================================== Alarm SMS Fixed - Fixed a parse error in the Twilio notification profile when using throttled messages. Enterprise Administration - 2.9.2-rc1 ========================================================================================== EAM Added Functionality - EAM Backup Archive table's 'module' column now hides module list by default to reduce clutter. Added Functionality - Remote system upgrade functionality is now available for EAM agent Gateways. This functionality is only available for agents currently running 7.9. Gateway Network Fixed - The logging min level dropdown would not update to the selected level on some pages. Allen-Bradley Drivers - 4.9.2-rc1 ========================================================================================== Logix v21 Driver Fixed - Preventing RejectedExecutionException on Logix driver restart. Reporting - 4.9.2-rc1 ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Show Utility prop for PDF Viewer now works when window is opened. Report Engine Fixed - Fixed error where some reports had problems serializing schedules. Report Designer Fixed - Shared scripts now work in runScript expressions in reports. Fixed - Importing and exporting reports now show the folder structure of the resource. Fixed - Fixed incorrect schedule descriptions. Fixed - Designer project tree rejects invalid names, gives better error message, allows unicode characters in most names. Ignition Platform - 7.9.2-beta1 ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Invalid characters in imported resource names are stripped out. Fixed - Translation imports now handle regional variants correctly Fixed - UDT bindings that define their type without a specific provider, such as "CustomType", will accept dropped bindings from any tag provider, local or remote. SQLTags Fixed - Inconsistencies with path interpretation causing confusion with tag history and issues with remote historian providers. Fixed - UDT definitions and UDT instance definitions no longer count towards tag limit restrictions. Fixed - Modified locking in key/value log filter system to improve overall system performance. Gateway Fixed - Gateway no longer generates an unusually large SQLite config.idb file on system startup. Gateway .gwbk backup files are now compacted as they are generated. Misc Fixed - Guarding against a ConcurrentModificationException while viewing expensive queries on the database status page Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Fixed AD logger's MissingFormatArgumentException Alarming Fixed - Upgraded JxBrowser libraries to 6.12. Scripting Fixed - Tag event scripts would use outdated module scripting functions after a module with updated function implementations was installed. Fixed - system.tag.queryTagCalculations function error when data types are mixed across requested tags. Vision - 9.9.2-beta1 ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Fixed scaling issues when using system.gui.transform on components inside of template instances. OPC-UA - 4.9.2-beta1 ========================================================================================== Client Fixed - Revert the behavior of zero-rate subscriptions: the subscription and its monitored items will be deleted instead of publishing mode and monitoring mode being set to disabled. Siemens Driver - 4.9.2-beta1 ========================================================================================== Siemens S7 Driver Fixed - fixed a bug that caused writes to unsigned bytes to be restricted to the range of a signed byte. Enterprise Administration - 2.9.2-beta1 ========================================================================================== Gateway Network Fixed - A Gateway Network outgoing web socket that failed to connect would not close its socket file handle on Linux systems, which could result in file handle exhaustion over a long period of time. Fixed - Gateway Network outgoing connections in long polling mode (websockets turned off) was not displaying the round trip ping time. Fixed - Upon Gateway Network disconnect and reconnect, remote tag providers would throw a TimeoutExpiredException and would not recover. Allen-Bradley Drivers - 4.9.2-beta1 ========================================================================================== Logix v21 Driver Fixed - Fixed a bug that caused some structures to show up as an empty folder when browsed. General - 7.9.1 ========================================================================================== Build Fixed - The main installation folder and the /lib folder on Linux installations are no longer owned by root, but are instead owned by the selected user during installation and upgrade. Ignition Platform - 7.9.1 ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Fixed issue that could leave a resource stranded if it was in a subfolder that had never been published. Added Functionality - Added onDeleteUser to User Management component. Fixed - Security zones in tag editor now update properly. Fixed - Fixed issue that prevented deleted resources from being removed from the published version of a project Fixed - Fixed issue that could cause old versions of a resource to load in the client SQLTags Fixed - Error received when copying/pasting UDT instances in some cases. Gateway Network Fixed - "Subscribed" mode for alarm status on remote tag providers can stack alarm listeners, leading to higher network usage over time. Gateway Fixed - Potentially high lock contention in static loggers, even when MDC information was not being set. Fixed - Created exception for Oracle so that table listing only shows tables in current user's schema Fixed - Existing users get a password date of now when upgrading from a version of ignition that didn't have password expiration available. Fixed - User receives an error warning when trying to copy a project onto itself. Fixed - Error in internal db conversion while upgrading from 7.2-7.4 to 7.9 Misc Fixed - Added MDC keys to Store & Forward loggers Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Store and Forward quarantine export function failed to provide a downloadable file. Fixed - Occasional "Database is locked" errors while viewing the performance page in Gateway Status. Fixed - Fixed NPE on GAN status page Fixed - Fixed bullet styling in the Store and Forward edit page. Fixed - Internal Gateway errors when navigating with web browse back button when configuring objects with multi-step wizards in the gateway config section. Added Functionality - Link from tag providers config pages to tags status page Added Functionality - Added pagination to the OPC Servers subscription details status page. Fixed - Fixed button UI error when canceling an active query on the Database Details status page. Fixed - Offline gateways can now unactivate using the offline un-activation flow. Expressions Fixed - Inconsistency with the use of quality in logic expressions. Expressions with bad quality references that should not affect the logical result have bad quality returned inconsistently (that is, Bad||True != True||Bad) Scripting Fixed - Tag change scripts no longer throw an AttributeError when the shared script they reference is edited. Added Functionality - Added system.date.parse() Fixed - Preventing the ability to overwrite the "system" function namespace globally through scripting. Fixed - "Natural" return mode in tag history queries with bad tag paths can result in temporary high cpu and memory usage. Fixed - Added return value in system.gui.openDesktop scripting hints. SQLBridge - 8.9.1 ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Transaction groups "Status" icons and "Events" doesn't update appropriately in designer for error conditions in 7.9 Fixed - Potential error when dragging folders from Tag Browser into Transaction Group Misc Fixed - Errors occur when writing to OPC items in block transaction groups, such as through db-to-opc mode. Vision - 9.9.1 ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Added the table component's tool tip property back Client Added Functionality - Added new user source that allows local client fallback setups to use cached credentials from remote gateways. OPC-UA - 4.9.1 ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Fixed a bug that caused the wrong StatusCode to be displayed in log messages. Client Fixed - Fix a bug that caused some nodes to show up more than once when browsing. Fixed - Added support for reading/subscribing to ByteString type. Fixed - Fixed bug that caused max operations per request to be exceeded during large browses against servers with a low max operations limit. Tag Historian - 2.9.1 ========================================================================================== Storage Fixed - Tag history storage doesn't handle db faults and changes well. Now re-initializes when db connection goes from faulted to good. Fixed - Pre-processed tag history system incorrectly trying to use regular data table, resulting in "unknown column 'vtype'" error User Manual - 4.9.1 ========================================================================================== User Manual Fixed - Offline user manual no longer missing some sections. Alarm Notification - 4.9.1 ========================================================================================== Alarm SMS Added Functionality - Acknowledge message for SMS notification blocks now customizable. Alarm Email Added Functionality - Added an option to acknowledge alarms via email using POP3 Fixed - Alarm email profile now picks up changes to SMTP profile. Enterprise Administration - 2.9.1 ========================================================================================== EAM Fixed - Incorrect display layout (name/values) on EAM agent license details page Fixed - Send Project task setup wizard could not retrieve projects when the project source Gateway is a redundant pair. Reporting - 4.9.1 ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Chart Config scripts now work in the client. Report Designer Fixed - Fixed binding fonts to parameters Fixed - Fixed issue where a report design could become overwritten with the design of another report if the sample data takes some time to load Added Functionality - Added ability to bind number and date formats and fixed other bindings in text shapes Fixed - Tag properties now work in report parameters Fixed - Reports with bad schedules are now more user friendly in status page and designer IALabs Modules - 3.9.1 ========================================================================================== WebDev Fixed - Fixed issue that kept pasted resources locked in a designer session General - 7.9.1 ========================================================================================== Build Fixed - The main installation folder and the /lib folder on Linux installations are no longer owned by root, but are instead owned by the selected user during installation and upgrade. Ignition Platform - 7.9.1 ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Fixed issue that could leave a resource stranded if it was in a subfolder that had never been published. Added Functionality - Added onDeleteUser to User Management component. Fixed - Security zones in tag editor now update properly. Fixed - Fixed issue that prevented deleted resources from being removed from the published version of a project Fixed - Fixed issue that could cause old versions of a resource to load in the client SQLTags Fixed - Error received when copying/pasting UDT instances in some cases. Gateway Network Fixed - "Subscribed" mode for alarm status on remote tag providers can stack alarm listeners, leading to higher network usage over time. Gateway Fixed - Potentially high lock contention in static loggers, even when MDC information was not being set. Fixed - Created exception for Oracle so that table listing only shows tables in current user's schema Fixed - Existing users get a password date of now when upgrading from a version of ignition that didn't have password expiration available. Fixed - User receives an error warning when trying to copy a project onto itself. Fixed - Error in internal db conversion while upgrading from 7.2-7.4 to 7.9 Misc Fixed - Added MDC keys to Store & Forward loggers Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Store and Forward quarantine export function failed to provide a downloadable file. Fixed - Occasional "Database is locked" errors while viewing the performance page in Gateway Status. Fixed - Fixed NPE on GAN status page Fixed - Fixed bullet styling in the Store and Forward edit page. Fixed - Internal Gateway errors when navigating with web browse back button when configuring objects with multi-step wizards in the gateway config section. Added Functionality - Link from tag providers config pages to tags status page Added Functionality - Added pagination to the OPC Servers subscription details status page. Fixed - Fixed button UI error when canceling an active query on the Database Details status page. Fixed - Offline gateways can now unactivate using the offline un-activation flow. Expressions Fixed - Inconsistency with the use of quality in logic expressions. Expressions with bad quality references that should not affect the logical result have bad quality returned inconsistently (that is, Bad||True != True||Bad) Scripting Fixed - Tag change scripts no longer throw an AttributeError when the shared script they reference is edited. Added Functionality - Added system.date.parse() Fixed - Preventing the ability to overwrite the "system" function namespace globally through scripting. Fixed - "Natural" return mode in tag history queries with bad tag paths can result in temporary high cpu and memory usage. Fixed - Added return value in system.gui.openDesktop scripting hints. SQLBridge - 7.9.1 ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Transaction groups "Status" icons and "Events" doesn't update appropriately in designer for error conditions in 7.9 Fixed - Potential error when dragging folders from Tag Browser into Transaction Group Misc Fixed - Errors occur when writing to OPC items in block transaction groups, such as through db-to-opc mode. Vision - 9.9.1 ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Added the table component's tool tip property back Client Added Functionality - Added new user source that allows local client fallback setups to use cached credentials from remote gateways. OPC-UA - 4.9.1 ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Fixed a bug that caused the wrong StatusCode to be displayed in log messages. Client Fixed - Fix a bug that caused some nodes to show up more than once when browsing. Fixed - Added support for reading/subscribing to ByteString type. Fixed - Fixed bug that caused max operations per request to be exceeded during large browses against servers with a low max operations limit. Tag Historian - 2.9.1 ========================================================================================== Storage Fixed - Tag history storage doesn't handle db faults and changes well. Now re-initializes when db connection goes from faulted to good. Fixed - Pre-processed tag history system incorrectly trying to use regular data table, resulting in "unknown column 'vtype'" error User Manual - 4.9.1 ========================================================================================== User Manual Fixed - Offline user manual no longer missing some sections. Alarm Notification - 4.9.1 ========================================================================================== Alarm SMS Added Functionality - Acknowledge message for SMS notification blocks now customizable. Alarm Email Added Functionality - Added an option to acknowledge alarms via email using POP3 Fixed - Alarm email profile now picks up changes to SMTP profile. Enterprise Administration - 2.9.1 ========================================================================================== EAM Fixed - Incorrect display layout (name/values) on EAM agent license details page Fixed - Send Project task setup wizard could not retrieve projects when the project source Gateway is a redundant pair. Reporting - 4.9.1 ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Chart Config scripts now work in the client. Report Designer Fixed - Fixed binding fonts to parameters Fixed - Fixed issue where a report design could become overwritten with the design of another report if the sample data takes some time to load Added Functionality - Added ability to bind number and date formats and fixed other bindings in text shapes Fixed - Tag properties now work in report parameters Fixed - Reports with bad schedules are now more user friendly in status page and designer IALabs Modules - 3.9.1 ========================================================================================== WebDev Fixed - Fixed issue that kept pasted resources locked in a designer session General - 7.9.1-rc1 ========================================================================================== Build Fixed - The main installation folder and the /lib folder on Linux installations are no longer owned by root, but are instead owned by the selected user during installation and upgrade. Ignition Platform - 7.9.1-rc1 ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Fixed issue that prevented deleted resources from being removed from the published version of a project Fixed - Fixed issue that could cause old versions of a resource to load in the client Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Offline gateways can now unactivate using the offline un-activation flow. Scripting Fixed - "Natural" return mode in tag history queries with bad tag paths can result in temporary high cpu and memory usage. Fixed - Added return value in system.gui.openDesktop scripting hints. OPC-UA - 4.9.1-rc1 ========================================================================================== Client Fixed - Added support for reading/subscribing to ByteString type. Fixed - Fixed bug that caused max operations per request to be exceeded during large browses against servers with a low max operations limit. Enterprise Administration - 2.9.1-rc1 ========================================================================================== EAM Fixed - Send Project task setup wizard could not retrieve projects when the project source Gateway is a redundant pair. Ignition Platform - 7.8.5 ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Fixed issue where copying/pasting custom properties could link the property values together Fixed - Rollback dialog now sorts better. Fixed - Tag History bindings no longer have Calculations as return option in dropdown. Fixed - The Popup Calendar component now closes after a date selection when the Ok button is disabled. Fixed - Designer would not respond to clicking on a workspace in the nav tree after using Alt-Tab on Windows. SQLTags Fixed - Potential deadlock in expression tag that uses polling function, when referenced from a different expression function executed by scan class. Fixed - Editor to "persist value between edits" on expression and query tags was not correctly initializing its value from the tag. Fixed - Increased the maximum number of characters allowed for string values in TagPropertyRecord to 200 million. Fixed - Slow scan class executions can cause execution queue to stack, resulting in unexpected executions if the delay is removed. Fixed - Error while exporting dataset tags with a color columns Installer Fixed - Fixed issues with starting up a Gateway in Turkish locale. Gateway Network Fixed - If the last message in a queue is invalid, and has not been removed yet when the "take" message is called, the queue can block forever. This will have many repercussions, and can dramatically affect a system until reboot or the connection is reset. Added Functionality - Added a Gateway Network Diagnostics page which calls a service on a remote Gateway and reports the time to receive a result. Useful for troubleshooting service timeouts across the Gateway Network. Gateway Fixed - The self-signed SSL certificate for the Gateway is no longer expired. The certificate is now automatically generated for every new build, and expires 10 years after the build date. Fixed - Errors modifying Tag UDTs after upgrading a system from before 7.5 directly to 7.8.2 or later. Fixed - AD/Database Hybrid user source no longer throws NPE if roles query is not specified. Fixed - Fixed property name for limit syntax in DB Translator configuration. Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Fixed link for MySQL extra connection properties Native Client Launchers Fixed - Native launchers would use incorrect redundant backup Gateway address when used to launch against multiple redundant pairs. Fixed - Copyright statements in Native Client Launcher are no longer editable. Alarming Fixed - Legacy alert storage occurs on the same thread as tag execution, causing performance issue on startup, where many alerts may be generated. Fixed - An alarm set to use an active delay along with a binding on enabled can enter a state where an active transition will be missed. Fixed - System/Gateway/SessionCount tag datatype incorrectly set to string, causes alarms on tag to not work. Client Fixed - Native Client Launcher now works with characters outside of 8-bit ASCII in the file path. Scripting Fixed - Message Handler script editors in the Designer no longer show offset line numbers. SQLBridge - 7.8.5 ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Key/Value pair update mode on transaction group with "insert missing value" option can fail on linux databases due to incorrect use of the column quote character. Fixed - XML export does not work for groups with Key/Value binding in the table settings. Vision - 8.8.5 ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Tag Browse Tree fires property change twice for selected path Added Functionality - The time spinners no longer close the Popup Calendar component on value change when the Ok button is disabled. Fixed - Shape components now serialize custom functions on project save/open. Fixed - The Dropdown List component now gains focus when editable. Designer Fixed - No longer throwing a NotSerializableException on the copy/paste of a Tag History binding in the Designer. Fixed - Tag Change Scripts tag paths are case sensitive. OPC-UA - 3.8.5 ========================================================================================== Ignition Integration Fixed - Fixed NullPointerException when receiving a null timestamp value in the exposed tags driver. Client Fixed - Implemented 'Backup Host Override' setting to allow gateways in the redundant backup role to specify an OPC-UA host override. GEM/SECS - null ========================================================================================== GEM/SECS Added Functionality - Substantial overhaul of the module removes the new messages table and realtimemessages tables. See the user manual for changes to the system.secsgem.sendRequest() and getResponse() functions. Tag Historian - 1.8.5 ========================================================================================== Storage Fixed - Cast exception attempting to store tag history on analog mode, floating point array tag Querying Added Functionality - SimpleTagProvider API now allows configuring additional properties on tags. Fixed - Tag history aggregation functions results are tied to tag data type, values that should be doubles are returned as integers for integer tags (such as Percentage Good) Enterprise Administration - 1.8.5 ========================================================================================== EAM Fixed - After Gateway Network connection loss and reconnection, metro service timeouts would appear in the console every minute until the connection is manually reset. Fixed - EAM Agent Setup wizard would not list a server as a selectable controller if it was on the other side of a proxy Gateway Network connection. Fixed - EAM Agent Events are marked as "initial events" on first occurence, blocking notification through pipelines with default gateway settings. Should not be marked this way, because they are actual observed events, not the "inital" state. Fixed - Gateway Status page could not be immediately opened if the EAM controller could not be reached over the Gateway Network. Fixed - EAM tasks would time out if the task took longer than 60 seconds to run. The task timeout is now set to 60 minutes. Reporting - 3.8.5 ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Report Viewer component now saves as HTML correctly. Fixed - Fixed NPE in Designer when changing the Style property of a simple table. Report Designer Fixed - Fixed bold and italic buttons in Text Area property configuration area. Fixed - Improved the way reports handle fonts where not all styles are installed. Fixed - Reports now listen for project rollbacks Fixed - Changes in bar chart properties now reflected in config panel. Fixed - Table group shows correct sorting options after save. Fixed - Data panel now warns when using 'Report' for a data source or parameter name. Fixed - Line shape now hides height and width because they are not intuitive. DNP3 - 1.8.5 ========================================================================================== Driver Fixed - Now using the default outstation conformance level if an exception occurs during the level read on startup. Fixed - The Aliased Points Map record has been expanded to accommodate 16mb of data. Fixed - Fixed "Fragment timer expired" error from appearing when subscribing to tags Mobile - 3.8.5 ========================================================================================== Backend Fixed - Fixed mouse event handling for shapes in the mobile module Misc Fixed - Fixed mobile module toolbar placement issue when the browser size is nearly square IALabs Modules - null ========================================================================================== WebDev Fixed - Fix ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParse when using XML-related libraries from scripting functions. Siemens Driver - 3.8.5 ========================================================================================== Siemens S7 Driver Fixed - Fix an error writing values > 127 to Byte types SFC - 2.8.5 ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - SFC nodes with invalid names are no longer saved. Engine Fixed - Error using user defined objects in SFC chart scope (stack overflow when viewing status) Fixed - Made chart.abortCause accessible from onAbort scripts in SFCs. Alarm Notification - 3.8.5 ========================================================================================== Alarm Designer Fixed - Auto and Unused ack modes, and system ack'd events, don't behave consistently in the alarm journal, and in the alarm journal query Alarm SMS Fixed - Updated "Throttled Message" to "Consolidated Message" Ignition Platform - 7.8.5-rc1 ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Rollback dialog now sorts better. Fixed - Tag History bindings no longer have Calculations as return option in dropdown. Fixed - The Popup Calendar component now closes after a date selection when the Ok button is disabled. Fixed - Designer would not respond to clicking on a workspace in the nav tree after using Alt-Tab on Windows. SQLTags Fixed - Potential deadlock in expression tag that uses polling function, when referenced from a different expression function executed by scan class. Fixed - Editor to "persist value between edits" on expression and query tags was not correctly initializing its value from the tag. Fixed - Increased the maximum number of characters allowed for string values in TagPropertyRecord to 200 million. Fixed - Slow scan class executions can cause execution queue to stack, resulting in unexpected executions if the delay is removed. Fixed - Error while exporting dataset tags with a color columns Installer Fixed - Fixed issues with starting up a Gateway in Turkish locale. Gateway Fixed - The self-signed SSL certificate for the Gateway is no longer expired. The certificate is now automatically generated for every new build, and expires 10 years after the build date. Fixed - Errors modifying Tag UDTs after upgrading a system from before 7.5 directly to 7.8.2 or later. Fixed - AD/Database Hybrid user source no longer throws NPE if roles query is not specified. Fixed - Fixed property name for limit syntax in DB Translator configuration. Gateway Network Added Functionality - Added a Gateway Network Diagnostics page which calls a service on a remote Gateway and reports the time to receive a result. Useful for troubleshooting service timeouts across the Gateway Network. Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Fixed link for MySQL extra connection properties Native Client Launchers Fixed - Native launchers would use incorrect redundant backup Gateway address when used to launch against multiple redundant pairs. Fixed - Copyright statements in Native Client Launcher are no longer editable. Alarming Fixed - Legacy alert storage occurs on the same thread as tag execution, causing performance issue on startup, where many alerts may be generated. Fixed - An alarm set to use an active delay along with a binding on enabled can enter a state where an active transition will be missed. Fixed - System/Gateway/SessionCount tag datatype incorrectly set to string, causes alarms on tag to not work. Client Fixed - Native Client Launcher now works with characters outside of 8-bit ASCII in the file path. Scripting Fixed - Message Handler script editors in the Designer no longer show offset line numbers. SQLBridge - 7.8.5-rc1 ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Key/Value pair update mode on transaction group with "insert missing value" option can fail on linux databases due to incorrect use of the column quote character. Fixed - XML export does not work for groups with Key/Value binding in the table settings. Vision - 8.8.5-rc1 ========================================================================================== Components Added Functionality - The time spinners no longer close the Popup Calendar component on value change when the Ok button is disabled. Fixed - Shape components now serialize custom functions on project save/open. Fixed - The Dropdown List component now gains focus when editable. Designer Fixed - No longer throwing a NotSerializableException on the copy/paste of a Tag History binding in the Designer. Fixed - Tag Change Scripts tag paths are case sensitive. OPC-UA - 3.8.5-rc1 ========================================================================================== Ignition Integration Fixed - Fixed NullPointerException when receiving a null timestamp value in the exposed tags driver. Tag Historian - 1.8.5-rc1 ========================================================================================== Storage Fixed - Cast exception attempting to store tag history on analog mode, floating point array tag Querying Added Functionality - SimpleTagProvider API now allows configuring additional properties on tags. Fixed - Tag history aggregation functions results are tied to tag data type, values that should be doubles are returned as integers for integer tags (such as Percentage Good) Enterprise Administration - 1.8.5-rc1 ========================================================================================== EAM Fixed - After Gateway Network connection loss and reconnection, metro service timeouts would appear in the console every minute until the connection is manually reset. Fixed - EAM Agent Setup wizard would not list a server as a selectable controller if it was on the other side of a proxy Gateway Network connection. Fixed - EAM Agent Events are marked as "initial events" on first occurence, blocking notification through pipelines with default gateway settings. Should not be marked this way, because they are actual observed events, not the "inital" state. Fixed - Gateway Status page could not be immediately opened if the EAM controller could not be reached over the Gateway Network. Fixed - EAM tasks would time out if the task took longer than 60 seconds to run. The task timeout is now set to 60 minutes. Reporting - 3.8.5-rc1 ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Report Viewer component now saves as HTML correctly. Fixed - Fixed NPE in Designer when changing the Style property of a simple table. Report Designer Fixed - Improved the way reports handle fonts where not all styles are installed. Fixed - Reports now listen for project rollbacks Fixed - Changes in bar chart properties now reflected in config panel. Fixed - Table group shows correct sorting options after save. Fixed - Data panel now warns when using 'Report' for a data source or parameter name. Fixed - Line shape now hides height and width because they are not intuitive. DNP3 - 1.8.5-rc1 ========================================================================================== Driver Fixed - Now using the default outstation conformance level if an exception occurs during the level read on startup. Fixed - The Aliased Points Map record has been expanded to accommodate 16mb of data. Fixed - Fixed "Fragment timer expired" error from appearing when subscribing to tags Mobile - 3.8.5-rc1 ========================================================================================== Backend Fixed - Fixed mouse event handling for shapes in the mobile module Misc Fixed - Fixed mobile module toolbar placement issue when the browser size is nearly square IALabs Modules - null ========================================================================================== WebDev Fixed - Fix ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParse when using XML-related libraries from scripting functions. Siemens Driver - 3.8.5-rc1 ========================================================================================== Siemens S7 Driver Fixed - Fix an error writing values > 127 to Byte types SFC - 2.8.5-rc1 ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - SFC nodes with invalid names are no longer saved. Engine Fixed - Error using user defined objects in SFC chart scope (stack overflow when viewing status) Fixed - Made chart.abortCause accessible from onAbort scripts in SFCs. Alarm Notification - 3.8.5-rc1 ========================================================================================== Alarm Designer Fixed - Auto and Unused ack modes, and system ack'd events, don't behave consistently in the alarm journal, and in the alarm journal query Alarm SMS Fixed - Updated "Throttled Message" to "Consolidated Message" General - 7.9.1-beta1 ========================================================================================== Build Fixed - The main installation folder and the /lib folder on Linux installations are no longer owned by root, but are instead owned by the selected user during installation and upgrade. Ignition Platform - 7.9.1-beta1 ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Fixed issue that could cause old versions of a resource to load in the client Fixed - Fixed issue that could leave a resource missing in the client if it was in a subfolder that had never been published. Added Functionality - Added onDeleteUser to User Management component. Fixed - Security zones in tag editor now update properly. SQLTags Fixed - Error received when copying/pasting UDT instances in some cases. Gateway Fixed - Created exception for Oracle so that table listing only shows tables in current user's schema Fixed - Error in internal db conversion while upgrading from 7.2-7.4 to 7.9 Fixed - User receives an error warning when trying to copy a project onto itself. Fixed - Existing users get a password date of now when upgrading from a version of ignition that didn't have password expiration available. Misc Fixed - Added MDC keys to Store & Forward loggers Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Offline gateways can now unactivate using the offline un-activation flow. Added Functionality - Added pagination to the OPC Servers subscription details status page. Fixed - Fixed button UI error when canceling an active query on the Database Details status page. Fixed - Occasional "Database is locked" errors while viewing the performance page in Gateway Status. Fixed - Store and Forward quarantine export function failed to provide a downloadable file. Fixed - Internal Gateway errors when navigating with web browse back button when configuring objects with multi-step wizards in the gateway config section. Fixed - Fixed NPE on GAN status page Added Functionality - Link from tag providers config pages to tags status page Fixed - Fixed bullet styling in the Store and Forward edit page. Scripting Added Functionality - Added system.date.parse() Fixed - Preventing the ability to overwrite the "system" function namespace globally through scripting. Fixed - Added return value in system.gui.openDesktop scripting hints. SQLBridge - 7.9.1-beta1 ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Transaction groups "Status" icons and "Events" doesn't update appropriately in designer for error conditions in 7.9 Fixed - Potential error when dragging folders from Tag Browser into Transaction Group Misc Fixed - Errors occur when writing to OPC items in block transaction groups, such as through db-to-opc mode. Vision - 9.9.1-beta1 ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Added the table component's tool tip property back Client Added Functionality - Added new user source that allows local client fallback setups to use cached credentials from remote gateways. OPC-UA - 4.9.1-beta1 ========================================================================================== Client Fixed - Added support for reading/subscribing to ByteString type. Fixed - Fix a bug that caused some nodes to show up more than once when browsing. Fixed - Fixed bug that caused max operations per request to be exceeded during large browses against servers with a low max operations limit. Tag Historian - 2.9.1-beta1 ========================================================================================== Storage Fixed - Pre-processed tag history system incorrectly trying to use regular data table, resulting in "unknown column 'vtype'" error Fixed - Tag history storage doesn't handle db faults and changes well. Now re-initializes when db connection goes from faulted to good. Alarm Notification - 4.9.1-beta1 ========================================================================================== Alarm SMS Added Functionality - Acknowledge message for SMS notification blocks now customizable. Alarm Email Fixed - Alarm email profile now picks up changes to SMTP profile. Enterprise Administration - 2.9.1-beta1 ========================================================================================== EAM Fixed - Incorrect display layout (name/values) on EAM agent license details page Fixed - Send Project task setup wizard could not retrieve projects when the project source Gateway is a redundant pair. Reporting - 4.9.1-beta1 ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Chart Config scripts now work in the client. Report Designer Added Functionality - Added ability to bind number and date formats and fixed other bindings in text shapes Fixed - Fixed binding fonts to parameters Fixed - Reports with bad schedules are now more user friendly in status page and designer IALabs Modules - null ========================================================================================== WebDev Fixed - Fixed issue that kept pasted resources locked in a designer session Ignition Platform - 7.8.5-beta1 ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Tag History bindings no longer have Calculations as return option in dropdown. Fixed - Rollback dialog now sorts better. Fixed - The Popup Calendar component now closes after a date selection when the Ok button is disabled. Fixed - Fixed issue where copying/pasting custom properties could link the property values together SQLTags Fixed - Error while exporting dataset tags with a color columns Fixed - Slow scan class executions can cause execution queue to stack, resulting in unexpected executions if the delay is removed. Fixed - Editor to "persist value between edits" on expression and query tags was not correctly initializing its value from the tag. Fixed - Increased the maximum number of characters allowed for string values in TagPropertyRecord to 200 million. Fixed - Potential deadlock in expression tag that uses polling function, when referenced from a different expression function executed by scan class. Installer Fixed - Fixed issues with starting up a Gateway in Turkish locale. Gateway Fixed - Errors modifying Tag UDTs after upgrading a system from before 7.5 directly to 7.8.2 or later. Fixed - AD/Database Hybrid user source no longer throws NPE if roles query is not specified. Fixed - Fixed property name for limit syntax in DB Translator configuration. Fixed - The self-signed SSL certificate for the Gateway is no longer expired. The certificate is now automatically generated for every new build, and expires 10 years after the build date. Gateway Network Added Functionality - Added a Gateway Network Diagnostics page which calls a service on a remote Gateway and reports the time to receive a result. Useful for troubleshooting service timeouts across the Gateway Network. Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Fixed link for MySQL extra connection properties Alarming Fixed - System/Gateway/SessionCount tag datatype incorrectly set to string, causes alarms on tag to not work. Fixed - Legacy alert storage occurs on the same thread as tag execution, causing performance issue on startup, where many alerts may be generated. Fixed - An alarm set to use an active delay along with a binding on enabled can enter a state where an active transition will be missed. Client Fixed - Native Client Launcher now works with characters outside of 8-bit ASCII in the file path. Native Client Launchers Fixed - Native launchers would use incorrect redundant backup Gateway address when used to launch against multiple redundant pairs. Scripting Fixed - Message Handler script editors in the Designer no longer show offset line numbers. SQLBridge - 7.8.5-beta1 ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Key/Value pair update mode on transaction group with "insert missing value" option can fail on linux databases due to incorrect use of the column quote character. Fixed - XML export does not work for groups with Key/Value binding in the table settings. Vision - 8.8.5-beta1 ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - The Dropdown List component now gains focus when editable. Fixed - Tag Browse Tree fires property change twice for selected path Fixed - Shape components now serialize custom functions on project save/open. Added Functionality - The time spinners no longer close the Popup Calendar component on value change when the Ok button is disabled. Designer Fixed - No longer throwing a NotSerializableException on the copy/paste of a Tag History binding in the Designer. Fixed - Tag Change Scripts tag paths are case sensitive. OPC-UA - 3.8.5-beta1 ========================================================================================== Ignition Integration Fixed - Fixed NullPointerException when receiving a null timestamp value in the exposed tags driver. Client Fixed - Implemented 'Backup Host Override' setting to allow gateways in the redundant backup role to specify an OPC-UA host override. SFC - 2.8.5-beta1 ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - SFC nodes with invalid names are no longer saved. Engine Fixed - Made chart.abortCause accessible from onAbort scripts in SFCs. Fixed - Error using user defined objects in SFC chart scope (stack overflow when viewing status) Tag Historian - 1.8.5-beta1 ========================================================================================== Storage Fixed - Cast exception attempting to store tag history on analog mode, floating point array tag Querying Fixed - Tag history aggregation functions results are tied to tag data type, values that should be doubles are returned as integers for integer tags (such as Percentage Good) Added Functionality - SimpleTagProvider API now allows configuring additional properties on tags. GEM/SECS - null ========================================================================================== GEM/SECS Added Functionality - Substantial overhaul of the module removes the new messages table and realtimemessages tables. See the user manual for changes to the system.secsgem.sendRequest() and getResponse() functions. Alarm Notification - 3.8.5-beta1 ========================================================================================== Alarm Designer Fixed - Auto and Unused ack modes, and system ack'd events, don't behave consistently in the alarm journal, and in the alarm journal query Enterprise Administration - 1.8.5-beta1 ========================================================================================== EAM Fixed - EAM Agent Events are marked as "initial events" on first occurence, blocking notification through pipelines with default gateway settings. Should not be marked this way, because they are actual observed events, not the "inital" state. Fixed - EAM tasks would time out if the task took longer than 60 seconds to run. The task timeout is now set to 60 minutes. Fixed - Gateway Status page could not be immediately opened if the EAM controller could not be reached over the Gateway Network. Fixed - After Gateway Network connection loss and reconnection, metro service timeouts would appear in the console every minute until the connection is manually reset. Fixed - EAM Agent Setup wizard would not list a server as a selectable controller if it was on the other side of a proxy Gateway Network connection. Reporting - 3.8.5-beta1 ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Report Viewer component now saves as HTML correctly. Fixed - Fixed NPE in Designer when changing the Style property of a simple table. Report Designer Fixed - Line shape now hides height and width because they are not intuitive. Fixed - Data panel now warns when using 'Report' for a data source or parameter name. Fixed - Improved the way reports handle fonts where not all styles are installed. Fixed - Table group shows correct sorting options after save. Fixed - Reports now listen for project rollbacks Fixed - Changes in bar chart properties now reflected in config panel. DNP3 - 1.8.5-beta1 ========================================================================================== Driver Fixed - Now using the default outstation conformance level if an exception occurs during the level read on startup. Fixed - The Aliased Points Map record has been expanded to accommodate 16mb of data. Fixed - Fixed "Fragment timer expired" error from appearing when subscribing to tags Ignition Platform - 7.9.0 ========================================================================================== Designer Added Functionality - Active Directory SSO is now available for logging into the designer. SQLTags Added Functionality - Added system.tag.scan() Added Functionality - Added tag quality into the designer's tag search capability Gateway Added Functionality - Added password policy options for the internal user source, such as password expiration, complexity requirements, and password re-use prevention Fixed - Fixed the alignment of all buttons on the Store & Forward details page. Fixed - Fixed the alignment of the "Action" and "Type" columns in the quick client. Columns no longer switch sides when selected. Fixed - Fixed the "Delete All" button on the store and forward page. Previously it was clickable when disabled. Added Functionality - Implemented the ability to export and import data from/to the store and forward quarantine cache. Expressions Added Functionality - Added more expression functions for date and time. Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Adjusted the marker on the Thread Performance pie chart so that the thread count for each scope is more visible. Fixed - The user manual link will direct a user to the online or offline manual, depending on the status of the internet connection. Fixed - This issue was resolved by a style tweak in Nick's PR #764. The width for action buttons in Config was set from a 'width' property to 'min-width'. Alarming Fixed - Adjusted container heights in the gauges so text doesn't only push some values down at a time. Values now stay aligned for all screen sizes. Vision - 9.9.0 ========================================================================================== Components Added Functionality - Added an option on bindings that generate datasets to not save the rows of the dataset along with the windows. This will improve window loading times and in most circumstances will not affect functionality, as the binding will regenerate the dataset upon window opening. Designer Fixed - Fixed Intellihint for system.tag.queryTagHistory Client Added Functionality - Vision clients may now open up additional desktop frames on other monitors within a single client instance Added Functionality - Added "Infinite Desktop" option to allow for the restriction of popup frame movement to be confined within the frame size. OPC-UA - 4.9.0 ========================================================================================== Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Reformatted style for Manage Certificates page to suit the new markup. Text and container changes were creating large awkward margins. GEM/SECS - 2.9.0 ========================================================================================== GEM/SECS Fixed - Fixed styling on the SECS/GEM JSON editor, so that tables are properly aligned and JSON data is readable. Enterprise Administration - 2.9.0 ========================================================================================== EAM Fixed - Arranged the buttons in requested format/layout with updated styles Fixed - Fixed the CSS on the EAM licensing page, so that license information is displayed properly. Gateway Network Fixed - Changed markup for action links to be consistent with all the other buttons in Config section. Vision - 9.9.0-rc2 ========================================================================================== Client Added Functionality - Vision clients may now open up additional desktop frames on other monitors within a single client instance Ignition Platform - 7.8.4 ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Fixed issue where the most recent published version of a project resource could be deleted, requiring it to be published again. Fixed - A tag within a UDT instance could not be dragged into a container window to auto-create an object such as a label. Before this fix, the workaround was to drag the tag's value into the container. Fixed - A tag could be accidentally be dropped into a UDT folder, causing inconsistency within the UDT. Fixed - Project resources in a folder (such as windows and templates) would disappear when the folder was dragged or pasted into the resource root, or into an open folder. The resources would not reappear until the Designer was restarted. Fixed - Script resources now show package hierarchy in export window Fixed - Required client roles now validate correctly when spaces are included after commas. Fixed - Fixed script nodes from disappearing when dragged from project to shared scope SQLTags Fixed - Backslash before UDT parameter interferes with parameter replacement Fixed - Fixed concurrent modification exception in reports with a tag history query. Added Functionality - New pre-defined UDT parameters for PathToTag and PathToParentFolder Fixed - Harsh error when opc tag has bad path to tag exposed through the "configured tags" UA server system Redundancy Fixed - The redundant backup node will now not attempt to synchronize state from the master while the backup is active. Gateway Fixed - Send Project task would throw foreign key error if the sent project was also set as the local fallback project for the agent Gateway. Fixed - Project imports now check for illegal project names. Fixed - The gateway will fault on subsequent startups, after a failure during initial gateway launch (first launch after installation). Fixed - Upgraded the Java Service Wrapper to version 3.5.29 in order to fix a memory leak during logging in Linux. Expressions Fixed - Error attempting to use a dataset tag on a screen, when the data was generated by the "runScript" expression function. Client Modified Functionality - Implemented logic to clean up files in the pylib resource cache if they are not used in 30 days. Fixed - Fixed memory leak regarding swapping between windows containing alarm status tables. Alarming Fixed - Settings on opc server status tags are lost when connection is edited. Fixed - Cleared/Acked alarm events are now stored for use with the continuous event detection system across restarts. Scripting Fixed - Fixed Designer script library nodes from being locked when dragging from project scope to shared scope. SQLBridge - 7.8.4 ========================================================================================== Gateway Fixed - "One shot" group trigger interfering with on-change trigger, preventing execution. Vision - 8.8.4 ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Fixed header alignment on the equipment schedule view component Fixed - Added protections into the slider component to avoid lockups when the slider is configured for too many tick marks/labels Fixed - Wrap around when setting a Numeric Text Field to a value larger than Integer.MAXVALUE Fixed - User Management component no longer removes filtered out roles when a user is edited. Fixed - Acknowledge Notes popup no longer gets stuck closed in Alarm Status Table Added Functionality - Tab strip calculates tab width off translated text Fixed - Fixed Popup Calendar component endless loop on date change when the ok button is disabled. Fixed - Tab strip translates when client opened in non-English locale Designer Fixed - Substring expression handles null values more gracefully. Fixed - Expanding or collapsing the tag browser tree will cancel any active editors. OPC-UA - 3.8.4 ========================================================================================== Server Fixed - Fix a possible internal error when browsing Server node Client Added Functionality - Implemented web UI for exporting a CSR and importing the resulting signed certificate. Added Functionality - UA client support for browsing, reading, and subscribing to arrays. Fixed - Allow the port to be overridden in addition to the hostname using the "Host Override" advanced setting. SFC - 2.8.4 ========================================================================================== Engine Fixed - Tag subscriptions in transitions could potentially see previous value when activating, causing early transitions. Added Functionality - Transition timeout flag is now reset to false automatically upon activation of the transition. Also, the Assertion block resets failure flag to false upon passing all tests. Fixed - Cancel condition of parallel step in SFC not working correctly if triggered by a property set in the onStart condition of a step enclosed in the parallel element. Fixed - Misleading "Cannot start run-always chart" message for non-run always charts on startup and save. Tag Historian - 1.8.4 ========================================================================================== Storage Fixed - On change history evaluation recording data incorrectly under "default" scan class. Fixed - On-change history mode for system tags results in many entries in SCE table Misc Fixed - Tag history on system tags causes extra rows to be recorded in the scan class execution table (sqlth_sce) Fixed - Closest Value (LastValue) aggregation mode was not behaving as expected with interpolated values. Fixed - Custom python tag history aggregate cannot be used as the value of 'aggregationMode' in system.tag.queryTagHistory Fixed - Data returned for tags prior to their creation date when using natural sample size Querying Fixed - Tag history query with return size of 1 returning too many rows. Omron Driver(s) - 1.8.4 ========================================================================================== NJ Driver Fixed - Fixed array address parsing when contained within a struct. Modbus Driver - 4.8.4 ========================================================================================== Modbus Driver v2 Fixed - Fix a memory leak in Modbus RTU driver when the device is offline. Fixed - Modbus driver no longer reports missing classes when connecting to serial io devices. Enterprise Administration - 1.8.4 ========================================================================================== EAM Fixed - The EAM controller is now a selectable target for the Send Project and Send Project Resource tasks. This means that a project can be developed on an agent and transferred to the controller if the controller is selected as a target in the task configuration. Fixed - File-based EAM tasks (such as the Install Modules task and the Restore Backup task) would fail if the same task was run more than once (such as running on-demand multiple times). Fixed - Could not install 3rd party modules using EAM Install Modules task. Fixed - The Archive Detail page for an agent would display the entire contents of the /modules folder in the eam archive, regardless of whether the module is part of a backup. Now, the list of modules for each backup.gwbk is displayed next to the backup on the page. Fixed - EAM Controller would not receive updated agent information when an agent's Gateway name was changed. Fixed - The Enterprise Agents status page panel would display an incorrect number of running agents. Fixed - EAM Backup task message would contain the wrong number of agents when an agent was in Trial Expired mode. Fixed - The Backup task would fail when processing modules with a slash in the module name. Gateway Network Fixed - Running 10 or more remote Gateways in a Gateway Network through a proxy machine could cause ongoing metro service timeouts after an event like a controller restart. Fixed - Unable to move agents to other groups if the controller is redundant. Fixed - Gateway Network SSL certificates were not saved in Gateway backup .gwbk files, resulting in all incoming SSL Gateway Network connections to become faulted after restoration until their certificates are accepted again. Fixed - Agent Task Page details link would throw an internal error if the agent assigned to the task no longer exists. Fixed - Internal Error message on License Management page when an agent could not be found for the corresponding license record. Reporting - 3.8.4 ========================================================================================== Report Engine Fixed - Fixed issue that caused report datasets to leak memory on the Gateway Fixed - Fixed scheduled reports from being submitted twice in redundant setups. Misc Fixed - Fixed issue that prevented dynamic data expressions on text color property to not work correctly Report Designer Fixed - Saving reports to an illegal file path no longer throws a NPE. Mobile - 3.8.4 ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Roles required now handles whitespace in list. Ignition Platform - 7.8.4-rc1 ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - A tag within a UDT instance could not be dragged into a container window to auto-create an object such as a label. Before this fix, the workaround was to drag the tag's value into the container. Fixed - A tag could be accidentally be dropped into a UDT folder, causing inconsistency within the UDT. Fixed - Project resources in a folder (such as windows and templates) would disappear when the folder was dragged or pasted into the resource root, or into an open folder. The resources would not reappear until the Designer was restarted. Fixed - Script resources now show package hierarchy in export window Fixed - Required client roles now validate correctly when spaces are included after commas. Fixed - Fixed script nodes from disappearing when dragged from project to shared scope SQLTags Fixed - Backslash before UDT parameter interferes with parameter replacement Fixed - Fixed concurrent modification exception in reports with a tag history query. Added Functionality - New pre-defined UDT parameters for PathToTag and PathToParentFolder Fixed - Harsh error when opc tag has bad path to tag exposed through the "configured tags" UA server system Redundancy Fixed - The redundant backup node will now not attempt to synchronize state from the master while the backup is active. Gateway Fixed - Send Project task would throw foreign key error if the sent project was also set as the local fallback project for the agent Gateway. Fixed - Project imports now check for illegal project names. Fixed - The gateway will fault on subsequent startups, after a failure during initial gateway launch (first launch after installation). Fixed - Upgraded the Java Service Wrapper to version 3.5.29 in order to fix a memory leak during logging in Linux. Expressions Fixed - Error attempting to use a dataset tag on a screen, when the data was generated by the "runScript" expression function. Client Modified Functionality - Implemented logic to clean up files in the pylib resource cache if they are not used in 30 days. Fixed - Fixed memory leak regarding swapping between windows containing alarm status tables. Alarming Fixed - Settings on opc server status tags are lost when connection is edited. Fixed - Cleared/Acked alarm events are now stored for use with the continuous event detection system across restarts. Scripting Fixed - Fixed Designer script library nodes from being locked when dragging from project scope to shared scope. SQLBridge - 7.8.4-rc1 ========================================================================================== Gateway Fixed - "One shot" group trigger interfering with on-change trigger, preventing execution. Vision - 8.8.4-rc1 ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Fixed header alignment on the equipment schedule view component Fixed - Added protections into the slider component to avoid lockups when the slider is configured for too many tick marks/labels Fixed - Wrap around when setting a Numeric Text Field to a value larger than Integer.MAXVALUE Fixed - User Management component no longer removes filtered out roles when a user is edited. Fixed - Acknowledge Notes popup no longer gets stuck closed in Alarm Status Table Added Functionality - Tab strip calculates tab width off translated text Fixed - Fixed Popup Calendar component endless loop on date change when the ok button is disabled. Fixed - Tab strip translates when client opened in non-English locale Designer Fixed - Substring expression handles null values more gracefully. Fixed - Expanding or collapsing the tag browser tree will cancel any active editors. Omron Driver(s) - 1.8.4-rc1 ========================================================================================== NJ Driver Fixed - Fixed array address parsing when contained within a struct. Tag Historian - 1.8.4-rc1 ========================================================================================== Storage Fixed - On-change history mode for system tags results in many entries in SCE table Misc Fixed - Custom python tag history aggregate cannot be used as the value of 'aggregationMode' in system.tag.queryTagHistory Fixed - Data returned for tags prior to their creation date when using natural sample size Fixed - Closest Value (LastValue) aggregation mode was not behaving as expected with interpolated values. Querying Fixed - Tag history query with return size of 1 returning too many rows. SFC - 2.8.4-rc1 ========================================================================================== Engine Added Functionality - Transition timeout flag is now reset to false automatically upon activation of the transition. Also, the Assertion block resets failure flag to false upon passing all tests. Fixed - Cancel condition of parallel step in SFC not working correctly if triggered by a property set in the onStart condition of a step enclosed in the parallel element. Fixed - Misleading "Cannot start run-always chart" message for non-run always charts on startup and save. Modbus Driver - 4.8.4-rc1 ========================================================================================== Modbus Driver v2 Fixed - Modbus driver no longer reports missing classes when connecting to serial io devices. Enterprise Administration - 1.8.4-rc1 ========================================================================================== EAM Fixed - The EAM controller is now a selectable target for the Send Project and Send Project Resource tasks. This means that a project can be developed on an agent and transferred to the controller if the controller is selected as a target in the task configuration. Fixed - File-based EAM tasks (such as the Install Modules task and the Restore Backup task) would fail if the same task was run more than once (such as running on-demand multiple times). Fixed - Could not install 3rd party modules using EAM Install Modules task. Fixed - The Archive Detail page for an agent would display the entire contents of the /modules folder in the eam archive, regardless of whether the module is part of a backup. Now, the list of modules for each backup.gwbk is displayed next to the backup on the page. Fixed - EAM Controller would not receive updated agent information when an agent's Gateway name was changed. Fixed - The Enterprise Agents status page panel would display an incorrect number of running agents. Fixed - EAM Backup task message would contain the wrong number of agents when an agent was in Trial Expired mode. Fixed - The Backup task would fail when processing modules with a slash in the module name. Gateway Network Fixed - Unable to move agents to other groups if the controller is redundant. Fixed - Gateway Network SSL certificates were not saved in Gateway backup .gwbk files, resulting in all incoming SSL Gateway Network connections to become faulted after restoration until their certificates are accepted again. Fixed - Agent Task Page details link would throw an internal error if the agent assigned to the task no longer exists. Fixed - Internal Error message on License Management page when an agent could not be found for the corresponding license record. Reporting - 3.8.4-rc1 ========================================================================================== Report Engine Fixed - Fixed issue that caused report datasets to leak memory on the Gateway Fixed - Fixed scheduled reports from being submitted twice in redundant setups. Misc Fixed - Fixed issue that prevented dynamic data expressions on text color property to not work correctly Report Designer Fixed - Saving reports to an illegal file path no longer throws a NPE. Mobile - 3.8.4-rc1 ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Roles required now handles whitespace in list. Ignition Platform - 7.8.4-beta1 ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - A tag could be accidentally be dropped into a UDT folder, causing inconsistency within the UDT. Fixed - Project resources in a folder (such as windows and templates) would disappear when the folder was dragged or pasted into the resource root, or into an open folder. The resources would not reappear until the Designer was restarted. SQLTags Fixed - Harsh error when opc tag has bad path to tag exposed through the "configured tags" UA server system Fixed - Backslash before UDT parameter interferes with parameter replacement Fixed - Fixed concurrent modification exception in reports with a tag history query. Added Functionality - New pre-defined UDT parameters for PathToTag and PathToParentFolder Redundancy Fixed - The redundant backup node will now not attempt to synchronize state from the master while the backup is active. Gateway Fixed - Send Project task would throw foreign key error if the sent project was also set as the local fallback project for the agent Gateway. Fixed - Upgraded the Java Service Wrapper to version 3.5.29 in order to fix a memory leak during logging in Linux. Fixed - The gateway will fault on subsequent startups, after a failure during initial gateway launch (first launch after installation). Fixed - Project imports now check for illegal project names. Expressions Fixed - Error attempting to use a dataset tag on a screen, when the data was generated by the "runScript" expression function. Client Fixed - Fixed memory leak regarding swapping between windows containing alarm status tables. SQLBridge - 7.8.4-beta1 ========================================================================================== Gateway Fixed - "One shot" group trigger interfering with on-change trigger, preventing execution. Vision - 8.8.4-beta1 ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Added protections into the slider component to avoid lockups when the slider is configured for too many tick marks/labels Fixed - User Management component no longer removes filtered out roles when a user is edited. Fixed - Wrap around when setting a Numeric Text Field to a value larger than Integer.MAXVALUE Designer Fixed - Substring expression handles null values more gracefully. Fixed - Expanding or collapsing the tag browser tree will cancel any active editors. Tag Historian - 1.8.4-beta1 ========================================================================================== Storage Fixed - On change history evaluation recording data incorrectly under "default" scan class. Fixed - On-change history mode for system tags results in many entries in SCE table Misc Fixed - Data returned for tags prior to their creation date when using natural sample size Fixed - Custom python tag history aggregate cannot be used as the value of 'aggregationMode' in system.tag.queryTagHistory Fixed - Closest Value (LastValue) aggregation mode was not behaving as expected with interpolated values. Querying Fixed - Tag history query with return size of 1 returning too many rows. SFC - 2.8.4-beta1 ========================================================================================== Engine Fixed - Misleading "Cannot start run-always chart" message for non-run always charts on startup and save. Fixed - Cancel condition of parallel step in SFC not working correctly if triggered by a property set in the onStart condition of a step enclosed in the parallel element. Added Functionality - Transition timeout flag is now reset to false automatically upon activation of the transition. Also, the Assertion block resets failure flag to false upon passing all tests. Modbus Driver - 4.8.4-beta1 ========================================================================================== Modbus Driver v2 Fixed - Modbus driver no longer reports missing classes when connecting to serial io devices. Enterprise Administration - 1.8.4-beta1 ========================================================================================== EAM Fixed - EAM Controller would not receive updated agent information when an agent's Gateway name was changed. Fixed - Could not install 3rd party modules using EAM Install Modules task. Fixed - The Archive Detail page for an agent would display the entire contents of the /modules folder in the eam archive, regardless of whether the module is part of a backup. Now, the list of modules for each backup.gwbk is displayed next to the backup on the page. Fixed - The Enterprise Agents status page panel would display an incorrect number of running agents. Fixed - EAM Backup task message would contain the wrong number of agents when an agent was in Trial Expired mode. Gateway Network Fixed - Gateway Network SSL certificates were not saved in Gateway backup .gwbk files, resulting in all incoming SSL Gateway Network connections to become faulted after restoration until their certificates are accepted again. Fixed - Unable to move agents to other groups if the controller is redundant. Fixed - Agent Task Page details link would throw an internal error if the agent assigned to the task no longer exists. Reporting - 3.8.4-beta1 ========================================================================================== Report Engine Fixed - Fixed issue that caused report datasets to leak memory on the Gateway Misc Fixed - Fixed issue that prevented dynamic data expressions on text color property to not work correctly Report Designer Fixed - Saving reports to an illegal file path no longer throws a NPE. General - 7.8.3 ========================================================================================== Build Fixed - Removed duplicate jars from reporting module Ignition Platform - 7.8.3 ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - One-shot execution and OPC read after write not being imported from scan class csv export. Fixed - Fixed issue that could cause global resources to not be published unless "Publish Selected..." was used. Fixed - Fixed confusing error when Designer Role(s) in Gateway Settings is blank. Fixed - Fixed error when editing tags and no roles defined for user source. Fixed - Fixed display of Last Error Cause in Tag Diagnostics dialog. SQLTags Fixed - Writes to static tags in UDT instances are not included in tag copies or exports. Added Functionality - Added Percent Good and Percent Bad to tag history aggregate calculations. Added Functionality - Added variance and standard deviation to tag history aggregates. Fixed - Added range to tag history aggregation calculations. Fixed - Potential deadlock when using Configured Tags through UA and Read Mode scan classes. Fixed - Binding error on initial 'unknown' value for dataset tag bindings. Fixed - Reading certain tag properties, such as metadata, much slower in 7.8.2. Fixed - Added ability to escape property references in alarm properties with "\", such as "\{NonPropertyCode}". Fixed - Fixed export of array tags to xml. Fixed - Tag imports using .csv files now preserves the automatic Source Data Type property. Gateway Fixed - Changed alarm email notifications to store encrypted passwords. Added Functionality - Added warning when activating a gateway that already has license installed. Fixed - Performance enhancement to greatly improve saving and publish time on large projects. Fixed - Improved loading time of tags on fairly large system. Fixed - Fixed character escaping for active directory group name lookup so names with special characters will load correctly GCU Fixed - Reset password function on Gateway Control Utility would fail with InvocationTargetException message Native Client Launchers Fixed - Native Client Launcher handles missing project descriptions more gracefully. Fixed - Added logging to native client launchers to track the launch status of the Ignition client. This logging can print an error exit code if the Ignition client fails to launch, allowing troubleshooting of the issue. Client Fixed - Issue that caused mobile to stop responding to clicks after an error popup was shown and dismissed Fixed - Memory leak caused by rapid updates on a template repeater or template canvas Scripting Fixed - Fixed error if system.db.addDatasource() called with blank db name. Fixed - Fixed behavior of hours in system.date.setTime() and system.date.getDate() Fixed - SMTP profile emails now support UTF-8 in subject and body. SQLBridge - 7.8.3 ========================================================================================== Gateway Modified Functionality - Block group will now error out if the index column specified is not unique, when using a non-insert mode. Vision - 8.8.3 ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Fixed Template Repeater's Best Fit mode to not make templates all square Added Functionality - Added font property to Tag Browse Tree. Added Functionality - Added getBytesPDF() and getBytesPNG() to report viewer component. Fixed - Coercion error using "paste from dataset" option on dataset editor with columns that are locales. Client Fixed - Fixed issue with negative numbers being displayed on project download Fixed - Improved memory use of hot-updating clients to avoid OutOfMemory errors Fixed - Changing coordinates by hand of shapes inside shape groups now updates immediately. Fixed - Vision client leaked memory when logging out and back in. OPC-UA - 3.8.3 ========================================================================================== Client Fixed - Fix bug decoding a Variant containing a Variant[] Fixed - Fixed bug that caused a large delay before publishing resumed after a UA client connection reconnected. Fixed - Fix bug that prevented UA connections from disconnecting and/or shutting down cleanly. Added Functionality - Make request timeout a configurable setting. Tag Historian - 1.8.3 ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Tag historian interpolating values into the future instead of returning "unknown" quality. Fixed - Data stored in store and forward engine continues to go to data sink after the sink has been disabled. Data will now become quarantined. Enterprise Administration - 1.8.3 ========================================================================================== EAM Fixed - Fixed duplication of error messages when scheduling module installation. Fixed - EAM Controller would request modules from an agent, even if the controller already had the requested modules. Fixed - EAM script hints were missing for gateway-scoped script editing items. Gateway Network Fixed - After connection loss, Gateway Network connections would sometimes not reconnect until connection was manually reset. Fixed - Upgraded internal web server to eliminate memory leaks with web sockets. Fixed - New machines with the same Gateway system name as an existing machine on the Gateway network would throw errors without indicating that the issue is a name clash. Also, the old Gateway system name would still be sent over the Gateway network even after the system name was updated on the local machine. Fixed - EAM Backup task would hang forever when run for many agents. Fixed - Web sockets would sometimes fail to reconnect on the controller until the outgoing Gateway Network connection was reset on the agent. Added Functionality - Ping time to a remote Gateway is now displayed on the Gateway Network status page in the Gateway. Reporting - 3.8.3 ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Fixed IllegalArgumentException when dropping File Explorer component onto window. Fixed - Fixed Report Viewer custom property binding updates. Fixed - Fix NPE on slow loading reports Report Engine Fixed - Fixed issue where calling formatting on a per-key basis in a keychain expression wouldn't work correctly. Fixed - Printing of reports now uses cross platform print dialog to allow correct single-page printing on Windows Fixed - Fixed missing rows when a new table group occurs at a page break. Misc Fixed - The Reporting Data Collection Error popup messages are no longer editable fields. Report Designer Added Functionality - Added Running.count key to Keys Browser Fixed - Fixed drop of running calculations onto report table Fixed - Removed t keypress leading to test text in text editor. Fixed - Fixed NPE when clicking away from the Design tab before a report finished loading for the first time. Fixed - Added scroll bar to document settings panel. Fixed - Table Group config panel now has scroll bar when needed. Fixed - Fixed bug where Negative In Red in reports removed other formatting Fixed - Design and Preview tabs now center on selected page size instead of document size. Fixed - Choosing Page of Pagemax from built in report keys resolves correctly. Fixed - Fixed error when converting legacy reports with embedded PDFs. DNP3 - 1.8.3 ========================================================================================== Driver Fixed - Dnp3 scripting functions for binary outputs now use Group 12 Variation 1 for single points. SFC - 2.8.3 ========================================================================================== Engine Fixed - SFCs would run last good version of invalid chart, creating confusion. Now reports error. Omron Driver(s) - 1.8.3 ========================================================================================== NJ Driver Fixed - Read/Write support for the vendor specific BCD data types. Alarm Notification - 3.8.3 ========================================================================================== Alarm Voice Fixed - Notification 'delay between messages' is used before first call, and not used when a contact has multiple phone numbers. Alarm Email Fixed - SMTP profiles now handle authRequired like legacy email settings for alarm pipelines. Allen-Bradley Drivers - 3.8.3 ========================================================================================== Logix v21 Driver Fixed - Fixed a bug writing to a tag that has had its datatype changed in the program since the first time the driver browsed. Fixed - Fixed a potential ByteBuf leak in EtherNet/IP client library. MicroLogix/PLC5/SLC Drivers Fixed - Fix a bug that caused a scheduled request to stop being scheduled if a RuntimeException occurred while handling a received message. ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Fixed - Fix NPE in ABControlLogixTagManager that occurred sporadically when browsing certain structures, such as timers. notnullnotnullVision - 8.8.3-beta1 ========================================================================================== Client Fixed - Fixed issue with negative numbers being displayed on project download Enterprise Administration - 1.8.3-beta1 ========================================================================================== Gateway Network Fixed - Upgraded internal web server to eliminate memory leaks with web sockets. Fixed - New machines with the same Gateway system name as an existing machine on the Gateway network would throw errors without indicating that the issue is a name clash. Also, the old Gateway system name would still be sent over the Gateway network even after the system name was updated on the local machine. Allen-Bradley Drivers - 3.8.3-beta1 ========================================================================================== Logix v21 Driver Fixed - Fixed a bug writing to a tag that has had its datatype changed in the program since the first time the driver browsed.General - 7.7.8 ========================================================================================== Installers Added Functionality - When performing an upgrade, installer will warn users about non-installer modules that won't be updated, and suggest they download updated versions for those modules if necessary. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Project resources in a folder (such as windows and templates) would disappear when the folder was dragged or pasted into the resource root, or into an open folder. The resources would not reappear until the Designer was restarted. Fixed - Easy Chart Customizer Doesn't Properly Add OPC HDA Tags with non-Ignition standard path formats. Fixed - Alerts inside of UDTs upgraded from pre-7.6 Ignitions lose their overridden values. Fixed - Fixed issue managing images caused in 7.7.7 SQLTags Fixed - Tags and folders could be added to or removed from a UDT instance, causing inconsistency within the UDT. Fixed - Permission model overrides for UDT members not properly importing from XML. Fixed - Race condition between tag read and subscription can result in the read obtaining an incorrect (bad quality) value. Gateway Fixed - Fix timing of internal database update for new module signing code. Fixed - Fixed character escaping for active directory group name lookup so names with special characters will load correctly GCU Fixed - Reset password function on Gateway Control Utility would fail with InvocationTargetException message Expressions Fixed - Made error more helpful when a String is assigned to a DateTime tag. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Changing coordinates by hand of shapes inside shape groups now updates immediately. Fixed - TreeView component would freeze the entire Designer when loading a large dataset. SFC - ========================================================================================== Client Fixed - SFC instance list has all charts listed under "Unknown Chart" in the client. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Fixed - Fixed NPE that can happen when creating system map General - 7.7.8-rc1 ========================================================================================== Installers Added Functionality - When performing an upgrade, installer will warn users about non-installer modules that won't be updated, and suggest they download updated versions for those modules if necessary. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Project resources in a folder (such as windows and templates) would disappear when the folder was dragged or pasted into the resource root, or into an open folder. The resources would not reappear until the Designer was restarted. Fixed - Easy Chart Customizer Doesn't Properly Add OPC HDA Tags with non-Ignition standard path formats. Fixed - Alerts inside of UDTs upgraded from pre-7.6 Ignitions lose their overridden values. Fixed - Fixed issue managing images caused in 7.7.7 SQLTags Fixed - Permission model overrides for UDT members not properly importing from XML. Fixed - Race condition between tag read and subscription can result in the read obtaining an incorrect (bad quality) value. Gateway Fixed - Fixed character escaping for active directory group name lookup so names with special characters will load correctly GCU Fixed - Reset password function on Gateway Control Utility would fail with InvocationTargetException message Expressions Fixed - Made error more helpful when a String is assigned to a DateTime tag. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Changing coordinates by hand of shapes inside shape groups now updates immediately. Fixed - TreeView component would freeze the entire Designer when loading a large dataset. SFC - ========================================================================================== Client Fixed - SFC instance list has all charts listed under "Unknown Chart" in the client. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Fixed - Fixed NPE that can happen when creating system map General - 7.7.8-beta1 ========================================================================================== Installers Added Functionality - When performing an upgrade, installer will warn users about non-installer modules that won't be updated, and suggest they download updated versions for those modules if necessary. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Fixed Class Cast Exception when setting a Numeric Text Field to a value larger than Integer.MAXVALUE Fixed - Project resources in a folder (such as windows and templates) would disappear when the folder was dragged or pasted into the resource root, or into an open folder. The resources would not reappear until the Designer was restarted. Fixed - Easy Chart Customizer Doesn't Properly Add OPC HDA Tags with non-Ignition standard path formats. SQLTags Fixed - Permission model overrides for UDT members not properly importing from XML. GCU Fixed - Reset password function on Gateway Control Utility would fail with InvocationTargetException message Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Fixed - Fixed NPE that can happen when creating system map Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Fixed Class Cast Exception when publishing selected resources SQLTags Fixed - Editing a dataset value as an overridden value in a UDT member can cause an error. Fixed - References to array tag values beyond index 9 result in parse error. Fixed - Tag XML including a dataset tag inside of a udt with an empty dataset value will cause an error on import. Gateway Fixed - Updated email to work consistently between alarming and reporting. Fixed - Editing store and forward engine settings causes "data sink does not accept..."error for tag history GCU Fixed - Reset password function on Gateway Control Utility would fail with InvocationTargetException message Alarming Fixed - Disabling alarms, though manual edits or bindings, does not remove currently active events. Fixed - Fixed retrieval of long values from alarm events. Scripting Added Functionality - system.util.sendMessage() can now send messages to remote Gateways over the Gateway Network Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Fixed entry problems with Numeric Text Field when Defer Edits set to false. Fixed - Potential exception when running tag history queries with invalid columns (ClassCastException on ErrorHistoryColumn) Designer Fixed - Roster management component now allows editing when only when a single roster is selected. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Client Fixed - Omit the DataChangeFilter parameter when creating monitored items. This fixes errors subscribing to tags on servers with weaker UA support like Matrikon that don't support any filters. Fixed - Fix bug that caused unsigned OPC types to get created as String tags in Ignition when drag n' dropped from OPC browser. Fixed - Fixes a ClassCastException/overflow error when writing certain values to nodes with unsigned datatypes. Fixed - Fix bug that prevented OPC-UA connection failover from re-subscribing. SFC - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Error when trying to monitor newly imported and unsaved chart in the designer. Engine Fixed - onCancel with enclosing steps should run from deepest chart up to root Fixed - Cancel condition on a parallel step stops execution for entire chart. Modbus Driver - ========================================================================================== Modbus Driver v2 Fixed - Fix a ClassCastException when writing values > 32767 to unsigned types. Enterprise Administration - ========================================================================================== EAM Fixed - An internal error is thrown during the Agent Setup wizard when several agents are connected to the current machine. Fixed - The "Force Backup" checkbox was not being set to the saved value when editing a previously saved Collect Backup task. Fixed - Agent last comm time on Agent Management page has been reformatted to show both the day and time of last communication. Fixed - Agent would not connect to the new controller when the controller name was changed on the Agent Settings page. Fixed - Updated the Agent Setup wizard so that the user-supplied system name is used when testing a new Gateway Network connection. Added Functionality - Alarms are now automatically created by default when an EAM task fails. Note that the created alarm will be in the cleared state but will be active and unacknowledged. Task alarm creation can be turned off on the EAM Agent Event Threshold Settings page. Added Functionality - All EAM tasks now display a task summary at the end of the task wizard before saving the task. The task summary is also available for available tasks via the details link on the right side of each task. Added Functionality - The Send Projects task and the Send Project Resources task can now pull a project and resources from an agent Gateway and send the project data to other agent Gateways. This feature allows automated project deployments to be configured between agents. Gateway Network Fixed - Outgoing connection could continue running after it has been disabled in the connection settings. Fixed - Gateway Network outgoing connection ping settings were not being used in connections. Users were unable to create or maintain Gateway Network connections over a slow network. Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Designer Added Functionality - Roster Management component can now add and delete rosters. Reporting - ========================================================================================== Components Added Functionality - Added back getFileName and setBytes to PDF Viewer. Fixed - Added print() function to PDF viewer. Fixed - Report component now picks up parameters initially passed into window. Added Functionality - Added getZoomFactor() / setZoomFactor to PDFViewer for scripting Report Engine Fixed - The "average" keychain now ignores null values Fixed - Fixed NPE on some AlarmJournalQueries in reporting. Report Designer Fixed - Issue that caused two open reports in the designer to incorrectly show shared document models in the navigation tree. Fixed - Fixed OrderBelow annotation in report shapes. Fixed - Memory leak in the designer made obvious switching between open reports. Fixed - Fixed problem opening reports with bad number formats Fixed - Data keys for reports now can use 8-bit ASCII names Fixed - Report property descriptions now show if you hover over the property in the editor. Fixed - Added property descriptions for all report shapes. Fixed - Editing props on report background now applies to current report page. Fixed - Removed non-functional roll, scaleX, scaleY and visible props from report page property editor. Fixed - Incorrect line numbers shown in errors thrown by script data sources in reports Fixed - Fixed problems with number formats in non-English locales. Fixed - Fixed display of barcode descriptions with html tags. Added Functionality - Rich Text Editor for text shapes now display shape's background color. Added Functionality - Alarm Journal Query can now get current status as well. Fixed - Polygon and Pencil tools will no longer break undo/redo Fixed - Added null check when dropping data key onto report. Fixed - Minimum stroke width is now 0. Fixed - ScaleX and ScaleY can no longer be set to 0. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== OEE/Downtime Added - Script getLineProductCodeProperty() to go along with existing method updateLineProductCodeProperty() Fixed - Analysis datapoint EndTime for downtime was not always returning the proper end time for multiple events with the same reason. Fixed - Recursion error message for certain downtime events. Fixed - When checking remote reason code always reset it to 0 after the check. Recipe Addded - Binding ability to Recipe tree view property Recipe Name Filter. Fixed - Recipes not inheriting correct after first descendant. Added - Append the prefix "[default]" to a tag name when drop a tag into a Recipe Values table on Production-Recipe tab. Added - Panel to edit long string recipe values for the Recipe Editor Tree View and Recipe Editor Table. Improved - Made localization changes to PMIRecipeTreeView component as a result of testing. Improved - Modified remove recipe so that it is not deleted from the database. Instead it is disabled. Fixed - recipe analysis to limit filter by options to the date range instead of showing all options. SPC/Quality Fixed - bug in SPCManager, that was reading the control limits for a product code event though Save Control Limits by Product Code was not set. Completed - system.quality script function auto documentation Added - purgeSampleData script function to bulk remove past samples. Added - removeControlLimitValue script to remove a previously assigned control limit value(s) for product code(s). Fixed - issue in SPCManager when getting getSPCLimitsForAttribute() where the default limits were returned even though a product code was specified. Added - setProductCode and setRefNo methods to Sample Entry component. Added - SampleData.getAttributeName() method for clarity. Already have getAttrName(). Track and Trace Fixed - Material lot objects were not being set to "Used". Fixed - Material Selector component with optional material properties. Fixed - Issue editing a MES Person object in the MES Object Editor component. The name which has a comma was not being accepted. This may have also occurred with script function. Added - getMESObjectLinkByName() script functions. Barcode Scanner Fixed - PMIBarcodeController pre-amble was not being updated once the component was initialized. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== SQLTags Fixed - References to array tag values beyond index 9 result in parse error. Fixed - Tag XML including a dataset tag inside of a udt with an empty dataset value will cause an error on import. Fixed - Editing a dataset value as an overridden value in a UDT member can cause an error. Gateway Fixed - Updated email to work consistently between alarming and reporting. Fixed - Editing store and forward engine settings causes "data sink does not accept..."error for tag history Alarming Fixed - Fixed retrieval of long values from alarm events. Fixed - Disabling alarms, though manual edits or bindings, does not remove currently active events. Scripting Added Functionality - system.util.sendMessage() can now send messages to remote Gateways over the Gateway Network Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Fixed entry problems with Numeric Text Field when Defer Edits set to false. Fixed - Potential exception when running tag history queries with invalid columns (ClassCastException on ErrorHistoryColumn) Designer Fixed - Roster management component now allows editing when only when a single roster is selected. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Client Fixed - Omit the DataChangeFilter parameter when creating monitored items. This fixes errors subscribing to tags on servers with weaker UA support like Matrikon that don't support any filters. Fixed - Fix bug that caused unsigned OPC types to get created as String tags in Ignition when drag n' dropped from OPC browser. Fixed - Fixes a ClassCastException/overflow error when writing certain values to nodes with unsigned datatypes. Fixed - Fix bug that prevented OPC-UA connection failover from re-subscribing. SFC - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Error when trying to monitor newly imported and unsaved chart in the designer. Engine Fixed - onCancel with enclosing steps should run from deepest chart up to root Fixed - Cancel condition on a parallel step stops execution for entire chart. Modbus Driver - ========================================================================================== Modbus Driver v2 Fixed - Fix a ClassCastException when writing values > 32767 to unsigned types. Enterprise Administration - ========================================================================================== EAM Fixed - An internal error is thrown during the Agent Setup wizard when several agents are connected to the current machine. Fixed - The "Force Backup" checkbox was not being set to the saved value when editing a previously saved Collect Backup task. Fixed - Agent last comm time on Agent Management page has been reformatted to show both the day and time of last communication. Fixed - Agent would not connect to the new controller when the controller name was changed on the Agent Settings page. Fixed - Updated the Agent Setup wizard so that the user-supplied system name is used when testing a new Gateway Network connection. Added Functionality - Alarms are now automatically created by default when an EAM task fails. Note that the created alarm will be in the cleared state but will be active and unacknowledged. Task alarm creation can be turned off on the EAM Agent Event Threshold Settings page. Added Functionality - All EAM tasks now display a task summary at the end of the task wizard before saving the task. The task summary is also available for available tasks via the details link on the right side of each task. Added Functionality - The Send Projects task and the Send Project Resources task can now pull a project and resources from an agent Gateway and send the project data to other agent Gateways. This feature allows automated project deployments to be configured between agents. Gateway Network Fixed - Outgoing connection could continue running after it has been disabled in the connection settings. Fixed - Gateway Network outgoing connection ping settings were not being used in connections. Users were unable to create or maintain Gateway Network connections over a slow network. Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Designer Added Functionality - Roster Management component can now add and delete rosters. Reporting - ========================================================================================== Components Added Functionality - Added back getFileName and setBytes to PDF Viewer. Fixed - Added print() function to PDF viewer. Fixed - Report component now picks up parameters initially passed into window. Added Functionality - Added getZoomFactor() / setZoomFactor to PDFViewer for scripting Report Engine Fixed - The "average" keychain now ignores null values Fixed - Fixed NPE on some AlarmJournalQueries in reporting. Report Designer Fixed - Issue that caused two open reports in the designer to incorrectly show shared document models in the navigation tree. Fixed - Fixed OrderBelow annotation in report shapes. Fixed - Memory leak in the designer made obvious switching between open reports. Fixed - Fixed problem opening reports with bad number formats Fixed - Data keys for reports now can use 8-bit ASCII names Fixed - Report property descriptions now show if you hover over the property in the editor. Fixed - Added property descriptions for all report shapes. Fixed - Editing props on report background now applies to current report page. Fixed - Removed non-functional roll, scaleX, scaleY and visible props from report page property editor. Fixed - Incorrect line numbers shown in errors thrown by script data sources in reports Fixed - Fixed problems with number formats in non-English locales. Fixed - Fixed display of barcode descriptions with html tags. Added Functionality - Rich Text Editor for text shapes now display shape's background color. Added Functionality - Alarm Journal Query can now get current status as well. Fixed - Polygon and Pencil tools will no longer break undo/redo Fixed - Added null check when dropping data key onto report. Fixed - Minimum stroke width is now 0. Fixed - ScaleX and ScaleY can no longer be set to 0. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== OEE/Downtime Fixed - Log error getting work order list. Caused by invalid line path. Fixed - Operator entered code not flowing to the next shift event. Fixed - Log error showing recursion error select related downtime events. Recipe Fixed - itemRecipeValue:convert() use NumberUtilities since if the value is preceded with a '0' it is converted to Octal. Added - getRecipeValueSecurity and updateRecipeValueSecurity script functions that were just in the client scope, to also be in the gateway scope. Fixed - SyncRecipeValueManager:syncProdItemValueRows() needs to check if DEFAULT_SETTINGS exist. Fixed - RecipeGatewayHook methods removed fixupItemPath since this is causing issues. Fixed - RecipeGatewayScript methods do not require project name anymore so we added those methods. Fixed - if enable variance monitoring is false when a recipe is selected then make sure to clear recipe loading flag. AbstractRecipeProductionItem:execute() SPC/Quality Fixed - issue of the background color not reflecting the correct limit violation in the table of the control chart. This only applies for more than one upper limit or more than one lower limit being shown in the control chart. Fixed - bug in SPCManager, that was reading the control limits for a product code event though Save Control Limits by Product Code was not set. Completed - system.quality script function auto documentation Added - purgeSampleData script function to bulk remove past samples. Added - removeControlLimitValue script to remove a previously assigned control limit value(s) for product code(s). Fixed - issue in SPCManager when getting getSPCLimitsForAttribute() where the default limits were returned even though a product code was specified. Added - setProductCode and setRefNo methods to Sample Entry component. Added - SampleData.getAttributeName() method for clarity. Already have getAttrName(). Track and Trace Fixed - optional lot property without lot ref does not generate error. Added - check in track and trace create operation function to return error message when blank values are passed for operation name and equipment path. Added - check in track and trace create segment function to return error message when blank values are passed for operation segment name. Fixed - issue where segment names that contain the _ character returned a error stating that the segment cannot run at the equipment. Fixed - optional material reference for segments so that material lot object are not created if the quantity is zero. Modified - the lot selector component to not show disabled material lots. This will also effect script functions to get material lots. Improved - how operations, segments and material lots are cleaned up after a segment or operation is aborted. Modified - so that material lots that are active are not returned as options when selecting a lot for a segment. This change also effects script functions that return available lots. It also prevents selecting a material lot that is still active and begining, ending, updating or executing a segment. Added - check in track and trace create operation function to return error message when blank values are passed for operation name and equipment path. Added - check in track and trace create segment function to return error message when blank values are passed for operation segment name. General - 7.7.7 ========================================================================================== Installers Fixed - Zip installer READMEs have updated information, mostly involving upgrades. Fixed - Fixed issue with Linux installer where java path in ignition.conf wasn't set properly in some cases. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Fixed error when deleting newly created scan class. Fixed - Fixed IndexOutOfBounds error when deleting a newly created scan class. Fixed - Fixed minor issue with cursor jumping in client tag change script name editor Fixed - Expression tag members of UDTs no longer show Client folder in tag chooser. SQLTags Fixed - Fixed bug that caused tag edits to partially collapse tag browser. Fixed - Fixed error when starting tag provider with a large number of tags. Fixed - tag() function doesn't work with sub expression from Expression Tag Gateway Fixed - Fixed internal DB error when making a copy of a project. Fixed - Fixed bug that caused configured devices to be restored from backup in an enabled state, regardless of whether restore enabled or disabled was specified. Fixed - Gateway .gwbk restoration would fail if wrapper.java.command in ignition.conf was empty Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Tag provider listing no longer rounds down to seconds for scan class rate display. Alarming Fixed - Alarm Journal now records system startup event. Client Fixed - numberFormat() and dateFormat() expressions re-evaluate when locale changes. Scripting Fixed - Added a 'useCaches' property to system.net.httpGet(). Fixed - Set SMTP timeout properties when sending email from scripting. Fixed - Fixed potential error when updating pylib.zip when running multiple clients/designers on a single machine. SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Gateway Fixed - Starting a Transaction Group with a disabled datasource now gives a more helpful error. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Tables now update number and date displays when locale changes. Fixed - Titled borders aren't translated if the window is opened while a non-english locale is active Fixed - Fixed touchscreen permissions for Text Area component. Fixed - Moving Analog Indicator's "Setpoint Value" property is now bindable Fixed - Power Table better respects antialias setting Fixed - Image component shows no image when path is empty. Fixed - Fixed issue with numeric text field with non en-us locales. Designer Fixed - Titled borders retain their properties after editing. Fixed - Power tables now update number and date displays when locale changes. Client Fixed - Fixed issues with the "Windows" menu upon locale change Fixed - Components now get notified of local on startup. Fixed - Fixed memory leak involved with using dateFormat and numberFormat expressions Fixed - Font property in Document Viewer now works. Fixed - Lock screen now translates SFC - ========================================================================================== Engine Fixed - Run-always charts get new instance each time chart is saved. Old instance is not properly canceled. WebBrowser - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Allow users to set the URL with setCurrentUrl(String) Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm SMS Fixed - Negative acknowledgements from Airlink devices now get audited as failures. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== Logix v21 Driver Added Functionality - Bits under DWORD tags are now browsable. Fixed - Fixed IndexOutOfBoundsException that could occur when reading or subscribing to String array tags. ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Fixed - Fix an IllegalFormatConversionException when logging a warning in ABControlLogixReadRequest Mobile - ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Fixed issue involved with using the mobile module's "Hide from launch" option when multiple projects were listed. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Added - script function system.production.getLinePath() to return the line path from a given line id. Fixed - Interal "Like" statements to handle Oracle db. Improved - Added a specific ExecutionManager for the production model runner executor. OEE/Downtime Added - Downtime table ability to "see" events that were selected by the operator and were not recordable and not planned. Added - PMIDTReasonTable splitReason extension function will return the new record ID along with the original one. Fixed - issue where the schedule view could hide schedules visibility. Sorted the result by begin time. Improved - run purge logic to delete records in chuncks so as not to load down the DB. Recipe Fixed - Recipe selector combo and list not respecting BG and FG colors. Fixed - invalid recipe value input error message showing multiple times. Fixed - issues with duplicate recipe names, deleting recipes and renaming recipes. Fixed - issue when recipe values don't have a format not appearing correctly in the recipe editor component. Fixed - issue entering recipe values that are double, float or long data types. Changed - system.recipe.getDefaultValues script function to return the min, max, units and format even though the value is not valid. Fixed - issue where saving production model when recipe editor or recipe table component is open, then the live values are not valid. Fixed - issue not displaying more than three decimal places in the recipe editor for floats and decimal values. Fixed - issue in recipe when production item is removed that is was not being removed from the descendants. Changed - recipe to allow reverting a default value back to null after it has been assigned a value. Fixed - if enable variance monitoring is false when a recipe is selected then make sure to clear recipe loading flag. AbstractRecipeProductionItem:execute() Fixed - recipe analysis to properly handle deleted recipes. SPC/Quality Fixed - Only update limit groups at the Enterprise type or you just redundantly call update for every production item. QualityGatewayHook.onInitialize() Fixed - Protect from returning a null measurement count in the chart calculator. AbstractSPCChartCalculator:getAttributeMeasurmentCount() Fixed - updateSample not updating if only the additional factor was changed since the modified flag of the sample was not set to true. SampleDataManager Fixed - background color not reflecting the correct limit violation in the table of the control chart. This only applies for more than one upper limit or more than one lower limit being shown in the control chart. Fixed - not all control limits showing in the box and whisker control chart. Track and Trace Added - check in track and trace create operation function to return error message when blank values are passed for operation name and equipment path. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== SQLTags Fixed - References to array tag values beyond index 9 result in parse error. Gateway Fixed - Editing store and forward engine settings causes "data sink does not accept..."error for tag history Fixed - Updated email to work consistently between alarming and reporting. Alarming Fixed - Disabling alarms, though manual edits or bindings, does not remove currently active events. Scripting Added Functionality - system.util.sendMessage() can now send messages to remote Gateways over the Gateway Network Vision - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Roster management component now allows editing when only when a single roster is selected. SFC - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Error when trying to monitor newly imported and unsaved chart in the designer. Engine Fixed - onCancel with enclosing steps should run from deepest chart up to root Fixed - Cancel condition on a parallel step stops execution for entire chart. Enterprise Administration - ========================================================================================== EAM Added Functionality - The Send Projects task and the Send Project Resources task can now pull a project and resources from an agent Gateway and send the project data to other agent Gateways. This feature allows automated project deployments to be configured between agents. Added Functionality - All EAM tasks now display a task summary at the end of the task wizard before saving the task. The task summary is also available for available tasks via the details link on the right side of each task. Added Functionality - Alarms are now automatically created by default when an EAM task fails. Note that the created alarm will be in the cleared state but will be active and unacknowledged. Task alarm creation can be turned off on the EAM Agent Event Threshold Settings page. Fixed - The "Force Backup" checkbox was not being set to the saved value when editing a previously saved Collect Backup task. Fixed - Agent last comm time on Agent Management page has been reformatted to show both the day and time of last communication. Fixed - An internal error is thrown during the Agent Setup wizard when several agents are connected to the current machine. Fixed - Agent would not connect to the new controller when the controller name was changed on the Agent Settings page. Fixed - Updated the Agent Setup wizard so that the user-supplied system name is used when testing a new Gateway Network connection. Gateway Network Fixed - Outgoing connection could continue running after it has been disabled in the connection settings. Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Designer Added Functionality - Roster Management component can now add and delete rosters. Reporting - ========================================================================================== Components Added Functionality - Added getZoomFactor() / setZoomFactor to PDFViewer for scripting Added Functionality - Added back getFileName and setBytes to PDF Viewer. Fixed - Report component now picks up parameters initially passed into window. Fixed - Added print() function to PDF viewer. Report Engine Fixed - Fixed NPE on some AlarmJournalQueries in reporting. Fixed - The "average" keychain now ignores null values Report Designer Added Functionality - Rich Text Editor for text shapes now display shape's background color. Added Functionality - Alarm Journal Query can now get current status as well. Fixed - Fixed OrderBelow annotation in report shapes. Fixed - Fixed problems with number formats in non-English locales. Fixed - Incorrect line numbers shown in errors thrown by script data sources in reports Fixed - Fixed display of barcode descriptions with html tags. Fixed - ScaleX and ScaleY can no longer be set to 0. Fixed - Report property descriptions now show if you hover over the property in the editor. Fixed - Added property descriptions for all report shapes. Fixed - Minimum stroke width is now 0. Fixed - Editing props on report background now applies to current report page. Fixed - Removed non-functional roll, scaleX, scaleY and visible props from report page property editor. Fixed - Polygon and Pencil tools will no longer break undo/redo Fixed - Added null check when dropping data key onto report. Fixed - Data keys for reports now can use 8-bit ASCII names OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Fixed - Production item names entered as a blank string causes the production model to not allow saving and the name cannot be changed back. OEE/Downtime Fixed - OEE Availability can have 0 runtime if elapsed time is not 0 so the value should be 0 not 100%. Improved - update shiftHourinRun when shift is changing. Recipe Fixed - Recipe security methods were name "xxxxRoll" instead of "xxxxRole". Track and Trace Fixed - install the production module before the trace module on a fresh install. If not then the trace modules generates errors Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Gateway Fixed - Updated email to work consistently between alarming and reporting. Scripting Added Functionality - system.util.sendMessage() can now send messages to remote Gateways over the Gateway Network Vision - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Roster management component now allows editing when only when a single roster is selected. SFC - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Error when trying to monitor newly imported and unsaved chart in the designer. Engine Fixed - onCancel with enclosing steps should run from deepest chart up to root Fixed - Cancel condition on a parallel step stops execution for entire chart. Enterprise Administration - ========================================================================================== EAM Added Functionality - The Send Projects task and the Send Project Resources task can now pull a project and resources from an agent Gateway and send the project data to other agent Gateways. This feature allows automated project deployments to be configured between agents. Added Functionality - All EAM tasks now display a task summary at the end of the task wizard before saving the task. The task summary is also available for available tasks via the details link on the right side of each task. Added Functionality - Alarms are now automatically created by default when an EAM task fails. Note that the created alarm will be in the cleared state but will be active and unacknowledged. Task alarm creation can be turned off on the EAM Agent Event Threshold Settings page. Fixed - The "Force Backup" checkbox was not being set to the saved value when editing a previously saved Collect Backup task. Fixed - Agent last comm time on Agent Management page has been reformatted to show both the day and time of last communication. Fixed - An internal error is thrown during the Agent Setup wizard when several agents are connected to the current machine. Fixed - Agent would not connect to the new controller when the controller name was changed on the Agent Settings page. Fixed - Updated the Agent Setup wizard so that the user-supplied system name is used when testing a new Gateway Network connection. Gateway Network Fixed - Outgoing connection could continue running after it has been disabled in the connection settings. Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Designer Added Functionality - Roster Management component can now add and delete rosters. Reporting - ========================================================================================== Components Added Functionality - Added getZoomFactor() / setZoomFactor to PDFViewer for scripting Added Functionality - Added back getFileName and setBytes to PDF Viewer. Fixed - Report component now picks up parameters initially passed into window. Fixed - Added print() function to PDF viewer. Report Engine Fixed - Fixed NPE on some AlarmJournalQueries in reporting. Fixed - The "average" keychain now ignores null values Report Designer Added Functionality - Rich Text Editor for text shapes now display shape's background color. Added Functionality - Alarm Journal Query can now get current status as well. Fixed - Fixed OrderBelow annotation in report shapes. Fixed - Fixed problems with number formats in non-English locales. Fixed - Incorrect line numbers shown in errors thrown by script data sources in reports Fixed - Fixed display of barcode descriptions with html tags. Fixed - ScaleX and ScaleY can no longer be set to 0. Fixed - Report property descriptions now show if you hover over the property in the editor. Fixed - Added property descriptions for all report shapes. Fixed - Minimum stroke width is now 0. Fixed - Editing props on report background now applies to current report page. Fixed - Removed non-functional roll, scaleX, scaleY and visible props from report page property editor. Fixed - Polygon and Pencil tools will no longer break undo/redo Fixed - Added null check when dropping data key onto report. Fixed - Data keys for reports now can use 8-bit ASCII names OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Fixed - Production item names entered as a blank string causes the production model to not allow saving and the name cannot be changed back. OEE/Downtime Fixed - OEE Availability can have 0 runtime if elapsed time is not 0 so the value should be 0 not 100%. Improved - update shiftHourinRun when shift is changing. Recipe Fixed - Recipe security methods were name "xxxxRoll" instead of "xxxxRole". Track and Trace Fixed - install the production module before the trace module on a fresh install. If not then the trace modules generates errors Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Fixed error when deleting newly created scan class. Fixed - Fixed IndexOutOfBounds error when deleting a newly created scan class. Fixed - Fixed minor issue with cursor jumping in client tag change script name editor Fixed - Expression tag members of UDTs no longer show Client folder in tag chooser. SQLTags Fixed - Fixed bug that caused tag edits to partially collapse tag browser. Fixed - Fixed error when starting tag provider with a large number of tags. Fixed - tag() function doesn't work with sub expression from Expression Tag Gateway Fixed - Fixed internal DB error when making a copy of a project. Fixed - Fixed bug that caused configured devices to be restored from backup in an enabled state, regardless of whether restore enabled or disabled was specified. Fixed - Gateway .gwbk restoration would fail if wrapper.java.command in ignition.conf was empty Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Tag provider listing no longer rounds down to seconds for scan class rate display. Alarming Fixed - Alarm Journal now records system startup event. Client Fixed - numberFormat() and dateFormat() expressions re-evaluate when locale changes. Scripting Fixed - Set SMTP timeout properties when sending email from scripting. Fixed - Fixed potential error when updating pylib.zip when running multiple clients/designers on a single machine. SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Gateway Fixed - Starting a Transaction Group with a disabled datasource now gives a more helpful error. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Tables now update number and date displays when locale changes. Fixed - Titled borders aren't translated if the window is opened while a non-english locale is active Fixed - Fixed touchscreen permissions for Text Area component. Fixed - Moving Analog Indicator's "Setpoint Value" property is now bindable Fixed - Power Table better respects antialias setting Fixed - Image component shows no image when path is empty. Fixed - Fixed issue with numeric text field with non en-us locales. Designer Fixed - Titled borders retain their properties after editing. Fixed - Power tables now update number and date displays when locale changes. Client Fixed - Fixed issues with the "Windows" menu upon locale change Fixed - Components now get notified of local on startup. Fixed - Fixed memory leak involved with using dateFormat and numberFormat expressions Fixed - Font property in Document Viewer now works. Fixed - Lock screen now translates SFC - ========================================================================================== Engine Fixed - Run-always charts get new instance each time chart is saved. Old instance is not properly canceled. WebBrowser - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Allow users to set the URL with setCurrentUrl(String) Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm SMS Fixed - Negative acknowledgements from Airlink devices now get audited as failures. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== Logix v21 Driver Added Functionality - Bits under DWORD tags are now browsable. Fixed - Fixed IndexOutOfBoundsException that could occur when reading or subscribing to String array tags. ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Fixed - Fix an IllegalFormatConversionException when logging a warning in ABControlLogixReadRequest Mobile - ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Fixed issue involved with using the mobile module's "Hide from launch" option when multiple projects were listed. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Added - script function system.production.getLinePath() to return the line path from a given line id. Fixed - Interal "Like" statements to handle Oracle db. Improved - Added a specific ExecutionManager for the production model runner executor. OEE/Downtime Added - Downtime table ability to "see" events that were selected by the operator and were not recordable and not planned. Added - PMIDTReasonTable splitReason extension function will return the new record ID along with the original one. Fixed - issue where the schedule view could hide schedules visibility. Sorted the result by begin time. Recipe Fixed - Recipe selector combo and list not respecting BG and FG colors. SPC/Quality Fixed - Only update limit groups at the Enterprise type or you just redundantly call update for every production item. QualityGatewayHook.onInitialize() Fixed - Protect from returning a null measurement count in the chart calculator. AbstractSPCChartCalculator:getAttributeMeasurmentCount() Fixed - updateSample not updating if only the additional factor was changed since the modified flag of the sample was not set to true. SampleDataManager Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Added Functionality - Added code completion to the Designer script console. Fixed - Opening the User Manual no longer blocks the UI. Added Functionality - Added a "marquee mode" to the Template Repeater component. Fixed - Script console window will no longer freeze during when executing long-running scripts in the buffer. Added Functionality - Designer "Send To" popup option becomes a dialog when there are many projects. Added Functionality - Added an optional default file location argument for system.file.openFile Fixed - Project and shared scripts with explicit package imports now execute properly in the script console Fixed - Script Console text can now be selected and copied. Fixed - Fixed tags disappearing when alarm pipeline notification block selected. Added Functionality - Script locked dialog now says who has the lock. Fixed - Checkboxes in menus now respect font changes SQLTags Added Functionality - New tag history aggregate for "count". Fixed - Tags now have access to module-provided script functions upon startup Added Functionality - Tag history queries can can execute through the local (internal) tag history providers using the path syntax "prov:{providerName}:/tag:{tagpath}". For example, "prov:default:/tag:Path/To/Tag". Fixed - Tag tree node doesn't display dataset tag values Installer Added Functionality - Removed outdated startup parameters from ignition.conf. Gateway Added Functionality - Added gateway system tag for available disk space and disk utilization. Fixed - Added separate STARTTLS prop for SMTP profiles. Added Functionality - Increased the size of the "Name" column in gateway configuration pages Misc Added Functionality - New option on OPC connections to make the entire connection "read-only" Alarming Added Functionality - Added listPipelines() scripting function Scripting Added Functionality - Function system.util.invokeAsynchronous returns the Thread object that is created. Added Functionality - Added client function system.gui.transform Fixed - Set SMTP timeout properties when sending email from scripting. Added Functionality - Added space after SQL line comment marker in code editor. Added Functionality - Added many new scripting functions for date/time/calendar/timezone under system.date.* Fixed - System.tag.editTag fails to create a dataset type tag if no value is provided. Added Functionality - Scripting function system.file.saveFile now auto-appends the file extension Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Fixed issue using the new report component with the row selector component Added Functionality - Added setRange(start,end) and setOuterRange(start,end) to Date Range component. Added Functionality - Added Priority_Time sort to Alarm Status Table Fixed - Fixed font property in File Explorer component. Fixed - Removed transparency on table backgrounds. Designer Added Functionality - Added script function system.dataset.filterColumns and expression functions columnRearrange/columnRename for datasets. Added Functionality - The Designer Script Workspace function panel now shows nested classes and functions. Fixed - Script console interpreter now properly clears the buffer of in-progress statements when canceled or reset. Added Functionality - Components with custom and extension functions are now indicated in the Designer Project Browser. Fixed - The Designer script console now shows the full Java stack trace. Added Functionality - Added "Case" expression function Misc Added Functionality - Designer Find/Replace dialog can now use an empty string for replacement. Client Added Functionality - The Comments Panel component is now driven by extension functions rather than query component properties. Added Functionality - system.gui.showNumericKeypad now allows an echo character Added Functionality - Added LastModifiedDate, LastModifiedBy, ProjectDescription, ProjectTitle Client tags OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Server Fixed - Fix a bug that caused items to be queued/dequeued improperly on MonitoredItems where queue size > 1 was used. Client Fixed - Batch read, write, and monitored item related service calls based on the server's OperationLimits. Fixed - Fixed issue that prevented writing to nodes with an unsigned datatype. Fixed - Fix large browses failing with Bad_TcpMessageTooLarge error. Fixed - Fixed OPC-UA connection being made even if 'Enabled' property was false. Added Functionality - Added 'MaxPerOperation' advanced setting. Fixed - Added HostOverride setting to OPC-UA connection settings. Tag Historian - ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Tag history binding displays invalid value on switch from history to realtime for range time units SFC - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Fixed issues with deleting folders containing SFCs that are open for editing Client Fixed - SFC Instance Monitor component no longer clears selection when instance list updates Added Functionality - SFC steps may now set their own tooltips by setting the step['tooltip'] property. Modbus Driver - ========================================================================================== Modbus Driver v2 Added Functionality - Added Modbus Driver gateway setting to ignore null bytes when reading strings. Fixed - Modbus subscriptions return to good quality on Ignition trial restart Enterprise Administration - ========================================================================================== EAM Added Functionality - EAM Gateway tasks can now be paused and resumed. Any scheduled task can be paused. Running tasks can be paused with limitations. See the user manual for details. Fixed - EAM Gateway task progress is now updated for each type of task on the Tasks status page. Modified Functionality - All EAM Gateway tasks on the master controller Gateway are now suspended if control is transferred to the backup controller. The tasks will reschedule or resume execution if control is transferred back to the master. Fixed - The Agent Management page on the controller now reports when the controller or agents are running in Demo Expired mode. Fixed - Controller could incorrectly report an agent as connected after the EAM module was uninstalled on the agent machine. Modified Functionality - New tabs have been added to the Agent Tasks configuration page. There is now a tab which displays tasks that are ready for execution, a tab which displays currently executing tasks, and a tab which displays task history. Fixed - Internal Error when configuring controller for the first time on a redundant master gateway. Added Functionality - A Visit Agent link has been added for each agent on the Agent Management page. Fixed - The endDate parameter of system.eam.queryAgentHistory was not used correctly. Fixed - Ability to specify result limit on Agent History binding function. Fixed - A formerly active agent that is now in pending status could not be deleted from the controller if a license key was assigned to the agent. Fixed - License Management page now redirects to the Gateway Tasks page, so that the result of applying or unactivating a license is shown immediately. Gateway Network Fixed - Redundant master and backup roles were not displayed correctly on a Gateway Network outgoing connection. Fixed - Manually deleted incoming connections were not fully cleared from the Gateway, causing duplicate connection errors if another Gateway with the same name later tries to reconnect. Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Designer Added Functionality - SMS notifications try to break at white spaces. Duplicate - Selecting notification block in pipeline editor causes tag browser to reset to all providers (removing system and other non-global providers) Alarm Gateway Fixed - Suppressed warning about being unable to parse legitimate roster names in alarm pipelines. Added Functionality - Alarm notification email profiles can now optionally use SMTP profile. Fixed - Alarm notification profiles using SMTP profiles now correctly validate username and password Fixed - Fixed NPE when upgrading projects with Alarm Notification Profiles from 7.7 to 7.8 Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Fixed - Fix an IllegalFormatConversionException when logging a warning in ABControlLogixReadRequest Fixed - Fixed high CPU usage for the Allen-Bradley ControlLogix driver on gateway trial expiration Reporting - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Fixed NPE when trying to print a report that has not finished loading. Fixed - PDF Viewer correctly handles PDFs on remote machines. Fixed - Report components will not longer throw Class Cast Exceptions to the logger when in the Designer. Fixed - Saving PDF and PNG reports from the Report Viewer vision component will no longer add watermarks on Licensed Reporting Modules. Fixed - Reporting Module PDF Viewers will no longer error in 7.8 after upgrades or imports from older Ignition versions. Report Engine Fixed - Fixed issue where SQL Query datasource could fail to collect data when numeric report parameter types were used in report execution scripts. Fixed - Parameter overrides in reports now get evaluated. Misc Fixed - Converted 7.7 Report Bar Chart to 7.8 will no longer error on load if driving dataset contains non-numeric columns. Added Functionality - Added getReportNamesAsList(), getReportNamesAsDataset() Report Designer Fixed - Hid X and Y props at the page level for reports. Fixed - Fixed bug that hid script datasources in key browser Fixed - Fixed data key mappings on many report properties. Fixed - Fixed error in Interval mode for tag history query. Fixed - Dynamic data keys for coalesce new lines now work. Fixed - Fixed localization of reporting properties that take doubles. Fixed - Fixed IllegalArgumentError when added a data source in Java 6 Fixed - Fixed memory issue when duplicate keys used for table grouping. Fixed - Data Keys are more intelligent when being dropped into unselected Report design components. Fixed - Data key browser now handles non-empty dataset parameters correctly. Fixed - PDF images now correctly drop onto Report Designer when dragged from Linux file sources. Added Functionality - Errors are now displayed when Report Actions fail if executing "Run Now" from the Action Tab of the Report Scheduler. Fixed - Reports can now use all standard number formats. Fixed - Aggregation mode descriptions in Reporting now match Vision. Fixed - Removed Client tags from report tag selector popups. Fixed - Fixed property description for Stroke Color in reporting Line Shape. Fixed - Report format now saves for email action. Fixed - Reporting PDF Viewer with saved file path will no longer error on initial opening of a Vision Window. Fixed - Reprint When Wrapped respects dynamic data keys. DNP3 - ========================================================================================== Driver Added Functionality - Added variation 0 to the default variation types found in the gateway settings Fixed - Now reading Class 1, 2, and 3 data on startup IALabs Modules - null ========================================================================================== PDFViewer Fixed - Ignition 7.7 projects with IA Labs PDF Viewer components will upgrade and display properly in Ignition 7.8's Reporting Module PDF Viewer. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== OEE/Downtime Improved - PMIDTReasonTable2:splitReason extension function will return the new record ID along with the original one. Fixed - OEE Availability can have 0 runtime if elapsed time is not 0 so the value should be 0 not 100%. Improved - update shiftHourinRun when shift is changing. Added - script function system.production.getLinePath() to return the line path from a given line id. Recipe Fixed - Recipe security methods were name "xxxxRoll" instead of "xxxxRole". Improved - Made localization changes to PMIRecipeTreeView component as a result of testing. Improved - Modified remove recipe so that it is not deleted from the database. Instead it is disabled. Fixed - recipe analysis to limit filter by options to the date range instead of showing all options. SPC/Quality Fixed - bug in SPCManager, that was reading the control limits for a product code event though Save Control Limits by Product Code was not set. Completed - system.quality script function auto documentation Added - purgeSampleData script function to bulk remove past samples. Added - removeControlLimitValue script to remove a previously assigned control limit value(s) for product code(s). Fixed - issue in SPCManager when getting getSPCLimitsForAttribute() where the default limits were returned even though a product code was specified. Added - setProductCode and setRefNo methods to Sample Entry component. Added - SampleData.getAttributeName() method for clarity. Already have getAttrName(). Track and Trace Fixed - install the production module before the trace module on a fresh install. If not then the trace modules generates errors Added - getMESObjectLinkByName() script functions. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Fixed IndexOutOfBounds error when deleting a newly created scan class. Fixed - Fixed minor issue with cursor jumping in client tag change script name editor Fixed - Expression tag members of UDTs no longer show Client folder in tag chooser. SQLTags Fixed - tag() function doesn't work with sub expression from Expression Tag Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Tag provider listing no longer rounds down to seconds for scan class rate display. Alarming Fixed - Alarm Journal now records system startup event. Client Fixed - numberFormat() and dateFormat() expressions re-evaluate when locale changes. Fixed - Tables now update number and date displays when locale changes. Scripting Fixed - Fixed potential error when updating pylib.zip when running multiple clients/designers on a single machine. SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Gateway Fixed - Starting a Transaction Group with a disabled datasource now gives a more helpful error. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Power Table better respects antialias setting Fixed - Titled borders aren't translated if the window is opened while a non-english locale is active Fixed - Image component shows no image when path is empty. Fixed - Fixed touchscreen permissions for Text Area component. Fixed - Moving Analog Indicator's "Setpoint Value" property is now bindable Designer Fixed - Advanced tables now update number and date displays when locale changes. Fixed - Titled borders retain their properties after editing. Client Fixed - Font property in Document Viewer now works. Fixed - Lock screen now translates SFC - ========================================================================================== Engine Fixed - Run-always charts get new instance each time chart is saved. Old instance is not properly canceled. WebBrowser - null ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Allow users to set the URL with setCurrentUrl(String) Mobile - ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Fixed issue involved with using the mobile module's "Hide from launch" option when multiple projects were listed. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Updated MES platform to 5. All installed MES modules will need to be updated. Fixed - Issues with restarting MES modules out of sequence Fixed - Deadlock may occurr when the model is loaded after being saved if too many model requests are being issued Fixed - Synch Ignition Users with MES Person objects logging error Fixed - Redundancy was not stopping/starting the backup MES modules consistently OEE/Downtime Fixed - Analysis Controller and Analysis Selector displaying "Executing" dialog under certain circumstances. Improved - Remote operator reason code may set any code when line state detection is used. Originally only sub reasons of could be selected if the original code was a sub reason. Added - Log message whenever an OEE factor is constrained. Fixed - Analysis time chart not displaying the correct cell event if changed by the operator. Fixed - Analysis time chart not displaying the downtime events for a cell in a cell group when filtering on that cell. Fixed - OEE calculations for TEEP not consistent with Run provider Fixed - Cell continues to indicate as key reason down event after being bypassed. Fixed - Cell does not indicate running when the running code (1) is defined. Reverted - Cell and line active downtime duration display to hh:mm:ss from mm:ss if hours was less than 1 Fixed - Analysis controller not restoring automatic update on property change to renamed property Refresh On Property Change. Fixed - Analysis filter selector list does not show all available selections if the date range is too narrow. Fixed - PMIAnalysisController update() method was returning before the results where processed. If another controller was depending on the result then it would be incorrect. Added - Shift Hour Of Run production tag shows the hour number inside the current shift Fixed - Downtime table not getting update notifications Fixed - Analysis Time Chart not displaying the correct cell name if changed by operator Fixed - Cell not indicating running when a downtime code of 1 was defined. 1 is defined as running. Improved - downtime event triggering on run resume and when runs are started with a downtime active. Fixed - Analysis datasource not reconnecting after database comes back online. Improved - Reset, start and end run commands wait for previous events to complete before running Improved - Always calculate production counts on any event unless it is shift changed. This allows a recording of additional factor to have the correct production counts, etc... Fixed - On run started in downtime needs to be short if a short threshold is defined. Improved - Hour in shift not updating immediately when the shift has changed. Recipe Added - Property to Recipe Module that allows selection to inherit default recipe values from parent recipe instead of parent equipment. Fixed - Recipe names containing a quote character cannot be deleted or changed. Recipe names should not contain the quote character. Fixed - Recipe Editor Table extension functions no longer work. Fixed - Recipe values when using copy and paste duplicate production items in the production model. Fixed - Recipe variance and and change log analysis not displaying when item path is filtered Fixed - Recipe analysis not initilaizing the item path filter options in some instances. SPC/Quality Added - SPC charts extension functions to allow customizing the default tool tip of a datapoint. Added - event.getLocationPath() and event.getPathSegment(segmentName) script functions to the SPC Interval event. Fixed - NPE appearing in Gateway console when populating PMILocationSampleList component when sorting on Taken Date Time Added - Sample definition description to PMILocationSampleList component. Fixed - New Sample notifications not occurring when attribute measurement count is less than definition measurement count. Fixed - PMISampleEntry validateMeasurementLimits() generates error if the limit value is not set. Fixed - Attribute based charts need to look at the attribute measurment count and not the definition measurement count. Added - event.getLocationPath() and event.getPathSegment(segmentName) script functions to the SPC Interval event. Added - Tool tip extension function to value and attribute control charts. This allows for dynamically changing the tool tip content from the default for both the note and sample value tool tips. Added - getSPCResults script function Added - getLocationPath() method to SampleDefinitionLocation Track and Trace Modified - MES Object Editor component to show wait cursor when load a list of MES objects. Fixed - MES Object Editor component remove parent or child menu didn't show correctly when it contains a large number of options. Added - Ability to filter toggle button states in the MES Object Editor component from script. Changed - Sort material and lot location in the Material Selector component. Improved - For new response segments, lot quantities are now initialized from the MES object it was derived from. Added - MaterialUUID, MaterialName and MaterialDescription to lot quantity summary results. Improved - Lot selection for the response segment setMaterial script function. Fixed - Segment version numbers were not being incremented when material, personnel or equipment resources were changed. Modified - loadMaterialLotLink and loadMaterialLot script function to allow selection of only available lots. Modified - loadMaterialLotLink and loadMaterialLot script function to accept no lot sequence number. It will get the material lot with the last sequence number. Modified - MESObjectEditor to not scroll away the selected parent when dragging children to it. Modified - getLotInventoryByEquipment to accept lot number and lot status filters Added - script function to get lot inventory by lot without sequenceNumber. It will use the last lot sequence number and return the lot for it. Fixed - getLotInventoryByEquipment return type doesn't show. Actually, many return types didn't show and are now fixed Allow "Lot" as-well-as "ResponseMaterial" as a complex property name for backwards compatibility. This was changed to conform to the ISA-95. This change should allow either name. Improved - When a segment is executed or began, the associated MaterialLot objects are still flagged as new, this prevents users from adding custom properties to the material lot and saving it. When this was tried, as validation error was generated. Added - cell and cell group to the MES Object Editor component. Now cells and cell groups can be added to equipment classes. Also, operations can be run at cell groups and cells. Added - ResultLimit property to the Lot Selector component to allow adjusting the maximum number of lot number to show in the selector. Fixed - bug when material of a segment is set to get quantity from a MES Counter. Fixed - LotRefUUID column in MESResponseMaterialProperty table doesn't allow nulls. This usually showed up when trying to begin an operation. An exception stating that the complex property could not be saved was thrown. Added - getProductionItemByEquipmentPath script function. This will allow you get a production item from script. Modified - MES Object Editor component to show wait cursor when load a list of MES objects. Fixed - Issue with MES Object Editor component remove parent or child menu didn't show correctly when it contains a large number of options. Added - Ability to filter toggle button states in the MES Object Editor component from script. Added - loadMESObjects to load a list of MES objects in one request instead of separate requests. Results in speed improvement over slower networks. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Added Functionality - Added code completion to the Designer script console. Fixed - Opening the User Manual no longer blocks the UI. Added Functionality - Added a "marquee mode" to the Template Repeater component. Fixed - Script console window will no longer freeze during when executing long-running scripts in the buffer. Added Functionality - Designer "Send To" popup option becomes a dialog when there are many projects. Added Functionality - Added an optional default file location argument for system.file.openFile Fixed - Project and shared scripts with explicit package imports now execute properly in the script console Fixed - Script Console text can now be selected and copied. Fixed - Fixed tags disappearing when alarm pipeline notification block selected. Added Functionality - Script locked dialog now says who has the lock. Fixed - Checkboxes in menus now respect font changes SQLTags Added Functionality - New tag history aggregate for "count". Fixed - Tags now have access to module-provided script functions upon startup Added Functionality - Tag history queries can can execute through the local (internal) tag history providers using the path syntax "prov:{providerName}:/tag:{tagpath}". For example, "prov:default:/tag:Path/To/Tag". Fixed - Tag tree node doesn't display dataset tag values Installer Added Functionality - Removed outdated startup parameters from ignition.conf. Gateway Added Functionality - Added gateway system tag for available disk space and disk utilization. Fixed - Added separate STARTTLS prop for SMTP profiles. Added Functionality - Increased the size of the "Name" column in gateway configuration pages Misc Added Functionality - New option on OPC connections to make the entire connection "read-only" Alarming Added Functionality - Added listPipelines() scripting function Scripting Added Functionality - Function system.util.invokeAsynchronous returns the Thread object that is created. Added Functionality - Added client function system.gui.transform Fixed - Set SMTP timeout properties when sending email from scripting. Added Functionality - Added space after SQL line comment marker in code editor. Added Functionality - Added many new scripting functions for date/time/calendar/timezone under system.date.* Fixed - System.tag.editTag fails to create a dataset type tag if no value is provided. Added Functionality - Scripting function system.file.saveFile now auto-appends the file extension Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Fixed issue using the new report component with the row selector component Added Functionality - Added setRange(start,end) and setOuterRange(start,end) to Date Range component. Added Functionality - Added Priority_Time sort to Alarm Status Table Fixed - Fixed font property in File Explorer component. Fixed - Removed transparency on table backgrounds. Designer Added Functionality - Added script function system.dataset.filterColumns and expression functions columnRearrange/columnRename for datasets. Added Functionality - The Designer Script Workspace function panel now shows nested classes and functions. Fixed - Script console interpreter now properly clears the buffer of in-progress statements when canceled or reset. Added Functionality - Components with custom and extension functions are now indicated in the Designer Project Browser. Fixed - The Designer script console now shows the full Java stack trace. Added Functionality - Added "Case" expression function Misc Added Functionality - Designer Find/Replace dialog can now use an empty string for replacement. Client Added Functionality - The Comments Panel component is now driven by extension functions rather than query component properties. Added Functionality - system.gui.showNumericKeypad now allows an echo character Added Functionality - Added LastModifiedDate, LastModifiedBy, ProjectDescription, ProjectTitle Client tags OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Client Fixed - Batch read, write, and monitored item related service calls based on the server's OperationLimits. Fixed - Fixed issue that prevented writing to nodes with an unsigned datatype. Fixed - Fix large browses failing with Bad_TcpMessageTooLarge error. Fixed - Fixed OPC-UA connection being made even if 'Enabled' property was false. Added Functionality - Added 'MaxPerOperation' advanced setting. Fixed - Added HostOverride setting to OPC-UA connection settings. Tag Historian - ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Tag history binding displays invalid value on switch from history to realtime for range time units SFC - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Fixed issues with deleting folders containing SFCs that are open for editing Client Fixed - SFC Instance Monitor component no longer clears selection when instance list updates Added Functionality - SFC steps may now set their own tooltips by setting the step['tooltip'] property. Modbus Driver - ========================================================================================== Modbus Driver v2 Added Functionality - Added Modbus Driver gateway setting to ignore null bytes when reading strings. Fixed - Modbus subscriptions return to good quality on Ignition trial restart Enterprise Administration - ========================================================================================== EAM Fixed - EAM Gateway task progress is now updated for each type of task on the Tasks status page. Modified Functionality - All EAM Gateway tasks on the master controller Gateway are now suspended if control is transferred to the backup controller. The tasks will reschedule or resume execution if control is transferred back to the master. Fixed - The Agent Management page on the controller now reports when the controller or agents are running in Demo Expired mode. Fixed - Controller could incorrectly report an agent as connected after the EAM module was uninstalled on the agent machine. Modified Functionality - New tabs have been added to the Agent Tasks configuration page. There is now a tab which displays tasks that are ready for execution, a tab which displays currently executing tasks, and a tab which displays task history. Fixed - Internal Error when configuring controller for the first time on a redundant master gateway. Added Functionality - A Visit Agent link has been added for each agent on the Agent Management page. Fixed - The endDate parameter of system.eam.queryAgentHistory was not used correctly. Fixed - Ability to specify result limit on Agent History binding function. Fixed - A formerly active agent that is now in pending status could not be deleted from the controller if a license key was assigned to the agent. Fixed - License Management page now redirects to the Gateway Tasks page, so that the result of applying or unactivating a license is shown immediately. Gateway Network Fixed - Redundant master and backup roles were not displayed correctly on a Gateway Network outgoing connection. Fixed - Manually deleted incoming connections were not fully cleared from the Gateway, causing duplicate connection errors if another Gateway with the same name later tries to reconnect. Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Designer Added Functionality - SMS notifications try to break at white spaces. Duplicate - Selecting notification block in pipeline editor causes tag browser to reset to all providers (removing system and other non-global providers) Alarm Gateway Fixed - Suppressed warning about being unable to parse legitimate roster names in alarm pipelines. Added Functionality - Alarm notification email profiles can now optionally use SMTP profile. Fixed - Alarm notification profiles using SMTP profiles now correctly validate username and password Fixed - Fixed NPE when upgrading projects with Alarm Notification Profiles from 7.7 to 7.8 Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Fixed - Fix an IllegalFormatConversionException when logging a warning in ABControlLogixReadRequest Fixed - Fixed high CPU usage for the Allen-Bradley ControlLogix driver on gateway trial expiration Reporting - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Fixed NPE when trying to print a report that has not finished loading. Fixed - PDF Viewer correctly handles PDFs on remote machines. Fixed - Report components will not longer throw Class Cast Exceptions to the logger when in the Designer. Fixed - Saving PDF and PNG reports from the Report Viewer vision component will no longer add watermarks on Licensed Reporting Modules. Fixed - Reporting Module PDF Viewers will no longer error in 7.8 after upgrades or imports from older Ignition versions. Report Engine Fixed - Fixed issue where SQL Query datasource could fail to collect data when numeric report parameter types were used in report execution scripts. Fixed - Parameter overrides in reports now get evaluated. Misc Fixed - Converted 7.7 Report Bar Chart to 7.8 will no longer error on load if driving dataset contains non-numeric columns. Added Functionality - Added getReportNamesAsList(), getReportNamesAsDataset() Report Designer Fixed - Fixed bug that hid script datasources in key browser Fixed - Fixed data key mappings on many report properties. Fixed - Fixed error in Interval mode for tag history query. Fixed - Dynamic data keys for coalesce new lines now work. Fixed - Fixed localization of reporting properties that take doubles. Fixed - Fixed IllegalArgumentError when added a data source in Java 6 Fixed - Fixed memory issue when duplicate keys used for table grouping. Fixed - Data Keys are more intelligent when being dropped into unselected Report design components. Fixed - Data key browser now handles non-empty dataset parameters correctly. Fixed - PDF images now correctly drop onto Report Designer when dragged from Linux file sources. Added Functionality - Errors are now displayed when Report Actions fail if executing "Run Now" from the Action Tab of the Report Scheduler. Fixed - Hid X and Y props at the page level for reports. Fixed - Reports can now use all standard number formats. Fixed - Aggregation mode descriptions in Reporting now match Vision. Fixed - Removed Client tags from report tag selector popups. Fixed - Fixed property description for Stroke Color in reporting Line Shape. Fixed - Report format now saves for email action. Fixed - Reporting PDF Viewer with saved file path will no longer error on initial opening of a Vision Window. Fixed - Reprint When Wrapped respects dynamic data keys. DNP3 - ========================================================================================== Driver Added Functionality - Added variation 0 to the default variation types found in the gateway settings Fixed - Now reading Class 1, 2, and 3 data on startup IALabs Modules - null ========================================================================================== PDFViewer Fixed - Ignition 7.7 projects with IA Labs PDF Viewer components will upgrade and display properly in Ignition 7.8's Reporting Module PDF Viewer. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== OEE/Downtime Improved - PMIDTReasonTable2:splitReason extension function will return the new record ID along with the original one. Fixed - OEE Availability can have 0 runtime if elapsed time is not 0 so the value should be 0 not 100%. Improved - update shiftHourinRun when shift is changing. Added - script function system.production.getLinePath() to return the line path from a given line id. Recipe Fixed - Recipe security methods were name "xxxxRoll" instead of "xxxxRole". Improved - Made localization changes to PMIRecipeTreeView component as a result of testing. Improved - Modified remove recipe so that it is not deleted from the database. Instead it is disabled. Fixed - recipe analysis to limit filter by options to the date range instead of showing all options. SPC/Quality Fixed - bug in SPCManager, that was reading the control limits for a product code event though Save Control Limits by Product Code was not set. Completed - system.quality script function auto documentation Added - purgeSampleData script function to bulk remove past samples. Added - removeControlLimitValue script to remove a previously assigned control limit value(s) for product code(s). Fixed - issue in SPCManager when getting getSPCLimitsForAttribute() where the default limits were returned even though a product code was specified. Added - setProductCode and setRefNo methods to Sample Entry component. Added - SampleData.getAttributeName() method for clarity. Already have getAttrName(). Track and Trace Fixed - install the production module before the trace module on a fresh install. If not then the trace modules generates errors Added - getMESObjectLinkByName() script functions. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Protected against brute-force password attempts. Fixed - Fixed security issue with session logout invalidation. Gateway Fixed - Fixed JNLP url-injection security vulnerability. Fixed - Clients could not be launched due to a error unpacking vis-common.jar when using Java 8. Reminder: Java 5 support has been dropped for the 7.5 Client and Designer. Scripting Fixed - Fixed documentation for system.net.sendEmail Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Fixed issue with numeric text field not accepting values after an out-of-bounds value was attempted. Fixed - When an edit to the numeric text was made that was out of bounds, updates weren't deferred, and the Error When Out of Bounds property was true, infinite recursion occurred. Client Fixed - system.security.switchUser was not re-evaluating tag permissions Fixed - Fixed race condition when writing to large quantities of tags from the client in a short timeframe OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Changed OPC_UA connection passwords stored in the internal database to not be plaintext User Manual - 7.5.14 ========================================================================================== User Manual Fixed - Fixed documentation for square root scaling Serial Support - ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Serial module updated to work in Windows Server 2012 R2 Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Fixed - Fixed log not showing correct error code return back from ControlLogix and CompactLogix processors. MicroLogix Driver Fixed - Fixed issue connecting a MicroLogix processor using PCCC protocol. The connection request is being wrapped in the EIP/CIP protocol twice preventing a successful connection. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== Recipe Fixed - RecipeManager getting recipe values generates error if no values are assigned. SPC/Quality Fixed - Stored SPC generates error if filter item value is empty OEE/Downtime Fixed - Analysis provider not respecting Day, Week, Month or Year compare by in data point values. Fixed - Data source check generating too many errors if the datasource is not set. Fixed - Production Model state indicates the wrong name for analysis data source. Fixed - UpdateReason can now correctly find the cell if it is in a cell group. Fixed - get initial downtime causing an error if there are now production items defined below the line level. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Script console window will no longer freeze during when executing long-running scripts in the buffer. Fixed - Script Console text can now be selected and copied. Fixed - Checkboxes in menus now respect font changes Fixed - Fixed tags disappearing when alarm pipeline notification block selected. Fixed - Opening the User Manual no longer blocks the UI. Added Functionality - Script locked dialog now says who has the lock. SQLTags Fixed - Tag tree node doesn't display dataset tag values Added Functionality - Tag history queries can can execute through the local (internal) tag history providers using the path syntax "prov:{providerName}:/tag:{tagpath}". For example, "prov:default:/tag:Path/To/Tag". Added Functionality - New tag history aggregate for "count". Installer Added Functionality - Removed outdated startup parameters from ignition.conf. Gateway Added Functionality - Added gateway system tag for available disk space and disk utilization. Fixed - Added separate STARTTLS prop for SMTP profiles. Misc Added Functionality - New option on OPC connections to make the entire connection "read-only" Alarming Added Functionality - Added listPipelines() scripting function Scripting Added Functionality - Added space after SQL line comment marker in code editor. Added Functionality - Added many new scripting functions for date/time/calendar/timezone under system.date.* Fixed - System.tag.editTag fails to create a dataset type tag if no value is provided. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Fixed font property in File Explorer component. Fixed - Removed transparency on table backgrounds. Added Functionality - Added Priority_Time sort to Alarm Status Table Added Functionality - Added setRange(start,end) and setOuterRange(start,end) to Date Range component. Designer Added Functionality - Added "Case" expression function Client Added Functionality - Added LastModifiedDate, LastModifiedBy, ProjectDescription, ProjectTitle Client tags Added Functionality - system.gui.showNumericKeypad now allows an echo character OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Client Fixed - Fixed OPC-UA connection being made even if 'Enabled' property was false. Added Functionality - Added 'MaxPerOperation' advanced setting. Fixed - Added HostOverride setting to OPC-UA connection settings. Fixed - Fix large browses failing with Bad_TcpMessageTooLarge error. Fixed - Batch read, write, and monitored item related service calls based on the server's OperationLimits. Fixed - Fixed issue that prevented writing to nodes with an unsigned datatype. SFC - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Fixed issues with deleting folders containing SFCs that are open for editing Client Added Functionality - SFC steps may now set their own tooltips by setting the step['tooltip'] property. Fixed - SFC Instance Monitor component no longer clears selection when instance list updates Modbus Driver - ========================================================================================== Modbus Driver v2 Fixed - Modbus subscriptions return to good quality on Ignition trial restart Enterprise Administration - ========================================================================================== EAM Modified Functionality - All EAM Gateway tasks on the master controller Gateway are now suspended if control is transferred to the backup controller. The tasks will reschedule or resume execution if control is transferred back to the master. Modified Functionality - New tabs have been added to the Agent Tasks configuration page. There is now a tab which displays tasks that are ready for execution, a tab which displays currently executing tasks, and a tab which displays task history. Fixed - A formerly active agent that is now in pending status could not be deleted from the controller if a license key was assigned to the agent. Fixed - Internal Error when configuring controller for the first time on a redundant master gateway. Fixed - Ability to specify result limit on Agent History binding function. Fixed - The endDate parameter of system.eam.queryAgentHistory was not used correctly. Fixed - EAM Gateway task progress is now updated for each type of task on the Tasks status page. Fixed - The Agent Management page on the controller now reports when the controller or agents are running in Demo Expired mode. Fixed - License Management page now redirects to the Gateway Tasks page, so that the result of applying or unactivating a license is shown immediately. Added Functionality - A Visit Agent link has been added for each agent on the Agent Management page. Gateway Network Fixed - Redundant master and backup roles were not displayed correctly on a Gateway Network outgoing connection. Fixed - Manually deleted incoming connections were not fully cleared from the Gateway, causing duplicate connection errors if another Gateway with the same name later tries to reconnect. Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Designer Added Functionality - SMS notifications try to break at white spaces. Alarm Gateway Fixed - Suppressed warning about being unable to parse legitimate roster names in alarm pipelines. Added Functionality - Alarm notification email profiles can now optionally use SMTP profile. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Fixed - Fixed high CPU usage for the Allen-Bradley ControlLogix driver on gateway trial expiration Reporting - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Fixed NPE when trying to print a report that has not finished loading. Fixed - Report components will not longer throw Class Cast Exceptions to the logger when in the Designer. Fixed - Reporting Module PDF Viewers will no longer error in 7.8 after upgrades or imports from older Ignition versions. Fixed - Saving PDF and PNG reports from the Report Viewer vision component will no longer add watermarks on Licensed Reporting Modules. Fixed - PDF Viewer correctly handles PDFs on remote machines. Report Engine Fixed - Fixed issue where SQL Query datasource could fail to collect data when numeric report parameter types were used in report execution scripts. Fixed - Parameter overrides in reports now get evaluated. Misc Fixed - Converted 7.7 Report Bar Chart to 7.8 will no longer error on load if driving dataset contains non-numeric columns. Added Functionality - Added getReportNamesAsList(), getReportNamesAsDataset() Report Designer Fixed - Data Keys are more intelligent when being dropped into unselected Report design components. Fixed - PDF images now correctly drop onto Report Designer when dragged from Linux file sources. Fixed - Reporting PDF Viewer with saved file path will no longer error on initial opening of a Vision Window. Fixed - Removed Client tags from report tag selector popups. Fixed - Data key browser now handles non-empty dataset parameters correctly. Fixed - Fixed data key mappings on many report properties. Fixed - Reports can now use all standard number formats. Fixed - Reprint When Wrapped respects dynamic data keys. Fixed - Dynamic data keys for coalesce new lines now work. Fixed - Fixed property description for Stroke Color in reporting Line Shape. Fixed - Hid X and Y props at the page level for reports. Added Functionality - Errors are now displayed when Report Actions fail if executing "Run Now" from the Action Tab of the Report Scheduler. Fixed - Fixed memory issue when duplicate keys used for table grouping. Fixed - Fixed IllegalArgumentError when added a data source in Java 6 Fixed - Report format now saves for email action. Fixed - Fixed localization of reporting properties that take doubles. Fixed - Incorrect line numbers shown in errors thrown by script data sources in reports Fixed - Aggregation mode descriptions in Reporting now match Vision. Fixed - Fixed error in Interval mode for tag history query. DNP3 - ========================================================================================== Driver Fixed - Now reading Class 1, 2, and 3 data on startup Added Functionality - Added variation 0 to the default variation types found in the gateway settings IALabs Modules - null ========================================================================================== PDFViewer Fixed - Ignition 7.7 projects with IA Labs PDF Viewer components will upgrade and display properly in Ignition 7.8's Reporting Module PDF Viewer. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Fixed - Production item names entered as a blank string causes the production model to not allow saving and the name cannot be changed back. OEE/Downtime Fixed - OEE Availability can have 0 runtime if elapsed time is not 0 so the value should be 0 not 100%. Improved - update shiftHourinRun when shift is changing. Recipe Fixed - Recipe security methods were name "xxxxRoll" instead of "xxxxRole". Track and Trace Fixed - install the production module before the trace module on a fresh install. If not then the trace modules generates errors General - 7.7.6 ========================================================================================== Installers Added Functionality - When upgrading, all modules that have been added to the installer in a version later than the one being upgraded from will be selected by default. Fixed - For the java path in the ignition.conf file, the installer will attempt to use the ProgramData symlink, or "" to reference the default Java set in the registry, if registry entry exists. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Installer Fixed - Instrument Interface module is no longer removed during an upgrade if the SPC module doesn't exist, or if SPC is set to be removed. Modified Functionality - Upgraded Java Service Wrapper to version 3.5.27. Redundancy Fixed - Initial alarm state causing issues of additional alarm events (under specific conditions) on redundant backup after failover. Misc Added Functionality - Added TLSv1.1 and TLSv1 to default cipher suites. Native Client Launchers Fixed - Native Client Launcher now works correctly in Java 6 and Java 7 Fixed - Native client launcher would not switch to redundant backup Gateway when control was manually transferred from the master to the backup. Scripting Fixed - Fixed bug that caused clients to receive update notifications unnecessarily. Fixed - system.tag.writeAll() now correctly performs a bulk write rather than sequential individual writes. Fixed - Fix system.tag.writeAllSynchronous implementation so that it's actually synchronous. Fixed - Calls to system.tag.browseTags() using recursion properly filter on tagType. Fixed - Custom method calls no longer throw an NPE in visionWindowOpened event scripts. Modified Functionality - Deprecated the dictionary parameter form of system.gui.createPopupMenu() Fixed - Fixed NPE when a custom method was called on the Language Selector Fixed - Fixed NPE when runPrepUpdate used without arguments. Fixed - Fix bug that caused subsequent async tag writes to fail after a tag write with empty args. Fixed - The system.tag.* functions don't use the correct default tag provider when called from the client scope. Designer Fixed - Old versions of resources now pruned on save, not publish. Fixed - Fixed rollback for staging versions of projects. Added Functionality - Ignition Designer should launch the local Default Web Browser more consistently across supported OS platforms. Fixed - Cleared/Unacked alarm events are not operating correctly with the "continuous event detection" feature. The alarm becomes "cleared/acked" on system startup (default state). Fixed - UDT members in deeper folder structures not alphabetized in the designer editor. Fixed - Fixed NPE after find/replace in Alarm Journal Table Fixed - Added translatable terms for errors when opening windows. Fixed - Made antialias painting mode on the Table component not revert to non-antialias during cell edit Fixed - The Multi State Button customizer preview window is now scrollable when adding button states Fixed - The border selector now properly selects the Panel Titled Border on reopen. Fixed - Partial project exports for global resources now contain parent folder hierarchy. Fixed - Spelling error in description of onPopup extension function for Power Table and Equipment Schedule View. Fixed - Fixed NPE when dragging top-level resource folders. Fixed - Expression concatenation now uses the correct timezone for date formatting Fixed - Fixed animating by the border property in the component style customizer Fixed - system.security.switchUser also audits logout. Fixed - Fixed NPE when making a UDT custom property null. SQLTags Fixed - Error occurs randomly when writing to memory tags in multiple internal tag providers: org.hsqldb.HsqlException: transaction rollback: serialization failure Modified Functionality - Attempting to write a value out of range for a short or int tag will throw an error. Added Functionality - Expression tags now watch for polled expression events, and will execute outside of the scan class on such events. Fixed - Import error if tag xml file contains two definitions for the same tag path. Fixed - Improved the tag browse tree behavior when multiple items erroneously get defined for the same path in the internal database. Fixed - Renaming a UDT definition to replace a previous definition does not correctly update dependencies of the type. For example, a type with a member instance of type "Machine" would not get correctly updated if a data type called "Machine Dev" was renamed to "Machine". Fixed - Value updates to static tags in large udts are inefficient in redundancy. Redundant systems that write to static tags in very large UDTs may end up performing full state transfers more often than expected. Fixed - Added null check when pruning tag history partitions. Fixed - Prevent copy/paste of block item into normal group. Fixed - On Change history mode does not work for system tags. Fixed - tag() expression function returns previous path value on first exec if path changes Fixed - Cannot write null value to tag through scripting. Fixed - Imported tag event scripts are not displayed correctly in the code editor, multiple lines may be removed from the beginning of the script. Gateway Fixed - Large performance improvement made to store and forward datacache when the cache starts to get close to max capacity. Fixed - Missing version info from .proj files now gives a more informative error. Fixed - Fixed an bug that caused Ignition to shutdown immediately instead of running through its shutdown procedure. Fixed - wrapper.java.command entry in ignition.conf no longer drops backslashes after a Gateway restoration, which previously resulted in a faulted Gateway. Fixed - Fixed logic for deciding which gwbk files are from the future. Fixed - Changing Observe Holidays for a schedule in the Schedule Management component now saves the change. Fixed - Fixed a potential source of Gateway Startup faults occurring after restore of .gwbk with an incorrectly configured ignition.conf. Module SDK Added Functionality - Ability to subscribe to all tag changes under a certain point in the tag tree. The tag manager's subscribe() function can now accept a tag path that ends in a wildcard. Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Tag History Gateway Status page will now correctly show "Disabled" history provider status. Fixed - Removed the Java Detection Panel from the gateway homepage Expressions Fixed - Legacy DB expression functions now work with modern style Long parsing. Client Fixed - Added support to createSProcCall for more types. Fixed - When in fullscreen mode, dismissing one popup (error, warning, diagnostics, etc) no longer dismisses them all. Fixed - Fixed issue where the diagnostics window could be left open after logout Fixed - Components update their number and date formatting better when locale changes. Alarming Fixed - Fixed evaluation of bit conditions on 64-bit values. Fixed - Value timestamp source setting on alarms not correctly respected. Fixed - Fixed alarm events from being blocked within the notification block after a certain period of time. Fixed - Alarm time deadbands combined with value deadbands are not evaulated as expected. SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Tag history queries set to "natural" return size were not correctly performing aggregation/interpolation calculations. Fixed - Transaction Group XML exports will correctly export current resource state instead of last save state. Fixed - Block transaction group "db writes" status does not update Fixed - Fixed missing error message when a non-transaction group resource dragged onto transaction groups in project browse tree. Fixed - Fixed NPE when importing a UDT instance without a master. Gateway Fixed - Fixed Transaction Group XML imports to create proper folder structure when folder resources are missing. Misc Fixed - Added intellihints for system.groups.* Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Momentary Button will now properly set control values when doClick(int) is executed from scripting. Fixed - The Power Table component method onRowsDropped() receives the sourceTable argument as a table wrapped in a Python object Fixed - Fixed memory leak that occurred with increasing Item Views in the Equipment Schedule Component. Fixed - Improved display for 24 hour format of Date Range component. Fixed - Caught an unchecked exception thrown when using invalid tag paths inside the Tag Browser component Fixed - The Active Duration column in the Alarm Status Table is now translatable using the Vision Module's translation system. Fixed - Equipment Scheduler Component now correctly lines up item start/end times for all Start Dates. Fixed - Fixed regression issue from 7.7.5 that made the tree view component not render folder nodes correctly. Fixed - IALabs PDF Viewer module now supports custom properties. Fixed - Fixed regression error in formatting of values for cylindrical tank and fill level indicators Added Functionality - Added text offset for tab strip component Fixed - The Box and Whisker Chart component now appropriately responds to an empty dataset. Fixed - XTraceLabel extension function now recieves correct data on initial mouse click. Fixed - User Management component now selects user's actual schedule when editing user in Edit Current or Edit Single modes. Fixed - The method getLoadedTemplates() in the Template Repeater component now returns objects that can be accessed using Python dot-style notation within scripts. Designer Fixed - Importing project resources contained in folders refreshes the project browser tree. Fixed - Project Browser will now track selected Windows and Resources when opened from the Startup Screen. Fixed - Component scripting Window Parameter binding button now works if a cell of the table is selected. Added Functionality - Script builder now supports unicode. Fixed - Fixed intermittent NPE when using a calendar popup to set a property Misc Fixed - The "urlproxy" servlet is now disabled by default. Use Java parameter -Dvision.urlproxy.enabled=true to re-enable the proxy. Fixed - Vision module now requires at least Ignition 7.7.5 Fixed - Designer no longer needs required client role to save project general properties. Client Fixed - The Sound Player component now releases memory on component update and shutdown. Improved Functionality - Improved memory performance of system.db.runPrepUpdate() to improve large file support. Fixed - Fixed focus issue for full-screen touchscreen clients that caused table editing to be unstable Added Functionality - Fullscreen clients on Windows now use native popups for things like file and print dialogs Fixed - User Management component now retains username property Fixed - Fixed error when switching locales after logging out of client. Fixed - Numeric text field now correctly reacts to the language selector. Fixed - Numeric label now correctly reacts to the language selector. OPC-COM - ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Tag exposed through OPC-COM Tunnel Driver goes to null or temporary bad quality when rebrowsing Reporting - ========================================================================================== Report Designer Fixed - Add support for report data keys in 8-bit ASCII range. Mobile - ========================================================================================== Backend Fixed - Error, warning, and diagnostic windows no longer go to the back on client update Fixed - Fixed issue that could cause mobile client sessions and vm instances to hang indefinitely after the mobile browser was closed. IALabs Modules - null ========================================================================================== WebDev Fixed - WebDev now categorizes its resources as Resources instead of Other. Fixed - File Chooser will no longer auto-popup when Mounted or File WebDev resources are created, and no longer errors when canceled. Added Functionality - WebDev module now allows file extensions in resource names without errors. User Manual - 7.7.6 ========================================================================================== User Manual Fixed - Fixed documentation for square root scaling SFC - ========================================================================================== Designer Added Functionality - SFCs are now more tolerant of disconnected elements, compilation only cares about the connected elements. Engine Fixed - Error when using tag() function in transition, with a dynamic tag path, on activation after the tag path has changed. Fixed - Transition timeout does not support expressions as documented. WebBrowser - null ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Fixed rendering of special characters in module licenses. Feature Already Exists - Upgraded JxBrowser libraries to version 4.9.5 Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Designer Fixed - Less Than now renders correctly in Expression Block preview. Fixed - Fixed behavior of refresh button in alarm notification block settings Alarm Gateway Fixed - Alarm shelving state does not transfer in redundancy. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== Logix v21 Driver Improved Functionality - Improved request optimization when reading UDTs. ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Fixed - Set the correct value for the device status node. The status bits should now be the same as those read using the GSV instruction on the ControllerDevice Status attribute. See 1756-rm003 "Logix5000 Controllers General Instructions Reference Manual" for more information. Added Functionality - Added advanced option for configuring the status poll rate. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Changed - Updated MES platform to 5. All installed MES modules will need to be updated. Fixed - Issues with restarting MES modules out of sequence Fixed - Deadlock may occurr when the model is loaded after being saved if too many model requests are being issued Fixed - Synch Ignition Users with MES Person objects logging error Fixed - Redundancy was not stopping/starting the backup MES modules consistently OEE/Downtime Fixed - Analysis Controller and Analysis Selector displaying "Executing" dialog under certain circumstances. Improved - Remote operator reason code may set any code when line state detection is used. Originally only sub reasons of could be selected if the original code was a sub reason. Added - Log message whenever an OEE factor is constrained. Fixed - Analysis time chart not displaying the correct cell event if changed by the operator. Fixed - Analysis time chart not displaying the downtime events for a cell in a cell group when filtering on that cell. Fixed - OEE calculations for TEEP not consistent with Run provider Fixed - Cell continues to indicate as key reason down event after being bypassed. Fixed - Cell does not indicate running when the running code (1) is defined. Reverted - Cell and line active downtime duration display to hh:mm:ss from mm:ss if hours was less than 1 Fixed - Analysis controller not restoring automatic update on property change to renamed property Refresh On Property Change. Fixed - Analysis filter selector list does not show all available selections if the date range is too narrow. Fixed - PMIAnalysisController update() method was returning before the results where processed. If another controller was depending on the result then it would be incorrect. Added - Shift Hour Of Run production tag shows the hour number inside the current shift Fixed - Downtime table not getting update notifications Fixed - Analysis Time Chart not displaying the correct cell name if changed by operator Fixed - Cell not indicating running when a downtime code of 1 was defined. 1 is defined as running. Improved - downtime event triggering on run resume and when runs are started with a downtime active. Fixed - Analysis datasource not reconnecting after database comes back online. Improved - Reset, start and end run commands wait for previous events to complete before running Improved - Always calculate production counts on any event unless it is shift changed. This allows a recording of additional factor to have the correct production counts, etc... Fixed - On run started in downtime needs to be short if a short threshold is defined. Improved - Hour in shift not updating immediately when the shift has changed. Recipe Added - Property to Recipe Module that allows selection to inherit default recipe values from parent recipe instead of parent equipment. Fixed - Recipe names containing a quote character cannot be deleted or changed. Recipe names should not contain the quote character. Fixed - Recipe Editor Table extension functions no longer work. Fixed - Recipe values when using copy and paste duplicate production items in the production model. Fixed - Recipe variance and and change log analysis not displaying when item path is filtered Fixed - Recipe analysis not initilaizing the item path filter options in some instances. SPC/Quality Added - SPC charts extension functions to allow customizing the default tool tip of a datapoint. Added - event.getLocationPath() and event.getPathSegment(segmentName) script functions to the SPC Interval event. Fixed - NPE appearing in Gateway console when populating PMILocationSampleList component when sorting on Taken Date Time Added - Sample definition description to PMILocationSampleList component. Fixed - New Sample notifications not occurring when attribute measurement count is less than definition measurement count. Fixed - PMISampleEntry validateMeasurementLimits() generates error if the limit value is not set. Fixed - Attribute based charts need to look at the attribute measurment count and not the definition measurement count. Added - event.getLocationPath() and event.getPathSegment(segmentName) script functions to the SPC Interval event. Added - Tool tip extension function to value and attribute control charts. This allows for dynamically changing the tool tip content from the default for both the note and sample value tool tips. Added - getSPCResults script function Added - getLocationPath() method to SampleDefinitionLocation Track and Trace Modified - MES Object Editor component to show wait cursor when load a list of MES objects. Fixed - MES Object Editor component remove parent or child menu didn't show correctly when it contains a large number of options. Added - Ability to filter toggle button states in the MES Object Editor component from script. Changed - Sort material and lot location in the Material Selector component. Improved - For new response segments, lot quantities are now initialized from the MES object it was derived from. Added - MaterialUUID, MaterialName and MaterialDescription to lot quantity summary results. Improved - Lot selection for the response segment setMaterial script function. Fixed - Segment version numbers were not being incremented when material, personnel or equipment resources were changed. Modified - loadMaterialLotLink and loadMaterialLot script function to allow selection of only available lots. Modified - loadMaterialLotLink and loadMaterialLot script function to accept no lot sequence number. It will get the material lot with the last sequence number. Modified - MESObjectEditor to not scroll away the selected parent when dragging children to it. Modified - getLotInventoryByEquipment to accept lot number and lot status filters Added - script function to get lot inventory by lot without sequenceNumber. It will use the last lot sequence number and return the lot for it. Fixed - getLotInventoryByEquipment return type doesn't show. Actually, many return types didn't show and are now fixed Allow "Lot" as-well-as "ResponseMaterial" as a complex property name for backwards compatibility. This was changed to conform to the ISA-95. This change should allow either name. Improved - When a segment is executed or began, the associated MaterialLot objects are still flagged as new, this prevents users from adding custom properties to the material lot and saving it. When this was tried, as validation error was generated. Added - cell and cell group to the MES Object Editor component. Now cells and cell groups can be added to equipment classes. Also, operations can be run at cell groups and cells. Added - ResultLimit property to the Lot Selector component to allow adjusting the maximum number of lot number to show in the selector. Fixed - bug when material of a segment is set to get quantity from a MES Counter. Fixed - LotRefUUID column in MESResponseMaterialProperty table doesn't allow nulls. This usually showed up when trying to begin an operation. An exception stating that the complex property could not be saved was thrown. Added - getProductionItemByEquipmentPath script function. This will allow you get a production item from script. Modified - MES Object Editor component to show wait cursor when load a list of MES objects. Fixed - Issue with MES Object Editor component remove parent or child menu didn't show correctly when it contains a large number of options. Added - Ability to filter toggle button states in the MES Object Editor component from script. Added - loadMESObjects to load a list of MES objects in one request instead of separate requests. Results in speed improvement over slower networks. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Redundancy Fixed - Initial alarm state causing issues of additional alarm events (under specific conditions) on redundant backup after failover. Installer Modified Functionality - Upgraded Java Service Wrapper to version 3.5.27. Misc Added Functionality - Added TLSv1.1 and TLSv1 to default cipher suites. Native Client Launchers Fixed - Native Client Launcher now works correctly in Java 6 and Java 7 Fixed - Native client launcher would not switch to redundant backup Gateway when control was manually transferred from the master to the backup. Scripting Fixed - Fixed bug that caused clients to receive update notifications unnecessarily. Fixed - system.tag.writeAll() now correctly performs a bulk write rather than sequential individual writes. Fixed - Fix system.tag.writeAllSynchronous implementation so that it's actually synchronous. Fixed - Calls to system.tag.browseTags() using recursion properly filter on tagType. Fixed - Custom method calls no longer throw an NPE in visionWindowOpened event scripts. Modified Functionality - Deprecated the dictionary parameter form of system.gui.createPopupMenu() Fixed - Fixed NPE when a custom method was called on the Language Selector Fixed - Fixed NPE when runPrepUpdate used without arguments. Fixed - Fix bug that caused subsequent async tag writes to fail after a tag write with empty args. Fixed - The system.tag.* functions don't use the correct default tag provider when called from the client scope. Designer Fixed - Fixed rollback for staging versions of projects. Added Functionality - Ignition Designer should launch the local Default Web Browser more consistently across supported OS platforms. Fixed - Cleared/Unacked alarm events are not operating correctly with the "continuous event detection" feature. The alarm becomes "cleared/acked" on system startup (default state). Fixed - UDT members in deeper folder structures not alphabetized in the designer editor. Fixed - Old versions of resources now pruned on save, not publish. Fixed - Fixed NPE after find/replace in Alarm Journal Table Fixed - Added translatable terms for errors when opening windows. Fixed - Made antialias painting mode on the Table component not revert to non-antialias during cell edit Fixed - The Multi State Button customizer preview window is now scrollable when adding button states Fixed - The border selector now properly selects the Panel Titled Border on reopen. Fixed - Partial project exports for global resources now contain parent folder hierarchy. Fixed - Spelling error in description of onPopup extension function for Power Table and Equipment Schedule View. Fixed - Fixed NPE when dragging top-level resource folders. Fixed - Expression concatenation now uses the correct timezone for date formatting Fixed - Fixed animating by the border property in the component style customizer Fixed - system.security.switchUser also audits logout. Fixed - Fixed NPE when making a UDT custom property null. SQLTags Fixed - Error occurs randomly when writing to memory tags in multiple internal tag providers: org.hsqldb.HsqlException: transaction rollback: serialization failure Modified Functionality - Attempting to write a value out of range for a short or int tag will throw an error. Added Functionality - Expression tags now watch for polled expression events, and will execute outside of the scan class on such events. Fixed - Import error if tag xml file contains two definitions for the same tag path. Fixed - Improved the tag browse tree behavior when multiple items erroneously get defined for the same path in the internal database. Fixed - Renaming a UDT definition to replace a previous definition does not correctly update dependencies of the type. For example, a type with a member instance of type "Machine" would not get correctly updated if a data type called "Machine Dev" was renamed to "Machine". Fixed - Value updates to static tags in large udts are inefficient in redundancy. Redundant systems that write to static tags in very large UDTs may end up performing full state transfers more often than expected. Fixed - Added null check when pruning tag history partitions. Fixed - Prevent copy/paste of block item into normal group. Fixed - On Change history mode does not work for system tags. Fixed - tag() expression function returns previous path value on first exec if path changes Fixed - Cannot write null value to tag through scripting. Fixed - Imported tag event scripts are not displayed correctly in the code editor, multiple lines may be removed from the beginning of the script. Gateway Fixed - Large performance improvement made to store and forward datacache when the cache starts to get close to max capacity. Fixed - Missing version info from .proj files now gives a more informative error. Fixed - Fixed an bug that caused Ignition to shutdown immediately instead of running through its shutdown procedure. Fixed - wrapper.java.command entry in ignition.conf no longer drops backslashes after a Gateway restoration, which previously resulted in a faulted Gateway. Fixed - Fixed logic for deciding which gwbk files are from the future. Fixed - Changing Observe Holidays for a schedule in the Schedule Management component now saves the change. Fixed - Fixed a potential source of Gateway Startup faults occurring after restore of .gwbk with an incorrectly configured ignition.conf. Module SDK Added Functionality - Ability to subscribe to all tag changes under a certain point in the tag tree. The tag manager's subscribe() function can now accept a tag path that ends in a wildcard. Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Tag History Gateway Status page will now correctly show "Disabled" history provider status. Fixed - Removed the Java Detection Panel from the gateway homepage Expressions Fixed - Legacy DB expression functions now work with modern style Long parsing. Client Fixed - Added support to createSProcCall for more types. Fixed - When in fullscreen mode, dismissing one popup (error, warning, diagnostics, etc) no longer dismisses them all. Fixed - Fixed issue where the diagnostics window could be left open after logout Fixed - Components update their number and date formatting better when locale changes. Alarming Fixed - Fixed evaluation of bit conditions on 64-bit values. Fixed - Value timestamp source setting on alarms not correctly respected. Fixed - Fixed alarm events from being blocked within the notification block after a certain period of time. Fixed - Alarm time deadbands combined with value deadbands are not evaulated as expected. SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Tag history queries set to "natural" return size were not correctly performing aggregation/interpolation calculations. Fixed - Transaction Group XML exports will correctly export current resource state instead of last save state. Fixed - Block transaction group "db writes" status does not update Fixed - Fixed missing error message when a non-transaction group resource dragged onto transaction groups in project browse tree. Fixed - Fixed NPE when importing a UDT instance without a master. Gateway Fixed - Fixed Transaction Group XML imports to create proper folder structure when folder resources are missing. Misc Fixed - Added intellihints for system.groups.* Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Momentary Button will now properly set control values when doClick(int) is executed from scripting. Fixed - The Power Table component method onRowsDropped() receives the sourceTable argument as a table wrapped in a Python object Fixed - Fixed memory leak that occurred with increasing Item Views in the Equipment Schedule Component. Fixed - Improved display for 24 hour format of Date Range component. Fixed - Caught an unchecked exception thrown when using invalid tag paths inside the Tag Browser component Fixed - The Active Duration column in the Alarm Status Table is now translatable using the Vision Module's translation system. Fixed - Equipment Scheduler Component now correctly lines up item start/end times for all Start Dates. Fixed - Fixed regression issue from 7.7.5 that made the tree view component not render folder nodes correctly. Fixed - IALabs PDF Viewer module now supports custom properties. Fixed - Fixed regression error in formatting of values for cylindrical tank and fill level indicators Added Functionality - Added text offset for tab strip component Fixed - The Box and Whisker Chart component now appropriately responds to an empty dataset. Fixed - XTraceLabel extension function now recieves correct data on initial mouse click. Fixed - User Management component now selects user's actual schedule when editing user in Edit Current or Edit Single modes. Fixed - The method getLoadedTemplates() in the Template Repeater component now returns objects that can be accessed using Python dot-style notation within scripts. Designer Fixed - Importing project resources contained in folders refreshes the project browser tree. Fixed - Project Browser will now track selected Windows and Resources when opened from the Startup Screen. Fixed - Component scripting Window Parameter binding button now works if a cell of the table is selected. Added Functionality - Script builder now supports unicode. Fixed - Fixed intermittent NPE when using a calendar popup to set a property Misc Fixed - The "urlproxy" servlet is now disabled by default. Use Java parameter -Dvision.urlproxy.enabled=true to re-enable the proxy. Fixed - Vision module now requires at least Ignition 7.7.5 Fixed - Designer no longer needs required client role to save project general properties. Client Fixed - The Sound Player component now releases memory on component update and shutdown. Improved Functionality - Improved memory performance of system.db.runPrepUpdate() to improve large file support. Fixed - Improved memory use of hot-updating clients to avoid OutOfMemory errors Fixed - Fixed focus issue for full-screen touchscreen clients that caused table editing to be unstable Added Functionality - Fullscreen clients on Windows now use native popups for things like file and print dialogs Fixed - User Management component now retains username property Fixed - Fixed error when switching locales after logging out of client. Fixed - Numeric text field now correctly reacts to the language selector. Fixed - Numeric label now correctly reacts to the language selector. User Manual - 7.7.6-rc1 ========================================================================================== User Manual Fixed - Fixed documentation for square root scaling SFC - ========================================================================================== Designer Added Functionality - SFCs are now more tolerant of disconnected elements, compilation only cares about the connected elements. Engine Fixed - Error when using tag() function in transition, with a dynamic tag path, on activation after the tag path has changed. Fixed - Transition timeout does not support expressions as documented. OPC-COM - ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Tag exposed through OPC-COM Tunnel Driver goes to null or temporary bad quality when rebrowsing WebBrowser - null ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Fixed rendering of special characters in module licenses. Feature Already Exists - Upgraded JxBrowser libraries to version 4.9.5 Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Designer Fixed - Less Than now renders correctly in Expression Block preview. Fixed - Fixed behavior of refresh button in alarm notification block settings Alarm Gateway Fixed - Alarm shelving state does not transfer in redundancy. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== Logix v21 Driver Improved Functionality - Improved request optimization when reading UDTs. ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Fixed - Set the correct value for the device status node. The status bits should now be the same as those read using the GSV instruction on the ControllerDevice Status attribute. See 1756-rm003 "Logix5000 Controllers General Instructions Reference Manual" for more information. Added Functionality - Added advanced option for configuring the status poll rate. Reporting - ========================================================================================== Report Designer Fixed - Add support for report data keys in 8-bit ASCII range. Mobile - ========================================================================================== Backend Fixed - Error, warning, and diagnostic windows no longer go to the back on client update Fixed - Fixed issue that could cause mobile client sessions and vm instances to hang indefinitely after the mobile browser was closed. IALabs Modules - null ========================================================================================== WebDev Fixed - WebDev now categorizes its resources as Resources instead of Other. Fixed - File Chooser will no longer auto-popup when Mounted or File WebDev resources are created, and no longer errors when canceled. Added Functionality - WebDev module now allows file extensions in resource names without errors. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Updated MES platform to 5. All installed MES modules will need to be updated. Fixed - Issues with restarting MES modules out of sequence Fixed - Deadlock may occurr when the model is loaded after being saved if too many model requests are being issued Fixed - Synch Ignition Users with MES Person objects logging error Fixed - Redundancy was not stopping/starting the backup MES modules consistently OEE/Downtime Fixed - Analysis Controller and Analysis Selector displaying "Executing" dialog under certain circumstances. Improved - Remote operator reason code may set any code when line state detection is used. Originally only sub reasons of could be selected if the original code was a sub reason. Added - Log message whenever an OEE factor is constrained. Fixed - Analysis time chart not displaying the correct cell event if changed by the operator. Fixed - Analysis time chart not displaying the downtime events for a cell in a cell group when filtering on that cell. Fixed - OEE calculations for TEEP not consistent with Run provider Fixed - Cell continues to indicate as key reason down event after being bypassed. Fixed - Cell does not indicate running when the running code (1) is defined. Reverted - Cell and line active downtime duration display to hh:mm:ss from mm:ss if hours was less than 1 Fixed - Analysis controller not restoring automatic update on property change to renamed property Refresh On Property Change. Fixed - Analysis filter selector list does not show all available selections if the date range is too narrow. Fixed - PMIAnalysisController update() method was returning before the results where processed. If another controller was depending on the result then it would be incorrect. Added - Shift Hour Of Run production tag shows the hour number inside the current shift Fixed - Downtime table not getting update notifications Fixed - Analysis Time Chart not displaying the correct cell name if changed by operator Fixed - Cell not indicating running when a downtime code of 1 was defined. 1 is defined as running. Improved - downtime event triggering on run resume and when runs are started with a downtime active. Fixed - Analysis datasource not reconnecting after database comes back online. Improved - Reset, start and end run commands wait for previous events to complete before running Improved - Always calculate production counts on any event unless it is shift changed. This allows a recording of additional factor to have the correct production counts, etc... Fixed - On run started in downtime needs to be short if a short threshold is defined. Recipe Added - Property to Recipe Module that allows selection to inherit default recipe values from parent recipe instead of parent equipment. Fixed - Recipe names containing a quote character cannot be deleted or changed. Recipe names should not contain the quote character. Fixed - Recipe Editor Table extension functions no longer work. Fixed - Recipe values when using copy and paste duplicate production items in the production model. Fixed - Recipe variance and and change log analysis not displaying when item path is filtered SPC/Quality Added - SPC charts extension functions to allow customizing the default tool tip of a datapoint. Added - event.getLocationPath() and event.getPathSegment(segmentName) script functions to the SPC Interval event. Fixed - NPE appearing in Gateway console when populating PMILocationSampleList component when sorting on Taken Date Time Added - Sample definition description to PMILocationSampleList component. Fixed - New Sample notifications not occurring when attribute measurement count is less than definition measurement count. Fixed - PMISampleEntry validateMeasurementLimits() generates error if the limit value is not set. Fixed - Attribute based charts need to look at the attribute measurment count and not the definition measurement count. Added - event.getLocationPath() and event.getPathSegment(segmentName) script functions to the SPC Interval event. Added - Tool tip extension function to value and attribute control charts. This allows for dynamically changing the tool tip content from the default for both the note and sample value tool tips. Added - getSPCResults script function Added - getLocationPath() method to SampleDefinitionLocation Track and Trace Modified - MES Object Editor component to show wait cursor when load a list of MES objects. Fixed - MES Object Editor component remove parent or child menu didn't show correctly when it contains a large number of options. Added - Ability to filter toggle button states in the MES Object Editor component from script. Changed - Sort material and lot location in the Material Selector component. Improved - For new response segments, lot quantities are now initialized from the MES object it was derived from. Added - MaterialUUID, MaterialName and MaterialDescription to lot quantity summary results. Improved - Lot selection for the response segment setMaterial script function. Fixed - Segment version numbers were not being incremented when material, personnel or equipment resources were changed. Modified - loadMaterialLotLink and loadMaterialLot script function to allow selection of only available lots. Modified - loadMaterialLotLink and loadMaterialLot script function to accept no lot sequence number. It will get the material lot with the last sequence number. Modified - MESObjectEditor to not scroll away the selected parent when dragging children to it. Modified - getLotInventoryByEquipment to accept lot number and lot status filters Added - script function to get lot inventory by lot without sequenceNumber. It will use the last lot sequence number and return the lot for it. Fixed - getLotInventoryByEquipment return type doesn't show. Actually, many return types didn't show and are now fixed Allow "Lot" as-well-as "ResponseMaterial" as a complex property name for backwards compatibility. This was changed to conform to the ISA-95. This change should allow either name. Improved - When a segment is executed or began, the associated MaterialLot objects are still flagged as new, this prevents users from adding custom properties to the material lot and saving it. When this was tried, as validation error was generated. Added - cell and cell group to the MES Object Editor component. Now cells and cell groups can be added to equipment classes. Also, operations can be run at cell groups and cells. Added - ResultLimit property to the Lot Selector component to allow adjusting the maximum number of lot number to show in the selector. Fixed - bug when material of a segment is set to get quantity from a MES Counter. Fixed - LotRefUUID column in MESResponseMaterialProperty table doesn't allow nulls. This usually showed up when trying to begin an operation. An exception stating that the complex property could not be saved was thrown. Added - getProductionItemByEquipmentPath script function. This will allow you get a production item from script. Modified - MES Object Editor component to show wait cursor when load a list of MES objects. Fixed - Issue with MES Object Editor component remove parent or child menu didn't show correctly when it contains a large number of options. Added - Ability to filter toggle button states in the MES Object Editor component from script. Added - loadMESObjects to load a list of MES objects in one request instead of separate requests. Results in speed improvement over slower networks. General - 7.8.0 ========================================================================================== Installers Fixed - When upgrading, all modules that have been added to the installer in a version later than the one being upgraded from will be selected by default. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Added Functionality - Gateway browser title now includes the system name first to help distinguish browser tabs on multi-gateway systems. Added Functionality - Added ability to publish only selected resources SQLTags Added Functionality - New 'Bit Inversion' scaling mode option for tags. Simply inverts the bits of the tag. Added Functionality - Added OPC connection system status tags. Gateway Fixed - Enabling SSL/TLS in SMTP server settings now controls STARTTLS command Misc Added Functionality - New role restrictions for controlling which users may create new projects Alarming Added Functionality - Added new scripting functions to retrieve, add, edit, and remove schedules and holidays. Scripting Added Functionality - runScript expression can now invoke a function by mapping expression arguments, avoiding expensive recompilation. Thanks to Phil Turmel for the idea. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Added Functionality - New "Best Fit" layout mode for the template repeater fits the template instances within the repeater without scrolling, maintaining aspect ratios Added Functionality - Improved custom functions to support default values, varargs, and keyword args Added Functionality - Added automatic copy-selection-to-clipboard functionality to the Power Table Added Functionality - New property for the Power Table to represent the table's data as it appears on-screen: after any column hiding/sorting/re-ordering and filtering. Added Functionality - The maximized state of a plot in Easy Chart is now saved and can be toggled with a check box in the Property Editor. Added Functionality - User Management Component has a new Font property to control the font/size on its fields and tables. Added Functionality - New extension function on bar chart to customize color based on value Added Functionality - Added "Table Font" to Alarm Status Table and Alarm Journal to allow customized row font. Added Functionality - The Barcode Component has added encoders for QR Codes, PDF417, Data Matrix, Aztec and UPC-A Designer Added Functionality - Added copy/paste for property bindings via right-click menu Client Added Functionality - runScript expressions on property bindings may now call custom methods on the component using "self", for example: "self.myMethod()" Fixed - Fallback clients now attempt use original credentials on fallback. Added Functionality - Touchscreen Mode-Enabled Projects can now set the width of scrollbars for better touchscreen usability. Added Functionality - Can now copy and paste between custom property customizers Added Functionality - Added option to allow popup windows to overlap docked windows. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Server Added Functionality - Auditing for exposed tags now includes the actor_host. Added Functionality - Add option to make the inactive node in a redundant configuration read-only. Tag Historian - ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Provisional values from tag historian are not correctly marked as such, and result in incorrect chart displays when the client tag history cache is enabled. Siemens Driver - ========================================================================================== Siemens S7 Driver Added Functionality - Added S7-1500 driver entry. SFC - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Designer should now launch without error if SFC Module is installed but Vision is not. Serial Support - ========================================================================================== Scripting Added Functionality - Added optional timeout parameter for system.serial.readUntil() Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Email Added Functionality - Alarm Notification emails that have html formatted content and include tags will now email as html. Alarm Misc Added Functionality - Alarm notification now allows scripting access for creating and listing rosters Added Functionality - Rosters in alarm pipelines are now expressions Reporting - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Fixed issue with the report viewer's warning popup not functioning in the client Fixed - Report viewer component was incorrectly using some resources from the Designer scope, causing it to not load in some circumstances in the Client Fixed - Saving JPEG and PNG images of Reports will now save all pages Added Functionality - Row selector component now supports reverse sort Added Functionality - File Path property will now also attempt to load PDFs when given a URL. Report Engine Fixed - Static CSV data sources now use numbers instead of strings when possible Misc Fixed - Fixed issue that made the reporting designer not load if Vision wasn't installed General - 7.8.0-rc3 ========================================================================================== Installers Fixed - When upgrading, all modules that have been added to the installer in a version later than the one being upgraded from will be selected by default. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Added Functionality - Gateway browser title now includes the system name first to help distinguish browser tabs on multi-gateway systems. Added Functionality - Added ability to publish only selected resources SQLTags Added Functionality - Added OPC connection system status tags. Misc Added Functionality - New role restrictions for controlling which users may create new projects Alarming Added Functionality - Added new scripting functions to retrieve, add, edit, and remove schedules and holidays. Scripting Added Functionality - runScript expression can now invoke a function by mapping expression arguments, avoiding expensive recompilation. Thanks to Phil Turmel for the idea. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Added Functionality - New "Best Fit" layout mode for the template repeater fits the template instances within the repeater without scrolling, maintaining aspect ratios Added Functionality - Improved custom functions to support default values, varargs, and keyword args Added Functionality - Added automatic copy-selection-to-clipboard functionality to the Power Table Added Functionality - New property for the Power Table to represent the table's data as it appears on-screen: after any column hiding/sorting/re-ordering and filtering. Added Functionality - The maximized state of a plot in Easy Chart is now saved and can be toggled with a check box in the Property Editor. Added Functionality - User Management Component has a new Font property to control the font/size on its fields and tables. Added Functionality - New extension function on bar chart to customize color based on value Added Functionality - Added "Table Font" to Alarm Status Table and Alarm Journal to allow customized row font. Added Functionality - The Barcode Component has added encoders for QR Codes, PDF417, Data Matrix, Aztec and UPC-A Designer Added Functionality - Added copy/paste for property bindings via right-click menu Client Added Functionality - runScript expressions on property bindings may now call custom methods on the component using "self", for example: "self.myMethod()" Fixed - Fallback clients now attempt use original credentials on fallback. Added Functionality - Touchscreen Mode-Enabled Projects can now set the width of scrollbars for better touchscreen usability. Added Functionality - Can now copy and paste between custom property customizers Added Functionality - Added option to allow popup windows to overlap docked windows. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Server Added Functionality - Auditing for exposed tags now includes the actor_host. Added Functionality - Add option to make the inactive node in a redundant configuration read-only. Siemens Driver - ========================================================================================== Siemens S7 Driver Added Functionality - Added S7-1500 driver entry. SFC - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Designer should now launch without error if SFC Module is installed but Vision is not. Serial Support - ========================================================================================== Scripting Added Functionality - Added optional timeout parameter for system.serial.readUntil() Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Email Added Functionality - Alarm Notification emails that have html formatted content and include tags will now email as html. Alarm Misc Added Functionality - Alarm notification now allows scripting access for creating and listing rosters Added Functionality - Rosters in alarm pipelines are now expressions Reporting - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Fixed issue with the report viewer's warning popup not functioning in the client Fixed - Report viewer component was incorrectly using some resources from the Designer scope, causing it to not load in some circumstances in the Client Fixed - Saving JPEG and PNG images of Reports will now save all pages Added Functionality - Row selector component now supports reverse sort Added Functionality - File Path property will now also attempt to load PDFs when given a URL. Report Engine Fixed - Static CSV data sources now use numbers instead of strings when possible Misc Fixed - Fixed issue that made the reporting designer not load if Vision wasn't installed General - 7.8.0-rc2 ========================================================================================== Installers Fixed - When upgrading, all modules that have been added to the installer in a version later than the one being upgraded from will be selected by default. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Added Functionality - Gateway browser title now includes the system name first to help distinguish browser tabs on multi-gateway systems. Added Functionality - Added ability to publish only selected resources SQLTags Added Functionality - Added OPC connection system status tags. Misc Added Functionality - New role restrictions for controlling which users may create new projects Alarming Added Functionality - Added new scripting functions to retrieve, add, edit, and remove schedules and holidays. Scripting Added Functionality - runScript expression can now invoke a function by mapping expression arguments, avoiding expensive recompilation. Thanks to Phil Turmel for the idea. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Added Functionality - Improved custom functions to support default values, varargs, and keyword args Added Functionality - Added automatic copy-selection-to-clipboard functionality to the Power Table Added Functionality - New property for the Power Table to represent the table's data as it appears on-screen: after any column hiding/sorting/re-ordering and filtering. Added Functionality - The maximized state of a plot in Easy Chart is now saved and can be toggled with a check box in the Property Editor. Added Functionality - User Management Component has a new Font property to control the font/size on its fields and tables. Added Functionality - New extension function on bar chart to customize color based on value Added Functionality - Added "Table Font" to Alarm Status Table and Alarm Journal to allow customized row font. Added Functionality - New "Best Fit" layout mode for the template repeater fits the template instances within the repeater without scrolling, maintaining aspect ratios Added Functionality - The Barcode Component has added encoders for QR Codes, PDF417, Data Matrix, Aztec and UPC-A Designer Added Functionality - Added copy/paste for property bindings via right-click menu Client Added Functionality - runScript expressions on property bindings may now call custom methods on the component using "self", for example: "self.myMethod()" Fixed - Fallback clients now attempt use original credentials on fallback. Added Functionality - Touchscreen Mode-Enabled Projects can now set the width of scrollbars for better touchscreen usability. Added Functionality - Can now copy and paste between custom property customizers Added Functionality - Added option to allow popup windows to overlap docked windows. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Server Added Functionality - Add option to make the inactive node in a redundant configuration read-only. Siemens Driver - ========================================================================================== Siemens S7 Driver Added Functionality - Added S7-1500 driver entry. SFC - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Designer should now launch without error if SFC Module is installed but Vision is not. Serial Support - ========================================================================================== Scripting Added Functionality - Added optional timeout parameter for system.serial.readUntil() Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Email Added Functionality - Alarm Notification emails that have html formatted content and include tags will now email as html. Alarm Misc Added Functionality - Alarm notification now allows scripting access for creating and listing rosters Added Functionality - Rosters in alarm pipelines are now expressions Reporting - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Fixed issue with the report viewer's warning popup not functioning in the client Fixed - Report viewer component was incorrectly using some resources from the Designer scope, causing it to not load in some circumstances in the Client Fixed - Saving JPEG and PNG images of Reports will now save all pages Added Functionality - Row selector component now supports reverse sort Added Functionality - File Path property will now also attempt to load PDFs when given a URL. Report Engine Fixed - Static CSV data sources now use numbers instead of strings when possible Misc Fixed - Fixed issue that made the reporting designer not load if Vision wasn't installed Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Added Functionality - Added ability to publish only selected resources Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Added Functionality - Added automatic copy-selection-to-clipboard functionality to the Power Table Added Functionality - New property for the Power Table to represent the table's data as it appears on-screen: after any column hiding/sorting/re-ordering and filtering. Added Functionality - The maximized state of a plot in Easy Chart is now saved and can be toggled with a check box in the Property Editor. Added Functionality - User Management Component has a new Font property to control the font/size on its fields and tables. Added Functionality - New extension function on bar chart to customize color based on value Added Functionality - Added "Table Font" to Alarm Status Table and Alarm Journal to allow customized row font. Added Functionality - New "Best Fit" layout mode for the template repeater fits the template instances within the repeater without scrolling, maintaining aspect ratios Added Functionality - The Barcode Component has added encoders for QR Codes, PDF417, Data Matrix, Aztec and UPC-A Designer Added Functionality - Added copy/paste for property bindings via right-click menu Client Added Functionality - Touchscreen Mode-Enabled Projects can now set the width of scrollbars for better touchscreen usability. Added Functionality - Can now copy and paste between custom property customizers Added Functionality - Added option to allow popup windows to overlap docked windows. Reporting - ========================================================================================== Components Added Functionality - File Path property will now also attempt to load PDFs when given a URL. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== Initial release candidate OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== Initial beta release General - 7.7.5 ========================================================================================== Installers Fixed - Improved installer's handling of certain folders which must be deleted in order to replace files when upgrading. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Fixed NPE when a UDT is copied and comm is off. Fixed - The expansion pop up for UDT parameters in the tag editor (ctrl-space popup) is now sorted alphabetically. Not Reproducible - OSX users should now see the Command Icon when right-clicking in script editors. Fixed - Designer login window "Login" button greyed out after wrong credentials. Fixed - UDT Parameter table now expands to use all UI real estate it can in the tag editor. Fixed - Unhandled error if user does not have permission to view the project. Fixed - Improved handling to avoid "Client subscription proxy got a tag change event after it was shut down." warning. Fixed - SFC chart state does not include variables with null values. Fixed - Popup calendars no longer obscured by Windows taskbar when low on screen Fixed - Fixed error monitoring run-always chart Fixed - Root Node Path now gets correctly set on start up of Designer or Client. Fixed - Fixed caret positioning in SFC expression editor Fixed - Added better undo/redo for grouping components Added Functionality - Ignition Designer should launch the local Default Web Browser more consistently across supported OS platforms. Added Functionality - Added onMousePress extension function to the power table Fixed - Fixed NPE when opening alarm edit panel Fixed - Find/replace now targets template properties even if the template's Window is not open. Added Functionality - Right clicking on a deep selected component no longer changes selection to the top component under the mouse. Added Functionality - Added method description to scripting hints Fixed - Backspace key no longer changes directory in file chooser dialogs. Fixed - Nav Tree Folders should no longer appear empty after moving from parent folders to the root folder. SQLTags Fixed - Error when 'Create Data Type From Selected' includes a UDT instance Added Functionality - Multi-instance wizard now allows blank base tag names. Fixed - Errors when using nested UDT parameter references in non-string parameters. Fixed - OPC-UA connection user roles can now be used to prevent or allow writes in custom permissions on "exposed tags". Fixed - Auditing can now be enabled for writes performed against the "configured tags" exposed through the opc-ua server. Added Functionality - Tags are now sorted before being exported to XML. Added Functionality - The list of tag types in tag search is now more relevant. Fixed - system.tag.loadFromFile always errors when called from a gateway-scoped script. Gateway Fixed - Made TLSv1.2 the standard protocol for SSL connections to the Gateway Fixed - Fixed several errors pertaining to the use of the OEM lock. Removed "locked" setting on project, and fixed error editing project default settings for locked projects. Fixed - User Management component prevents duplicate usernames from being created. Fixed - Fixed bug that caused syntax errors in gateway tag change scripts to prevent the gateway from starting normally. Added Functionality - Added MS Office document types to the list of known file extensions / mime types Misc Fixed - SAX Parser DTD and XXE processing is disabled. Added Functionality - Added new system tags to detect the project's default user source, database connection, and tag provider. Client Fixed - system.tag.readAll() doesn't work for client system tags, always returns null values. Fixed - Frame title is now sent through the translation system. Alarming Fixed - SMS notification now handles throttled syntax. Scripting Fixed - Added translation for popup windows in system.gui Functions As Per Design - Better logging in history system when a store and forward pipeline is not licensed for a certain type of data. Added Functionality - Thread dumps now include CPU usage in the gateway. Added Functionality - setLoggingLevel() Script Function now provides information when it fails to find the named Logger or if supplied an invalid Log Level argument. SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - New group option to force the storage of NULL for bad quality data. Gateway Fixed - SQL Bridge project doesn't start when project is enabled, if the gateway is started with project disabled. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Fixed issue with numeric text field not accepting edits when in strict bounds checking mode Fixed - Using runScalarQuery and runScalarPrepQuery with custom functions on SQL Server may not return the expected results, due row limitations that propagate to sub-queries. Fixed - Error dragging tag from historical tree component to easychart. Fixed - Improved rendering of x-trace annotations for chart's with horizontal orientation. Fixed - Alarm Journal Table and Alarm Status Table now respect the number format property Added Functionality - Added visibility control to calendar's navigation functions Fixed - Fixed problem with the Tree View component when multiple nodes had the same path and text Added Functionality - Scheduled events on the Equipment Schedule View that butt up against each other no longer cause the event overlap drawing behavior Added Functionality - Popup Calendar component now has bindable "formattedDate" property Fixed - Text area now respects security settings when using touchscreen input. Fixed - Alarm Journal will now show the selected Alarm's notes in the Notes tab of the inspection popup. Fixed - Made rapid updates to the table's column attributes dataset compatible with table editing. Added Functionality - New power table extension function: isCellEditable Fixed - Fixed issue with mouse clicks going to the wrong shape component in the mobile module. Added Functionality - New "Provider Filter" property on Alarm Status and Journal components to provide easier filtering based on source tag provider. Fixed - Fixed issue when editing borders created prior to 7.7.1. Fixed - Progress bar component now correctly handles partially transparent backgrounds Fixed - Power Table Column popup menus can now be translated. Fixed - Fixed the image component's handling of generated a gray "disabled" icon Fixed - Fixed error caused by calling template function on template holder without a template in it. Designer Fixed - Fixed bug that could cause the Month View header's font to revert. Fixed - Grouping and un-grouping now preserve z-order Added Functionality - Now able to ungroup a selection of multiple groups in a single action. Fixed - Anchor-center redline now correctly renders when zoomed in or out Fixed - Mac now uses Command C/X/V for cut/copy/paste in Designer and Client. Added Functionality - Added better double-click access to common bindings. Added Functionality - Double-clicking on an image now shows the image selection dialog. Added Functionality - Easy Chart now has Running Sum (cumulative summation), Sum and Difference Calculated Pens. Fixed - Text fields in the Property Editor now commit text when focus is lost. Fixed - Deleted component's z-index now restored upon undo/redo in the Designer. Client Added Functionality - New Vision API for being notified when windows are opened or closed. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Client Fixed - Fix bug where subscription publishing didn't handle the server returning Bad_SessionIdInvalid properly SFC - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Fixed chart compilation error that affected certain charts with side-by-side unconnected links. Misc Added Functionality - New version of system.sfc.setVariable() that can set on step scope. Client Fixed - Fixed error when deleting a chart element that has an error tooltip being displayed. Engine Fixed - Return values for enclosed steps were only set on deactivation, making them unavailable for use in transitions that expect the enclosed chart to end on its own. Fixed - Expression transitions did not properly observe expression quality when determining the transition value. Added Functionality - Extensible system for locating and providing custom scopes. Fixed - An "always true" (or implied) transition after an action block that causes the chart to pause will not transition once the chart is resumed. OPC-COM - ========================================================================================== HDA Fixed - Implemented the HDA sync update functions Insert, Replace, and InsertReplace (available through scripting) WebBrowser - null ========================================================================================== Client Added Functionality - Web Browser component now has an "Enabled" property that allows enabling/disabling of loading and interaction. Fixed - Web Browser Module will now correctly save Custom Properties. Serial Support - ========================================================================================== Scripting Fixed - Serial module updated to work in Windows Server 2012 R2 Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Voice Fixed - 'Delay between messages' setting not respected for multiple phone numbers on one contact. Alarm Designer Added Functionality - SMS notifications no longer include ack code when all alarms are acknowledged. Alarm SMS Added Functionality - Workaround for Sierra Wireless bug that causes inbound SMS messages to VZW modems from non-VZW subscribers to be scrambled. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== Logix v21 Driver Fixed - Improved reliability when detecting closed sockets and initiating a subsequent reconnect. Fixed - Fixed bug that resulted in bad quality for some tags, indicated by a "partial transfer" error status when debug logging was enabled. Mobile - ========================================================================================== Backend Fixed - Fixed issue that could cause mobile client sessions and vm instances to hang indefinitely after the mobile browser was closed. UI Fixed - Made the mobile module screen orientation detection more reliable Misc Added Functionality - Added ability to hide enabled mobile projects from the mobile launch screen. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Fixed - Production item names entered as a blank string causes the production model to not allow saving and the name cannot be changed back. OEE/Downtime Added - Created new downtime table component to replace existing component that works with mobile module. Old component will still function but is not available on component pallet. SPC/Quality Added - SampleDefinitionAttribute object has properties for Units (string), MeasurementCount (Integer) and Default Chart (String). Added - binding function to get SPC chart types. Can be used when selecting the default chart for an attribute. Added - PMISPCSelector property "Use Default Chart Type". When true the data format will be set to the attribute default chart type. Fixed - Attribute name cannot be blank when trying to add a new attribute Added - PMISampleEntry extension functions for measurement selected and measurement value entered. This will allow inspecting values such as attribute limits during sample entry. Added - PMISampleEntry function ValidateMeasurementLimits(). This method can be called before attempting to save the sample to determine if the mesurements are within specification or control limits. Added - PMIStoredSPCSelector: if the menu is not showing then user will not be asked if they want to save before selecting a different stored SPC name Added - Attribute name is available during execution of a control limit event script. Fixed - PMISPCController setting auto update to true generates errors if no sample definition is set. Improved - SPC selector filter options, such as Reference Number, will display ordered by the most recent collected data time. Track and Trace Improved - MES Operations management component Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Protected against brute-force password attempts. Fixed - Fixed security issue with session logout invalidation. Gateway Fixed - Fixed JNLP url-injection security vulnerability. Fixed - Clients could not be launched due to a error unpacking vis-common.jar when using Java 8. Reminder: Java 5 support has been dropped for the 7.5 Client and Designer. Scripting Fixed - Fixed documentation for system.net.sendEmail Vision - ========================================================================================== Client Fixed - system.security.switchUser was not re-evaluating tag permissions Fixed - Fixed race condition when writing to large quantities of tags from the client in a short timeframe OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Changed OPC_UA connection passwords stored in the internal database to not be plaintext Serial Support - ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Serial module updated to work in Windows Server 2012 R2 Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Fixed - Fixed log not showing correct error code return back from ControlLogix and CompactLogix processors. MicroLogix Driver Fixed - Fixed issue connecting a MicroLogix processor using PCCC protocol. The connection request is being wrapped in the EIP/CIP protocol twice preventing a successful connection. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== Recipe Fixed - RecipeManager getting recipe values generates error if no values are assigned. SPC/Quality Fixed - Stored SPC generates error if filter item value is empty OEE/Downtime Fixed - Analysis provider not respecting Day, Week, Month or Year compare by in data point values. Fixed - Data source check generating too many errors if the datasource is not set. Fixed - Production Model state indicates the wrong name for analysis data source. Fixed - UpdateReason can now correctly find the cell if it is in a cell group. Fixed - get initial downtime causing an error if there are now production items defined below the line level. General - 7.7.5-rc3 ========================================================================================== Installers Fixed - Improved installer's handling of certain folders which must be deleted in order to replace files when upgrading. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Improved handling to avoid "Client subscription proxy got a tag change event after it was shut down." warning. Fixed - SFC chart state does not include variables with null values. Fixed - Popup calendars no longer obscured by Windows taskbar when low on screen Fixed - Fixed error monitoring run-always chart Fixed - Root Node Path now gets correctly set on start up of Designer or Client. Fixed - Improved prompt mobile session termination and expiration Fixed - Fixed caret positioning in SFC expression editor Fixed - Added better undo/redo for grouping components Added Functionality - Ignition Designer should launch the local Default Web Browser more consistently across supported OS platforms. Added Functionality - Added onMousePress extension function to the power table Fixed - Fixed NPE when opening alarm edit panel Fixed - Find/replace now targets template properties even if the template's Window is not open. Added Functionality - Right clicking on a deep selected component no longer changes selection to the top component under the mouse. Added Functionality - Added method description to scripting hints Fixed - Backspace key no longer changes directory in file chooser dialogs. Fixed - Nav Tree Folders should no longer appear empty after moving from parent folders to the root folder. SQLTags Fixed - Errors when using nested UDT parameter references in non-string parameters. Fixed - OPC-UA connection user roles can now be used to prevent or allow writes in custom permissions on "exposed tags". Fixed - Auditing can now be enabled for writes performed against the "configured tags" exposed through the opc-ua server. Added Functionality - Tags are now sorted before being exported to XML. Added Functionality - The list of tag types in tag search is now more relevant. Fixed - system.tag.loadFromFile always errors when called from a gateway-scoped script. Gateway Fixed - User Management component prevents duplicate usernames from being created. Fixed - Fixed bug that caused syntax errors in gateway tag change scripts to prevent the gateway from starting normally. Added Functionality - Added MS Office document types to the list of known file extensions / mime types Misc Fixed - SAX Parser DTD and XXE processing is disabled. Added Functionality - Added new system tags to detect the project's default user source, database connection, and tag provider. Client Fixed - Frame title is now sent through the translation system. Alarming Fixed - SMS notification now handles throttled syntax. Scripting Fixed - Added translation for popup windows in system.gui Functions As Per Design - Better logging in history system when a store and forward pipeline is not licensed for a certain type of data. Added Functionality - Thread dumps now include CPU usage in the gateway. Added Functionality - setLoggingLevel() Script Function now provides information when it fails to find the named Logger or if supplied an invalid Log Level argument. SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - New group option to force the storage of NULL for bad quality data. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Added Functionality - Added visibility control to calendar's navigation functions Fixed - Fixed problem with the Tree View component when multiple nodes had the same path and text Added Functionality - Scheduled events on the Equipment Schedule View that butt up against each other no longer cause the event overlap drawing behavior Added Functionality - Popup Calendar component now has bindable "formattedDate" property Fixed - Text area now respects security settings when using touchscreen input. Fixed - Alarm Journal will now show the selected Alarm's notes in the Notes tab of the inspection popup. Fixed - Fixed issue with numeric text field not accepting edits when in strict bounds checking mode Fixed - Made rapid updates to the table's column attributes dataset compatible with table editing. Added Functionality - New power table extension function: isCellEditable Fixed - Fixed issue with mouse clicks going to the wrong shape component in the mobile module. Added Functionality - New "Provider Filter" property on Alarm Status and Journal components to provide easier filtering based on source tag provider. Fixed - Fixed issue when editing borders created prior to 7.7.1. Fixed - Progress bar component now correctly handles partially transparent backgrounds Fixed - Power Table Column popup menus can now be translated. Fixed - Fixed the image component's handling of generated a gray "disabled" icon Fixed - Fixed error caused by calling template function on template holder without a template in it. Designer Fixed - Fixed bug that could cause the Month View header's font to revert. Fixed - Grouping and un-grouping now preserve z-order Added Functionality - Now able to ungroup a selection of multiple groups in a single action. Fixed - Anchor-center redline now correctly renders when zoomed in or out Fixed - Mac now uses Command C/X/V for cut/copy/paste in Designer and Client. Added Functionality - Added better double-click access to common bindings. Added Functionality - Double-clicking on an image now shows the image selection dialog. Added Functionality - Easy Chart now has Running Sum (cumulative summation), Sum and Difference Calculated Pens. Fixed - Text fields in the Property Editor now commit text when focus is lost. Fixed - Deleted component's z-index now restored upon undo/redo in the Designer. Client Added Functionality - New Vision API for being notified when windows are opened or closed. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Client Fixed - Fix bug where subscription publishing didn't handle the server returning Bad_SessionIdInvalid properly SFC - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Fixed chart compilation error that affected certain charts with side-by-side unconnected links. Misc Added Functionality - New version of system.sfc.setVariable() that can set on step scope. Client Fixed - Fixed error when deleting a chart element that has an error tooltip being displayed. Engine Fixed - Return values for enclosed steps were only set on deactivation, making them unavailable for use in transitions that expect the enclosed chart to end on its own. Fixed - Expression transitions did not properly observe expression quality when determining the transition value. Added Functionality - Extensible system for locating and providing custom scopes. Fixed - An "always true" (or implied) transition after an action block that causes the chart to pause will not transition once the chart is resumed. OPC-COM - ========================================================================================== HDA Fixed - Implemented the HDA sync update functions Insert, Replace, and InsertReplace (available through scripting) WebBrowser - null ========================================================================================== Client Added Functionality - Web Browser component now has an "Enabled" property that allows enabling/disabling of loading and interaction. Fixed - Web Browser Module will now correctly save Custom Properties. Serial Support - ========================================================================================== Scripting Fixed - Serial module updated to work in Windows Server 2012 R2 Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Designer Added Functionality - SMS notifications no longer include ack code when all alarms are acknowledged. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== Logix v21 Driver Fixed - Improved reliability when detecting closed sockets and initiating a subsequent reconnect. Fixed - Fixed bug that resulted in bad quality for some tags, indicated by a "partial transfer" error status when debug logging was enabled. Mobile - ========================================================================================== UI Fixed - Made the mobile module screen orientation detection more reliable Misc Added Functionality - Added ability to hide enabled mobile projects from the mobile launch screen. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== OEE/Downtime Added - Created new downtime table component to replace existing component that works with mobile module. Old component will still function but is not available on component pallet. Quality Added - SampleDefinitionAttribute object has properties for Units (string), MeasurementCount (Integer) and Default Chart (String). Added - binding function to get SPC chart types. Can be used when selecting the default chart for an attribute. Added - PMISPCSelector property "Use Default Chart Type". When true the data format will be set to the attribute default chart type. Fixed - Attribute name cannot be blank when trying to add a new attribute Added - PMISampleEntry extension functions for measurement selected and measurement value entered. This will allow inspecting values such as attribute limits during sample entry. Added - PMISampleEntry function ValidateMeasurementLimits(). This method can be called before attempting to save the sample to determine if the mesurements are within specification or control limits. Added - PMIStoredSPCSelector: if the menu is not showing then user will not be asked if they want to save before selecting a different stored SPC name Added - Attribute name is available during execution of a control limit event script. Fixed - PMISPCController setting auto update to true generates errors if no sample definition is set. Track and Trace Improved - MES Operations management component General - 7.7.5-rc2 ========================================================================================== Installers Fixed - Improved installer's handling of certain folders which must be deleted in order to replace files when upgrading. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Improved handling to avoid "Client subscription proxy got a tag change event after it was shut down." warning. Fixed - SFC chart state does not include variables with null values. Fixed - Popup calendars no longer obscured by Windows taskbar when low on screen Fixed - Fixed error monitoring run-always chart Fixed - Root Node Path now gets correctly set on start up of Designer or Client. Fixed - Improved prompt mobile session termination and expiration Fixed - Fixed caret positioning in SFC expression editor Fixed - Added better undo/redo for grouping components Added Functionality - Ignition Designer should launch the local Default Web Browser more consistently across supported OS platforms. Added Functionality - Added onMousePress extension function to the power table Fixed - Fixed NPE when opening alarm edit panel Fixed - Find/replace now targets template properties even if the template's Window is not open. Added Functionality - Right clicking on a deep selected component no longer changes selection to the top component under the mouse. Added Functionality - Added method description to scripting hints Fixed - Backspace key no longer changes directory in file chooser dialogs. Fixed - Nav Tree Folders should no longer appear empty after moving from parent folders to the root folder. SQLTags Fixed - Errors when using nested UDT parameter references in non-string parameters. Fixed - OPC-UA connection user roles can now be used to prevent or allow writes in custom permissions on "exposed tags". Fixed - Auditing can now be enabled for writes performed against the "configured tags" exposed through the opc-ua server. Added Functionality - Tags are now sorted before being exported to XML. Added Functionality - The list of tag types in tag search is now more relevant. Fixed - system.tag.loadFromFile always errors when called from a gateway-scoped script. Gateway Fixed - User Management component prevents duplicate usernames from being created. Fixed - Fixed bug that caused syntax errors in gateway tag change scripts to prevent the gateway from starting normally. Added Functionality - Added MS Office document types to the list of known file extensions / mime types Misc Fixed - SAX Parser DTD and XXE processing is disabled. Added Functionality - Added new system tags to detect the project's default user source, database connection, and tag provider. Client Fixed - Frame title is now sent through the translation system. Alarming Fixed - SMS notification now handles throttled syntax. Scripting Fixed - Added translation for popup windows in system.gui Functions As Per Design - Better logging in history system when a store and forward pipeline is not licensed for a certain type of data. Added Functionality - Thread dumps now include CPU usage in the gateway. Added Functionality - setLoggingLevel() Script Function now provides information when it fails to find the named Logger or if supplied an invalid Log Level argument. SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - New group option to force the storage of NULL for bad quality data. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Added Functionality - Added visibility control to calendar's navigation functions Fixed - Fixed problem with the Tree View component when multiple nodes had the same path and text Added Functionality - Scheduled events on the Equipment Schedule View that butt up against each other no longer cause the event overlap drawing behavior Added Functionality - Popup Calendar component now has bindable "formattedDate" property Fixed - Text area now respects security settings when using touchscreen input. Fixed - Alarm Journal will now show the selected Alarm's notes in the Notes tab of the inspection popup. Fixed - Fixed issue with numeric text field not accepting edits when in strict bounds checking mode Fixed - Made rapid updates to the table's column attributes dataset compatible with table editing. Added Functionality - New power table extension function: isCellEditable Fixed - Fixed issue with mouse clicks going to the wrong shape component in the mobile module. Added Functionality - New "Provider Filter" property on Alarm Status and Journal components to provide easier filtering based on source tag provider. Fixed - Fixed issue when editing borders created prior to 7.7.1. Fixed - Progress bar component now correctly handles partially transparent backgrounds Fixed - Power Table Column popup menus can now be translated. Fixed - Fixed the image component's handling of generated a gray "disabled" icon Fixed - Fixed error caused by calling template function on template holder without a template in it. Designer Fixed - Fixed bug that could cause the Month View header's font to revert. Fixed - Grouping and un-grouping now preserve z-order Added Functionality - Now able to ungroup a selection of multiple groups in a single action. Fixed - Anchor-center redline now correctly renders when zoomed in or out Fixed - Mac now uses Command C/X/V for cut/copy/paste in Designer and Client. Added Functionality - Added better double-click access to common bindings. Added Functionality - Double-clicking on an image now shows the image selection dialog. Added Functionality - Easy Chart now has Running Sum (cumulative summation), Sum and Difference Calculated Pens. Fixed - Text fields in the Property Editor now commit text when focus is lost. Fixed - Deleted component's z-index now restored upon undo/redo in the Designer. Client Added Functionality - New Vision API for being notified when windows are opened or closed. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Client Fixed - Fix bug where subscription publishing didn't handle the server returning Bad_SessionIdInvalid properly SFC - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Fixed chart compilation error that affected certain charts with side-by-side unconnected links. Misc Added Functionality - New version of system.sfc.setVariable() that can set on step scope. Client Fixed - Fixed error when deleting a chart element that has an error tooltip being displayed. Engine Fixed - Return values for enclosed steps were only set on deactivation, making them unavailable for use in transitions that expect the enclosed chart to end on its own. Fixed - Expression transitions did not properly observe expression quality when determining the transition value. Added Functionality - Extensible system for locating and providing custom scopes. Fixed - An "always true" (or implied) transition after an action block that causes the chart to pause will not transition once the chart is resumed. OPC-COM - ========================================================================================== HDA Fixed - Implemented the HDA sync update functions Insert, Replace, and InsertReplace (available through scripting) WebBrowser - null ========================================================================================== Client Added Functionality - Web Browser component now has an "Enabled" property that allows enabling/disabling of loading and interaction. Fixed - Web Browser Module will now correctly save Custom Properties. Serial Support - ========================================================================================== Scripting Fixed - Serial module updated to work in Windows Server 2012 R2 Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Designer Added Functionality - SMS notifications no longer include ack code when all alarms are acknowledged. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== Logix v21 Driver Fixed - Fixed bug that resulted in bad quality for some tags, indicated by a "partial transfer" error status when debug logging was enabled. Mobile - ========================================================================================== UI Fixed - Made the mobile module screen orientation detection more reliable Misc Added Functionality - Added ability to hide enabled mobile projects from the mobile launch screen. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== OEE/Downtime Improved - A downtime event no longer reports multiple occurrences during a shift. Fixed - updateLineProductCodeProperty() script not handling cell properties that are in a cell group. Added - Log error for reason code not found will include the cell group name if cell belongs to a cell group. Added - Script function getCellID(String cellPath). Retunrs the cell ID from the given cellPath. Added - Script function getCellHierarchy(Integer cellID). Returns a dataset that gives the ID's of each path part for a cell. Added - PMIStoredAnalysisSelector property "Selected Item". Displays the selected stored analysis name. Fixed - PMIScheduleDateSelector generates error when setting color properties. Fixed - PMIProductCodePropertiesTable component not respecting color properties. Fixed - When aggregating a run with quality of 0 it was adding it as 100, which is not a proper weight for the run, it should be 0. Fixed - Quality calculation not respecting waste count, using production count. Error introduced in 7.5 beta1. Fixed - Downtime occurrences throwing class cast error under certain conditions. Fixed - Quality and Performance analysis datapoint not correct if the weight factor is 0, such as a run with no production count yet. Fixed - Analysis compare of shift run and down times not equal to overall run times. Fixed - Cannot delete a downtime event note. Fixed - Downtime event not recorded when a run is started and a downtime event was active. Added - PMIStoredAnalysis selector will not prompt to save changes if the menu is hidden. Recipe Fixed - PMIRecipeEditorTable, after a cell is edited the table display is un-sorted. Fixed - PMIRecipeEditorTable, selected row is not maintained on automatic refresh. Fixed - PMIRecipeEditorTable, when editing a cell the font property is not respected. Fixed - Recipe tree view not displaying recipe if a tagpath is invalid (tag path is incorrect, does not resolve to a valid tag). Fixed - PMIRecipeEditorTable not retaining custom properties. Fixed - Recipe values not functioning correctly when production model objects that contain recipe values are cut and pasted. Fixed - Recipe change log not displaying "To" and "From" values. Quality Fixed - Tag collector starts collector even if it is disabled. Fixed - PMISampleLocationList not getting notified of new/updated samples. Updated - Control Limit script for Individual UCL will be updated if it is still the default. Updated - Misc. Calculations script for Cp will be updated if it is still the default. Added - log warning if the collector tag is invalid. QualityLocation.startCollector() Fixed - PMISPCController generates error dialog if attribute is not set. Changed to populating the error property. Fixed - Tag Collector causes log errors in log if tag name is changed while the collector is active. General - 7.7.5-rc1 ========================================================================================== Installers Fixed - Improved installer's handling of certain folders which must be deleted in order to replace files when upgrading. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Improved prompt mobile session termination and expiration Fixed - Fixed caret positioning in SFC expression editor Fixed - Added better undo/redo for grouping components Added Functionality - Ignition Designer should launch the local Default Web Browser more consistently across supported OS platforms. Added Functionality - Added onMousePress extension function to the power table Fixed - Fixed NPE when opening alarm edit panel Fixed - Find/replace now targets template properties even if the template's Window is not open. Added Functionality - Right clicking on a deep selected component no longer changes selection to the top component under the mouse. Added Functionality - Added method description to scripting hints Fixed - Backspace key no longer changes directory in file chooser dialogs. Fixed - Nav Tree Folders should no longer appear empty after moving from parent folders to the root folder. SQLTags Added Functionality - Tags are now sorted before being exported to XML. Added Functionality - The list of tag types in tag search is now more relevant. Fixed - system.tag.loadFromFile always errors when called from a gateway-scoped script. Gateway Fixed - Fixed bug that caused syntax errors in gateway tag change scripts to prevent the gateway from starting normally. Added Functionality - Added MS Office document types to the list of known file extensions / mime types Misc Fixed - SAX Parser DTD and XXE processing is disabled. Added Functionality - Added new system tags to detect the project's default user source, database connection, and tag provider. Alarming Fixed - SMS notification now handles throttled syntax. Scripting Functions As Per Design - Better logging in history system when a store and forward pipeline is not licensed for a certain type of data. Added Functionality - Thread dumps now include CPU usage in the gateway. Added Functionality - setLoggingLevel() Script Function now provides information when it fails to find the named Logger or if supplied an invalid Log Level argument. SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - New group option to force the storage of NULL for bad quality data. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Fixed issue with numeric text field not accepting edits when in strict bounds checking mode Fixed - Made rapid updates to the table's column attributes dataset compatible with table editing. Added Functionality - New power table extension function: isCellEditable Fixed - Fixed issue with mouse clicks going to the wrong shape component in the mobile module. Added Functionality - New "Provider Filter" property on Alarm Status and Journal components to provide easier filtering based on source tag provider. Fixed - Fixed issue when editing borders created prior to 7.7.1. Fixed - Progress bar component now correctly handles partially transparent backgrounds Fixed - Power Table Column popup menus can now be translated. Fixed - Fixed the image component's handling of generated a gray "disabled" icon Fixed - Fixed error caused by calling template function on template holder without a template in it. Designer Fixed - Mac now uses Command C/X/V for cut/copy/paste in Designer and Client. Added Functionality - Added better double-click access to common bindings. Added Functionality - Double-clicking on an image now shows the image selection dialog. Added Functionality - Easy Chart now has Running Sum (cumulative summation), Sum and Difference Calculated Pens. Fixed - Text fields in the Property Editor now commit text when focus is lost. Fixed - Deleted component's z-index now restored upon undo/redo in the Designer. SFC - ========================================================================================== Client Fixed - Fixed error when deleting a chart element that has an error tooltip being displayed. Engine Added Functionality - Extensible system for locating and providing custom scopes. Fixed - An "always true" (or implied) transition after an action block that causes the chart to pause will not transition once the chart is resumed. OPC-COM - ========================================================================================== HDA Fixed - Implemented the HDA sync update functions Insert, Replace, and InsertReplace (available through scripting) WebBrowser - null ========================================================================================== Client Added Functionality - Web Browser component now has an "Enabled" property that allows enabling/disabling of loading and interaction. Fixed - Web Browser Module will now correctly save Custom Properties. Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Designer Added Functionality - SMS notifications no longer include ack code when all alarms are acknowledged. Mobile - ========================================================================================== Misc Added Functionality - Added ability to hide enabled mobile projects from the mobile launch screen. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== OEE/Downtime Improved - A downtime event no longer reports multiple occurrences during a shift. Fixed - updateLineProductCodeProperty() script not handling cell properties that are in a cell group. Added - Log error for reason code not found will include the cell group name if cell belongs to a cell group. Added - Script function getCellID(String cellPath). Retunrs the cell ID from the given cellPath. Added - Script function getCellHierarchy(Integer cellID). Returns a dataset that gives the ID's of each path part for a cell. Added - PMIStoredAnalysisSelector property "Selected Item". Displays the selected stored analysis name. Fixed - PMIScheduleDateSelector generates error when setting color properties. Fixed - PMIProductCodePropertiesTable component not respecting color properties. Fixed - When aggregating a run with quality of 0 it was adding it as 100, which is not a proper weight for the run, it should be 0. Fixed - Quality calculation not respecting waste count, using production count. Error introduced in 7.5 beta1. Recipe Fixed - PMIRecipeEditorTable, after a cell is edited the table display is un-sorted. Fixed - PMIRecipeEditorTable, selected row is not maintained on automatic refresh. Fixed - PMIRecipeEditorTable, when editing a cell the font property is not respected. Fixed - Recipe tree view not displaying recipe if a tagpath is invalid (tag path is incorrect, does not resolve to a valid tag). Fixed - PMIRecipeEditorTable not retaining custom properties. Quality Fixed - Tag collector starts collector even if it is disabled. Fixed - PMISampleLocationList not getting notified of new/updated samples. Updated - Control Limit script for Individual UCL will be updated if it is still the default. Updated - Misc. Calculations script for Cp will be updated if it is still the default. Added - log warning if the collector tag is invalid. QualityLocation.startCollector() Fixed - PMISPCController generates error dialog if attribute is not set. Changed to populating the error property. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Added better undo/redo for grouping components Fixed - Fixed NPE when opening alarm edit panel Added Functionality - Added onMousePress extension function to the power table Fixed - Fixed caret positioning in SFC expression editor Fixed - Improved prompt mobile session termination and expiration Added Functionality - Ignition Designer should launch the local Default Web Browser more consistently across supported OS platforms. SQLTags Added Functionality - Tags are now sorted before being exported to XML. Added Functionality - The list of tag types in tag search is now more relevant. Fixed - system.tag.loadFromFile always errors when called from a gateway-scoped script. Gateway Added Functionality - Added MS Office document types to the list of known file extensions / mime types Fixed - Fixed bug that caused syntax errors in gateway tag change scripts to prevent the gateway from starting normally. Misc Fixed - SAX Parser DTD and XXE processing is disabled. Alarming Fixed - SMS notification now handles throttled syntax. Client Fixed - Frame title is now sent through the translation system. Scripting Added Functionality - setLoggingLevel() Script Function now provides information when it fails to find the named Logger or if supplied an invalid Log Level argument. Added Functionality - Better logging in history system when a store and forward pipeline is not licensed for a certain type of data. Added Functionality - Thread dumps now include CPU usage in the gateway. SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - New group option to force the storage of NULL for bad quality data. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Added Functionality - New power table extension function: isCellEditable Fixed - Made rapid updates to the table's column attributes dataset compatible with table editing. Fixed - Fixed issue with mouse clicks going to the wrong shape component in the mobile module. Fixed - Fixed the image component's handling of generated a gray "disabled" icon Fixed - Progress bar component now correctly handles partially transparent backgrounds Added Functionality - Added visibility control to calendar's navigation functions Fixed - Power Table Column popup menus can now be translated. Added Functionality - New "Provider Filter" property on Alarm Status and Journal components to provide easier filtering based on source tag provider. Fixed - Fixed issue when editing borders created prior to 7.7.1. Designer Added Functionality - Easy Chart now has Running Sum (cumulative summation), Sum and Difference Calculated Pens. Fixed - Mac now uses Command C/X/V for cut/copy/paste in Designer and Client. Added Functionality - Double-clicking on an image now shows the image selection dialog. Added Functionality - Added better double-click access to common bindings. SFC - ========================================================================================== Client Fixed - Fixed error when deleting a chart element that has an error tooltip being displayed. Engine Fixed - An "always true" (or implied) transition after an action block that causes the chart to pause will not transition once the chart is resumed. OPC-COM - ========================================================================================== HDA Fixed - Implemented the HDA sync update functions Insert, Replace, and InsertReplace (available through scripting) WebBrowser - null ========================================================================================== Client Added Functionality - Web Browser component now has an "Enabled" property that allows enabling/disabling of loading and interaction. Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Designer Added Functionality - SMS notifications no longer include ack code when all alarms are acknowledged. Mobile - ========================================================================================== Misc Added Functionality - Added ability to hide enabled mobile projects from the mobile launch screen. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== OEE/Downtime Improved - A downtime event no longer reports multiple occurrences during a shift. Fixed - updateLineProductCodeProperty() script not handling cell properties that are in a cell group. Added - Log error for reason code not found will include the cell group name if cell belongs to a cell group. Added - Script function getCellID(String cellPath). Retunrs the cell ID from the given cellPath. Added - Script function getCellHierarchy(Integer cellID). Returns a dataset that gives the ID's of each path part for a cell. Added - PMIStoredAnalysisSelector property "Selected Item". Displays the selected stored analysis name. Fixed - PMIScheduleDateSelector generates error when setting color properties. Fixed - PMIProductCodePropertiesTable component not respecting color properties. Recipe Fixed - PMIRecipeEditorTable, after a cell is edited the table display is un-sorted. Fixed - PMIRecipeEditorTable, selected row is not maintained on automatic refresh. Fixed - PMIRecipeEditorTable, when editing a cell the font property is not respected. Fixed - Recipe tree view not displaying recipe if a tagpath is invalid (tag path is incorrect, does not resolve to a valid tag). Fixed - PMIRecipeEditorTable not retaining custom properties. Quality Fixed - Tag collector starts collector even if it is disabled. Fixed - PMISampleLocationList not getting notified of new/updated samples. Updated - Control Limit script for Individual UCL will be updated if it is still the default. Updated - Misc. Calculations script for Cp will be updated if it is still the default. General - 7.7.4 ========================================================================================== Installers Fixed - Installer window scales appropriately on high DPI displays (Windows only). Added Functionality - Installer window can now be resized. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Alarm evaluation can get stuck in "transitioning" on redundant systems. Fixed - Expression Editor right click menu now shows the correct ⌘ icon for cut/copy/paste. Fixed - Improved search and replace for component's tag bindings. Fixed - Template Repeaters set to horizontal flow will no longer show unnecessary scroll bars and empty space at the ends of rows. Fixed - Legacy xml exports of Alarm Pipelines are now correctly imported and displayed in the Designer. Fixed - Snapping to Grid correctly sizes snap-enabled shapes. Fixed - Fixed launching of VNC mode clients Added Functionality - The tag search window now allows results to be dragged off onto windows and bindings. Added Functionality - Added Preview Language to Project menu in Designer SQLTags Fixed - Error in tag history when first storage for tag includes multiple values in a single dataset. Fixed - Tag event scripts are not respecting redundancy state, and are running on warm backups. Fixed - Folders in UDT dropped on import if the tag file does not explicitly define the folders, and the udt previously existed. Added Functionality - New system.tag.storeTagHistory scripting function. Fixed - Periods in tag provider or scan class names leading to frequent errors in console. Redundancy Fixed - Redundancy is not correctly persisting system state revision, causes re-syncs when the backup or master restart. Fixed - A backup node that is Active, either due to manual activation, or manual recovery mode, was falling back to standby state when the connection to the master was severed. It will now stay active without interruption. Gateway Fixed - Fixed xml-injection vulnerability in webstart launching. Added Functionality - Updated internal user source to use salted sha-256 hashes for passwords instead of md5 Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Improved security of brute-force login prevention. Fixed - Fixed security issue involving web session invalidation. Native Client Launchers Fixed - A Gateway could not be selected as a favorite on the Manual Configuration screen unless that Gateway was selected for the active connection. Now a Gateway can saved in the favorites list even if it is not used for the active connection. Client Fixed - Fixed the client Screen Index property so that it works correctly for maximized clients Added Functionality - Client cache folder reorganized to minimize disk usage. Scripting Fixed - A project's gateway scripts were restarting on every save if there were shared scripts present Added Functionality - Two new scripts ('threadDump' and 'setLoggingLevel') have been added to System.Util to allow more dynamic logging and information gathering. Added Functionality - Scripts can now be copied/pasted between Global Shared and Project Script Libraries. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Added Functionality - Tag History options on the easy chart have been moved to their own category, and advanced options like 'prevent interpolation', 'ignore bad quality' and 'avoid scanclass validation' are now available. Fixed - Added more translatable terms to comments panel. Added Functionality - In Easy Chart, pens with a bar style chart now carry the option to show a label of the value above each bar. Fixed - Language selector no longer adds variants that duplicate existing languages. Added Functionality - Tab strip now supports "Enabled" and "Hidden" columns Fixed - Fixed bug involving selection of multi-day events in the week view component. Added Functionality - Added clearSelectedAlarms() method to the Alarm Status Table Fixed - Images embedded inside table columns now work in the mobile module Fixed - Fixed transparent background rendering for the date range component. Fixed - When power table columns change, filters are now cleared automatically Added Functionality - The color of the Moving Analog Indicator's value label is now changeable. Fixed - Improved translations for Template Canvas and Template Repeater Added Functionality - Status chart component now has optional legend Designer Fixed - Transaction group imports from XML will no longer duplicate folders in the designer. Fixed - Custom component functions are now included in the search and replace system. Fixed - Corrected problem with locks when creating a new template. Fixed - Images with tint color now works inside templates when tint color is a template parameter. Misc Fixed - Styles system is more tolerant to malformed styles datasets. Added Functionality - Added system.gui.getQuality(component, propertyName) function. Client Fixed - Power table cell background color now doesn't bleed into subsequent columns Fixed - Fixed NPE when closing Overwrite File? dialog when saving from Easy Chart. Fixed - Fixed the system.nav.goBack and system.nav.goForward methods when used with system.nav.swapTo Fixed - Print dialogs have global translations available. Save As dialog uses Java's built-in localization. Fixed - Application frame now updates its title for dynamically changing window titles SFC - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Enclosing steps now complain if the enclosed path is empty Engine Added Functionality - Transitions can now listen for values deep inside of complex scope variables (ie. dictionaries inside of the scope) Added Functionality - Enclosing chart scope is automatically passed to the launched chart as 'enclosingStep' Added Functionality - Transitions can now reference the previous step's scope with {previous.keyname} Fixed - Scripts on steps are executed twice for every invocation. Added Functionality - The "context" variable available in the script locals map now has a "resolve(id)" function available for resolving a named scope. Modbus Driver - ========================================================================================== Modbus Driver v2 Fixed - Gateway OPC Device Configuration now allows larger Device Address Maps to be imported from CSV. WebBrowser - null ========================================================================================== Client Fixed - Upgraded to JxBrowser library version 4.9 Fixed - Web Browser no longer crashes in Windows clients when rapidly switching between windows. Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Voice Fixed - Ability to override voice notification bind settings through environment parameters for redundant backup. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== Logix v21 Driver Added Functionality - Added diagnostics page on gateway. Added Functionality - Improved memory usage when connected to processors with large tag counts. MicroLogix Driver Fixed - Fixed issue connecting a MicroLogix processor using PCCC protocol. The connection request is being wrapped in the EIP/CIP protocol twice preventing a successful connection. Reporting - ========================================================================================== Components Added Functionality - Added selectAll() and deselectAll() to the column selector component Mobile - ========================================================================================== UI Fixed - Idle VMs has been removed from Mobile settings page in gateway. Code Review Fixed - The Mobile Client will continue updating on Mobile Browsers without needing 'refresh' when navigating back to a client url with an active Gateway connection. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Fixed - Production Model not respecting changes made from another open designer even though update project was selected Improved - shift change detection. Improved - Production Model shut down detection OEE/Downtime Added - PMIStoredAnalysisSelector property "Selected Item". Displays the selected stored analysis name. Fixed - PMIScheduleDateSelector generates error when setting color properties. Fixed - PMIProductCodePropertiesTable component not respecting color properties. Improved - Cell downtime calculation was going to the db every update, even if downtime event did not change. Added - PMILineScheduleSelector date format property. Fix - Scheduled vs Actual binding function not filtering out cell groups correctly. Fixed - disabled cells generates error during logging Fixed - license check was not respecting cells that are disabled, they were being added to the license. Added - Script function getCellID(String cellPath). Retunrs the cell ID from the given cellPath. Added - Script function getCellHierarchy(Integer cellID). Returns a dataset that gives the ID's of each path part for a cell. Quality/SPC Updated - Control Limit script for Individual UCL will be updated if it is still the default. Updated - Misc. Calculations script for Cp will be updated if it is still the default. Fixed - SPC Enterprise settings are not applied on production model save, must restart Production Module Recipe Fixed - values not displaying in recipe editor and recipe table. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Expression Editor right click menu now shows the correct ⌘ icon for cut/copy/paste. Added Functionality - The tag search window now allows results to be dragged off onto windows and bindings. Fixed - Improved search and replace for component's tag bindings. Fixed - Legacy xml exports of Alarm Pipelines are now correctly imported and displayed in the Designer. Fixed - Template Repeaters set to horizontal flow will no longer show unnecessary scroll bars and empty space at the ends of rows. Fixed - Snapping to Grid correctly sizes snap-enabled shapes. Added Functionality - Added Preview Language to Project menu in Designer Fixed - Fixed launching of VNC mode clients Fixed - Alarm evaluation can get stuck in "transitioning" on redundant systems. SQLTags Fixed - Error in tag history when first storage for tag includes multiple values in a single dataset. Fixed - Folders in UDT dropped on import if the tag file does not explicitly define the folders, and the udt previously existed. Added Functionality - New system.tag.storeTagHistory scripting function. Fixed - Tag event scripts are not respecting redundancy state, and are running on warm backups. Fixed - Periods in tag provider or scan class names leading to frequent errors in console. Redundancy Fixed - A backup node that is Active, either due to manual activation, or manual recovery mode, was falling back to standby state when the connection to the master was severed. It will now stay active without interruption. Fixed - Redundancy is not correctly persisting system state revision, causes re-syncs when the backup or master restart. Gateway Added Functionality - Updated internal user source to use salted sha-256 hashes for passwords instead of md5 Fixed - Fixed xml-injection vulnerability in webstart launching. Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Improved security of brute-force login prevention. Fixed - Fixed security issue involving web session invalidation. Client Fixed - Fixed the client Screen Index property so that it works correctly for maximized clients Added Functionality - Client cache folder reorganized to minimize disk usage. Native Client Launchers Fixed - A Gateway could not be selected as a favorite on the Manual Configuration screen unless that Gateway was selected for the active connection. Now a Gateway can saved in the favorites list even if it is not used for the active connection. Scripting Added Functionality - Scripts can now be copied/pasted between Global Shared and Project Script Libraries. Added Functionality - Two new scripts ('threadDump' and 'setLoggingLevel') have been added to System.Util to allow more dynamic logging and information gathering. Fixed - A project's gateway scripts were restarting on every save if there were shared scripts present Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Added Functionality - Tag History options on the easy chart have been moved to their own category, and advanced options like 'prevent interpolation', 'ignore bad quality' and 'avoid scanclass validation' are now available. Added Functionality - Tab strip now supports "Enabled" and "Hidden" columns Added Functionality - The color of the Moving Analog Indicator's value label is now changeable. Fixed - Fixed transparent background rendering for the date range component. Fixed - Fixed bug involving selection of multi-day events in the week view component. Added Functionality - In Easy Chart, pens with a bar style chart now carry the option to show a label of the value above each bar. Added Functionality - Status chart component now has optional legend Added Functionality - Added clearSelectedAlarms() method to the Alarm Status Table Fixed - When power table columns change, filters are now cleared automatically Fixed - Improved translations for Template Canvas and Template Repeater Fixed - Images embedded inside table columns now work in the mobile module Fixed - Language selector no longer adds variants that duplicate existing languages. Fixed - Added more translatable terms to comments panel. Designer Fixed - Transaction group imports from XML will no longer duplicate folders in the designer. Fixed - Custom component functions are now included in the search and replace system. Fixed - Images with tint color now works inside templates when tint color is a template parameter. Fixed - Corrected problem with locks when creating a new template. Misc Added Functionality - Added system.gui.getQuality(component, propertyName) function. Fixed - Styles system is more tolerant to malformed styles datasets. Client Fixed - Fixed the system.nav.goBack and system.nav.goForward methods when used with system.nav.swapTo Fixed - Application frame now updates its title for dynamically changing window titles Fixed - Power table cell background color now doesn't bleed into subsequent columns Fixed - Print dialogs have global translations available. Save As dialog uses Java's built-in localization. Fixed - Fixed NPE when closing Overwrite File? dialog when saving from Easy Chart. SFC - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Enclosing steps now complain if the enclosed path is empty Engine Added Functionality - Enclosing chart scope is automatically passed to the launched chart as 'enclosingStep' Added Functionality - Transitions can now listen for values deep inside of complex scope variables (ie. dictionaries inside of the scope) Added Functionality - Extensible system for locating and providing custom scopes. Added Functionality - Transitions can now reference the previous step's scope with {previous.keyname} Added Functionality - The "context" variable available in the script locals map now has a "resolve(id)" function available for resolving a named scope. Fixed - Scripts on steps are executed twice for every invocation. Modbus Driver - ========================================================================================== Modbus Driver v2 Fixed - Gateway OPC Device Configuration now allows larger Device Address Maps to be imported from CSV. WebBrowser - null ========================================================================================== Client Fixed - Web Browser no longer crashes in Windows clients when rapidly switching between windows. Fixed - Upgraded to JxBrowser library version 4.9 Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Voice Fixed - Ability to override voice notification bind settings through environment parameters for redundant backup. Reporting - ========================================================================================== Components Added Functionality - Added selectAll() and deselectAll() to the column selector component Mobile - ========================================================================================== UI Fixed - Idle VMs has been removed from Mobile settings page in gateway. Code Review Fixed - The Mobile Client will continue updating on Mobile Browsers without needing 'refresh' when navigating back to a client url with an active Gateway connection. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== OEE/Downtime Added - PMILineScheduleSelector date format property. Fix - Scheduled vs Actual binding function not filtering out cell groups correctly. Fixed - license check was not respecting cells that are disabled, they were being added to the license. Fixed - disabled cells generates error during logging Fixed - Initial reason detection generates pre-execute errors. Improved - Clear downtime history cache when reason is updated. SPC Fixed - SPC Enterprise settings are not applied on production model save, must restart Production Module Fixed - PMIStoredSPCSelector combo box was not dynamically re-sizing. Instrument Interface Fixed - Parse template dateFormat datatype causing configuration window size issue. LabelModePropertiesWindow, PositionModePropertiesWindow Recipe Fixed - values not displaying in recipe editor and recipe table. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Fixed error in lock synchronization. Added Functionality - Max memory for client and designer is now 4gb Fixed - Templates now have a "duplicate" option on their context menu Fixed - Associated Data in Tag Alarming cannot be recapitalized while trying to rename. Fixed - Changed system.security.switchUser to automatically schedule the window re-fresh on the EDT if necessary. Added Functionality - Tag Editor panels will now remember where they were last open. Fixed - Advanced tag history binding settings not properly saved on components/windows, would revert after project reload. Fixed - Incorrect behavior in the designer query browser when using running a select query that has whitespace at the start. Added Functionality - New "copy full path" right click menu for function and class names in the script library editor. Added Functionality - Script library editor's function list now also shows class definitions. Fixed - Tree View component now reports a selected item index of -1 for nodes which were implicitly created Fixed - The Add Tags button in the Tag Browser no longer allows creation of a new tag when the Tags/Data Types directory is selected. Fixed - Project Import now properly creates missing folders needed by resources being imported from .proj backups. Added Functionality - Client menu bar is now translatable. Added Functionality - New designer resources will be selected and in an editable (nameable) state upon creation. Added Functionality - Right-clicking on an item in OPC Browser now gives the option to copy the item path. Fixed - Overrides to alarms and tag event scripts in UDT instances not displayed correctly in tag editor. Fixed - Browse for Pens popup in Easy Chart displays appropriate message when Okay is clicked with no tags selected. Fixed - Global name 'shared' is not defined when calling a global script from a project script. Fixed - Fixed x-trace date formatting to not have the time listed twice. Fixed - Translations can now be removed from components. Fixed - Component Extension Function editor tree does not show a script as changed just by clicking the node Fixed - tagPath parameter in Tag Event Scripts is not passed as a simple string, as described in the documentation. Fixed - Custom permissions on tags now always display in tag editor, even when tag is not set to use custom permissions. Won't Implement - Improved sorting in the tag editor for complex data types with composite (complex) sub members. SQLTags Fixed - Tag provider now detects duplicate tag definitions and only executes a single instance. Fixed - Tag folders created implicitly through import cannot be deleted from the tag browse tree. Also, improved the updating of the tree for added and removed tags, reducing the need to manually refresh. Fixed - Error in asynchronous gateway operation can cause timeout in designer/client. Fixed - UDT instances in a UDT definition now show name conflicts similarly to other tags. Fixed - Tag system stores transient 'RuntimeQuality' property, leading to errors reported when loading tags. Fixed - Implicit folders (those created through tag imports) not handled correctly for UDTs. Fixed - Value overrides in Tag XML imports not correct for composite types inside of UDTs. Fixed - Transaction groups imported into the designer through the project import do not correctly show that they have been saved after a project save has occurred. Fixed - Fixed bug that allowed tags to be added to UDT instances. Gateway Fixed - Tag imports now merge folders. GCU Added Functionality - Added the ability to restore Ignition Gateway backups (gwbk) through the GCU and gwcmd. Expressions Fixed - Fixed type checking issue with the groupConcat expression Fixed - Hex values are now correctly parsed from strings in Expression language. Gateway Web Interface Added Functionality - New DB2 connection will default to retrieving human readable error messages. Fixed - Gateway Configuration page tables no longer stretch off the page when a field has large unbroken text. Fixed - Incorrect link to Module Marketplace in the gateway. Code Review Fixed - Adjusted behavior of bindings with regards to bound values of linked radio buttons to avoid unexpected write-back upon window opening. Client Fixed - Client no longer throws a 404 HttpResponseException error when retargeting from a 7.7 Gateway to a 7.6 or earlier Gateway. Added Functionality - Locale Selector now has three modes for client log in, Show, Hide, and Automatic. Alarming Fixed - Misconfigured Basic Schedules only log warnings once per minute instead of every few seconds. Scripting Fixed - All project resources now try to reacquire locks after reconnect. Added Functionality - Added Dataset handling to the json encode/decode functions. Fixed - The Python module xml.etree.ElementTree can now be correctly used from the Client Added Functionality - Added system.net.httpPut() and system.net.httpDelete() scripting functions. Fixed - Error when using Time Weighted Average aggregation mode in tag history query when values had not changed during the query window. Fixed - New scripts now properly release locks. Fixed - The system.tag.addTag function now validates for correct tagnames. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Added Functionality - Alarm status and alarm journal tables are now touchscreen compatible Fixed - Changed the moving average calculated pen to only emit values after it has seen an entire window's worth of data to average together. Added Functionality - Added getLoadedTemplates() function to the template repeater. Added Functionality - Added getAllTemplates() and getTemplate(name) functions to the template canvas. Fixed - Fixed rendering for the Cylindrical Tank component when combined with a titled border Fixed - Calendar week view component wasn't rendering events that started in the previous week. Added Functionality - When editing a table cell, the value typed in overwrites the existing value, rather than appending onto it. Fixed - User Management component now is touch screen compatible. Added Functionality - Added "resetAxes()" method to the Easy Chart component. Added Functionality - Added an Allow Color Changes property to Easy Chart to allow or disallow pen color changes. Fixed - Fixed in-line editing for the one-shot button. Added Functionality - Custom user properties of type boolean now render as a checkbox in the user management panel component Added Functionality - Power Table component now exposes a "setColumnWidth()" scripting function. Fixed - Alarm journal does not filter on display path correctly when the source value is empty, and now requires explicit wildcards to be defined in order to allow sub paths. Added Functionality - The marquee mode of the alarm summary table now has customizable scroll and pause speeds. Fixed - List component fires index changes correctly now Fixed - Dropdown list does not correctly apply the max row property if elements have null values. Added Functionality - Added exportDatasets() to the Easy Chart component. Added Functionality - Min and Max properties on the Spinner component are now bindable. Fixed - Template repeater components with zero templates loaded now have the correct background color. Fixed - Defer Updates property in Text Area component now works correctly. Added Reject Updates prop to Text Area. Fixed - X-Trace now shows values that are off tho top of the chart Added Functionality - In the Table component, cells rendered as a progress bar now correctly paint transparent backgrounds. Fixed - Shelved alarms panel in the Alarm Status Table uses the Display Path Filter as well as the Source Filter. Fixed - Barcode component no longer prints out NPE on empty code. Fixed - Schedule Management component is now touchscreen compatible. Fixed - Report Designer no longer throws Invalid character: "@" errors in the console when using a custom property on a barcode. Designer Added Functionality - Added component security roles to find/replace system Fixed - Fixed quality overlay issue in the Designer for template instances that used UDTs with static values. Added Functionality - Added "Additional Instance" option to the nav builder Added Functionality - Tags can now be added to a UDT definition by dragging from the OPC Browser. Fixed - Importing in the designer will no longer allow overwriting a folder with a resource. Fixed - Color picker and other menu popups no longer display behind the Windows task bar when opened from properties frame. Misc Fixed - Added more print sources to print dialogs. Client Fixed - Fixed a problem in tag polling that could cause erroneous write timeout messages in the client. Fixed - Multiple sessions were created during disconnect on a client in a redundant system that had the master and backup addresses listed in multiple places. Added Functionality - Shapes' 'visible' property can now be bound to. Fixed - The numeric text field would use the wrong border if the border was changed while the field had edit focus. Fixed - Client now listens for changes in translation information. User Manual - 7.7.3 ========================================================================================== User Manual Fixed - Added documentation for Easy Chart's print() and exportExcel() functions. Fixed - Added Allow User Management setting to user manual. Misc Fixed - Fixed broken links to Python documentation. WebBrowser - null ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Updated Web Browser libraries to version 4.8 Added Functionality - Added documentation to Web Browser module. Client Added Functionality - Libraries upgraded to version 4.7. Fixed - Added null check for deserializing Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Designer Fixed - Alarm Pipeline XML Import file chooser now has proper window title and button label. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== Logix v21 Driver Fixed - Fixed bug where firmware versions were detected incorrectly when connected to an enip module instead of a processor with a dedicated ethernet port. ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Fixed - Fixed log not showing correct error code return back from ControlLogix and CompactLogix processors. Mobile - ========================================================================================== UI Fixed - The requestFocusInWindow() call now function correctly in the mobile module Fixed - Editing table cells now causes the mobile keyboard to be displayed IALabs Modules - null ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - The PDF viewer component no longer attempts to load invalid paths. PDFViewer Fixed - PDF Viewer has been updated to the most recent ICEPDF version to improve rendering of fonts. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== NOTE: This module update requires gateweay version 7.7.3 or the designer will not start. General Added - Tags selected from the tag selector or dropped in the Production Model will indicate the tag provider. Changed - copy node path in production model menu copies full path. Fixed - updating license when production model is not running causes error. Improved - Production model recording and event detection OEE/Downtime Fixed - Product code properties are not being respected when changed from default. Fixed - Downtime Analysis calculation for downtime minutes in time format needs to respect the compare by selection. Added - ScheduledVsActual binding function allows filtering by cell name. Fixed - Analysis was not respecting the Day, Week, Month, Year compare by correct. Ex: The value was using the complete timestamp so the same day may have a different hour and was seen as unique. Added - Check before recording start of run data to confirm that value resets have been completed. Fixed - PMIDTReasonTable was not selecting the correct event when the columns are sorted. Improved - An active downtime event was attempting to update and access the database too often. Fixed - Initial reason detection generates pre-execute errors. Improved - Clear downtime history cache when reason is updated. Improved - Calculation method for OEE and TEEP. When combining multiple lines with differing standard rates the calculations where averaging the runs, this can be inaccurate. Changed - Custom OEE calculation events now return count values as double instead of integer. Quality/SPC Fixed - PMISampleEntry handles localization of fields. Fixed - Individual chart moving range should not compare the first sample with 0, it can only be calculated starting with the second sample. Recipe Added - Sort Order property to recipe items. Allows setting the sort order for how the items will display. Added - filterRow() extension function to PMIRecipeEditorTable. Allows filtering rows from table based upon a user script. Fixed - PMIRecipeSelector not applying font. Added - PMIRecipeTreeView will format the display value to the format of the underlying tag. Fixed - PMIRecipeEditorTable ActivateRecipe function not loading recipe in certain circumstances. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Expression Editor right click menu now shows the correct ⌘ icon for cut/copy/paste. Fixed - Legacy xml exports of Alarm Pipelines are now correctly imported and displayed in the Designer. Fixed - Alarm evaluation can get stuck in "transitioning" on redundant systems. SQLTags Added Functionality - New system.tag.storeTagHistory scripting function. Fixed - Tag event scripts are not respecting redundancy state, and are running on warm backups. Fixed - Periods in tag provider or scan class names leading to frequent errors in console. Client Added Functionality - Client cache folder reorganized to minimize disk usage. Scripting Added Functionality - Two new scripts ('threadDump' and 'setLoggingLevel') have been added to System.Util to allow more dynamic logging and information gathering. Fixed - A project's gateway scripts were restarting on every save if there were shared scripts present Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Language selector no longer adds variants that duplicate existing languages. Fixed - Added more translatable terms to comments panel. Designer Fixed - Transaction group imports from XML will no longer duplicate folders in the designer. Misc Fixed - Styles system is more tolerant to malformed styles datasets. Client Fixed - Print dialogs have global translations available. Save As dialog uses Java's built-in localization. Fixed - Fixed NPE when closing Overwrite File? dialog when saving from Easy Chart. SFC - ========================================================================================== Engine Added Functionality - Transitions can now listen for values deep inside of complex scope variables (ie. dictionaries inside of the scope) Added Functionality - Extensible system for locating and providing custom scopes. Added Functionality - Transitions can now reference the previous step's scope with {previous.keyname} Added Functionality - The "context" variable available in the script locals map now has a "resolve(id)" function available for resolving a named scope. Fixed - Scripts on steps are executed twice for every invocation. Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Voice Fixed - Ability to override voice notification bind settings through environment parameters for redundant backup. Mobile - ========================================================================================== UI Fixed - Idle VMs has been removed from Mobile settings page in gateway. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== Initial beta release Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Fixed error in lock synchronization. Added Functionality - Max memory for client and designer is now 4gb Fixed - Templates now have a "duplicate" option on their context menu Fixed - Associated Data in Tag Alarming cannot be recapitalized while trying to rename. Fixed - Changed system.security.switchUser to automatically schedule the window re-fresh on the EDT if necessary. Added Functionality - Tag Editor panels will now remember where they were last open. Fixed - Advanced tag history binding settings not properly saved on components/windows, would revert after project reload. Fixed - Incorrect behavior in the designer query browser when using running a select query that has whitespace at the start. Added Functionality - New "copy full path" right click menu for function and class names in the script library editor. Added Functionality - Script library editor's function list now also shows class definitions. Fixed - Tree View component now reports a selected item index of -1 for nodes which were implicitly created Fixed - The Add Tags button in the Tag Browser no longer allows creation of a new tag when the Tags/Data Types directory is selected. Fixed - Project Import now properly creates missing folders needed by resources being imported from .proj backups. Added Functionality - Client menu bar is now translatable. Added Functionality - New designer resources will be selected and in an editable (nameable) state upon creation. Added Functionality - Right-clicking on an item in OPC Browser now gives the option to copy the item path. Fixed - Overrides to alarms and tag event scripts in UDT instances not displayed correctly in tag editor. Fixed - Browse for Pens popup in Easy Chart displays appropriate message when Okay is clicked with no tags selected. Fixed - Global name 'shared' is not defined when calling a global script from a project script. Fixed - Fixed x-trace date formatting to not have the time listed twice. Fixed - Translations can now be removed from components. Fixed - Component Extension Function editor tree does not show a script as changed just by clicking the node Fixed - tagPath parameter in Tag Event Scripts is not passed as a simple string, as described in the documentation. Fixed - Custom permissions on tags now always display in tag editor, even when tag is not set to use custom permissions. Won't Implement - Improved sorting in the tag editor for complex data types with composite (complex) sub members. SQLTags Fixed - Tag provider now detects duplicate tag definitions and only executes a single instance. Fixed - Tag folders created implicitly through import cannot be deleted from the tag browse tree. Also, improved the updating of the tree for added and removed tags, reducing the need to manually refresh. Fixed - Error in asynchronous gateway operation can cause timeout in designer/client. Fixed - UDT instances in a UDT definition now show name conflicts similarly to other tags. Fixed - Tag system stores transient 'RuntimeQuality' property, leading to errors reported when loading tags. Fixed - Implicit folders (those created through tag imports) not handled correctly for UDTs. Fixed - Value overrides in Tag XML imports not correct for composite types inside of UDTs. Fixed - Transaction groups imported into the designer through the project import do not correctly show that they have been saved after a project save has occurred. Fixed - Fixed bug that allowed tags to be added to UDT instances. Gateway Fixed - Tag imports now merge folders. GCU Added Functionality - Added the ability to restore Ignition Gateway backups (gwbk) through the GCU and gwcmd. Gateway Web Interface Added Functionality - New DB2 connection will default to retrieving human readable error messages. Fixed - Gateway Configuration page tables no longer stretch off the page when a field has large unbroken text. Fixed - Incorrect link to Module Marketplace in the gateway. Code Review Fixed - Adjusted behavior of bindings with regards to bound values of linked radio buttons to avoid unexpected write-back upon window opening. Expressions Fixed - Hex values are now correctly parsed from strings in Expression language. Client Fixed - Client no longer throws a 404 HttpResponseException error when retargeting from a 7.7 Gateway to a 7.6 or earlier Gateway. Added Functionality - Locale Selector now has three modes for client log in, Show, Hide, and Automatic. Alarming Fixed - Misconfigured Basic Schedules only log warnings once per minute instead of every few seconds. Scripting Fixed - All project resources now try to reacquire locks after reconnect. Added Functionality - Added Dataset handling to the json encode/decode functions. Fixed - The Python module xml.etree.ElementTree can now be correctly used from the Client Added Functionality - Added system.net.httpPut() and system.net.httpDelete() scripting functions. Fixed - Error when using Time Weighted Average aggregation mode in tag history query when values had not changed during the query window. Fixed - New scripts now properly release locks. Fixed - The system.tag.addTag function now validates for correct tagnames. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Changed the moving average calculated pen to only emit values after it has seen an entire window's worth of data to average together. Added Functionality - Added getLoadedTemplates() function to the template repeater. Added Functionality - Added getAllTemplates() and getTemplate(name) functions to the template canvas. Fixed - Fixed rendering for the Cylindrical Tank component when combined with a titled border Fixed - Calendar week view component wasn't rendering events that started in the previous week. Added Functionality - When editing a table cell, the value typed in overwrites the existing value, rather than appending onto it. Fixed - User Management component now is touch screen compatible. Added Functionality - Added "resetAxes()" method to the Easy Chart component. Added Functionality - Added an Allow Color Changes property to Easy Chart to allow or disallow pen color changes. Fixed - Fixed in-line editing for the one-shot button. Added Functionality - Custom user properties of type boolean now render as a checkbox in the user management panel component Added Functionality - Power Table component now exposes a "setColumnWidth()" scripting function. Fixed - Alarm journal does not filter on display path correctly when the source value is empty, and now requires explicit wildcards to be defined in order to allow sub paths. Added Functionality - The marquee mode of the alarm summary table now has customizable scroll and pause speeds. Fixed - List component fires index changes correctly now Fixed - Dropdown list does not correctly apply the max row property if elements have null values. Added Functionality - Added exportDatasets() to the Easy Chart component. Added Functionality - Min and Max properties on the Spinner component are now bindable. Fixed - Template repeater components with zero templates loaded now have the correct background color. Fixed - Defer Updates property in Text Area component now works correctly. Added Reject Updates prop to Text Area. Fixed - X-Trace now shows values that are off tho top of the chart Added Functionality - In the Table component, cells rendered as a progress bar now correctly paint transparent backgrounds. Fixed - Shelved alarms panel in the Alarm Status Table uses the Display Path Filter as well as the Source Filter. Fixed - Barcode component no longer prints out NPE on empty code. Fixed - Schedule Management component is now touchscreen compatible. Fixed - Report Designer no longer throws Invalid character: "@" errors in the console when using a custom property on a barcode. Designer Added Functionality - Added component security roles to find/replace system Fixed - Fixed quality overlay issue in the Designer for template instances that used UDTs with static values. Added Functionality - Added "Additional Instance" option to the nav builder Added Functionality - Tags can now be added to a UDT definition by dragging from the OPC Browser. Fixed - Importing in the designer will no longer allow overwriting a folder with a resource. Fixed - Color picker and other menu popups no longer display behind the Windows task bar when opened from properties frame. Misc Fixed - Added more print sources to print dialogs. Client Fixed - Multiple sessions were created during disconnect on a client in a redundant system that had the master and backup addresses listed in multiple places. Added Functionality - Shapes' 'visible' property can now be bound to. Fixed - The numeric text field would use the wrong border if the border was changed while the field had edit focus. Fixed - Client now listens for changes in translation information. User Manual - 7.7.3-rc1 ========================================================================================== User Manual Fixed - Added documentation for Easy Chart's print() and exportExcel() functions. Fixed - Added Allow User Management setting to user manual. Misc Fixed - Fixed broken links to Python documentation. WebBrowser - null ========================================================================================== Misc Added Functionality - Added documentation to Web Browser module. Client Fixed - Added null check for deserializing Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Designer Fixed - Alarm Pipeline XML Import file chooser now has proper window title and button label. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== Logix v21 Driver Fixed - Fixed bug where firmware versions were detected incorrectly when connected to an enip module instead of a processor with a dedicated ethernet port. ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Fixed - Fixed log not showing correct error code return back from ControlLogix and CompactLogix processors. MicroLogix Driver Fixed - Fixed issue connecting a MicroLogix processor using PCCC protocol. The connection request is being wrapped in the EIP/CIP protocol twice preventing a successful connection. Mobile - ========================================================================================== UI Fixed - The requestFocusInWindow() call now function correctly in the mobile module Fixed - Editing table cells now causes the mobile keyboard to be displayed IALabs Modules - null ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - The PDF viewer component no longer attempts to load invalid paths. PDFViewer Fixed - PDF Viewer has been updated to the most recent ICEPDF version to improve rendering of fonts. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== NOTE: This module update requires gateweay version 7.7.3 rc1 or higher or the designer will not start. OEE/Downtime Fixed - PMIDTReasonTable was not selecting the correct event when the columns are sorted. Improved - An active downtime event was attempting to update and access the database too often. Fixed - Initial reason detection generates pre-execute errors. Improved - Clear downtime history cache when reason is updated. Improved - Calculation method for OEE and TEEP. When combining multiple lines with differing standard rates the calculations where averaging the runs, this can be inaccurate. Changed - Custom OEE calculation events now return count values as double instead of integer. Recipe Fixed - PMIRecipeEditorTable ActivateRecipe function not loading recipe in certain circumstances. Quality Fixed - Individual chart moving range should not compare the first sample with 0, it can only be calculated starting with the second sample. General - 7.7.2 ========================================================================================== Build Fixed - Improved Java 8 install detection on Linux, including Java installations not set as default. Misc Modified Functionality - Updated Java Service Wrapper to version 3.5.25 Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Alarm Pipeline .xml exports have been replaced fully by the Global import/export system which correctly retain directory hierarchy. Added Functionality - Cut-copy-paste and drag-and-drop work inside UDT definitions. Fixed - Client tag folders now update on changes. Fixed - Import icon in the File menu now matches other import icons. Added Functionality - Tags can now be exported/imported by right clicking in the Tag Browser. Fixed - A tag with no name in the internal database can cause the designer tag tree to do into a loading loop. Fixed - Importing previously exported Tags which contain XML markup characters in scripts will no longer error. Fixed - Buttons are now properly rendered when "No Border" is selected and high RGB values are used as background color. Fixed - Tag editor now uses number format from tag metadata for float4 and float8. Fixed - Unexpected null value for string parameter after XML export/import. Fixed - Numbers present in tag export files are not parsed according to the same locale rules that are used to export them. Therefore, an exported file that is immediately imported can result in incorrect numbers. All tag export files are now parsed according to English locale rules, unless a marker is present in the file indicating that a different locale should be used. Added Functionality - Schedule Management component now lists composite schedules as well as standard schedules. Fixed - Fixed "Save & Exit" button not saving. Fixed - When using a Language Selector Component in a project, calling systme.util.setLocale() with a regional variant does not work as expected. Fixed - Component level translations not being saved correctly on windows. SQLTags Fixed - Data type for tags exposed through UA is incorrect after server restart, leads to value writes being sent as strings. Fixed - UDT parameters can now be used to set the format string and engineering unit properties. Fixed - "Evaluate On Change" historical scan class is not set on import Fixed - Error modifying system name on a db connection that wasn't initialized for history. Fixed - Default system name not resolved correctly for data density queries on easy chart. Fixed - Tag history max time between records not respected if history scan class is equal to realtime Fixed - Scan class, historical scan class, and history provider tag properties can now use UDT parameters. Fixed - Unhelpful error when querying tag history against database that doesn't have history enabled. Fixed - Bulk edit of group items data type does not change all the data types Fixed - CSV tag import with udt overrides can result in incorrect tag type. Fixed - Overridden values not included in tag export for composite types, when type definition is not in the root directory. Fixed - Tag engineering limts are calcualted off of raw values not on scaled values, preventing valid writes from occurring. Added Functionality - New gateway system tags for scan class execution statistics. Added Functionality - New "minimum" and "maximum" tag history aggregation modes. Fixed - InstanceName built in UDT parameter not correct under folders Fixed - Disabling nested UDTs does not disable sub tags. Gateway Fixed - Fixed exception when a repeating schedule is created without required information. Added warning to user. Fixed - Encryption protocols can now be removed from the default cipher list by adding "-DexcludedCiphers=YOUR_EXCLUDED_CIPHERS" to the ignition.conf file under Java Additional Parameters. Use comma separated list of ciphers to be removed, or SSLv3 to remove all SSLv3 default ciphers. Fixed - Fixed error when deleting internal user with extra properties. Fixed - Bug that caused the launch dropdown button to malfunction if the Launching homepage panel was set to start collapsed. Fixed - Error logging has been improved in unique Gateway shutdown circumstances where a default occurs. Fixed - Composite schedules now correctly show active/inactive when their component schedules are edited. Fixed - Active Directory user sources with many users loaded role names incorrectly due to paging results. Fixed - Fixed logic for checking if a composite schedule is currently active. Misc Fixed - system.device.addDevice script function will properly notify client/gateway users when trying to add a device name that already exists. Expressions Fixed - Expression Language floating point values are now evaluated as Doubles. Fixed - Expression Language will now correctly parse Long type integer values. Added Functionality - The bitwise complement (also known as bitwise NOT) operator has been added to the Expression Language and Expression dropdown menu. Added Functionality - The Expression Language dropdown menus now display bitwise operators. Fixed - Stack overflow when a binding refers to itself. Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Link to Module Marketplace from Gateway Web Interface Modules page now correctly resolves to http://marketplace.inductiveautomation.com. Client Added Functionality - Client will now attempt to use Auto-Login credentials as fallback if authentication fails when attempting to load a Project using script function system.util.retarget(). Fixed - User Management component handles bad format strings more gracefully. Duplicate - Not possible to have regional specific locale and general language locale concurrently. Alarming Fixed - Alarm shelving function not working correctly for some subsequent alarms. Fixed - Legacy "any change" alerts upgraded in a way that isn't compatible with most databases Fixed - Holidays now correctly propagate changes to schedules. Fixed - IsAlarmActive expression function returns bad quality when target tag/alarm is shelved Fixed - Unable to reference associated data in alarm property bindings, properties are always replaced with "null". Added Functionality - Added system.alarm.cancel(UUID) Native Client Launchers Added Functionality - Modified Windows client launchers to be able to use a JRE that is added to the machine by unzipping a JRE installation from another machine. See the User Manual for more details. Added Functionality - Gateways can now be designated as favorites within the native launchers. The Gateway Configuration screen can be set to filter out non-favorite Gateways. Scripting Fixed - Error executing tag change script for tag paths that target a property besides 'Value' Fixed - Alarm Status binding Datasets are now more familiar data types. Added Functionality - Added project name to timer script error messages Fixed - The JSON encode/decode methods turned floating point values that ended in .0 into integers. Fixed - Default timeout for system.tag.writeAllSynchronous() corrected to 45 seconds. SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Can not change group item data type from edit window. Fixed - Error when dropping illegal items, such as opc tags, onto transaction group project resource tree nodes. Fixed - Tag alarm properties do not update when an alarm is shelved. Fixed - Driven scan class with zero slow rate not working with historian, data continues to log. Gateway Fixed - Tag reference aliases not working for trigger setting if source tag is not located in the tag provider root. Fixed - Transaction group tag limits aren't calculated correct for Block Groups. Fixed - Cryptic error in stored procedure group with bad param name when using mysql. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Fixed issue where Bar Chart was using too much CPU while idle. Fixed - Alarm Journal Table filter descriptions for Event ID and Event Path on the have been corrected to match proper selection. Fixed - Bar chart now logs a warning instead of posting an error box when the dataset doesn't have enough columns. Added Functionality - New "Template Canvas" component allows for dynamic instantiation of templates at runtime. Added Functionality - The Power Table now has Table Customizer option to Wrap Text that can be applied to columns. Fixed - Fixed bad date format strings for the date range component. Fixed - Power Table column selection now matches underlying dataset. No longer throws an error when selection is out of range. Added Functionality - Added option for anti-aliased fonts for most components. Fixed - Fixed layout for comments panel with long filenames Fixed - Error in Dropdown list component when selecting null from database. Fixed - Removed non-functional date step size property from Date Spinner. Fixed - Rotated labels with background would draw bad buffer artifacts. Added Functionality - Table component column widths now save automatically. Fixed - Fixed the equipment schedule view's broken "onEventClicked" extension function Added Functionality - Table headers are now translatable for regular and power tables. Fixed - Fixed NullPointerException in UserManagementPanel if gateway communication fails. Added Functionality - Added "onBackgroundDragged" extension function to the equipment schedule view component. Fixed - Composite schedules that overlap now show the correct time range in the User Management component. Fixed - Fixed error when first column of bar chart wasn't of type String Added Functionality - Added filterSchedule() extension function to the User Management component. Added Functionality - The User Management component now shows holidays when viewing the schedule. Fixed - Improved locale-sensitive time display for schedules in User Management and Schedule Management components. Fixed - Fixed ability to delete schedules from the Schedule Management component. Fixed - User detail in User Management component now shows composite schedules. Fixed - Fixed Filter tooltip in Alarm Journal component. Designer Added Functionality - Tags can now be dragged from OPC Browser into UDT editor Fixed - Tag History Binding fields have been updated to give better feedback when entering Date bindings, intervals and fixed sample sizes. Fixed - Template instances did not correctly apply layout options to their interior components in the Designer. Added Functionality - Added right-click close options onto the tabs for the window workspace. Misc Fixed - system.nav.swapWindow() now correctly adds to list of previously open windows. Client Fixed - IP Camera component now has a "Camera Buffer Size" Expert Property available in the properties panel. Fixed - DateRange component now correctly fires selection change on window open if automatic selection property is chosen. Fixed - Improved performance of expression bindings bound to client tags that fired too many times on startup. Added Functionality - Cached window loads no longer re-load their templates, improving the performance of swapping between windows. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Driver API Fixed - Fix bug that caused meta tags (Is Connected, Connection State) to be bad quality if the driver was not connected. User Manual - 7.7.2 ========================================================================================== User Manual Fixed - Added composite schedules to documentation. Misc Fixed - Equipment Schedule extension functions added to user manual. SFC - null ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Parallel sections can no longer be resized to a width of zero (making them invisible) Misc Fixed - SFCs that store datasets, functions, and class definitions in scope can now be monitored correctly. WebBrowser - null ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Web Browser component now works on Linux when Google Chrome was not previously installed. Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Designer Added Functionality - New Script block in the alarm pipeline system. Alarm Email Fixed - Fixed a bug that prevented SMTP connect and timeout settings from taking effect. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== Logix v21 Driver Fixed - Fixed an EtherNet/IP layer memory leak. Added Functionality - Support for full instance-based addressing in firmware v21+ devices. Added Functionality - Automatic discovery of largest CIP explicit messaging connection size. Added Functionality - Support for CIP LargeForwardOpen service. Fixed - Support for reading UDTs and AOIs containing members without external access enabled. Fixed - Fixes a bug re-establishing subscription after device disconnect/reconnect in certain cases. MicroLogix/PLC5/SLC Drivers Fixed - Fixed issue where words in I and O addresses not being read or written correctly. Mobile - ========================================================================================== UI Fixed - More gracefully prevented the use of system.file.openFile from a mobile client OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Fixed - Production model status reporting the incorrect analysis datasource name. Fixed - Oracle DB generates error on MESObjectLink table stating that null is not allowed in table field. Fixed - gateway becomes un-responsive after a save/publish of production model OEE/Downtime Fixed - ProductionHistoryBinding could not be used in line chart with minute resolution. Added - Script function (updateLineProductCodeProperty) to allow updating of a product code line property. Fixed - Primary infeed and outfeed selector now allows selecting and will also display the name of the primary even if it is no longer defined. Added - Translation entry to downtime reason code editing Added - Translation support to the downtime reasons in the downtime reason table component Added - Run Identifier filter to downtime analysis provider. Improved - Remote operator reason code will allow selection of any reason regardless of the Operator Selectable setting Fixed - Production history binding function data causing error in bar chart Track and Trace Added - MES script loadMESObjectByEquipmentPath() Analysis Added - Analysis selector property to allow times to be used, instead of defaulting to midnight. Added - script function ClearAnalysisCache. Allows clearing of cache if the data is edited directly. Fixed - TEEP analysis provider not always using the correct package count when calculating. Recipe Fixed - When creating a recipe, the recipe name is not validated as in rename recipe. Added - localization to recipe components. Recipe tree view and recipe editor table now handles localization correct. Fixed - RecipeEditorTable not display the recipe items in the same order as the configuration (alphabetical). Fixed - Recipe editor table allows bad values to be entered in manually. Fixed - Recipe editor table resets entered manual value while editing if live value timer update executes. Added - Recipe value name filter to PMIRecipeEditorTable. Fixed - Recipe reports variance exists even though variance tracking is disabled. Fixed - Recipes (if applicable) not automatically being selected when a OEE run was started. Schedule Improved - Scheduled vs actual binding function will now display runs that do not have an associated schedule (manual run). Fixed - Schedule view component now displays the note field for any scheduled events (not just work orders). Added - Line Schedule View property Event Text Color. Allows setting the event text color. Fixed - PMILineScheduleSelector line schedule only displays work orders, maintenance or other schedule items not selectable. Added - Schedule vs Actual binding function (used by Analysis Time Chart) allows realtime view with look back minutes properties. Quality/SPC Fixed - Manual sample data entry causes general error if data type entered is wrong type. Fixed - Control chart date format property does not affect date format in table. Added - Control chart property to show an icon that can be clicked to show the control limits editor. Added - Sample entry component localization for attribute values. Added - Sample entry component check if all required fields are entered. Added - Sample entry component localizable error messages. Added - Control chart highlights in table for signals and control limits Added - Control chart icon to select control limit editing. Fixed - MedianCalculator: calc() median value was not being assigned correctly. Fixed - SQL Tag collectors with the same name in different locations not saving correct. Web Services Fixed - Web service call with body object fails in gateway call, works in client call. Added - Authentication for HTTP Basic and WS-Security Fixed - Error generated when right clicking on web service configuration or listener. General - 7.7.2-rc2 ========================================================================================== Build Fixed - Improved Java 8 install detection on Linux, including Java installations not set as default. Misc Modified Functionality - Updated Java Service Wrapper to version 3.5.25 Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Alarm Pipeline .xml exports have been replaced fully by the Global import/export system which correctly retain directory hierarchy. Added Functionality - Cut-copy-paste and drag-and-drop work inside UDT definitions. Fixed - Client tag folders now update on changes. Fixed - Import icon in the File menu now matches other import icons. Added Functionality - Tags can now be exported/imported by right clicking in the Tag Browser. Fixed - A tag with no name in the internal database can cause the designer tag tree to do into a loading loop. Fixed - Importing previously exported Tags which contain XML markup characters in scripts will no longer error. Fixed - Buttons are now properly rendered when "No Border" is selected and high RGB values are used as background color. Fixed - Tag editor now uses number format from tag metadata for float4 and float8. Fixed - Unexpected null value for string parameter after XML export/import. Fixed - Numbers present in tag export files are not parsed according to the same locale rules that are used to export them. Therefore, an exported file that is immediately imported can result in incorrect numbers. All tag export files are now parsed according to English locale rules, unless a marker is present in the file indicating that a different locale should be used. Added Functionality - Schedule Management component now lists composite schedules as well as standard schedules. Fixed - Fixed "Save & Exit" button not saving. Fixed - When using a Language Selector Component in a project, calling systme.util.setLocale() with a regional variant does not work as expected. Fixed - Component level translations not being saved correctly on windows. SQLTags Fixed - Data type for tags exposed through UA is incorrect after server restart, leads to value writes being sent as strings. Fixed - UDT parameters can now be used to set the format string and engineering unit properties. Fixed - "Evaluate On Change" historical scan class is not set on import Fixed - Error modifying system name on a db connection that wasn't initialized for history. Fixed - Default system name not resolved correctly for data density queries on easy chart. Fixed - Tag history max time between records not respected if history scan class is equal to realtime Fixed - Scan class, historical scan class, and history provider tag properties can now use UDT parameters. Fixed - Unhelpful error when querying tag history against database that doesn't have history enabled. Fixed - Bulk edit of group items data type does not change all the data types Fixed - CSV tag import with udt overrides can result in incorrect tag type. Fixed - Overridden values not included in tag export for composite types, when type definition is not in the root directory. Fixed - Tag engineering limts are calcualted off of raw values not on scaled values, preventing valid writes from occurring. Added Functionality - New gateway system tags for scan class execution statistics. Added Functionality - New "minimum" and "maximum" tag history aggregation modes. Fixed - InstanceName built in UDT parameter not correct under folders Fixed - Disabling nested UDTs does not disable sub tags. Gateway Fixed - Fixed exception when a repeating schedule is created without required information. Added warning to user. Fixed - Encryption protocols can now be removed from the default cipher list by adding "-DexcludedCiphers=YOUR_EXCLUDED_CIPHERS" to the ignition.conf file under Java Additional Parameters. Use comma separated list of ciphers to be removed, or SSLv3 to remove all SSLv3 default ciphers. Fixed - Fixed error when deleting internal user with extra properties. Fixed - Bug that caused the launch dropdown button to malfunction if the Launching homepage panel was set to start collapsed. Fixed - Error logging has been improved in unique Gateway shutdown circumstances where a default occurs. Fixed - Composite schedules now correctly show active/inactive when their component schedules are edited. Fixed - Active Directory user sources with many users loaded role names incorrectly due to paging results. Fixed - Fixed logic for checking if a composite schedule is currently active. Misc Fixed - system.device.addDevice script function will properly notify client/gateway users when trying to add a device name that already exists. Expressions Fixed - Expression Language floating point values are now evaluated as Doubles. Fixed - Expression Language will now correctly parse Long type integer values. Added Functionality - The bitwise complement (also known as bitwise NOT) operator has been added to the Expression Language and Expression dropdown menu. Added Functionality - The Expression Language dropdown menus now display bitwise operators. Fixed - Stack overflow when a binding refers to itself. Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Link to Module Marketplace from Gateway Web Interface Modules page now correctly resolves to http://marketplace.inductiveautomation.com. Client Added Functionality - Client will now attempt to use Auto-Login credentials as fallback if authentication fails when attempting to load a Project using script function system.util.retarget(). Fixed - User Management component handles bad format strings more gracefully. Duplicate - Not possible to have regional specific locale and general language locale concurrently. Alarming Fixed - Alarm shelving function not working correctly for some subsequent alarms. Fixed - Legacy "any change" alerts upgraded in a way that isn't compatible with most databases Fixed - Holidays now correctly propagate changes to schedules. Fixed - IsAlarmActive expression function returns bad quality when target tag/alarm is shelved Fixed - Unable to reference associated data in alarm property bindings, properties are always replaced with "null". Added Functionality - Added system.alarm.cancel(UUID) Native Client Launchers Added Functionality - Modified Windows client launchers to be able to use a JRE that is added to the machine by unzipping a JRE installation from another machine. See the User Manual for more details. Added Functionality - Gateways can now be designated as favorites within the native launchers. The Gateway Configuration screen can be set to filter out non-favorite Gateways. Scripting Fixed - Error executing tag change script for tag paths that target a property besides 'Value' Fixed - Alarm Status binding Datasets are now more familiar data types. Added Functionality - Added project name to timer script error messages Fixed - The JSON encode/decode methods turned floating point values that ended in .0 into integers. Fixed - Default timeout for system.tag.writeAllSynchronous() corrected to 45 seconds. SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Can not change group item data type from edit window. Fixed - Error when dropping illegal items, such as opc tags, onto transaction group project resource tree nodes. Fixed - Tag alarm properties do not update when an alarm is shelved. Fixed - Driven scan class with zero slow rate not working with historian, data continues to log. Gateway Fixed - Tag reference aliases not working for trigger setting if source tag is not located in the tag provider root. Fixed - Transaction group tag limits aren't calculated correct for Block Groups. Fixed - Cryptic error in stored procedure group with bad param name when using mysql. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Fixed issue where Bar Chart was using too much CPU while idle. Fixed - Alarm Journal Table filter descriptions for Event ID and Event Path on the have been corrected to match proper selection. Fixed - Bar chart now logs a warning instead of posting an error box when the dataset doesn't have enough columns. Added Functionality - New "Template Canvas" component allows for dynamic instantiation of templates at runtime. Added Functionality - The Power Table now has Table Customizer option to Wrap Text that can be applied to columns. Fixed - Fixed bad date format strings for the date range component. Fixed - Power Table column selection now matches underlying dataset. No longer throws an error when selection is out of range. Added Functionality - Added option for anti-aliased fonts for most components. Fixed - Fixed layout for comments panel with long filenames Fixed - Error in Dropdown list component when selecting null from database. Fixed - Removed non-functional date step size property from Date Spinner. Fixed - Rotated labels with background would draw bad buffer artifacts. Added Functionality - Table component column widths now save automatically. Fixed - Fixed the equipment schedule view's broken "onEventClicked" extension function Added Functionality - Table headers are now translatable for regular and power tables. Fixed - Fixed NullPointerException in UserManagementPanel if gateway communication fails. Added Functionality - Added "onBackgroundDragged" extension function to the equipment schedule view component. Fixed - Composite schedules that overlap now show the correct time range in the User Management component. Fixed - Fixed error when first column of bar chart wasn't of type String Added Functionality - Added filterSchedule() extension function to the User Management component. Added Functionality - The User Management component now shows holidays when viewing the schedule. Fixed - Improved locale-sensitive time display for schedules in User Management and Schedule Management components. Fixed - Fixed ability to delete schedules from the Schedule Management component. Fixed - User detail in User Management component now shows composite schedules. Fixed - Fixed Filter tooltip in Alarm Journal component. Designer Added Functionality - Tags can now be dragged from OPC Browser into UDT editor Fixed - Tag History Binding fields have been updated to give better feedback when entering Date bindings, intervals and fixed sample sizes. Fixed - Template instances did not correctly apply layout options to their interior components in the Designer. Added Functionality - Added right-click close options onto the tabs for the window workspace. Misc Fixed - system.nav.swapWindow() now correctly adds to list of previously open windows. Client Fixed - IP Camera component now has a "Camera Buffer Size" Expert Property available in the properties panel. Fixed - DateRange component now correctly fires selection change on window open if automatic selection property is chosen. Fixed - Improved performance of expression bindings bound to client tags that fired too many times on startup. Added Functionality - Cached window loads no longer re-load their templates, improving the performance of swapping between windows. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Driver API Fixed - Fix bug that caused meta tags (Is Connected, Connection State) to be bad quality if the driver was not connected. User Manual - 7.7.2-rc2 ========================================================================================== User Manual Fixed - Added composite schedules to documentation. Misc Fixed - Equipment Schedule extension functions added to user manual. SFC - null ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Parallel sections can no longer be resized to a width of zero (making them invisible) Misc Fixed - SFCs that store datasets, functions, and class definitions in scope can now be monitored correctly. WebBrowser - null ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Web Browser component now works on Linux when Google Chrome was not previously installed. Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Designer Added Functionality - New Script block in the alarm pipeline system. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== Logix v21 Driver Fixed - Fixed an EtherNet/IP layer memory leak. Added Functionality - Support for full instance-based addressing in firmware v21+ devices. Added Functionality - Automatic discovery of largest CIP explicit messaging connection size. Added Functionality - Support for CIP LargeForwardOpen service. Fixed - Support for reading UDTs and AOIs containing members without external access enabled. Fixed - Fixes a bug re-establishing subscription after device disconnect/reconnect in certain cases. MicroLogix/PLC5/SLC Drivers Fixed - Fixed issue where words in I and O addresses not being read or written correctly. Mobile - ========================================================================================== UI Fixed - More gracefully prevented the use of system.file.openFile from a mobile client OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Fixed - gateway becomes un-responsive after a save/publish of production model OEE/Downtime Fixed - ProductionHistoryBinding could not be used in line chart with minute resolution. Added - Script function (updateLineProductCodeProperty) to allow updating of a product code line property. Fixed - Primary infeed and outfeed selector now allows selecting and will also display the name of the primary even if it is no longer defined. Added - Translation entry to downtime reason code editing Added - Translation support to the downtime reasons in the downtime reason table component Added - Run Identifier filter to downtime analysis provider. Improved - Remote operator reason code will allow selection of any reason regardless of the Operator Selectable setting Fixed - Production history binding function data causing error in bar chart Track and Trace Added - MES script loadMESObjectByEquipmentPath() Analysis Added - Analysis selector property to allow times to be used, instead of defaulting to midnight. Added - script function ClearAnalysisCache. Allows clearing of cache if the data is edited directly. Fixed - TEEP analysis provider not always using the correct package count when calculating. Recipe Added - localization to recipe components. Recipe tree view and recipe editor table now handles localization correct. Fixed - RecipeEditorTable not display the recipe items in the same order as the configuration (alphabetical). Fixed - Recipe editor table allows bad values to be entered in manually. Fixed - Recipe editor table resets entered manual value while editing if live value timer update executes. Added - Recipe value name filter to PMIRecipeEditorTable. Fixed - Recipe reports variance exists even though variance tracking is disabled. Fixed - Recipes (if applicable) not automatically being selected when a OEE run was started. Schedule Improved - Scheduled vs actual binding function will now display runs that do not have an associated schedule (manual run). Fixed - Schedule view component now displays the note field for any scheduled events (not just work orders). Added - Line Schedule View property Event Text Color. Allows setting the event text color. Fixed - PMILineScheduleSelector line schedule only displays work orders, maintenance or other schedule items not selectable. Added - Schedule vs Actual binding function (used by Analysis Time Chart) allows realtime view with look back minutes properties. Quality/SPC Fixed - Manual sample data entry causes general error if data type entered is wrong type. Fixed - Control chart date format property does not affect date format in table. Added - Control chart property to show an icon that can be clicked to show the control limits editor. Added - Sample entry component localization for attribute values. Added - Sample entry component check if all required fields are entered. Added - Sample entry component localizable error messages. Added - Control chart highlights in table for signals and control limits Added - Control chart icon to select control limit editing. Fixed - MedianCalculator: calc() median value was not being assigned correctly. Fixed - SQL Tag collectors with the same name in different locations not saving correct. Web Services Added - Authentication for HTTP Basic and WS-Security Fixed - Error generated when right clicking on web service configuration or listener. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Added Functionality - Tip of the Day now centered in Designer window. SQLTags Not Reproducible - Historical tags not marked as retired on delete or rename. Fixed - Scan classes in Read mode, with the same opc address subscribed multiple times, can become misaligned and set the wrong values on tags after removing one of the duplicate addresses. Alarming Fixed - Alert messages incorrectly generated on clear condition for any change analog alerts. SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Code Review Fixed - system.tag.read() and .readAll() return different results for disabled tags. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Fixed input errors on Numeric Text Field when updates are not deferred. Functions As Per Design - Updated documentation on autorange for Easy Chart. Serial Support - ========================================================================================== Scripting Fixed - Update serial libraries to support Windows 8.1 Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== MicroLogix/PLC5/SLC Drivers Fixed - Fixed issue where words in I and O addresses not being read or written correctly. Fixed - Fixed issue for SLC, Micrologix and PLC-5 when only .ACC, .PRE, etc. is subscribed to with out including a sub element 0 item (like .EN), the values are incorrect. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Fixed - PostgreSQL error with server version 9.3 on internally using escaped strings. Fixed - Standard variance count tag for shift is not being calculated correctly. Fixed - On resume run, the run end date time was not being cleared in the runtime data tables. This would allow the purge run utility to potentially delete an active run. Fixed - Constant error "Unable to verify production database table schemas". Creating a production model in an empty database will not create the tables unless the Production module is re-started. Fixed - PMIProductionLineCellSelector not setting the Cell Name property after selection. Fixed - PostGreSQL database not creating proper indices. Changed - MES Installers will only work with Ignition gateway 7.5.10 or greater OEE/Downtime Added - PMIProductCodeSelector property "setLineProductCode". When true will attempt to set the line to the selected product code. This was the default previously. Now the selector can be used to just select a Product code without any default action. Fixed - Stored SPC settings do not update when the underlying Sample definition is renamed Added - Shift Planned Downtime (Minutes) tag. Displays the planned downtime during the current shift for the current run. Fixed - Shift OEE tags values one update cycle behind run tags at the beginning of the run. Fixed - Active downtime tag does not reflect operator selected reason. Fixed - Downtime reason not using operator selected cell if the downtime event is re-triggered internally. For instance, on a shift change. Add default filter Include Recordable. Previously was returning all downtime by default. SPC/Quality Fixed - XBar control limits to show on both XBar Range and XBar Standard Deviation charts. Also, fixed Moving Range control limits to show on both Individual and Median charts. Fixed - Stored SPC settings do not update when the underlying Sample definition is renamed Improved - method for getting the last samples taken speed improvement. Fixed - PMIStoredSPCSelector cannot create a new stored settings manually. Fixed - SPC charts not showing the left axis when the table is hidden. Added - script property sampleTakenBy in addition to user to the Sample Entry component. Fixed - SPCController is clearing all custom property bindings when the definition changed even though those properties exist in the new definition. Fixed - SPC Data Type Selector causes error if no data type is selected. Fixed - Frequency charts cannot get data if the definition has multiple measurements. Added - border property for the PMISPCSelector component Recipe Added - new Recipe Value Name filter property to the recipe editor. Improved - Recipe Editor component will not collapse when the value editor filter is changed. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Added Functionality - Tip of the Day now centered in Designer window. SQLTags Not Reproducible - Historical tags not marked as retired on delete or rename. Fixed - Scan classes in Read mode, with the same opc address subscribed multiple times, can become misaligned and set the wrong values on tags after removing one of the duplicate addresses. Alarming Fixed - Alert messages incorrectly generated on clear condition for any change analog alerts. SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Code Review Fixed - system.tag.read() and .readAll() return different results for disabled tags. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Fixed input errors on Numeric Text Field when updates are not deferred. Functions As Per Design - Updated documentation on autorange for Easy Chart. Serial Support - ========================================================================================== Scripting Fixed - Update serial libraries to support Windows 8.1 Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== MicroLogix/PLC5/SLC Drivers Fixed - Fixed issue where words in I and O addresses not being read or written correctly. Fixed - Fixed issue for SLC, Micrologix and PLC-5 when only .ACC, .PRE, etc. is subscribed to with out including a sub element 0 item (like .EN), the values are incorrect. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Fixed - Validate RunUUID before recording to analysis. Added - Workday Routine name to the status message when the routine is activated with a reason code. Analysis Improved - Deleting/Restoring a run with the analysis controller requires comparing by Run Identifier. This will allow display of invalid Run Identifiers. Added - Compare by Run Identifier. Allows displaying invalid Run Identifiers. Added - Production Bar Chart property "labelFormat" string for formatting the label text. Added - Warning message to analysis controller when deleting/restoring run and the compare by is not correct. OEE/Downtime Added - IgnoreChangeoverCountsProperty that wil ignore production counts if in changeover overrun and the property is set. Added - ability to re-assign the downtime if the event is key cell could not find a blameable cell. Fixed - Cell not recording events in a similar fashion as Line. E.g. run start does not record the 0 time. Improved - OEE Quality calculation now will use production count + waste count if infeed count is not being collected. Added - Line DT Bypass Reason Code for the cell. Allows the cell to record a specified down time while it is bypassed. Improved - Key Reason downtime detection. Added - Line schedule view properties. scheduleOnly property will display only the scheduled times from the schedule table. allowDropInPast allows schedules to be dropped into the past. Fixed - Line schedule view hides overlapping schedules. Fixed - SequenceDate (based on shift start date) was incorrect with the shift that crosses midnight. Added methods to ShiftUtilities that will determine the correct shift start date. Fixed - Key reason detection not working if first cell is a cell group. Fixed - Cell group cell latching in key reason detection was never unlatched. Schedule Fixed - Schedule view does not handle workday routines that cross midnight. Added - Analysis Time Chart ability to update while zoomed. Added - Schedule view dropping a schedule over an existing schedule will ask if you want the dropped schedule to start to the end of the existing schedule. Previously the existing schedule was always moved after the dropped schedule. Added - Schedule view property Allow Drop Schedule in the Past, allows dropping schedules at any time, even if they may never be able to run automatically since they are in the past. Improved - Work orders can now be edited (via the script method) even if schedules are assigned to them. Added - LineNameFilter Property to Work Order table. Allows filtering work orders to the specific line. Fixed - Line Schedule view not retaining custom properties. Recipe Fixed - Recipe treeview not expanding after navigating away then back to the window. Occurs when window gets cached. Fixed - Recipe values not being deleted after the first child production item. Those recipe values cannot be deleted, error message says they are inherited. SPC/Quality Fixed - Samples being continuously scheduled every second for a definition regardless of interval settings. Occurs if the definition was ever used with a manual interval. Improved - SPC charts will ignore non-required attribute data if not entered during the sample entry. Previously was displaying as 0. Improved - Lookup of additional factors while selecting a SPC definition. Instrument Interface Improved - Parse template handling of CSV rows data. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Added Functionality - Tip of the Day now centered in Designer window. SQLTags Not Reproducible - Historical tags not marked as retired on delete or rename. Fixed - Scan classes in Read mode, with the same opc address subscribed multiple times, can become misaligned and set the wrong values on tags after removing one of the duplicate addresses. Alarming Fixed - Alert messages incorrectly generated on clear condition for any change analog alerts. SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Code Review Fixed - system.tag.read() and .readAll() return different results for disabled tags. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Fixed input errors on Numeric Text Field when updates are not deferred. Functions As Per Design - Updated documentation on autorange for Easy Chart. Serial Support - ========================================================================================== Scripting Fixed - Update serial libraries to support Windows 8.1 Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== MicroLogix/PLC5/SLC Drivers Fixed - Fixed issue where words in I and O addresses not being read or written correctly. Fixed - Fixed issue for SLC, Micrologix and PLC-5 when only .ACC, .PRE, etc. is subscribed to with out including a sub element 0 item (like .EN), the values are incorrect. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Fixed - Validate RunUUID before recording to analysis. Added - Workday Routine name to the status message when the routine is activated with a reason code. Analysis Improved - Deleting/Restoring a run with the analysis controller requires comparing by Run Identifier. This will allow display of invalid Run Identifiers. Added - Compare by Run Identifier. Allows displaying invalid Run Identifiers. Added - Production Bar Chart property "labelFormat" string for formatting the label text. Added - Warning message to analysis controller when deleting/restoring run and the compare by is not correct. OEE/Downtime Added - IgnoreChangeoverCountsProperty that wil ignore production counts if in changeover overrun and the property is set. Added - ability to re-assign the downtime if the event is key cell could not find a blameable cell. Fixed - Cell not recording events in a similar fashion as Line. E.g. run start does not record the 0 time. Improved - OEE Quality calculation now will use production count + waste count if infeed count is not being collected. Added - Line DT Bypass Reason Code for the cell. Allows the cell to record a specified down time while it is bypassed. Improved - Key Reason downtime detection. Added - Line schedule view properties. scheduleOnly property will display only the scheduled times from the schedule table. allowDropInPast allows schedules to be dropped into the past. Fixed - Line schedule view hides overlapping schedules. Fixed - SequenceDate (based on shift start date) was incorrect with the shift that crosses midnight. Added methods to ShiftUtilities that will determine the correct shift start date. Fixed - Key reason detection not working if first cell is a cell group. Fixed - Cell group cell latching in key reason detection was never unlatched. Schedule Fixed - Schedule view does not handle workday routines that cross midnight. Added - Analysis Time Chart ability to update while zoomed. Added - Schedule view dropping a schedule over an existing schedule will ask if you want the dropped schedule to start to the end of the existing schedule. Previously the existing schedule was always moved after the dropped schedule. Added - Schedule view property Allow Drop Schedule in the Past, allows dropping schedules at any time, even if they may never be able to run automatically since they are in the past. Improved - Work orders can now be edited (via the script method) even if schedules are assigned to them. Added - LineNameFilter Property to Work Order table. Allows filtering work orders to the specific line. Fixed - Line Schedule view not retaining custom properties. Recipe Fixed - Recipe treeview not expanding after navigating away then back to the window. Occurs when window gets cached. Fixed - Recipe values not being deleted after the first child production item. Those recipe values cannot be deleted, error message says they are inherited. SPC/Quality Fixed - Samples being continuously scheduled every second for a definition regardless of interval settings. Occurs if the definition was ever used with a manual interval. Improved - SPC charts will ignore non-required attribute data if not entered during the sample entry. Previously was displaying as 0. Improved - Lookup of additional factors while selecting a SPC definition. Instrument Interface Improved - Parse template handling of CSV rows data. General - 7.7.2-rc1 ========================================================================================== Misc Modified Functionality - Updated Java Service Wrapper to version 3.5.25 Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Numbers present in tag export files are not parsed according to the same locale rules that are used to export them. Therefore, an exported file that is immediately imported can result in incorrect numbers. All tag export files are now parsed according to English locale rules, unless a marker is present in the file indicating that a different locale should be used. Added Functionality - Schedule Management component now lists composite schedules as well as standard schedules. Fixed - Fixed "Save & Exit" button not saving. Fixed - When using a Language Selector Component in a project, calling systme.util.setLocale() with a regional variant does not work as expected. Fixed - Component level translations not being saved correctly on windows. SQLTags Fixed - Overridden values not included in tag export for composite types, when type definition is not in the root directory. Fixed - Tag engineering limts are calcualted off of raw values not on scaled values, preventing valid writes from occurring. Added Functionality - New gateway system tags for scan class execution statistics. Added Functionality - New "minimum" and "maximum" tag history aggregation modes. Fixed - InstanceName built in UDT parameter not correct under folders Fixed - Disabling nested UDTs does not disable sub tags. Gateway Fixed - Active Directory user sources with many users loaded role names incorrectly due to paging results. Fixed - Fixed logic for checking if a composite schedule is currently active. Client Fixed - User Management component handles bad format strings more gracefully. Duplicate - Not possible to have regional specific locale and general language locale concurrently. Native Client Launchers Added Functionality - Modified Windows client launchers to be able to use a JRE that is added to the machine by unzipping a JRE installation from another machine. See the User Manual for more details. Added Functionality - Gateways can now be designated as favorites within the native launchers. The Gateway Configuration screen can be set to filter out non-favorite Gateways. Alarming Fixed - Holidays now correctly propagate changes to schedules. Fixed - IsAlarmActive expression function returns bad quality when target tag/alarm is shelved Fixed - Unable to reference associated data in alarm property bindings, properties are always replaced with "null". Added Functionality - Added system.alarm.cancel(UUID) Scripting Fixed - The JSON encode/decode methods turned floating point values that ended in .0 into integers. Fixed - Default timeout for system.tag.writeAllSynchronous() corrected to 45 seconds. SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Driven scan class with zero slow rate not working with historian, data continues to log. Gateway Fixed - Cryptic error in stored procedure group with bad param name when using mysql. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Fixed NullPointerException in UserManagementPanel if gateway communication fails. Added Functionality - Added "onBackgroundDragged" extension function to the equipment schedule view component. Fixed - Composite schedules that overlap now show the correct time range in the User Management component. Fixed - Fixed error when first column of bar chart wasn't of type String Added Functionality - Added filterSchedule() extension function to the User Management component. Added Functionality - The User Management component now shows holidays when viewing the schedule. Fixed - Improved locale-sensitive time display for schedules in User Management and Schedule Management components. Fixed - Fixed ability to delete schedules from the Schedule Management component. Fixed - User detail in User Management component now shows composite schedules. Fixed - Fixed Filter tooltip in Alarm Journal component. Designer Added Functionality - Added right-click close options onto the tabs for the window workspace. Client Fixed - Improved performance of expression bindings bound to client tags that fired too many times on startup. Added Functionality - Cached window loads no longer re-load their templates, improving the performance of swapping between windows. User Manual - 7.7.2-rc1 ========================================================================================== User Manual Fixed - Added composite schedules to documentation. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== Logix v21 Driver Fixed - Fixed an EtherNet/IP layer memory leak. Added Functionality - Support for full instance-based addressing in firmware v21+ devices. Added Functionality - Automatic discovery of largest CIP explicit messaging connection size. Added Functionality - Support for CIP LargeForwardOpen service. Fixed - Support for reading UDTs and AOIs containing members without external access enabled. Fixed - Fixes a bug re-establishing subscription after device disconnect/reconnect in certain cases. MicroLogix/PLC5/SLC Drivers Fixed - Fixed issue where words in I and O addresses not being read or written correctly. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Fixed - gateway becomes un-responsive after a save/publish of production model OEE/Downtime Fixed - Primary infeed and outfeed selector now allows selecting and will also display the name of the primary even if it is no longer defined. Added - Translation entry to downtime reason code editing Added - Translation support to the downtime reasons in the downtime reason table component Added - Run Identifier filter to downtime analysis provider. Improved - Remote operator reason code will allow selection of any reason regardless of the Operator Selectable setting Fixed - Production history binding function data causing error in bar chart Analysis Added - Analysis selector property to allow times to be used, instead of defaulting to midnight. Added - script function ClearAnalysisCache. Allows clearing of cache if the data is edited directly. Fixed - TEEP analysis provider not always using the correct package count when calculating. Recipe Fixed - Recipe editor table allows bad values to be entered in manually. Fixed - Recipe editor table resets entered manual value while editing if live value timer update executes. Added - Recipe value name filter to PMIRecipeEditorTable. Fixed - Recipe reports variance exists even though variance tracking is disabled. Fixed - Recipes (if applicable) not automatically being selected when a OEE run was started. Schedule Added - Line Schedule View property Event Text Color. Allows setting the event text color. Fixed - PMILineScheduleSelector line schedule only displays work orders, maintenance or other schedule items not selectable. Added - Schedule vs Actual binding function (used by Analysis Time Chart) allows realtime view with look back minutes properties. Quality/SPC Fixed - MedianCalculator: calc() median value was not being assigned correctly. Fixed - SQL Tag collectors with the same name in different locations not saving correct. Web Services Added - Authentication for HTTP Basic and WS-Security Fixed - Error generated when right clicking on web service configuration or listener. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Power table was unable to edit int columns as boolean using checkbox editor. Fixed - Query Browser now allows editing of primary keys. Fixed - Fixed up layout issues for classic chart customizer Added Functionality - Equipment Schedule View timeline now scales out to longer time ranges more gracefully Fixed - Tooltips for add and delete button in Tag Editor now display correctly. Fixed - Fixed template repeater opacity issues w.r.t. scrolling Fixed - Fixed the locking of newly created resources Fixed - Fixed ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when Linear Scale is missing the Label column. Fixed - All input fields now support translucent backgrounds. Fixed - Prevented IndexOutOfBoundsException caused by bar chart with 1st column not named "Label" Fixed - Fixed NPE trying to apply changes to template instance component event scripts. Fixed - User no longer prompted to save on exit if they don't have permission to save. Fixed - Fixed error caused by setting a Slider component's major tick spacing to zero or less Added Functionality - Added mnemonics to a number of Designer dialog buttons. Fixed - Centered tag export save window relative to parent frame of tag browser. Fixed - Datasource tag history provider not shown in tag history configuration when demo expired. Fixed - Alarm Status Tables show neither Ack'ed By nor Ack Pipeline by default. Fixed - Templates can now be dragged onto windows again when their master editor is open Fixed - Fixed date format property on Alarm Status Tables. Fixed - Save/Exit dialog now treats closing the dialog like choosing cancel. Fixed - Fixed imported global resources not being saved. SQLTags Fixed - Writes to opc tags through system.tag.writeAll(...) are executed individually, which is inefficient. Fixed - Tag history queries in 7.7 resulting in incorrect "stale" data in some circumstances. Fixed - Upgrade to 7.7 creates new historical tag paths, but does not retire previous paths, which can create additional strain on the database. Fixed - Exporting UDT definition as CSV causes an error. Fixed - Max Row Limit error received when executing a tag history query where start time is equal to end time. Added Functionality - Tag UDTs now have access to virtual data type parameters for "InstnaceName" and "TagName". Fixed - Data density histogram not populated on easy chart. Added Functionality - Added user confirmation dialog when adding tags. Gateway Added Functionality - Changed passwords stored in the internal database to not be plaintext Fixed - Active Directory SSO (Single Sign-On) now works across a project retarget. Fixed - Restoring gateway backups no longer require a manual restart of the gateway. Modified Functionality - Removed JDBC/ODBC driver from default JDBC driver list Fixed - OPC server lookups are now case insensitive. Module SDK Fixed - Updated SDK to work with 7.7 Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Submitting a blank license key now gives a more helpful warning. Client Modified Functionality - The Reconnecting panel has been modified for the Designer and clients to give a bit more feedback during reconnection events. Fixed - Translations on templates not always updated when locale changes. Fixed - Modified Designer startup functionality to eliminate the "Component must be showing on the screen to determine its location" error when network connectivity is lost during startup. Scripting Fixed - hasRole() expression on the gateway now complains if the specified user doesn't exist Fixed - Module functions are now available from the tag event scripts Added Functionality - Integrated scripting functions from the IALabs scripting module. Fixed - Unhandled error when editing alarm states through system.tag.editTag Fixed - Added a more informative error when using system.tag.addTag() to add an instance of a non-existent UDT. SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Transaction group items of String data type show up as integers after upgrade. Fixed - The tag editor no longer allows you to edit the Name property of multiple tags at once (was causing naming collisions). Fixed - UDT instances can affect their parent types and replace parameter references in alarms. Gateway Fixed - Block group doesn't properly store row id when set to "update" mode. Fixed - Hour meters do not work correctly when then item data type is INT, and the time units are not milliseconds. Fixed - Alarm editing not available on block group item when first created. Fixed - Group status monitoring in the designer breaks after restarting the sqlbridge module. Fixed - Error in transaction group when no items target the database. Fixed - Error importing system library in custom python modules executed through tag event scripts. Misc Fixed - Group set to "bi-directional" mode yet set to insert new rows only inserts nulls. Now falls back to "opc-to-db" behavior. Fixed - Tag reference items in groups can now specify a unique name, so that multiple references to the same tag can be made inside of a single group. Code Review Fixed - Custom where clause in transaction groups not being applied correctly. May result in execution errors on some database systems. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Added Functionality - Added "onTagsDropped" extension function to the easy chart for custom handling of tag dropping Added Functionality - Equipment Schedule View timeline now shows the day of the month next to the weekday Added Functionality - Equipment Schedule View events can now overlap gracefully in time and will share the vertical space available. Added Functionality - Equipment Schedule View component now allows for event rescheduling by dragging the event's edges. Fixed - Tree component will now sort implicitly created folders in the order their children were first encountered when auto-sort is false Fixed - Fixed power table's incorrect selected row if the table was filtered Fixed - Power Table now correctly adjusts selection when data is deleted. Added Functionality - Power Table popup trigger no longer alters selection. Fixed - Incorrect path created by default when using a tag from a non-default tag provider on an easy chart. Fixed - Fixed incorrect out-of-bounds message when opening a window with a Numeric Text Field. Fixed - Radar plot now supports separate scale for each spoke, desired shape is expected to be the middle regular polygon. Also supports configuration via tag-drop. Added Functionality - The pen datasets are no longer sorted on editing of pens in the easy chart customizer. Added Functionality - The Easy chart now accepts drops from the power table via an extension function. The name of the extension function is "onPowerTableRowsDropped". Added Functionality - Tag Browse Tree will now not show folders that are empty due to the filter settings configured on the component. For example, if only historical tags are shown, folders with no historical tags will not be displayed. Designer Added Functionality - Power Table now allows drag and drop of history tags. Fixed - Fixed bug that could cause deleting a tag via the tree's popup menu to actually delete the selected component. Fixed - Added delete button for private cloud templates Fixed - Dataset Viewer can now edit primitive types. Fixed - Cloud template system wasn't working unless the Designer was run in a Java 8 JRE. Added Functionality - Added notes to templates. Client Added Functionality - Cloud Templates browser will automatically start using new Global Login system when it comes online. Modified Functionality - Client log in screen fields now better proportioned when screen is large. Fixed - If Tag Browse Tree has "show realtime tags" turned off, UDTs with historical and non-historical tags will not be shown. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Added scripting hints for system.device.* User Manual - 7.7.1 ========================================================================================== User Manual Added Functionality - Tag event scripts now log the first occurrence of an error to the gateway console in order to improve error visibility. Misc Fixed - Added descriptions for system.util.getAvailableLocales() and system.util.setLocale() to the User Manual. SFC - null ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Charts with a 1x1 note cannot be opened. Client Fixed - Monitoring the status of enclosed charts. WebBrowser - null ========================================================================================== Misc Modified Functionality - Updated underlying libraries. Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Voice Fixed - Error viewing status page when Voice notification module is installed, but alarm notification module isn't. Alarm Misc Fixed - Alarm events in pipelines become abandoned after tag edits. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== MicroLogix/PLC5/SLC Drivers Fixed - Fixed issue for SLC, Micrologix and PLC-5 when only .ACC, .PRE, etc. is subscribed to with out including a sub element 0 item (like .EN), the values are incorrect. Mobile - ========================================================================================== Backend Added Functionality - Added geolocation (GPS) ability to the mobile module. Added Functionality - Added [System]Mobile/UserAgent and [System]Mobile/RemoteAddr tags for detecting information about the mobile device. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Fixed - gateway becomes un-responsive after a save/publish of production model OEE/Downtime Improved - Remote operator reason code will allow selection of any reason regardless of the Operator Selectable setting Fixed - Production history binding function data causing error in bar chart Analysis Added - Analysis selector property to allow times to be used, instead of defaulting to midnight. Added - script function ClearAnalysisCache. Allows clearing of cache if the data is edited directly. Fixed - TEEP analysis provider not always using the correct package count when calculating. Recipe Fixed - Recipe editor table allows bad values to be entered in manually. Fixed - Recipe editor table resets entered manual value while editing if live value timer update executes. Added - Recipe value name filter to PMIRecipeEditorTable. Fixed - Recipe reports variance exists even though variance tracking is disabled. Fixed - Recipes (if applicable) not automatically being selected when a OEE run was started. Schedule Added - Line Schedule View property Event Text Color. Allows setting the event text color. Fixed - PMILineScheduleSelector line schedule only displays work orders, maintenance or other schedule items not selectable. Added - Schedule vs Actual binding function (used by Analysis Time Chart) allows realtime view with look back minutes properties. Quality/SPC Fixed - MedianCalculator: calc() median value was not being assigned correctly. Fixed - SQL Tag collectors with the same name in different locations not saving correct. Web Services Fixed - Error generated when right clicking on web service configuration or listener. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Power table was unable to edit int columns as boolean using checkbox editor. Fixed - Query Browser now allows editing of primary keys. Fixed - Fixed up layout issues for classic chart customizer Added Functionality - Equipment Schedule View timeline now scales out to longer time ranges more gracefully Fixed - Tooltips for add and delete button in Tag Editor now display correctly. Fixed - Fixed template repeater opacity issues w.r.t. scrolling Fixed - Fixed the locking of newly created resources Fixed - Fixed ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when Linear Scale is missing the Label column. Fixed - All input fields now support translucent backgrounds. Fixed - Prevented IndexOutOfBoundsException caused by bar chart with 1st column not named "Label" Fixed - Fixed NPE trying to apply changes to template instance component event scripts. Fixed - User no longer prompted to save on exit if they don't have permission to save. Fixed - Fixed error caused by setting a Slider component's major tick spacing to zero or less Added Functionality - Added mnemonics to a number of Designer dialog buttons. Fixed - Centered tag export save window relative to parent frame of tag browser. Fixed - Datasource tag history provider not shown in tag history configuration when demo expired. Fixed - Alarm Status Tables show neither Ack'ed By nor Ack Pipeline by default. Fixed - Templates can now be dragged onto windows again when their master editor is open Fixed - Fixed date format property on Alarm Status Tables. Fixed - Save/Exit dialog now treats closing the dialog like choosing cancel. Fixed - Fixed imported global resources not being saved. SQLTags Fixed - Writes to opc tags through system.tag.writeAll(...) are executed individually, which is inefficient. Fixed - Tag history queries in 7.7 resulting in incorrect "stale" data in some circumstances. Fixed - Upgrade to 7.7 creates new historical tag paths, but does not retire previous paths, which can create additional strain on the database. Fixed - Exporting UDT definition as CSV causes an error. Fixed - Max Row Limit error received when executing a tag history query where start time is equal to end time. Added Functionality - Tag UDTs now have access to virtual data type parameters for "InstnaceName" and "TagName". Fixed - Data density histogram not populated on easy chart. Added Functionality - Added user confirmation dialog when adding tags. Gateway Added Functionality - Changed passwords stored in the internal database to not be plaintext Fixed - Active Directory SSO (Single Sign-On) now works across a project retarget. Fixed - Restoring gateway backups no longer require a manual restart of the gateway. Modified Functionality - Removed JDBC/ODBC driver from default JDBC driver list Fixed - OPC server lookups are now case insensitive. Module SDK Fixed - Updated SDK to work with 7.7 Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Submitting a blank license key now gives a more helpful warning. Client Modified Functionality - The Reconnecting panel has been modified for the Designer and clients to give a bit more feedback during reconnection events. Fixed - Translations on templates not always updated when locale changes. Fixed - Modified Designer startup functionality to eliminate the "Component must be showing on the screen to determine its location" error when network connectivity is lost during startup. Scripting Fixed - hasRole() expression on the gateway now complains if the specified user doesn't exist Fixed - Module functions are now available from the tag event scripts Added Functionality - Integrated scripting functions from the IALabs scripting module. Fixed - Unhandled error when editing alarm states through system.tag.editTag Fixed - Added a more informative error when using system.tag.addTag() to add an instance of a non-existent UDT. SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Transaction group items of String data type show up as integers after upgrade. Fixed - The tag editor no longer allows you to edit the Name property of multiple tags at once (was causing naming collisions). Fixed - UDT instances can affect their parent types and replace parameter references in alarms. Gateway Fixed - Block group doesn't properly store row id when set to "update" mode. Fixed - Hour meters do not work correctly when then item data type is INT, and the time units are not milliseconds. Fixed - Alarm editing not available on block group item when first created. Fixed - Group status monitoring in the designer breaks after restarting the sqlbridge module. Fixed - Error in transaction group when no items target the database. Fixed - Error importing system library in custom python modules executed through tag event scripts. Misc Fixed - Group set to "bi-directional" mode yet set to insert new rows only inserts nulls. Now falls back to "opc-to-db" behavior. Fixed - Tag reference items in groups can now specify a unique name, so that multiple references to the same tag can be made inside of a single group. Code Review Fixed - Custom where clause in transaction groups not being applied correctly. May result in execution errors on some database systems. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Added Functionality - Added "onTagsDropped" extension function to the easy chart for custom handling of tag dropping Added Functionality - Equipment Schedule View timeline now shows the day of the month next to the weekday Added Functionality - Equipment Schedule View events can now overlap gracefully in time and will share the vertical space available. Added Functionality - Equipment Schedule View component now allows for event rescheduling by dragging the event's edges. Fixed - Tree component will now sort implicitly created folders in the order their children were first encountered when auto-sort is false Fixed - Fixed power table's incorrect selected row if the table was filtered Fixed - Power Table now correctly adjusts selection when data is deleted. Added Functionality - Power Table popup trigger no longer alters selection. Fixed - Incorrect path created by default when using a tag from a non-default tag provider on an easy chart. Fixed - Fixed incorrect out-of-bounds message when opening a window with a Numeric Text Field. Fixed - Radar plot now supports separate scale for each spoke, desired shape is expected to be the middle regular polygon. Also supports configuration via tag-drop. Added Functionality - The pen datasets are no longer sorted on editing of pens in the easy chart customizer. Added Functionality - The Easy chart now accepts drops from the power table via an extension function. The name of the extension function is "onPowerTableRowsDropped". Added Functionality - Tag Browse Tree will now not show folders that are empty due to the filter settings configured on the component. For example, if only historical tags are shown, folders with no historical tags will not be displayed. Designer Added Functionality - Power Table now allows drag and drop of history tags. Fixed - Fixed bug that could cause deleting a tag via the tree's popup menu to actually delete the selected component. Fixed - Added delete button for private cloud templates Fixed - Dataset Viewer can now edit primitive types. Fixed - Cloud template system wasn't working unless the Designer was run in a Java 8 JRE. Added Functionality - Added notes to templates. Client Added Functionality - Cloud Templates browser will automatically start using new Global Login system when it comes online. Modified Functionality - Client log in screen fields now better proportioned when screen is large. Fixed - If Tag Browse Tree has "show realtime tags" turned off, UDTs with historical and non-historical tags will not be shown. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Added scripting hints for system.device.* User Manual - 7.7.1-rc3 ========================================================================================== User Manual Added Functionality - Tag event scripts now log the first occurrence of an error to the gateway console in order to improve error visibility. Misc Fixed - Added descriptions for system.util.getAvailableLocales() and system.util.setLocale() to the User Manual. SFC - null ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Charts with a 1x1 note cannot be opened. Client Fixed - Monitoring the status of enclosed charts. WebBrowser - null ========================================================================================== Misc Modified Functionality - Updated underlying libraries. Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Voice Fixed - Error viewing status page when Voice notification module is installed, but alarm notification module isn't. Alarm Misc Fixed - Alarm events in pipelines become abandoned after tag edits. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== MicroLogix/PLC5/SLC Drivers Fixed - Fixed issue for SLC, Micrologix and PLC-5 when only .ACC, .PRE, etc. is subscribed to with out including a sub element 0 item (like .EN), the values are incorrect. Mobile - ========================================================================================== Backend Added Functionality - Added geolocation (GPS) ability to the mobile module. Added Functionality - Added [System]Mobile/UserAgent and [System]Mobile/RemoteAddr tags for detecting information about the mobile device. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== PLEASE NOTE: YOU MUST BACKUP YOUR GATEWAY BEFORE APPLYING THIS UPDATE. THIS RELEASE MOVES THE PRODUCTION MODEL FROM INDIVIDUAL PROJECTS TO THE GLOBAL PROJECT. YOU MAY FIND REFERENCES TO OPC TAGS HAVE CHANGED AND WILL NEED TO BE MODIFIED. IF YOU EXPERIENCE ANY UPGRADE ISSUES PLEASE CONTACT INDUCTIVE AUTOMATION SUPPORT. General Fixed - gateway becomes un-responsive after a save/publish of production model Downtime Improved - Remote operator reason code will allow selection of any reason regardless of the Operator Selectable setting Recipe Fixed - Recipe editor table allows bad values to be entered in manually. Fixed - Recipe editor table resets entered manual value while editing if live value timer update executes. Added - Recipe value name filter to PMIRecipeEditorTable. Fixed - Recipe reports variance exists even though variance tracking is disabled. Fixed - Recipes (if applicable) not automatically being selected when a OEE run was started. Schedule Fixed - PMILineScheduleSelector line schedule only displays work orders, maintenance or other schedule items not selectable. Added - Schedule vs Actual binding function (used by Analysis Time Chart) allows realtime view with look back minutes properties. Quality/SPC Fixed - MedianCalculator: calc() median value was not being assigned correctly. Fixed - SQL Tag collectors with the same name in different locations not saving correct. Web Services Fixed - Error generated when right clicking on web service configuration or listener. General - 7.6.7 ========================================================================================== Installers Fixed - Installers now contain Voice Notification module. This will allow users to install the module via the executable installers, and for the module to automatically be updated to a new version during an upgrade. Fixed - Deselecting (uninstalling) modules during upgrade now works properly for: Alarm, SMS, and MES modules (SPC, Recipe, OEEDT). Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Tag type definition editor closes after clicking "apply" when creating a new type. Will still close if the new type name collides with an existing name. Fixed - Input components no longer have ghosting on backgrounds with alpha less than 255. Fixed - Fixed background transparency behavior of checkbox and radio button components. Fixed - Fixed IndexOutOfBoundsException exporting UDT def and added functional tests for supporting classes. Also, the enabled status of the export button on the SQLTags Browser now depends on if the selected tag provider has any children. We disable the export button if the provider has no children. SQLTags Fixed - Duplicate definitions in tag xml leads to duplicate tags in system. Fixed - Incorrect storage for datetime typed memory tags in some use cases causes tags to later be loaded with null values. Fixed - Scan classes in Read mode, with the same opc address subscribed multiple times, can become misaligned and set the wrong values on tags after removing one of the duplicate addresses. Fixed - Exception during tag initialization can prevent other tags from being initialized. Fixed - System/Gateway/Alarming tags not updated after disable/reenable of alarms, and in several other edge cases. Fixed - Raw tag history queries possibly return a row beyond the end of the query range. Gateway Fixed - Adjusted the row height of the Diagnostics Thread Viewer so that the screen looks the same in both Windows and Linux. Fixed - Fixed the issue with the schema not being included on stored procedure groups. Fixed - Percent based deadband not functioning correctly for historical tags. Fixed - After a successful installation on a Linux machine, the installer will now open the Gateway home page in a web browser. Note that if the Linux installer is run in headless (text-only) mode, a web browser will not open after installation. Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Fixed the legacy import features that were not working due to a web error. Fixed - For OSX, the Gateway Status page and the GCU page now report "64-bit" instead of "null-bit". Added Functionality - Projects can no longer be imported into an older Ignition version. Fixed - Fixed broken dropdowns in Gateway log viewer. Added Functionality - User names now allow @ character Fixed - Prevented plain-text passwords from being printed to the debug console on authentication attempts. Alarming Fixed - Direct tag references inside of alarm pipeline blocks, such as expression, switch, and set property, do not work. Fixed - Any change alarm mode not fired if changes happen in sequential executions (only first event is fired). Fixed - Alarm Bit State condition does not work correctly in "On Zero" mode. Client Fixed - Menu bar and accelerator keys now respond correctly when Mac client is in fullscreen mode. Native Client Launchers Modified Functionality - Native client launchers now use a different icon for the Designer desktop shortcut. Fixed - Native client launcher screens running on multi-monitor Linux systems now move smoothly across the screen when dragging with a mouse. Fixed - Native client launchers now pass the correct memory settings to the Designer or the client that is being launched. Scripting Fixed - Added scripting hints for system.alarm.getShelvedPaths(). Fixed - Updated documentation for wild card usage with system.util.getSessionInfo Fixed - Alarm status query function now supports querying shelved alarms with the "includeShelved" boolean parameter. Fixed - Fixed issue that could cause moving components inside templates with system.gui.moveComponent to also move components inside other copies of those templates. Fixed - Script Playground in Windows now correctly outputs characters beyond 7-bit ASCII range. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Fixed input errors on Numeric Text Field when updates are not deferred. Fixed - Tip of the Day now centered in Designer window. Fixed - The Vision formatted text field component would lose the ability to validate text if the Validation Mode was set incorrectly (e.g. setting the Validation Mode to Formatted Mask and then selecting a Reg Ex pattern or vice versa). Fixed - A new property called Display Mode has been added that controls the layout of the comment. Horizontal mode lays out the comment with the comment header to the right of the comment, and Vertical mode lays out the comment so that the header is above the comment. Added Functionality - The template property templatePath is now bindable. Fixed - EasyChart now uses old tick mark behavior for most ranges, but still handles units less than 1E-7 correctly. Added Functionality - Made the Desired High and Desired Low properties of the Sparkline Chart bindable. Added Functionality - Box and Whisker chart now has predictable category ordering, defined by the order inside the dataset. Fixed - Fixed IndexOutOfBoundsException thrown by the Alarm Journal when the filter properties were changed while an alarm was selected. Designer Fixed - A security indicator is now displayed next to windows in the Project Browser if the Inherit Permissions checkbox is unchecked, indicating that the window has a custom security configuration. Fixed - Transaction groups are now locked upon modification rather than during save, ensuring that only one user can modify a transaction group at a time. Fixed - The Vision User Management component will now prevent modification of the Gateway system user source from the Designer or a client. This behavior can be disabled by setting the "Allow User Admin" Gateway setting to True. Fixed - New components now consistently respect layout constraints. Misc Fixed - Tag history bindings set to "on change" return size were being executed as "natural" queries. Client Fixed - system.nav.openWindowInstance no longer duplicates instances when client is updated. Fixed - Tag write failure due to read-only mode is now a warning, not an error. Fixed - The easychart pen grouping box was being sized based on the pen names, causing group title truncation when the pen names were shorter than the group name. Added Functionality - Added direct access to root container custom properties in return value of system.gui.findWindow User Manual - 7.6.7 ========================================================================================== Misc Modified Functionality - Improved documentation for dataset.addColumn Serial Support - ========================================================================================== Scripting Fixed - Updated module to work in Windows 8.1 Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Voice Fixed - Invalid value error received when trying to use an outbound proxy value that starts with the letters "sip". Added Functionality - Support for separate "authorization id" apart from username as required by RingCentral. Added Functionality - New "media debug" option on voice notification profiles that logs the raw audio samples in and out for voice notifications to the Ignition temp directory. Alarm Gateway Fixed - In certain cases, alarm pipeline blocks are failing to get cleaned up, resulting in what appear to be "stuck" evaluation blocks. Actual evaluation should not be affected. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== MicroLogix/PLC5/SLC Drivers Fixed - Fixed issue for SLC, Micrologix and PLC-5 when only .ACC, .PRE, etc. is subscribed to with out including a sub element 0 item (like .EN), the values are incorrect. Mobile - ========================================================================================== Backend Added Functionality - Mobile Module now supports Java 8 OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== PLEASE NOTE: THIS RELEASE MOVES THE PRODUCTION MODEL FROM INDIVIDUAL PROJECTS TO THE GLOBAL PROJECT. YOU MAY FIND REFERENCES TO OPC TAGS HAVE CHANGED AND WILL NEED TO BE MODIFIED. IF YOU EXPERIENCE ANY UPGRADE ISSUES PLEASE CONTACT INDUCTIVE AUTOMATION SUPPORT. General Fixed - Ignition installer was removing Recipe on upgrade unless the module was manually checked Fixed - Install of MES modules fails and reports that the MES platform version is wrong. Improved - Production Model has been moved to the global project. Added - Support for ISA-95 Manufacturing Operations Management standard. OEE/Downtime Fixed - Product Code Table component was not resetting selected product code when a filter was applied. Added - Property "Ignore Changeover Overrun Production" to Line OEE. When true, any production counts that are generated during changeover overrun will be ignored. Added - Workday Routine name to the console status message when the routine is activated with a reason code. Added - Ability to modify the downtime reason event where key reason detection could not find a blameable cell. Added - Production Bar Chart property "labelFormat" string for formatting the label text. Fixed - Key reason detection not working if first cell is a cell group. Fixed - Cell group cell latching in key reason detection was never unlatched. Improved - OEE Quality calculation now will use production count + waste count if infeed count is not being collected. Schedule Fixed - Cannot see any other schedule types except work orders from line schedule selector. Fixed - Schedule View component is not saving custom properties. Modified - ScheduleLine updatePrerunRemainingTime() to check if the scheduled changeover time is 0, then don't go into overrun. Added - property change event "scheduleActivated" on Line Schedule Selector. Fired when the user selects a schedule and returns True (1 in scripting) if the schedule was activated, False (0) otherwise. Improved - Work orders can now be edited (via the script method) even if schedules are assigned to them. Added - Work Order table property, Line Name Filter, to filter by line name(s). Recipe Fixed - Recipe editor table not validating manual values, causes exception in client console. Fixed - Recipe editor table resets entered manual value while editing if live value timer update executes. Added - Recipe value name filter to PMIRecipeEditorTable. Fixed - analysis of equal/not equal recipe values causes error if any values are null. Fixed - PMIRecipeEditorTable component was not allowing the recipe value to be reset if the user is not allowed to change value. Fixed - Exception generated while changing a recipe value due to user security role changed on gateway. Added - Recipe Editor Table component. Allows managing a single recipe in a table, viewing the live values, pre-setting new values to use when activating the recipe. Fixed - Minimum value of a float recipe item was not allowing 0. Fixed - Error when updating recipe item security from treeview if a new role was added. Fixed - Fixed thresholds not working on integer type recipe tag. Fixed - Recipe values not being deleted beyond the first child production item. Those recipe values cannot be deleted, error message says they are inherited. Fixed - Recipe treeview not expanding after navigating away then back to the window. Occurs when window gets cached. Added - PMIRecipeVarianceViewer new property that will display variance by TrackingUUID (supplied when starting a recipe via MES Segment). Quality Fixed - Median chart median value was not being selected correctly. Fixed - PMISPCSelector: Attributes was not displaying for proper chart types. Fixed - Schedule interval scheduling continuously if interval is 0. Fixed - Locations fall out of license after multiple production model saves. Cleared on module restart. Added - SPC selector will show "no selection" in the filter slide out panel. Fixed - Individual control limits not selectable on Individual charts. Improved - Increase the sample measurement count limit from 25 to 250. Fixed - Samples being continuously scheduled every second for a definition regardless of interval settings. Occurs if the definition was ever used with a manual interval. Instrument Interface Fixed - File Monitor Controller does not disable monitoring if the instrument interface configuration is changed. Track and Trace Added - Breadcrumbs property to the trace graph. Improved - createSegment scripting. MESSegment and MESOperation allow selection of a recipe that will be started on segment start. Web Service User manual completed Barcode Scanner Initial release candidate of module Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Prevented IndexOutOfBoundsException caused by bar chart with 1st column not named "Label" Fixed - Fixed NPE trying to apply changes to template instance component event scripts. Fixed - User no longer prompted to save on exit if they don't have permission to save. Fixed - Fixed error caused by setting a Slider component's major tick spacing to zero or less Added Functionality - Added mnemonics to a number of Designer dialog buttons. Fixed - Centered tag export save window relative to parent frame of tag browser. Fixed - Datasource tag history provider not shown in tag history configuration when demo expired. Fixed - Alarm Status Tables show neither Ack'ed By nor Ack Pipeline by default. Fixed - Templates can now be dragged onto windows again when their master editor is open Fixed - Fixed date format property on Alarm Status Tables. Fixed - Save/Exit dialog now treats closing the dialog like choosing cancel. Fixed - Fixed imported global resources not being saved. SQLTags Fixed - Max Row Limit error received when executing a tag history query where start time is equal to end time. Added Functionality - Tag UDTs now have access to virtual data type parameters for "InstnaceName" and "TagName". Fixed - Data density histogram not populated on easy chart. Added Functionality - Added user confirmation dialog when adding tags. Gateway Modified Functionality - Removed JDBC/ODBC driver from default JDBC driver list Fixed - OPC server lookups are now case insensitive. Module SDK Fixed - Updated SDK to work with 7.7 Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Submitting a blank license key now gives a more helpful warning. Client Fixed - Modified Designer startup functionality to eliminate the "Component must be showing on the screen to determine its location" error when network connectivity is lost during startup. Scripting Fixed - Unhandled error when editing alarm states through system.tag.editTag Fixed - Added a more informative error when using system.tag.addTag() to add an instance of a non-existent UDT. SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - UDT instances can affect their parent types and replace parameter references in alarms. Gateway Fixed - Error in transaction group when no items target the database. Fixed - Error importing system library in custom python modules executed through tag event scripts. Code Review Fixed - Custom where clause in transaction groups not being applied correctly. May result in execution errors on some database systems. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Fixed incorrect out-of-bounds message when opening a window with a Numeric Text Field. Fixed - Radar plot now supports separate scale for each spoke, desired shape is expected to be the middle regular polygon. Also supports configuration via tag-drop. Added Functionality - The pen datasets are no longer sorted on editing of pens in the easy chart customizer. Added Functionality - The Easy chart now accepts drops from the power table via an extension function. The name of the extension function is "onPowerTableRowsDropped". Added Functionality - Tag Browse Tree will now not show folders that are empty due to the filter settings configured on the component. For example, if only historical tags are shown, folders with no historical tags will not be displayed. Designer Fixed - Added delete button for private cloud templates Fixed - Dataset Viewer can now edit primitive types. Fixed - Cloud template system wasn't working unless the Designer was run in a Java 8 JRE. Added Functionality - Added notes to templates. Client Modified Functionality - Client log in screen fields now better proportioned when screen is large. Fixed - If Tag Browse Tree has "show realtime tags" turned off, UDTs with historical and non-historical tags will not be shown. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Added scripting hints for system.device.* User Manual - 7.7.1-rc2 ========================================================================================== User Manual Added Functionality - Tag event scripts now log the first occurrence of an error to the gateway console in order to improve error visibility. SFC - null ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Charts with a 1x1 note cannot be opened. Client Fixed - Monitoring the status of enclosed charts. WebBrowser - null ========================================================================================== Misc Modified Functionality - Updated underlying libraries. Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Voice Fixed - Error viewing status page when Voice notification module is installed, but alarm notification module isn't. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== MicroLogix/PLC5/SLC Drivers Fixed - Fixed issue for SLC, Micrologix and PLC-5 when only .ACC, .PRE, etc. is subscribed to with out including a sub element 0 item (like .EN), the values are incorrect. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== PLEASE NOTE: YOU MUST BACKUP YOUR GATEWAY BEFORE APPLYING THIS UPDATE. THIS RELEASE MOVES THE PRODUCTION MODEL FROM INDIVIDUAL PROJECTS TO THE GLOBAL PROJECT. YOU MAY FIND REFERENCES TO OPC TAGS HAVE CHANGED AND WILL NEED TO BE MODIFIED. IF YOU EXPERIENCE ANY UPGRADE ISSUES PLEASE CONTACT INDUCTIVE AUTOMATION SUPPORT. Recipe Added - Recipe value name filter to PMIRecipeEditorTable. Fixed - Recipe reports variance exists even though variance tracking is disabled. Fixed - Recipes (if applicable) not automatically being selected when a OEE run was started. Schedule Fixed - PMILineScheduleSelector line schedule only displays work orders, maintenance or other schedule items not selectable. Added - Schedule vs Actual binding function (used by Analysis Time Chart) allows realtime view with look back minutes properties. Quality Fixed - SQL Tag collectors with the same name in different locations not saving correct. Web Services Fixed - Error generated when right clicking on web service configuration or listener. General - 7.6.7-rc3 ========================================================================================== Installers Fixed - Installers now contain Voice Notification module. This will allow users to install the module via the executable installers, and for the module to automatically be updated to a new version during an upgrade. Fixed - Deselecting (uninstalling) modules during upgrade now works properly for: Alarm, SMS, and MES modules (SPC, Recipe, OEEDT). Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Tag type definition editor closes after clicking "apply" when creating a new type. Will still close if the new type name collides with an existing name. Fixed - Input components no longer have ghosting on backgrounds with alpha less than 255. Fixed - Fixed background transparency behavior of checkbox and radio button components. Fixed - Fixed IndexOutOfBoundsException exporting UDT def and added functional tests for supporting classes. Also, the enabled status of the export button on the SQLTags Browser now depends on if the selected tag provider has any children. We disable the export button if the provider has no children. SQLTags Fixed - Duplicate definitions in tag xml leads to duplicate tags in system. Fixed - Incorrect storage for datetime typed memory tags in some use cases causes tags to later be loaded with null values. Fixed - Scan classes in Read mode, with the same opc address subscribed multiple times, can become misaligned and set the wrong values on tags after removing one of the duplicate addresses. Fixed - Exception during tag initialization can prevent other tags from being initialized. Fixed - System/Gateway/Alarming tags not updated after disable/reenable of alarms, and in several other edge cases. Fixed - Raw tag history queries possibly return a row beyond the end of the query range. Gateway Fixed - Adjusted the row height of the Diagnostics Thread Viewer so that the screen looks the same in both Windows and Linux. Fixed - Fixed the issue with the schema not being included on stored procedure groups. Fixed - Percent based deadband not functioning correctly for historical tags. Fixed - After a successful installation on a Linux machine, the installer will now open the Gateway home page in a web browser. Note that if the Linux installer is run in headless (text-only) mode, a web browser will not open after installation. Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Fixed the legacy import features that were not working due to a web error. Fixed - For OSX, the Gateway Status page and the GCU page now report "64-bit" instead of "null-bit". Added Functionality - Projects can no longer be imported into an older Ignition version. Fixed - Fixed broken dropdowns in Gateway log viewer. Added Functionality - User names now allow @ character Fixed - Prevented plain-text passwords from being printed to the debug console on authentication attempts. Alarming Fixed - Direct tag references inside of alarm pipeline blocks, such as expression, switch, and set property, do not work. Fixed - Any change alarm mode not fired if changes happen in sequential executions (only first event is fired). Fixed - Alarm Bit State condition does not work correctly in "On Zero" mode. Client Fixed - Menu bar and accelerator keys now respond correctly when Mac client is in fullscreen mode. Native Client Launchers Modified Functionality - Native client launchers now use a different icon for the Designer desktop shortcut. Fixed - Native client launcher screens running on multi-monitor Linux systems now move smoothly across the screen when dragging with a mouse. Fixed - Native client launchers now pass the correct memory settings to the Designer or the client that is being launched. Scripting Fixed - Added scripting hints for system.alarm.getShelvedPaths(). Fixed - Updated documentation for wild card usage with system.util.getSessionInfo Fixed - Alarm status query function now supports querying shelved alarms with the "includeShelved" boolean parameter. Fixed - Fixed issue that could cause moving components inside templates with system.gui.moveComponent to also move components inside other copies of those templates. Fixed - Script Playground in Windows now correctly outputs characters beyond 7-bit ASCII range. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Fixed input errors on Numeric Text Field when updates are not deferred. Fixed - Tip of the Day now centered in Designer window. Fixed - The Vision formatted text field component would lose the ability to validate text if the Validation Mode was set incorrectly (e.g. setting the Validation Mode to Formatted Mask and then selecting a Reg Ex pattern or vice versa). Fixed - A new property called Display Mode has been added that controls the layout of the comment. Horizontal mode lays out the comment with the comment header to the right of the comment, and Vertical mode lays out the comment so that the header is above the comment. Added Functionality - The template property templatePath is now bindable. Fixed - EasyChart now uses old tick mark behavior for most ranges, but still handles units less than 1E-7 correctly. Added Functionality - Made the Desired High and Desired Low properties of the Sparkline Chart bindable. Added Functionality - Box and Whisker chart now has predictable category ordering, defined by the order inside the dataset. Fixed - Fixed IndexOutOfBoundsException thrown by the Alarm Journal when the filter properties were changed while an alarm was selected. Designer Fixed - A security indicator is now displayed next to windows in the Project Browser if the Inherit Permissions checkbox is unchecked, indicating that the window has a custom security configuration. Fixed - Transaction groups are now locked upon modification rather than during save, ensuring that only one user can modify a transaction group at a time. Fixed - The Vision User Management component will now prevent modification of the Gateway system user source from the Designer or a client. This behavior can be disabled by setting the "Allow User Admin" Gateway setting to True. Fixed - New components now consistently respect layout constraints. Misc Fixed - Tag history bindings set to "on change" return size were being executed as "natural" queries. Client Fixed - system.nav.openWindowInstance no longer duplicates instances when client is updated. Fixed - Tag write failure due to read-only mode is now a warning, not an error. Fixed - The easychart pen grouping box was being sized based on the pen names, causing group title truncation when the pen names were shorter than the group name. Added Functionality - Added direct access to root container custom properties in return value of system.gui.findWindow User Manual - 7.6.7-rc3 ========================================================================================== Misc Modified Functionality - Improved documentation for dataset.addColumn Serial Support - ========================================================================================== Scripting Fixed - Updated module to work in Windows 8.1 Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Voice Fixed - Invalid value error received when trying to use an outbound proxy value that starts with the letters "sip". Added Functionality - Support for separate "authorization id" apart from username as required by RingCentral. Added Functionality - New "media debug" option on voice notification profiles that logs the raw audio samples in and out for voice notifications to the Ignition temp directory. Alarm Gateway Fixed - In certain cases, alarm pipeline blocks are failing to get cleaned up, resulting in what appear to be "stuck" evaluation blocks. Actual evaluation should not be affected. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== MicroLogix/PLC5/SLC Drivers Fixed - Fixed issue for SLC, Micrologix and PLC-5 when only .ACC, .PRE, etc. is subscribed to with out including a sub element 0 item (like .EN), the values are incorrect. Mobile - ========================================================================================== Backend Added Functionality - Mobile Module now supports Java 8 OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== PLEASE NOTE: YOU MUST BACKUP YOUR GATEWAY BEFORE APPLYING THIS UPDATE. THIS RELEASE MOVES THE PRODUCTION MODEL FROM INDIVIDUAL PROJECTS TO THE GLOBAL PROJECT. YOU MAY FIND REFERENCES TO OPC TAGS HAVE CHANGED AND WILL NEED TO BE MODIFIED. IF YOU EXPERIENCE ANY UPGRADE ISSUES PLEASE CONTACT INDUCTIVE AUTOMATION SUPPORT. General Fixed - Ignition installer was removing Recipe on upgrade unless the module was manually checked Fixed - Install of MES modules fails and reports that the MES platform version is wrong. Improved - Production Model has been moved to the global project. Added - Support for ISA-95 Manufacturing Operations Management standard. OEE/Downtime Fixed - Product Code Table component was not resetting selected product code when a filter was applied. Added - Property "Ignore Changeover Overrun Production" to Line OEE. When true, any production counts that are generated during changeover overrun will be ignored. Added - Workday Routine name to the console status message when the routine is activated with a reason code. Added - Ability to modify the downtime reason event where key reason detection could not find a blameable cell. Added - Production Bar Chart property "labelFormat" string for formatting the label text. Fixed - Key reason detection not working if first cell is a cell group. Fixed - Cell group cell latching in key reason detection was never unlatched. Improved - OEE Quality calculation now will use production count + waste count if infeed count is not being collected. Schedule Fixed - Cannot see any other schedule types except work orders from line schedule selector. Fixed - Schedule View component is not saving custom properties. Modified - ScheduleLine updatePrerunRemainingTime() to check if the scheduled changeover time is 0, then don't go into overrun. Added - property change event "scheduleActivated" on Line Schedule Selector. Fired when the user selects a schedule and returns True (1 in scripting) if the schedule was activated, False (0) otherwise. Improved - Work orders can now be edited (via the script method) even if schedules are assigned to them. Added - Work Order table property, Line Name Filter, to filter by line name(s). Recipe Added - Recipe value name filter to PMIRecipeEditorTable. Fixed - analysis of equal/not equal recipe values causes error if any values are null. Fixed - PMIRecipeEditorTable component was not allowing the recipe value to be reset if the user is not allowed to change value. Fixed - Exception generated while changing a recipe value due to user security role changed on gateway. Added - Recipe Editor Table component. Allows managing a single recipe in a table, viewing the live values, pre-setting new values to use when activating the recipe. Fixed - Minimum value of a float recipe item was not allowing 0. Fixed - Error when updating recipe item security from treeview if a new role was added. Fixed - Fixed thresholds not working on integer type recipe tag. Fixed - Recipe values not being deleted beyond the first child production item. Those recipe values cannot be deleted, error message says they are inherited. Fixed - Recipe treeview not expanding after navigating away then back to the window. Occurs when window gets cached. Added - PMIRecipeVarianceViewer new property that will display variance by TrackingUUID (supplied when starting a recipe via MES Segment). Quality Fixed - Median chart median value was not being selected correctly. Fixed - PMISPCSelector: Attributes was not displaying for proper chart types. Fixed - Schedule interval scheduling continuously if interval is 0. Fixed - Locations fall out of license after multiple production model saves. Cleared on module restart. Added - SPC selector will show "no selection" in the filter slide out panel. Fixed - Individual control limits not selectable on Individual charts. Improved - Increase the sample measurement count limit from 25 to 250. Fixed - Samples being continuously scheduled every second for a definition regardless of interval settings. Occurs if the definition was ever used with a manual interval. Instrument Interface Fixed - File Monitor Controller does not disable monitoring if the instrument interface configuration is changed. Track and Trace Added - Breadcrumbs property to the trace graph. Improved - createSegment scripting. MESSegment and MESOperation allow selection of a recipe that will be started on segment start. Web Service User manual completed Barcode Scanner Initial release candidate of module Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Centered tag export save window relative to parent frame of tag browser. Fixed - Datasource tag history provider not shown in tag history configuration when demo expired. Fixed - Alarm Status Tables show neither Ack'ed By nor Ack Pipeline by default. Fixed - Templates can now be dragged onto windows again when their master editor is open Fixed - Fixed date format property on Alarm Status Tables. Fixed - Save/Exit dialog now treats closing the dialog like choosing cancel. Fixed - Fixed imported global resources not being saved. SQLTags Added Functionality - Added user confirmation dialog when adding tags. Module SDK Fixed - Updated SDK to work with 7.7 Scripting Fixed - Unhandled error when editing alarm states through system.tag.editTag Fixed - Added a more informative error when using system.tag.addTag() to add an instance of a non-existent UDT. SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - UDT instances can affect their parent types and replace parameter references in alarms. Code Review Fixed - Custom where clause in transaction groups not being applied correctly. May result in execution errors on some database systems. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Added Functionality - The Easy chart now accepts drops from the power table via an extension function. The name of the extension function is "onPowerTableRowsDropped". Added Functionality - Tag Browse Tree will now not show folders that are empty due to the filter settings configured on the component. For example, if only historical tags are shown, folders with no historical tags will not be displayed. Designer Fixed - Added delete button for private cloud templates Fixed - Dataset Viewer can now edit primitive types. Fixed - Cloud template system wasn't working unless the Designer was run in a Java 8 JRE. Added Functionality - Added notes to templates. Client Modified Functionality - Client log in screen fields now better proportioned when screen is large. Fixed - If Tag Browse Tree has "show realtime tags" turned off, UDTs with historical and non-historical tags will not be shown. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Added scripting hints for system.device.* SFC - null ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Charts with a 1x1 note cannot be opened. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== PLEASE NOTE: YOU MUST BACKUP YOUR GATEWAY BEFORE APPLYING THIS UPDATE. THIS RELEASE MOVES THE PRODUCTION MODEL FROM INDIVIDUAL PROJECTS TO THE GLOBAL PROJECT. YOU MAY FIND REFERENCES TO OPC TAGS HAVE CHANGED AND WILL NEED TO BE MODIFIED. IF YOU EXPERIENCE ANY UPGRADE ISSUES PLEASE CONTACT INDUCTIVE AUTOMATION SUPPORT. Recipe Added - Recipe value name filter to PMIRecipeEditorTable. Fixed - Recipe reports variance exists even though variance tracking is disabled. Fixed - Recipes (if applicable) not automatically being selected when a OEE run was started. Schedule Fixed - PMILineScheduleSelector line schedule only displays work orders, maintenance or other schedule items not selectable. Web Services Fixed - Error generated when right clicking on web service configuration or listener. General - 7.7.0 ========================================================================================== Installers Modified Functionality - Ignition gateway now requires Java 8, installer will exit if Java 8 install not detected. Modified Functionality - Java JRE installers have been removed from the installer. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - The component renamer only looks for numbers near the end of the name now, so the next name after "2 State Toggle Button" will be "2 State Toggle Button 1". Added Functionality - Added import and export for global project resources. Fixed - Left dock in designer now better sized for smaller screens. Modified Functionality - Project Browser now organized in Global and Project folders Added Functionality - There is now a Boolean property on project resources(only windows, templates, and transaction groups) indicating if the the resource can be edited by that user in the designer. Users can edit the required roles to edit resources in the permissions section of the Project Properties dialog. The user only has to have one of the roles to be able to edit the project resource. In order to be able to edit the protected status of a project resource, a user must also have one of these roles. Added Functionality - Added quick panel switcher to lower-left of the Designer's status bar SQLTags Added Functionality - Tag history aggregation mode can now be specified individually for each path in the query. Fixed - Ability to specify the query type for Query tags, in order to get the correct results when running complex queries or procedures. Added Functionality - Added new expression functions to covert between decimal and octal and to covert between decimal and binary. Modified Functionality - Import of OPC items into tags has been made more efficient. Fixed - Historical tag database does not include information about the tag provider, resulting in the inability to have equal tag paths stored from two or more providers on the same gateway. Modified Functionality - New Async execution mode for tag history allows drivers to send buffers of data that will be processed. Added Functionality - New event scripts directly on tags, for value change, quality change, and alarm events. Added Functionality - In addition to absolute deadbands, there is now a mode for percent changed, based on the tag's engineering limits. Separate settings are available for realtime, historical, and alarm values. Added Functionality - Tag editing in the designer now requires role permissions. Also, adding of tags and removing of tags requires users to have certain roles configured on the tag provider section of the web interface. Gateway Fixed - The described problem is now fixed. Added Functionality - New option to force transfer of responsibility from master to backup redundant node. Added Functionality - Ability to force a full configuration re-sync when using redundancy. Fixed - New type of schedule: Composite schedule, is the logical or of two different schedules Added Functionality - Added ability to rollback to any of last 10 previous saves. Fixed - Added a missing key to a resource bundle for the Sum aggregation mode on the easy chart customizer. Gateway Web Interface Fixed - The Gateway logging console has been adjusted so that characters do not get cut off on the right side. Modified Functionality - New graphics and login/logout controls for the gateway web interface Expressions Added Functionality - New HasRole() function in the expression language for determining if a user account has a particular role. Client Added Functionality - Ignition now supports Single-Sign-On (SSO) for use with Active Directory user sources Added Functionality - The client messaging feature allows a client or gateway to send a message to other clients running under that gateway. A client can also send a message to a gateway. The user must set up message handlers within the project that can run Jython scripts when a message is received. Added Functionality - Local client fallback system which automatically retargets clients to a local Gateway when communication is lost to the central Gateway. Added Functionality - New option to start a client centered on the monitor if launching in non-maximized windowed mode. Native Client Launchers Fixed - Native client launcher screens running on multi-monitor Linux systems now move smoothly across the screen when dragging with a mouse. Scripting Added Functionality - New scripting function: system.util.getGlobals() gives access to the legacy global namespace. Useful for scripts such as the new script libraries and extension functions which use new scoping rules that hide the old global namespace. Added Functionality - PyDataSet objects now support slicing Added Functionality - Added system.db.runScalarPrepQuery() Fixed - Documentation for system.db.runSFPrepUpdate() better reflects return value. Added Functionality - added system.dataset.deleteRows(dataset, [rows]) Added Functionality - New scripting function: system.util.getLogger(name) Added Functionality - Added character encoding argument to system.file.readFileAsString function. Added Functionality - Added accessRights parameter to system.tag.addTag, system.tag.editTag, and system.tag.editTags SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Gateway Added Functionality - New key/value record selection on standard group, with the ability to insert new rows if necessary. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Added Functionality - Added onSaveHoliday and onSaveSchedule extension functions to Schedule Management Panel Added Functionality - When dragging a tag from the tag browser to the easy chart, the chart will create a new axis that displays the engineering units of the tag. Added Functionality - The properties, Show Root Node, Show Root Handles, Show Historical Tags, Show Realtime Tags have been added. Also, a popup menu is displayed on a popup trigger. This popup menu has a refresh action. There is also an extension function called createPopupMenu that can add menu items to the popup menu. Added Functionality - Added Language Selector component. Added Functionality - Easy chart pens can now optionally be user-removable. Added Functionality - Day View and Week View components now expose more font properties. Added Functionality - Row height can now be set in the list component. Added Functionality - Added "Show Event Time" property to the week view component to choose whether or not to display the time associated with an event. Added Functionality - The ability to override the x-trace display label has been added to the Classic Chart and the Easy Chart. Added Functionality - New component: Template Repeater. This component is a container that repeats instances of a template any number of times, allowing for more dynamic configurations of runtime windows. Added Functionality - The "text" property on the Document Viewer component is now bindable, and fires change events. Added Functionality - Pens now have an optional Sort Order attribute to allow for a non-alphabetical sort to be specified. Added Functionality - The Symbol Axis has been made an option for both the Easy Chart and classic chart. Just enter a string such as "Bill,Ted,Bob" into the Axis editors for the charts and the integer values 0,1,2 will be mapped to Bill,Ted, and Bob respectively on the axis labels. Also, the properties Grid Band Visible, Grid Band Paint and Grid Band Alternate Paint have been made configurable on the symbol chart. For more info on the symbol axis, consult JFreeChart documentation. Added Functionality - The docking system in the client now has a configurable axis precedence, so that north/south docked windows can take more space than east/west windows. Fixed - Fixed rendering of text fields with background alpha channel less than 255. Added Functionality - Added print() methods to the Alarm Status and Alarm Journal table components. This will correctly print across multiple pages if the table has many entries. Added Functionality - Pens on the easy chart can now be set to "non-user selectable", hiding them from the selectable pen lists, but still showing them on the chart. Added Functionality - A Tag Browse Tree has been added to the component palette. Also, the Easy Chart can now accept tag drops from the Tag Browse Tree enabling ad-hoc charting. Added Functionality - Added translation to Vision components Designer Added Functionality - Finer grained security has been added to the designer by adding role requirements for: viewing, saving, publishing, deleting, copying, and exporting for projects. These role requirements can only be edited from the designer, but will be enforced on the web interface as well. A user only has to have one of the role requirements to be allowed to take a particular action. Fixed - The security/confirm options in the SQL Update event handler script builder did not work correctly. Fixed - Fixed error caused by trying to delete a row in the number-to-color editor that was currently being edited. Fixed - Removed unused tooltip property from table component. Added Functionality - The filter for property editors is persisted after a designer session ends. Added Functionality - The collapsible palette is now the default palette, and has a quick-filter feature. Added Functionality - The collapsible palette is now the default, as opposed to the tabbed palette. User Manual - 7.7.0 ========================================================================================== User Manual Fixed - system.tag.writeSynchronous now respects timeout parameter. WebBrowser - 7.7.0 ========================================================================================== WebBrowser Added Functionality - Added Web Browser module Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Voice Added Functionality - New option on voice notification to change the speed of the voice, and support for basic ssml markers such as "<s/>" for inserting delays. Module SDK - 7.7.0 ========================================================================================== Code Added Functionality - The "Block-and-Connector" style of resource workspace is now available for 3rd party module developers to make their own diagram style of resource much like the alarm-pipelines. SymbolFactory - ========================================================================================== Misc Added Functionality - Symbol Factory has been updated with 1,400 new 'enhanced' SVG images Mobile - ========================================================================================== Misc Added Functionality - Mobile Module now supports Java 8 OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== PLEASE NOTE: YOU MUST BACKUP YOUR GATEWAY BEFORE APPLYING THIS UPDATE. THIS RELEASE MOVES THE PRODUCTION MODEL FROM INDIVIDUAL PROJECTS TO THE GLOBAL PROJECT. YOU MAY FIND REFERENCES TO OPC TAGS HAVE CHANGED AND WILL NEED TO BE MODIFIED. IF YOU EXPERIENCE ANY UPGRADE ISSUES PLEASE CONTACT INDUCTIVE AUTOMATION SUPPORT. Recipe PMIRecipeVarianceViewer - new property that will display variance by TrackingUUID (supplied when querying a recipe via MES Segment). Track and Trace MESSegment and MESOperation allow selection of a recipe that will be started on segment start. Recipe module must be installed. General - 7.7.0-rc2 ========================================================================================== Installers Modified Functionality - Ignition gateway now requires Java 8, installer will exit if Java 8 install not detected. Modified Functionality - Java JRE installers have been removed from the installer. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - The component renamer only looks for numbers near the end of the name now, so the next name after "2 State Toggle Button" will be "2 State Toggle Button 1". Added Functionality - Added import and export for global project resources. Fixed - Left dock in designer now better sized for smaller screens. Modified Functionality - Project Browser now organized in Global and Project folders Added Functionality - There is now a Boolean property on project resources(only windows, templates, and transaction groups) indicating if the the resource can be edited by that user in the designer. Users can edit the required roles to edit resources in the permissions section of the Project Properties dialog. The user only has to have one of the roles to be able to edit the project resource. In order to be able to edit the protected status of a project resource, a user must also have one of these roles. Added Functionality - Added quick panel switcher to lower-left of the Designer's status bar SQLTags Added Functionality - Tag history aggregation mode can now be specified individually for each path in the query. Fixed - Ability to specify the query type for Query tags, in order to get the correct results when running complex queries or procedures. Added Functionality - Added new expression functions to covert between decimal and octal and to covert between decimal and binary. Modified Functionality - Import of OPC items into tags has been made more efficient. Fixed - Historical tag database does not include information about the tag provider, resulting in the inability to have equal tag paths stored from two or more providers on the same gateway. Modified Functionality - New Async execution mode for tag history allows drivers to send buffers of data that will be processed. Added Functionality - New event scripts directly on tags, for value change, quality change, and alarm events. Added Functionality - In addition to absolute deadbands, there is now a mode for percent changed, based on the tag's engineering limits. Separate settings are available for realtime, historical, and alarm values. Gateway Fixed - The described problem is now fixed. Added Functionality - New option to force transfer of responsibility from master to backup redundant node. Added Functionality - Ability to force a full configuration re-sync when using redundancy. Fixed - New type of schedule: Composite schedule, is the logical or of two different schedules Added Functionality - Added ability to rollback to any of last 10 previous saves. Fixed - Added a missing key to a resource bundle for the Sum aggregation mode on the easy chart customizer. Gateway Web Interface Fixed - The Gateway logging console has been adjusted so that characters do not get cut off on the right side. Modified Functionality - New graphics and login/logout controls for the gateway web interface Expressions Added Functionality - New HasRole() function in the expression language for determining if a user account has a particular role. Client Added Functionality - Ignition now supports Single-Sign-On (SSO) for use with Active Directory user sources Added Functionality - The client messaging feature allows a client or gateway to send a message to other clients running under that gateway. A client can also send a message to a gateway. The user must set up message handlers within the project that can run Jython scripts when a message is received. Added Functionality - Local client fallback system which automatically retargets clients to a local Gateway when communication is lost to the central Gateway. Added Functionality - New option to start a client centered on the monitor if launching in non-maximized windowed mode. Native Client Launchers Fixed - Native client launcher screens running on multi-monitor Linux systems now move smoothly across the screen when dragging with a mouse. Scripting Added Functionality - New scripting function: system.util.getGlobals() gives access to the legacy global namespace. Useful for scripts such as the new script libraries and extension functions which use new scoping rules that hide the old global namespace. Added Functionality - PyDataSet objects now support slicing Added Functionality - Added system.db.runScalarPrepQuery() Fixed - Documentation for system.db.runSFPrepUpdate() better reflects return value. Added Functionality - added system.dataset.deleteRows(dataset, [rows]) Added Functionality - New scripting function: system.util.getLogger(name) Added Functionality - Added character encoding argument to system.file.readFileAsString function. Added Functionality - Added accessRights parameter to system.tag.addTag, system.tag.editTag, and system.tag.editTags SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Gateway Added Functionality - New key/value record selection on standard group, with the ability to insert new rows if necessary. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Added Functionality - Added onSaveHoliday and onSaveSchedule extension functions to Schedule Management Panel Added Functionality - When dragging a tag from the tag browser to the easy chart, the chart will create a new axis that displays the engineering units of the tag. Added Functionality - The properties, Show Root Node, Show Root Handles, Show Historical Tags, Show Realtime Tags have been added. Also, a popup menu is displayed on a popup trigger. This popup menu has a refresh action. There is also an extension function called createPopupMenu that can add menu items to the popup menu. Added Functionality - Added Language Selector component. Added Functionality - Easy chart pens can now optionally be user-removable. Added Functionality - Day View and Week View components now expose more font properties. Added Functionality - Row height can now be set in the list component. Added Functionality - Added "Show Event Time" property to the week view component to choose whether or not to display the time associated with an event. Added Functionality - The ability to override the x-trace display label has been added to the Classic Chart and the Easy Chart. Added Functionality - New component: Template Repeater. This component is a container that repeats instances of a template any number of times, allowing for more dynamic configurations of runtime windows. Added Functionality - The "text" property on the Document Viewer component is now bindable, and fires change events. Added Functionality - Pens now have an optional Sort Order attribute to allow for a non-alphabetical sort to be specified. Added Functionality - The Symbol Axis has been made an option for both the Easy Chart and classic chart. Just enter a string such as "Bill,Ted,Bob" into the Axis editors for the charts and the integer values 0,1,2 will be mapped to Bill,Ted, and Bob respectively on the axis labels. Also, the properties Grid Band Visible, Grid Band Paint and Grid Band Alternate Paint have been made configurable on the symbol chart. For more info on the symbol axis, consult JFreeChart documentation. Added Functionality - The docking system in the client now has a configurable axis precedence, so that north/south docked windows can take more space than east/west windows. Fixed - Fixed rendering of text fields with background alpha channel less than 255. Added Functionality - Added print() methods to the Alarm Status and Alarm Journal table components. This will correctly print across multiple pages if the table has many entries. Added Functionality - Pens on the easy chart can now be set to "non-user selectable", hiding them from the selectable pen lists, but still showing them on the chart. Added Functionality - A Tag Browse Tree has been added to the component palette. Also, the Easy Chart can now accept tag drops from the Tag Browse Tree enabling ad-hoc charting. Designer Added Functionality - Finer grained security has been added to the designer by adding role requirements for: viewing, saving, publishing, deleting, copying, and exporting for projects. These role requirements can only be edited from the designer, but will be enforced on the web interface as well. A user only has to have one of the role requirements to be allowed to take a particular action. Fixed - The security/confirm options in the SQL Update event handler script builder did not work correctly. Fixed - Fixed error caused by trying to delete a row in the number-to-color editor that was currently being edited. Fixed - Removed unused tooltip property from table component. Added Functionality - The filter for property editors is persisted after a designer session ends. Added Functionality - The collapsible palette is now the default palette, and has a quick-filter feature. Added Functionality - The collapsible palette is now the default, as opposed to the tabbed palette. User Manual - 7.7.0-rc2 ========================================================================================== User Manual Fixed - system.tag.writeSynchronous now respects timeout parameter. WebBrowser - null ========================================================================================== Misc Added Functionality - Added Web Browser module Misc - null ========================================================================================== Misc Added Functionality - Tag editing in the designer now requires role permissions. Also, adding of tags and removing of tags requires users to have certain roles configured on the tag provider section of the web interface. Added Functionality - Added translation to Vision components Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Voice Added Functionality - New option on voice notification to change the speed of the voice, and support for basic ssml markers such as "" for inserting delays. Module SDK - null ========================================================================================== Code Added Functionality - The "Block-and-Connector" style of resource workspace is now available for 3rd party module developers to make their own diagram style of resource much like the alarm-pipelines. SymbolFactory - ========================================================================================== Misc Added Functionality - Symbol Factory has been updated with 1,400 new 'enhanced' SVG images Mobile - ========================================================================================== Misc Added Functionality - Mobile Module now supports Java 8 OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== PLEASE NOTE: YOU MUST BACKUP YOUR GATEWAY BEFORE APPLYING THIS UPDATE. THIS RELEASE MOVES THE PRODUCTION MODEL FROM INDIVIDUAL PROJECTS TO THE GLOBAL PROJECT. YOU MAY FIND REFERENCES TO OPC TAGS HAVE CHANGED AND WILL NEED TO BE MODIFIED. IF YOU EXPERIENCE ANY UPGRADE ISSUES PLEASE CONTACT INDUCTIVE AUTOMATION SUPPORT. Recipe PMIRecipeVarianceViewer - new property that will display variance by TrackingUUID (supplied when querying a recipe via MES Segment). Track and Trace MESSegment and MESOperation allow selection of a recipe that will be started on segment start. Recipe module must be installed. General - 7.7.0-rc1 ========================================================================================== Installers Modified Functionality - Java JRE installers have been removed from the installer. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Won't Implement - A Global menu has been added to the Designer, along with a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl-Shift-M) to access the shared script library. Added Functionality - Added import and export for global project resources. Fixed - Left dock in designer now better sized for smaller screens. Modified Functionality - Project Browser now organized in Global and Project folders Added Functionality - There is now a Boolean property on project resources(only windows, templates, and transaction groups) indicating if the the resource can be edited by that user in the designer. Users can edit the required roles to edit resources in the permissions section of the Project Properties dialog. The user only has to have one of the roles to be able to edit the project resource. In order to be able to edit the protected status of a project resource, a user must also have one of these roles. Added Functionality - Added quick panel switcher to lower-left of the Designer's status bar SQLTags Added Functionality - Tag history aggregation mode can now be specified individually for each path in the query. Fixed - Ability to specify the query type for Query tags, in order to get the correct results when running complex queries or procedures. Added Functionality - Added new expression functions to covert between decimal and octal and to covert between decimal and binary. Modified Functionality - Import of OPC items into tags has been made more efficient. Fixed - Historical tag database does not include information about the tag provider, resulting in the inability to have equal tag paths stored from two or more providers on the same gateway. Modified Functionality - New Async execution mode for tag history allows drivers to send buffers of data that will be processed. Added Functionality - New event scripts directly on tags, for value change, quality change, and alarm events. Added Functionality - In addition to absolute deadbands, there is now a mode for percent changed, based on the tag's engineering limits. Separate settings are available for realtime, historical, and alarm values. Gateway Fixed - The described problem is now fixed. Added Functionality - New option to force transfer of responsibility from master to backup redundant node. Added Functionality - Ability to force a full configuration re-sync when using redundancy. Fixed - New type of schedule: Composite schedule, is the logical or of two different schedules Added Functionality - Added ability to rollback to any of last 10 previous saves. Fixed - Added a missing key to a resource bundle for the Sum aggregation mode on the easy chart customizer. Gateway Web Interface Fixed - The Gateway logging console has been adjusted so that characters do not get cut off on the right side. Modified Functionality - New graphics and login/logout controls for the gateway web interface Expressions Added Functionality - New HasRole() function in the expression language for determining if a user account has a particular role. Client Added Functionality - Ignition now supports Single-Sign-On (SSO) for use with Active Directory user sources Added Functionality - The client messaging feature allows a client or gateway to send a message to other clients running under that gateway. A client can also send a message to a gateway. The user must set up message handlers within the project that can run Jython scripts when a message is received. Added Functionality - Local client fallback system which automatically retargets clients to a local Gateway when communication is lost to the central Gateway. Added Functionality - New option to start a client centered on the monitor if launching in non-maximized windowed mode. Native Client Launchers Fixed - Native client launcher screens running on multi-monitor Linux systems now move smoothly across the screen when dragging with a mouse. Scripting Added Functionality - PyDataSet objects now support slicing Added Functionality - Added system.db.runScalarPrepQuery() Fixed - Documentation for system.db.runSFPrepUpdate() better reflects return value. Added Functionality - added system.dataset.deleteRows(dataset, [rows]) Added Functionality - New scripting function: system.util.getLogger(name) Added Functionality - Added character encoding argument to system.file.readFileAsString function. Added Functionality - Added accessRights parameter to system.tag.addTag, system.tag.editTag, and system.tag.editTags SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Gateway Added Functionality - New key/value record selection on standard group, with the ability to insert new rows if necessary. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Added Functionality - When dragging a tag from the tag browser to the easy chart, the chart will create a new axis that displays the engineering units of the tag. Added Functionality - The properties, Show Root Node, Show Root Handles, Show Historical Tags, Show Realtime Tags have been added. Also, a popup menu is displayed on a popup trigger. This popup menu has a refresh action. There is also an extension function called createPopupMenu that can add menu items to the popup menu. Added Functionality - Added Language Selector component. Added Functionality - Easy chart pens can now optionally be user-removable. Added Functionality - Day View and Week View components now expose more font properties. Added Functionality - Row height can now be set in the list component. Added Functionality - Added "Show Event Time" property to the week view component to choose whether or not to display the time associated with an event. Added Functionality - The ability to override the x-trace display label has been added to the Classic Chart and the Easy Chart. Added Functionality - New component: Template Repeater. This component is a container that repeats instances of a template any number of times, allowing for more dynamic configurations of runtime windows. Added Functionality - The "text" property on the Document Viewer component is now bindable, and fires change events. Added Functionality - Pens now have an optional Sort Order attribute to allow for a non-alphabetical sort to be specified. Added Functionality - The Symbol Axis has been made an option for both the Easy Chart and classic chart. Just enter a string such as "Bill,Ted,Bob" into the Axis editors for the charts and the integer values 0,1,2 will be mapped to Bill,Ted, and Bob respectively on the axis labels. Also, the properties Grid Band Visible, Grid Band Paint and Grid Band Alternate Paint have been made configurable on the symbol chart. For more info on the symbol axis, consult JFreeChart documentation. Added Functionality - The docking system in the client now has a configurable axis precedence, so that north/south docked windows can take more space than east/west windows. Fixed - Fixed rendering of text fields with background alpha channel less than 255. Added Functionality - Added print() methods to the Alarm Status and Alarm Journal table components. This will correctly print across multiple pages if the table has many entries. Added Functionality - Pens on the easy chart can now be set to "non-user selectable", hiding them from the selectable pen lists, but still showing them on the chart. Added Functionality - A Tag Browse Tree has been added to the component palette. Also, the Easy Chart can now accept tag drops from the Tag Browse Tree enabling ad-hoc charting. Designer Added Functionality - Finer grained security has been added to the designer by adding role requirements for: viewing, saving, publishing, deleting, copying, and exporting for projects. These role requirements can only be edited from the designer, but will be enforced on the web interface as well. A user only has to have one of the role requirements to be allowed to take a particular action. Fixed - The security/confirm options in the SQL Update event handler script builder did not work correctly. Fixed - Fixed error caused by trying to delete a row in the number-to-color editor that was currently being edited. Fixed - Removed unused tooltip property from table component. Added Functionality - The filter for property editors is persisted after a designer session ends. Added Functionality - The collapsible palette is now the default palette, and has a quick-filter feature. Added Functionality - The collapsible palette is now the default, as opposed to the tabbed palette. User Manual - 7.7.0-rc1 ========================================================================================== User Manual Fixed - system.tag.writeSynchronous now respects timeout parameter. WebBrowser - null ========================================================================================== Misc Added Functionality - Added Web Browser module Misc - null ========================================================================================== Misc Added Functionality - Tag editing in the designer now requires role permissions. Also, adding of tags and removing of tags requires users to have certain roles configured on the tag provider section of the web interface. Added Functionality - Added translation to Vision components Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Voice Added Functionality - New option on voice notification to change the speed of the voice, and support for basic ssml markers such as "<s/>" for inserting delays. Module SDK - null ========================================================================================== Code Added Functionality - The "Block-and-Connector" style of resource workspace is now available for 3rd party module developers to make their own diagram style of resource much like the alarm-pipelines. SymbolFactory - ========================================================================================== Misc Added Functionality - Symbol Factory has been updated with 1,400 new 'enhanced' SVG images Mobile - ========================================================================================== Misc Added Functionality - Mobile Module now supports Java 8 OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== PLEASE NOTE: YOU MUST BACKUP YOUR GATEWAY BEFORE APPLYING THIS UPDATE. THIS RELEASE MOVES THE PRODUCTION MODEL FROM INDIVIDUAL PROJECTS TO THE GLOBAL PROJECT. YOU MAY FIND REFERENCES TO OPC TAGS HAVE CHANGED AND WILL NEED TO BE MODIFIED. IF YOU EXPERIENCE ANY UPGRADE ISSUES PLEASE CONTACT INDUCTIVE AUTOMATION SUPPORT. Recipe PMIRecipeVarianceViewer - new property that will display variance by TrackingUUID (supplied when querying a recipe via MES Segment). Track and Trace MESSegment and MESOperation allow selection of a recipe that will be started on segment start. Recipe module must be installed. General - 7.7.0-beta5 ========================================================================================== Installers Modified Functionality - Java JRE installers have been removed from the installer. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Added Functionality - A Global menu has been added to the Designer, along with a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl-Shift-M) to access the shared script library. Added Functionality - Added import and export for global project resources. Fixed - Left dock in designer now better sized for smaller screens. Modified Functionality - Project Browser now organized in Global and Project folders Added Functionality - There is now a Boolean property on project resources(only windows, templates, and transaction groups) indicating if the the resource can be edited by that user in the designer. Users can edit the required roles to edit resources in the permissions section of the Project Properties dialog. The user only has to have one of the roles to be able to edit the project resource. In order to be able to edit the protected status of a project resource, a user must also have one of these roles. Added Functionality - Added quick panel switcher to lower-left of the Designer's status bar SQLTags Added Functionality - Tag history aggregation mode can now be specified individually for each path in the query. Fixed - Ability to specify the query type for Query tags, in order to get the correct results when running complex queries or procedures. Added Functionality - Added new expression functions to covert between decimal and octal and to covert between decimal and binary. Modified Functionality - Import of OPC items into tags has been made more efficient. Fixed - Historical tag database does not include information about the tag provider, resulting in the inability to have equal tag paths stored from two or more providers on the same gateway. Modified Functionality - New Async execution mode for tag history allows drivers to send buffers of data that will be processed. Added Functionality - New event scripts directly on tags, for value change, quality change, and alarm events. Added Functionality - In addition to absolute deadbands, there is now a mode for percent changed, based on the tag's engineering limits. Separate settings are available for realtime, historical, and alarm values. Gateway Fixed - The described problem is now fixed. Added Functionality - New option to force transfer of responsibility from master to backup redundant node. Added Functionality - Ability to force a full configuration re-sync when using redundancy. Fixed - New type of schedule: Composite schedule, is the logical or of two different schedules Added Functionality - Added ability to rollback to any of last 10 previous saves. Fixed - Added a missing key to a resource bundle for the Sum aggregation mode on the easy chart customizer. Gateway Web Interface Fixed - The Gateway logging console has been adjusted so that characters do not get cut off on the right side. Modified Functionality - New graphics and login/logout controls for the gateway web interface Expressions Added Functionality - New HasRole() function in the expression language for determining if a user account has a particular role. Client Added Functionality - Ignition now supports Single-Sign-On (SSO) for use with Active Directory user sources Added Functionality - The client messaging feature allows a client or gateway to send a message to other clients running under that gateway. A client can also send a message to a gateway. The user must set up message handlers within the project that can run Jython scripts when a message is received. Added Functionality - Local client fallback system which automatically retargets clients to a local Gateway when communication is lost to the central Gateway. Added Functionality - New option to start a client centered on the monitor if launching in non-maximized windowed mode. Native Client Launchers Fixed - Native client launcher screens running on multi-monitor Linux systems now move smoothly across the screen when dragging with a mouse. Scripting Added Functionality - PyDataSet objects now support slicing Added Functionality - Added system.db.runScalarPrepQuery() Fixed - Documentation for system.db.runSFPrepUpdate() better reflects return value. Added Functionality - added system.dataset.deleteRows(dataset, [rows]) Added Functionality - New scripting function: system.util.getLogger(name) Added Functionality - Added character encoding argument to system.file.readFileAsString function. Added Functionality - Added accessRights parameter to system.tag.addTag, system.tag.editTag, and system.tag.editTags SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Gateway Added Functionality - New key/value record selection on standard group, with the ability to insert new rows if necessary. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Added Functionality - The properties, Show Root Node, Show Root Handles, Show Historical Tags, Show Realtime Tags have been added. Also, a popup menu is displayed on a popup trigger. This popup menu has a refresh action. There is also an extension function called createPopupMenu that can add menu items to the popup menu. Added Functionality - Added Language Selector component. Added Functionality - Easy chart pens can now optionally be user-removable. Added Functionality - Day View and Week View components now expose more font properties. Added Functionality - Row height can now be set in the list component. Added Functionality - Added "Show Event Time" property to the week view component to choose whether or not to display the time associated with an event. Added Functionality - The ability to override the x-trace display label has been added to the Classic Chart and the Easy Chart. Added Functionality - New component: Template Repeater. This component is a container that repeats instances of a template any number of times, allowing for more dynamic configurations of runtime windows. Added Functionality - The "text" property on the Document Viewer component is now bindable, and fires change events. Added Functionality - Pens now have an optional Sort Order attribute to allow for a non-alphabetical sort to be specified. Added Functionality - The Symbol Axis has been made an option for both the Easy Chart and classic chart. Just enter a string such as "Bill,Ted,Bob" into the Axis editors for the charts and the integer values 0,1,2 will be mapped to Bill,Ted, and Bob respectively on the axis labels. Also, the properties Grid Band Visible, Grid Band Paint and Grid Band Alternate Paint have been made configurable on the symbol chart. For more info on the symbol axis, consult JFreeChart documentation. Added Functionality - The docking system in the client now has a configurable axis precedence, so that north/south docked windows can take more space than east/west windows. Fixed - Fixed rendering of text fields with background alpha channel less than 255. Added Functionality - Added print() methods to the Alarm Status and Alarm Journal table components. This will correctly print across multiple pages if the table has many entries. Added Functionality - Pens on the easy chart can now be set to "non-user selectable", hiding them from the selectable pen lists, but still showing them on the chart. Added Functionality - A Tag Browse Tree has been added to the component palette. Also, the Easy Chart can now accept tag drops from the Tag Browse Tree enabling ad-hoc charting. Designer Added Functionality - Finer grained security has been added to the designer by adding role requirements for: viewing, saving, publishing, deleting, copying, and exporting for projects. These role requirements can only be edited from the designer, but will be enforced on the web interface as well. A user only has to have one of the role requirements to be allowed to take a particular action. Fixed - The security/confirm options in the SQL Update event handler script builder did not work correctly. Fixed - Fixed error caused by trying to delete a row in the number-to-color editor that was currently being edited. Fixed - Removed unused tooltip property from table component. Added Functionality - The filter for property editors is persisted after a designer session ends. Added Functionality - The collapsible palette is now the default palette, and has a quick-filter feature. Added Functionality - The collapsible palette is now the default, as opposed to the tabbed palette. User Manual - 7.7.0-beta5 ========================================================================================== User Manual Fixed - system.tag.writeSynchronous now respects timeout parameter. WebBrowser - null ========================================================================================== Misc Added Functionality - Added Web Browser module Misc - null ========================================================================================== Misc Added Functionality - Tag editing in the designer now requires role permissions. Also, adding of tags and removing of tags requires users to have certain roles configured on the tag provider section of the web interface. Added Functionality - Added translation to Vision components Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Voice Added Functionality - New option on voice notification to change the speed of the voice, and support for basic ssml markers such as "" for inserting delays. Module SDK - null ========================================================================================== Code Added Functionality - The "Block-and-Connector" style of resource workspace is now available for 3rd party module developers to make their own diagram style of resource much like the alarm-pipelines. SymbolFactory - ========================================================================================== Misc Added Functionality - Symbol Factory has been updated with 1,400 new 'enhanced' SVG images Mobile - ========================================================================================== Misc Added Functionality - Mobile Module now supports Java 8 OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== PLEASE NOTE: YOU MUST BACKUP YOUR GATEWAY BEFORE APPLYING THIS UPDATE. THIS RELEASE MOVES THE PRODUCTION MODEL FROM INDIVIDUAL PROJECTS TO THE GLOBAL PROJECT. YOU MAY FIND REFERENCES TO OPC TAGS HAVE CHANGED AND WILL NEED TO BE MODIFIED. IF YOU EXPERIENCE ANY UPGRADE ISSUES PLEASE CONTACT INDUCTIVE AUTOMATION SUPPORT. General Initial 7.7 beta release General - 7.7.0-beta4 ========================================================================================== Installers Modified Functionality - Installers will abort during initial install or upgrade if Java 8 is not installed. Modified Functionality - Java JRE installers have been removed from the installer. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Added Functionality - A Global menu has been added to the Designer, along with a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl-Shift-M) to access the shared script library. Added Functionality - Added import and export for global project resources. Fixed - Left dock in designer now better sized for smaller screens. Modified Functionality - Project Browser now organized in Global and Project folders Added Functionality - There is now a Boolean property on project resources(only windows, templates, and transaction groups) indicating if the the resource can be edited by that user in the designer. Users can edit the required roles to edit resources in the permissions section of the Project Properties dialog. The user only has to have one of the roles to be able to edit the project resource. In order to be able to edit the protected status of a project resource, a user must also have one of these roles. Added Functionality - Added quick panel switcher to lower-left of the Designer's status bar SQLTags Added Functionality - Tag history aggregation mode can now be specified individually for each path in the query. Fixed - Ability to specify the query type for Query tags, in order to get the correct results when running complex queries or procedures. Added Functionality - Added new expression functions to covert between decimal and octal and to covert between decimal and binary. Modified Functionality - Import of OPC items into tags has been made more efficient. Fixed - Historical tag database does not include information about the tag provider, resulting in the inability to have equal tag paths stored from two or more providers on the same gateway. Modified Functionality - New Async execution mode for tag history allows drivers to send buffers of data that will be processed. Added Functionality - New event scripts directly on tags, for value change, quality change, and alarm events. Added Functionality - In addition to absolute deadbands, there is now a mode for percent changed, based on the tag's engineering limits. Separate settings are available for realtime, historical, and alarm values. Gateway Added Functionality - New option to force transfer of responsibility from master to backup redundant node. Added Functionality - Ability to force a full configuration re-sync when using redundancy. Fixed - New type of schedule: Composite schedule, is the logical or of two different schedules Added Functionality - Added ability to rollback to any of last 10 previous saves. Fixed - Added a missing key to a resource bundle for the Sum aggregation mode on the easy chart customizer. Gateway Web Interface Fixed - The Gateway logging console has been adjusted so that characters do not get cut off on the right side. Modified Functionality - New graphics and login/logout controls for the gateway web interface Expressions Added Functionality - New HasRole() function in the expression language for determining if a user account has a particular role. Client Added Functionality - The client messaging feature allows a client or gateway to send a message to other clients running under that gateway. A client can also send a message to a gateway. The user must set up message handlers within the project that can run Jython scripts when a message is received. Added Functionality - Local client fallback system which automatically retargets clients to a local Gateway when communication is lost to the central Gateway. Added Functionality - New option to start a client centered on the monitor if launching in non-maximized windowed mode. Native Client Launchers Fixed - Native client launcher screens running on multi-monitor Linux systems now move smoothly across the screen when dragging with a mouse. Scripting Added Functionality - PyDataSet objects now support slicing Added Functionality - Added system.db.runScalarPrepQuery() Fixed - Documentation for system.db.runSFPrepUpdate() better reflects return value. Added Functionality - added system.dataset.deleteRows(dataset, [rows]) Added Functionality - New scripting function: system.util.getLogger(name) Added Functionality - Added character encoding argument to system.file.readFileAsString function. Added Functionality - Added accessRights parameter to system.tag.addTag, system.tag.editTag, and system.tag.editTags SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Gateway Added Functionality - New key/value record selection on standard group, with the ability to insert new rows if necessary. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Added Functionality - The properties, Show Root Node, Show Root Handles, Show Historical Tags, Show Realtime Tags have been added. Also, a popup menu is displayed on a popup trigger. This popup menu has a refresh action. There is also an extension function called createPopupMenu that can add menu items to the popup menu. Added Functionality - Added Language Selector component. Added Functionality - Easy chart pens can now optionally be user-removable. Added Functionality - Day View and Week View components now expose more font properties. Added Functionality - Row height can now be set in the list component. Added Functionality - Added "Show Event Time" property to the week view component to choose whether or not to display the time associated with an event. Added Functionality - The ability to override the x-trace display label has been added to the Classic Chart and the Easy Chart. Added Functionality - New component: Template Repeater. This component is a container that repeats instances of a template any number of times, allowing for more dynamic configurations of runtime windows. Added Functionality - The "text" property on the Document Viewer component is now bindable, and fires change events. Added Functionality - Pens now have an optional Sort Order attribute to allow for a non-alphabetical sort to be specified. Added Functionality - The Symbol Axis has been made an option for both the Easy Chart and classic chart. Just enter a string such as "Bill,Ted,Bob" into the Axis editors for the charts and the integer values 0,1,2 will be mapped to Bill,Ted, and Bob respectively on the axis labels. Also, the properties Grid Band Visible, Grid Band Paint and Grid Band Alternate Paint have been made configurable on the symbol chart. For more info on the symbol axis, consult JFreeChart documentation. Added Functionality - The docking system in the client now has a configurable axis precedence, so that north/south docked windows can take more space than east/west windows. Fixed - Fixed rendering of text fields with background alpha channel less than 255. Added Functionality - Added print() methods to the Alarm Status and Alarm Journal table components. This will correctly print across multiple pages if the table has many entries. Added Functionality - Pens on the easy chart can now be set to "non-user selectable", hiding them from the selectable pen lists, but still showing them on the chart. Added Functionality - A Tag Browse Tree has been added to the component palette. Also, the Easy Chart can now accept tag drops from the Tag Browse Tree enabling ad-hoc charting. Designer Added Functionality - Finer grained security has been added to the designer by adding role requirements for: viewing, saving, publishing, deleting, copying, and exporting for projects. These role requirements can only be edited from the designer, but will be enforced on the web interface as well. A user only has to have one of the role requirements to be allowed to take a particular action. Fixed - The security/confirm options in the SQL Update event handler script builder did not work correctly. Fixed - Fixed error caused by trying to delete a row in the number-to-color editor that was currently being edited. Fixed - Removed unused tooltip property from table component. Added Functionality - The filter for property editors is persisted after a designer session ends. Added Functionality - The collapsible palette is now the default palette, and has a quick-filter feature. Added Functionality - The collapsible palette is now the default, as opposed to the tabbed palette. User Manual - 7.7.0-beta4 ========================================================================================== User Manual Fixed - system.tag.writeSynchronous now respects timeout parameter. WebBrowser - null ========================================================================================== Misc Added Functionality - Added Web Browser module Misc - null ========================================================================================== Misc Added Functionality - Tag editing in the designer now requires role permissions. Also, adding of tags and removing of tags requires users to have certain roles configured on the tag provider section of the web interface. Added Functionality - Added translation to Vision components Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Voice Added Functionality - New option on voice notification to change the speed of the voice, and support for basic ssml markers such as "" for inserting delays. SymbolFactory - ========================================================================================== Misc Added Functionality - Symbol Factory has been updated with 1,400 new 'enhanced' SVG images Mobile - ========================================================================================== Misc Added Functionality - Mobile Module now supports Java 8 OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== PLEASE NOTE: YOU MUST BACKUP YOUR GATEWAY BEFORE APPLYING THIS UPDATE. THIS RELEASE MOVES THE PRODUCTION MODEL FROM INDIVIDUAL PROJECTS TO THE GLOBAL PROJECT. YOU MAY FIND REFERENCES TO OPC TAGS HAVE CHANGED AND WILL NEED TO BE MODIFIED. IF YOU EXPERIENCE ANY UPGRADE ISSUES PLEASE CONTACT INDUCTIVE AUTOMATION SUPPORT. General Initial 7.7 beta release General - 7.7.0-beta3 ========================================================================================== Installers Modified Functionality - Installers will abort during initial install or upgrade if Java 8 is not installed. Modified Functionality - Java JRE installers have been removed from the installer. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Added Functionality - Added import and export for global project resources. Fixed - Left dock in designer now better sized for smaller screens. Modified Functionality - Project Browser now organized in Global and Project folders Added Functionality - There is now a Boolean property on project resources(only windows, templates, and transaction groups) indicating if the the resource can be edited by that user in the designer. Users can edit the required roles to edit resources in the permissions section of the Project Properties dialog. The user only has to have one of the roles to be able to edit the project resource. In order to be able to edit the protected status of a project resource, a user must also have one of these roles. Added Functionality - Added quick panel switcher to lower-left of the Designer's status bar SQLTags Added Functionality - Added new expression functions to covert between decimal and octal and to covert between decimal and binary. Modified Functionality - Import of OPC items into tags has been made more efficient. Fixed - Historical tag database does not include information about the tag provider, resulting in the inability to have equal tag paths stored from two or more providers on the same gateway. Modified Functionality - New Async execution mode for tag history allows drivers to send buffers of data that will be processed. Added Functionality - New event scripts directly on tags, for value change, quality change, and alarm events. Added Functionality - In addition to absolute deadbands, there is now a mode for percent changed, based on the tag's engineering limits. Separate settings are available for realtime, historical, and alarm values. Gateway Added Functionality - Ability to force a full configuration re-sync when using redundancy. Fixed - New type of schedule: Composite schedule, is the logical or of two different schedules Added Functionality - Added ability to rollback to any of last 10 previous saves. Fixed - Added a missing key to a resource bundle for the Sum aggregation mode on the easy chart customizer. Gateway Web Interface Fixed - The Gateway logging console has been adjusted so that characters do not get cut off on the right side. Modified Functionality - New graphics and login/logout controls for the gateway web interface Expressions Added Functionality - New HasRole() function in the expression language for determining if a user account has a particular role. Native Client Launchers Fixed - Native client launcher screens running on multi-monitor Linux systems now move smoothly across the screen when dragging with a mouse. Client Added Functionality - The client messaging feature allows a client or gateway to send a message to other clients running under that gateway. A client can also send a message to a gateway. The user must set up message handlers within the project that can run Jython scripts when a message is received. Added Functionality - Local client fallback system which automatically retargets clients to a local Gateway when communication is lost to the central Gateway. Added Functionality - New option to start a client centered on the monitor if launching in non-maximized windowed mode. Scripting Fixed - Documentation for system.db.runSFPrepUpdate() better reflects return value. Added Functionality - added system.dataset.deleteRows(dataset, [rows]) Added Functionality - New scripting function: system.util.getLogger(name) Added Functionality - Added character encoding argument to system.file.readFileAsString function. Added Functionality - Added accessRights parameter to system.tag.addTag, system.tag.editTag, and system.tag.editTags Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Added Functionality - Easy chart pens can now optionally be user-removable. Added Functionality - Day View and Week View components now expose more font properties. Added Functionality - Row height can now be set in the list component. Added Functionality - Added "Show Event Time" property to the week view component to choose whether or not to display the time associated with an event. Added Functionality - The ability to override the x-trace display label has been added to the Classic Chart and the Easy Chart. Added Functionality - New component: Template Repeater. This component is a container that repeats instances of a template any number of times, allowing for more dynamic configurations of runtime windows. Added Functionality - The "text" property on the Document Viewer component is now bindable, and fires change events. Added Functionality - Pens now have an optional Sort Order attribute to allow for a non-alphabetical sort to be specified. Added Functionality - The Symbol Axis has been made an option for both the Easy Chart and classic chart. Just enter a string such as "Bill,Ted,Bob" into the Axis editors for the charts and the integer values 0,1,2 will be mapped to Bill,Ted, and Bob respectively on the axis labels. Also, the properties Grid Band Visible, Grid Band Paint and Grid Band Alternate Paint have been made configurable on the symbol chart. For more info on the symbol axis, consult JFreeChart documentation. Added Functionality - The docking system in the client now has a configurable axis precedence, so that north/south docked windows can take more space than east/west windows. Fixed - Fixed rendering of text fields with background alpha channel less than 255. Added Functionality - Added print() methods to the Alarm Status and Alarm Journal table components. This will correctly print across multiple pages if the table has many entries. Added Functionality - Pens on the easy chart can now be set to "non-user selectable", hiding them from the selectable pen lists, but still showing them on the chart. Added Functionality - A Tag Browse Tree has been added to the component palette. Also, the Easy Chart can now accept tag drops from the Tag Browse Tree enabling ad-hoc charting. Designer Added Functionality - Finer grained security has been added to the designer by adding role requirements for: viewing, saving, publishing, deleting, copying, and exporting for projects. These role requirements can only be edited from the designer, but will be enforced on the web interface as well. A user only has to have one of the role requirements to be allowed to take a particular action. Fixed - The security/confirm options in the SQL Update event handler script builder did not work correctly. Fixed - Fixed error caused by trying to delete a row in the number-to-color editor that was currently being edited. Fixed - Removed unused tooltip property from table component. Added Functionality - The filter for property editors is persisted after a designer session ends. Added Functionality - The collapsible palette is now the default palette, and has a quick-filter feature. Added Functionality - The collapsible palette is now the default, as opposed to the tabbed palette. WebBrowser - null ========================================================================================== Misc Added Functionality - Added Web Browser module Misc - null ========================================================================================== Misc Added Functionality - Tag editing in the designer now requires role permissions. Also, adding of tags and removing of tags requires users to have certain roles configured on the tag provider section of the web interface. Added Functionality - Added translation to Vision components Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Voice Added Functionality - New option on voice notification to change the speed of the voice, and support for basic ssml markers such as "" for inserting delays. SymbolFactory - ========================================================================================== Misc Added Functionality - Symbol Factory has been updated with 1,400 new 'enhanced' SVG images Mobile - ========================================================================================== Misc Added Functionality - Mobile Module now supports Java 8 OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== PLEASE NOTE: YOU MUST BACKUP YOUR GATEWAY BEFORE APPLYING THIS UPDATE. THIS RELEASE MOVES THE PRODUCTION MODEL FROM INDIVIDUAL PROJECTS TO THE GLOBAL PROJECT. YOU MAY FIND REFERENCES TO OPC TAGS HAVE CHANGED AND WILL NEED TO BE MODIFIED. IF YOU EXPERIENCE ANY UPGRADE ISSUES PLEASE CONTACT INDUCTIVE AUTOMATION SUPPORT. General Initial 7.7 beta release General - 7.6.7-rc2 ========================================================================================== Installers Fixed - Deselecting (uninstalling) modules during upgrade now works properly for: Alarm, SMS, and MES modules (SPC, Recipe, OEEDT). Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Fixed IndexOutOfBoundsException exporting UDT def and added functional tests for supporting classes. Also, the enabled status of the export button on the SQLTags Browser now depends on if the selected tag provider has any children. We disable the export button if the provider has no children. Gateway Web Interface Added Functionality - Projects can no longer be imported into an older Ignition version. Fixed - Fixed broken dropdowns in Gateway log viewer. Added Functionality - User names now allow @ character Fixed - Prevented plain-text passwords from being printed to the debug console on authentication attempts. SQLTags Fixed - Scan classes in Read mode, with the same opc address subscribed multiple times, can become misaligned and set the wrong values on tags after removing one of the duplicate addresses. Fixed - Exception during tag initialization can prevent other tags from being initialized. Fixed - System/Gateway/Alarming tags not updated after disable/reenable of alarms, and in several other edge cases. Fixed - Raw tag history queries possibly return a row beyond the end of the query range. Gateway Fixed - Fixed the issue with the schema not being included on stored procedure groups. Fixed - Percent based deadband not functioning correctly for historical tags. Fixed - After a successful installation on a Linux machine, the installer will now open the Gateway home page in a web browser. Note that if the Linux installer is run in headless (text-only) mode, a web browser will not open after installation. Scripting Fixed - Fixed issue that could cause moving components inside templates with system.gui.moveComponent to also move components inside other copies of those templates. Fixed - Script Playground in Windows now correctly outputs characters beyond 7-bit ASCII range. Native Client Launchers Fixed - Native client launchers now pass the correct memory settings to the Designer or the client that is being launched. Alarming Fixed - Alarm Bit State condition does not work correctly in "On Zero" mode. Vision - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - New components now consistently respect layout constraints. Misc Fixed - Tag history bindings set to "on change" return size were being executed as "natural" queries. Components Added Functionality - The template property templatePath is now bindable. Fixed - EasyChart now uses old tick mark behavior for most ranges, but still handles units less than 1E-7 correctly. Added Functionality - Made the Desired High and Desired Low properties of the Sparkline Chart bindable. Added Functionality - Box and Whisker chart now has predictable category ordering, defined by the order inside the dataset. Fixed - Fixed IndexOutOfBoundsException thrown by the Alarm Journal when the filter properties were changed while an alarm was selected. Client Fixed - The easychart pen grouping box was being sized based on the pen names, causing group title truncation when the pen names were shorter than the group name. Added Functionality - Added direct access to root container custom properties in return value of system.gui.findWindow User Manual - 7.6.7-rc2 ========================================================================================== Misc Modified Functionality - Improved documentation for dataset.addColumn Mobile - ========================================================================================== Backend Added Functionality - Mobile Module now supports Java 8 OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== PLEASE NOTE: YOU MUST BACKUP YOUR GATEWAY BEFORE APPLYING THIS UPDATE. THIS RELEASE MOVES THE PRODUCTION MODEL FROM INDIVIDUAL PROJECTS TO THE GLOBAL PROJECT. YOU MAY FIND REFERENCES TO OPC TAGS HAVE CHANGED AND WILL NEED TO BE MODIFIED. IF YOU EXPERIENCE ANY UPGRADE ISSUES PLEASE CONTACT INDUCTIVE AUTOMATION SUPPORT. General Fixed - Install of MES modules fails and reports that the MES platform version is wrong. Improved - Production Model has been moved to the global project. Added - Support for ISA-95 Manufacturing Operations Management standard. OEE/Downtime Fixed - Product Code Table component was not resetting selected product code when a filter was applied. Added - Property "Ignore Changeover Overrun Production" to Line OEE. When true, any production counts that are generated during changeover overrun will be ignored. Added - Workday Routine name to the console status message when the routine is activated with a reason code. Added - Ability to modify the downtime reason event where key reason detection could not find a blameable cell. Added - Production Bar Chart property "labelFormat" string for formatting the label text. Fixed - Key reason detection not working if first cell is a cell group. Fixed - Cell group cell latching in key reason detection was never unlatched. Improved - OEE Quality calculation now will use production count + waste count if infeed count is not being collected. Schedule Fixed - Schedule View component is not saving custom properties. Modified - ScheduleLine updatePrerunRemainingTime() to check if the scheduled changeover time is 0, then don't go into overrun. Added - property change event "scheduleActivated" on Line Schedule Selector. Fired when the user selects a schedule and returns True (1 in scripting) if the schedule was activated, False (0) otherwise. Improved - Work orders can now be edited (via the script method) even if schedules are assigned to them. Added - Work Order table property, Line Name Filter, to filter by line name(s). Recipe Added - Recipe Editor Table component. Allows managing a single recipe in a table, viewing the live values, pre-setting new values to use when activating the recipe. Fixed - Minimum value of a float recipe item was not allowing 0. Fixed - Error when updating recipe item security from treeview if a new role was added. Fixed - Fixed thresholds not working on integer type recipe tag. Fixed - Recipe values not being deleted beyond the first child production item. Those recipe values cannot be deleted, error message says they are inherited. Fixed - Recipe treeview not expanding after navigating away then back to the window. Occurs when window gets cached. Quality Added - SPC selector will show "no selection" in the filter slide out panel. Fixed - Individual control limits not selectable on Individual charts. Improved - Increase the sample measurement count limit from 25 to 250. Fixed - Samples being continuously scheduled every second for a definition regardless of interval settings. Occurs if the definition was ever used with a manual interval. Instrument Interface Fixed - File Monitor Controller does not disable monitoring if the instrument interface configuration is changed. Track and Trace Added - Breadcrumbs property to the trace graph. Improved - createSegment scripting. General - 7.6.7-rc1 ========================================================================================== Installers Fixed - Deselecting (uninstalling) modules during upgrade now works properly for: Alarm, SMS, and MES modules (SPC, Recipe, OEEDT). Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Fixed IndexOutOfBoundsException exporting UDT def and added functional tests for supporting classes. Also, the enabled status of the export button on the SQLTags Browser now depends on if the selected tag provider has any children. We disable the export button if the provider has no children. Gateway Web Interface Added Functionality - Projects can no longer be imported into an older Ignition version. Fixed - Fixed broken dropdowns in Gateway log viewer. Added Functionality - User names now allow @ character Fixed - Prevented plain-text passwords from being printed to the debug console on authentication attempts. SQLTags Fixed - Scan classes in Read mode, with the same opc address subscribed multiple times, can become misaligned and set the wrong values on tags after removing one of the duplicate addresses. Fixed - Exception during tag initialization can prevent other tags from being initialized. Fixed - System/Gateway/Alarming tags not updated after disable/reenable of alarms, and in several other edge cases. Fixed - Raw tag history queries possibly return a row beyond the end of the query range. Gateway Fixed - Fixed the issue with the schema not being included on stored procedure groups. Fixed - Percent based deadband not functioning correctly for historical tags. Fixed - After a successful installation on a Linux machine, the installer will now open the Gateway home page in a web browser. Note that if the Linux installer is run in headless (text-only) mode, a web browser will not open after installation. Scripting Fixed - Fixed issue that could cause moving components inside templates with system.gui.moveComponent to also move components inside other copies of those templates. Fixed - Script Playground in Windows now correctly outputs characters beyond 7-bit ASCII range. Native Client Launchers Fixed - Native client launchers now pass the correct memory settings to the Designer or the client that is being launched. Alarming Fixed - Alarm Bit State condition does not work correctly in "On Zero" mode. Vision - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - New components now consistently respect layout constraints. Misc Fixed - Tag history bindings set to "on change" return size were being executed as "natural" queries. Components Added Functionality - The template property templatePath is now bindable. Fixed - EasyChart now uses old tick mark behavior for most ranges, but still handles units less than 1E-7 correctly. Added Functionality - Made the Desired High and Desired Low properties of the Sparkline Chart bindable. Added Functionality - Box and Whisker chart now has predictable category ordering, defined by the order inside the dataset. Fixed - Fixed IndexOutOfBoundsException thrown by the Alarm Journal when the filter properties were changed while an alarm was selected. Client Fixed - The easychart pen grouping box was being sized based on the pen names, causing group title truncation when the pen names were shorter than the group name. Added Functionality - Added direct access to root container custom properties in return value of system.gui.findWindow User Manual - 7.6.7-rc1 ========================================================================================== Misc Modified Functionality - Improved documentation for dataset.addColumn Mobile - ========================================================================================== Backend Added Functionality - Mobile Module now supports Java 8 OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== PLEASE NOTE: YOU MUST BACKUP YOUR GATEWAY BEFORE APPLYING THIS UPDATE. THIS RELEASE MOVES THE PRODUCTION MODEL FROM INDIVIDUAL PROJECTS TO THE GLOBAL PROJECT. YOU MAY FIND REFERENCES TO OPC TAGS HAVE CHANGED AND WILL NEED TO BE MODIFIED. IF YOU EXPERIENCE ANY UPGRADE ISSUES PLEASE CONTACT INDUCTIVE AUTOMATION SUPPORT. General Fixed - Install of MES modules fails and reports that the MES platform version is wrong. Improved - Production Model has been moved to the global project. Added - Support for ISA-95 Manufacturing Operations Management standard. OEE/Downtime Fixed - Product Code Table component was not resetting selected product code when a filter was applied. Added - Property "Ignore Changeover Overrun Production" to Line OEE. When true, any production counts that are generated during changeover overrun will be ignored. Added - Workday Routine name to the console status message when the routine is activated with a reason code. Added - Ability to modify the downtime reason event where key reason detection could not find a blameable cell. Added - Production Bar Chart property "labelFormat" string for formatting the label text. Fixed - Key reason detection not working if first cell is a cell group. Fixed - Cell group cell latching in key reason detection was never unlatched. Improved - OEE Quality calculation now will use production count + waste count if infeed count is not being collected. Schedule Fixed - Schedule View component is not saving custom properties. Modified - ScheduleLine updatePrerunRemainingTime() to check if the scheduled changeover time is 0, then don't go into overrun. Added - property change event "scheduleActivated" on Line Schedule Selector. Fired when the user selects a schedule and returns True (1 in scripting) if the schedule was activated, False (0) otherwise. Improved - Work orders can now be edited (via the script method) even if schedules are assigned to them. Added - Work Order table property, Line Name Filter, to filter by line name(s). Recipe Added - Recipe Editor Table component. Allows managing a single recipe in a table, viewing the live values, pre-setting new values to use when activating the recipe. Fixed - Minimum value of a float recipe item was not allowing 0. Fixed - Error when updating recipe item security from treeview if a new role was added. Fixed - Fixed thresholds not working on integer type recipe tag. Fixed - Recipe values not being deleted beyond the first child production item. Those recipe values cannot be deleted, error message says they are inherited. Fixed - Recipe treeview not expanding after navigating away then back to the window. Occurs when window gets cached. Quality Added - SPC selector will show "no selection" in the filter slide out panel. Fixed - Individual control limits not selectable on Individual charts. Improved - Increase the sample measurement count limit from 25 to 250. Fixed - Samples being continuously scheduled every second for a definition regardless of interval settings. Occurs if the definition was ever used with a manual interval. Instrument Interface Fixed - File Monitor Controller does not disable monitoring if the instrument interface configuration is changed. Track and Trace Added - Breadcrumbs property to the trace graph. Improved - createSegment scripting. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Client and Designer now restart in Linux after module upgrades. SQLTags Fixed - Transaction groups continue to run when project is disabled. Fixed - Scale Factor, Engineering Limit Clamp Mode, and Historical timestamp source missing from tag xml export/import. Fixed - Duplicate tags paths and min/max aggregation in tag history queries can cause infinite loop (high cpu/memory). Scripting Fixed - Script Playground in Windows now correctly outputs characters beyond 7-bit ASCII range. Fixed - Windows console now correctly displays characters beyond the 7-bit ASCII range. Native Client Launchers Fixed - Native client launchers were unable to launch hidden projects. Hidden projects can now be launched from the command line by specifying the project name during launch. Fixed - JVM settings, such as PermGen memory allocation, can be set for clients launched with client launchers. See the User Manual for examples. Fixed - Native client launchers no longer fail with a HTML.Version SaxParserException when the Ignition Gateway uses port 80 or port 443 and the manually entered Gateway URL does not specify a port. Fixed - Linux native client launcher desktop shortcuts would fail with the message "There was an error launching the application" when clientlauncher.sh was located in a folder with spaces in the folder name. Fixed - Client launchers would fail with error 'The element type "sun.java2d.noddraw" must be terminated by the matching end-tag ""' when Direct Draw was disabled on the Gateway Settings page. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Alert emails now use UTF-8 encoding for better international character support Fixed - This bug was caused by a fix to bug# 135. Now, the arrow keys can once again control selection in the drop down list. Fixed - Complex (udt) based dynamic properties occasionally attempting to incorrectly write back to tags in the data type when initialized. Client Fixed - Client reload now preserves window ordering. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Client Fixed - Fixed a deadlock that could occur when the UA client gets disconnected. This caused it to be unable to reconnect. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Fixed - PostgreSQL error with server version 9.3 on internally using escaped strings. Fixed - Standard variance count tag for shift is not being calculated correctly. Fixed - On resume run, the run end date time was not being cleared in the runtime data tables. This would allow the purge run utility to potentially delete an active run. Fixed - Constant error "Unable to verify production database table schemas". Creating a production model in an empty database will not create the tables unless the Production module is re-started. Fixed - PMIProductionLineCellSelector not setting the Cell Name property after selection. Fixed - PostGreSQL database not creating proper indices. Changed - MES Installers will only work with Ignition gateway 7.5.10 or greater OEE/Downtime Added - PMIProductCodeSelector property "setLineProductCode". When true will attempt to set the line to the selected product code. This was the default previously. Now the selector can be used to just select a Product code without any default action. Fixed - Stored SPC settings do not update when the underlying Sample definition is renamed Added - Shift Planned Downtime (Minutes) tag. Displays the planned downtime during the current shift for the current run. Fixed - Shift OEE tags values one update cycle behind run tags at the beginning of the run. Fixed - Active downtime tag does not reflect operator selected reason. Fixed - Downtime reason not using operator selected cell if the downtime event is re-triggered internally. For instance, on a shift change. Add default filter Include Recordable. Previously was returning all downtime by default. SPC/Quality Fixed - XBar control limits to show on both XBar Range and XBar Standard Deviation charts. Also, fixed Moving Range control limits to show on both Individual and Median charts. Fixed - Stored SPC settings do not update when the underlying Sample definition is renamed Improved - method for getting the last samples taken speed improvement. Fixed - PMIStoredSPCSelector cannot create a new stored settings manually. Fixed - SPC charts not showing the left axis when the table is hidden. Added - script property sampleTakenBy in addition to user to the Sample Entry component. Fixed - SPCController is clearing all custom property bindings when the definition changed even though those properties exist in the new definition. Fixed - SPC Data Type Selector causes error if no data type is selected. Fixed - Frequency charts cannot get data if the definition has multiple measurements. Added - border property for the PMISPCSelector component Recipe Added - new Recipe Value Name filter property to the recipe editor. Improved - Recipe Editor component will not collapse when the value editor filter is changed. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Client and Designer now restart in Linux after module upgrades. SQLTags Fixed - Transaction groups continue to run when project is disabled. Fixed - Scale Factor, Engineering Limit Clamp Mode, and Historical timestamp source missing from tag xml export/import. Fixed - Duplicate tags paths and min/max aggregation in tag history queries can cause infinite loop (high cpu/memory). Scripting Fixed - Script Playground in Windows now correctly outputs characters beyond 7-bit ASCII range. Fixed - Windows console now correctly displays characters beyond the 7-bit ASCII range. Native Client Launchers Fixed - Native client launchers were unable to launch hidden projects. Hidden projects can now be launched from the command line by specifying the project name during launch. Fixed - JVM settings, such as PermGen memory allocation, can be set for clients launched with client launchers. See the User Manual for examples. Fixed - Native client launchers no longer fail with a HTML.Version SaxParserException when the Ignition Gateway uses port 80 or port 443 and the manually entered Gateway URL does not specify a port. Fixed - Linux native client launcher desktop shortcuts would fail with the message "There was an error launching the application" when clientlauncher.sh was located in a folder with spaces in the folder name. Fixed - Client launchers would fail with error 'The element type "sun.java2d.noddraw" must be terminated by the matching end-tag ""' when Direct Draw was disabled on the Gateway Settings page. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Alert emails now use UTF-8 encoding for better international character support Fixed - This bug was caused by a fix to bug# 135. Now, the arrow keys can once again control selection in the drop down list. Fixed - Complex (udt) based dynamic properties occasionally attempting to incorrectly write back to tags in the data type when initialized. Client Fixed - Client reload now preserves window ordering. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Client Fixed - Fixed a deadlock that could occur when the UA client gets disconnected. This caused it to be unable to reconnect. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Fixed - PostgreSQL error with server version 9.3 on internally using escaped strings. Fixed - Standard variance count tag for shift is not being calculated correctly. Fixed - On resume run, the run end date time was not being cleared in the runtime data tables. This would allow the purge run utility to potentially delete an active run. Fixed - Constant error "Unable to verify production database table schemas". Creating a production model in an empty database will not create the tables unless the Production module is re-started. Fixed - PMIProductionLineCellSelector not setting the Cell Name property after selection. Fixed - PostGreSQL database not creating proper indices. Changed - MES Installers will only work with Ignition gateway 7.5.10 or greater OEE/Downtime Added - PMIProductCodeSelector property "setLineProductCode". When true will attempt to set the line to the selected product code. This was the default previously. Now the selector can be used to just select a Product code without any default action. Fixed - Stored SPC settings do not update when the underlying Sample definition is renamed Added - Shift Planned Downtime (Minutes) tag. Displays the planned downtime during the current shift for the current run. Fixed - Shift OEE tags values one update cycle behind run tags at the beginning of the run. Fixed - Active downtime tag does not reflect operator selected reason. Fixed - Downtime reason not using operator selected cell if the downtime event is re-triggered internally. For instance, on a shift change. Add default filter Include Recordable. Previously was returning all downtime by default. SPC/Quality Fixed - XBar control limits to show on both XBar Range and XBar Standard Deviation charts. Also, fixed Moving Range control limits to show on both Individual and Median charts. Fixed - Stored SPC settings do not update when the underlying Sample definition is renamed Improved - method for getting the last samples taken speed improvement. Fixed - PMIStoredSPCSelector cannot create a new stored settings manually. Fixed - SPC charts not showing the left axis when the table is hidden. Added - script property sampleTakenBy in addition to user to the Sample Entry component. Fixed - SPCController is clearing all custom property bindings when the definition changed even though those properties exist in the new definition. Fixed - SPC Data Type Selector causes error if no data type is selected. Fixed - Frequency charts cannot get data if the definition has multiple measurements. Added - border property for the PMISPCSelector component Recipe Added - new Recipe Value Name filter property to the recipe editor. Improved - Recipe Editor component will not collapse when the value editor filter is changed. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Client and Designer now restart in Linux after module upgrades. SQLTags Fixed - Transaction groups continue to run when project is disabled. Fixed - Scale Factor, Engineering Limit Clamp Mode, and Historical timestamp source missing from tag xml export/import. Fixed - Duplicate tags paths and min/max aggregation in tag history queries can cause infinite loop (high cpu/memory). Scripting Fixed - Windows console now correctly displays characters beyond the 7-bit ASCII range. Native Client Launchers Fixed - JVM settings, such as PermGen memory allocation, can be set for clients launched with client launchers. See the User Manual for examples. Fixed - Native client launchers no longer fail with a HTML.Version SaxParserException when the Ignition Gateway uses port 80 or port 443 and the manually entered Gateway URL does not specify a port. Fixed - Linux native client launcher desktop shortcuts would fail with the message "There was an error launching the application" when clientlauncher.sh was located in a folder with spaces in the folder name. Fixed - Client launchers would fail with error 'The element type "sun.java2d.noddraw" must be terminated by the matching end-tag ""' when Direct Draw was disabled on the Gateway Settings page. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Alert emails now use UTF-8 encoding for better international character support Fixed - This bug was caused by a fix to bug# 135. Now, the arrow keys can once again control selection in the drop down list. Fixed - Complex (udt) based dynamic properties occasionally attempting to incorrectly write back to tags in the data type when initialized. Client Fixed - Client reload now preserves window ordering. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Client Fixed - Fixed a deadlock that could occur when the UA client gets disconnected. This caused it to be unable to reconnect. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Fixed - Validate RunUUID before recording to analysis. Added - Workday Routine name to the status message when the routine is activated with a reason code. Analysis Improved - Deleting/Restoring a run with the analysis controller requires comparing by Run Identifier. This will allow display of invalid Run Identifiers. Added - Compare by Run Identifier. Allows displaying invalid Run Identifiers. Added - Production Bar Chart property "labelFormat" string for formatting the label text. Added - Warning message to analysis controller when deleting/restoring run and the compare by is not correct. OEE/Downtime Added - IgnoreChangeoverCountsProperty that wil ignore production counts if in changeover overrun and the property is set. Added - ability to re-assign the downtime if the event is key cell could not find a blameable cell. Fixed - Cell not recording events in a similar fashion as Line. E.g. run start does not record the 0 time. Improved - OEE Quality calculation now will use production count + waste count if infeed count is not being collected. Added - Line DT Bypass Reason Code for the cell. Allows the cell to record a specified down time while it is bypassed. Improved - Key Reason downtime detection. Added - Line schedule view properties. scheduleOnly property will display only the scheduled times from the schedule table. allowDropInPast allows schedules to be dropped into the past. Fixed - Line schedule view hides overlapping schedules. Fixed - SequenceDate (based on shift start date) was incorrect with the shift that crosses midnight. Added methods to ShiftUtilities that will determine the correct shift start date. Fixed - Key reason detection not working if first cell is a cell group. Fixed - Cell group cell latching in key reason detection was never unlatched. Schedule Fixed - Schedule view does not handle workday routines that cross midnight. Added - Analysis Time Chart ability to update while zoomed. Added - Schedule view dropping a schedule over an existing schedule will ask if you want the dropped schedule to start to the end of the existing schedule. Previously the existing schedule was always moved after the dropped schedule. Added - Schedule view property Allow Drop Schedule in the Past, allows dropping schedules at any time, even if they may never be able to run automatically since they are in the past. Improved - Work orders can now be edited (via the script method) even if schedules are assigned to them. Added - LineNameFilter Property to Work Order table. Allows filtering work orders to the specific line. Fixed - Line Schedule view not retaining custom properties. Recipe Fixed - Recipe treeview not expanding after navigating away then back to the window. Occurs when window gets cached. Fixed - Recipe values not being deleted after the first child production item. Those recipe values cannot be deleted, error message says they are inherited. SPC/Quality Fixed - Samples being continuously scheduled every second for a definition regardless of interval settings. Occurs if the definition was ever used with a manual interval. Improved - SPC charts will ignore non-required attribute data if not entered during the sample entry. Previously was displaying as 0. Improved - Lookup of additional factors while selecting a SPC definition. Instrument Interface Improved - Parse template handling of CSV rows data. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Client and Designer now restart in Linux after module upgrades. GCU Fixed - Fixed incorrect display of error messages in the GCU that came from the OS in an unexpected character encoding. Gateway Web Interface Fixed - When uploading a project, if the project already exists and a name is chosen of another existing project, there is now an option to overwrite that project. Gateway Fixed - Error handling in transaction timeout daemon can lead to abandoned transaction connections. Fixed - New localdb.defrag.delay option in gateway.xml to schedule defragmentation of the internal database. Scripting Fixed - Console now correctly displays characters beyond the 7-bit ASCII range. Alarming Fixed - Alarm journal faults startup if database is not available. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Added Functionality - Gantt chart now has it's fonts exposed as properties Client Added Functionality - Alarm Journal Table now has a "Notes" section Fixed - Fixed issue that could cause UDT property binding to not evaluate correctly for empty strings. Reporting - ========================================================================================== Components Added Functionality - Report component sanitizes illegal characters from the suggested filename OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== OEE/Downtime Fixed - Product Code Table component was not resetting selected product code when a filter was applied. Added - Property "Ignore Changeover Overrun Production" to Line OEE. When true, any production counts that are generated during changeover overrun will be ignored. Added - Workday Routine name to the console status message when the routine is activated with a reason code. Added - Ability to modify the downtime reason event where key reason detection could not find a blameable cell. Added - Production Bar Chart property "labelFormat" string for formatting the label text. Fixed - Key reason detection not working if first cell is a cell group. Fixed - Cell group cell latching in key reason detection was never unlatched. Improved - OEE Quality calculation now will use production count + waste count if infeed count is not being collected. Schedule Fixed - Schedule View component is not saving custom properties. Modified - ScheduleLine updatePrerunRemainingTime() to check if the scheduled changeover time is 0, then don't go into overrun. Added - property change event "scheduleActivated" on Line Schedule Selector. Fired when the user selects a schedule and returns True (1 in scripting) if the schedule was activated, False (0) otherwise. Improved - Work orders can now be edited (via the script method) even if schedules are assigned to them. Added - Work Order table property, Line Name Filter, to filter by line name(s). Recipe Fixed - Minimum value of a float recipe item was not allowing 0. Fixed - Error when updating recipe item security from treeview if a new role was added. Fixed - Fixed thresholds not working on integer type recipe tag. Fixed - Recipe values not being deleted beyond the first child production item. Those recipe values cannot be deleted, error message says they are inherited. Fixed - Recipe treeview not expanding after navigating away then back to the window. Occurs when window gets cached. Quality Added - SPC selector will show "no selection" in the filter slide out panel. Fixed - Individual control limits not selectable on Individual charts. Improved - Increase the sample measurement count limit from 25 to 250. Fixed - Samples being continuously scheduled every second for a definition regardless of interval settings. Occurs if the definition was ever used with a manual interval. Instrument Interface Fixed - File Monitor Controller does not disable monitoring if the instrument interface configuration is changed. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Fixed UI scrolling issue when the SQLTags browser panel was floating in the Designer Fixed - Fixed Null Pointer Error when doing Find/Replace in System tags. Expressions Fixed - Fixed potential deadlock in date related expression functions Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Editing/creating schedules with the gateway web ui now enforces uniqueness of schedule names correctly. Fixed - Active Directory / Internal hybrid user source now correctly checks for uniqueness of usernames Fixed - Usernams now allow hyphens in them SQLTags Fixed - Scan classes are now scheduled at a fixed rate, instead of fixed delay, so that long execution times will not dramatically shift the run schedule. Fixed - Added protection against duplicate singleton project resources. Fixed - Driven scan classes in "any change" or "one shot" mode can end up executing multiple times concurrently, causing locking and thread issues. Fixed - system.tag.queryHistory using interval return sizes not correct over daylight savings time changes. Fixed - Properties missing from csv and xml tag export/import: Deadband Mode, Engineering limit enforcement, Historical timestmap source, Historical deadband mode. Fixed - If an expression tag refers to a tag that is disabled, its quality will be disabled, which is misleading. It now reports "reference not found". Fixed - Users are now prohbited from naming tag providers "System" or "Client". Fixed - Tag export was blocking the UI thread, causing problems with large tag sets. It is now also possible to cancel an export in progress. Fixed - Renaming member tags in udts to already defined names results in unstable behavior in the editor. Fixed - Alarm display path cannot be bound to non-string tag or expression Fixed - Tag alarm settings occasionally displayed for alarm modes for which they don't apply. Fixed - Alarm property expression editor does not show the correct tag reference tree when editing a UDT. Fixed - Tag history "max time between records" editor limits value to 9999. Now limits to Integer.Max_Value (2^31-1). Fixed - Error importing tag xml for tags with alarm properties that are bound to blank expressions. Also improved the reporting of line numbers in failed xml imports. Modified Functionality - UDT tag multi-instance wizard no longer puts a default space between the tag name and generated number. It also detects and applies number padding. Fixed - Incorrect behavior in Tag Multi-instance wizard when non-default tag provider is selected. Also fixes error caused when project does not have a default tag provider. Fixed - Sub-type tags not updated automatically in browse tree when base changes, requires tree to be refreshed. Fixed - Identical paths stored to a single tag history database from multiple Ignition systems cause continuous new entries in the sqlth_te table (note: identical paths inside of multiple providers on a single gateway still not supported) Fixed - Overrides on new inherited tag udt creation aren't always saved. Added Functionality - UDT parameter formatting now supports subtraction as well as addition. Gateway Fixed - Client launchers would fail with error 'The element type "sun.java2d.noddraw" must be terminated by the matching end-tag ""' when Direct Draw was disabled on the Gateway Settings page. Fixed - Made a change to help limited Vision systems not have ghost sessions across system restarts. Fixed - wrapper.log is now in the correct location after restoring a Windows Gateway backup on a Linux system. This change applies to new Windows installations only. To apply this change to an existing Windows installation, open data\ignition.conf and change the wrapper.logfile entry to logs/wrapper.log Added Functionality - Added option to restrict anonymous bind requests for Active Directory Added Functionality - Active Directory (LDAP) now supports paging results for very large directory systems Fixed - Duplicate role names are now prevented Added Functionality - There is now a setting for database connections called Validation Timeout which specifies the time between database validation checks in milliseconds. The default is 10 seconds. Redundancy Fixed - Removed socket timeout condition, as failure is already detected by other mechanisms. Several other small changes to reduce false failovers, and the necessity of full runtime state transfers. Native Client Launchers Fixed - Native client launchers will now use standard Ignition icons (orange and white colors) for desktop shortcuts. Previously, the native launcher icon was used (blue and orange colors) for desktop shortcuts. Fixed - The address of the currently configured Gateway is now always saved in client launcher desktop shortcuts. Fixed - Linux native client launcher desktop shortcuts would fail with the message "There was an error launching the application" when clientlauncher.sh was located in a folder with spaces in the folder name. Fixed - Native client launchers no longer fail with a HTML.Version SaxParserException when the Ignition Gateway uses port 80 or port 443 and the manually entered Gateway URL does not specify a port. Fixed - Native client launchers were unable to launch hidden projects. Hidden projects can now be launched from the command line by specifying the project name during launch. Fixed - JVM settings, such as PermGen memory allocation, can be set for clients launched with client launchers. See the User Manual for examples. Added Functionality - Client tag values can now be set upon startup when using native client launchers. Added Functionality - Native Client Launchers can now be used to create temporary connections to Gateways other than the configured Gateway. Recent Gateway connections are now shown immediately on the Available Gateways list without waiting for messages from other Gateways. A dropdown containing recent Gateway connections has also been added to the Manual Configuration page. Modified Functionality - Client launcher now joins multicast group on all network interfaces that support multicast. Modified Functionality - New installs of native client launchers will now store data in /.ignition/clientlauncher-data. Existing installs of native client launchers will use the old locations. Fixed - Native Client Launchers did not display foreign characters correctly on some systems. Scripting Fixed - When choosing "yes" to save the project in the Desginer after doing a File > Open, scripting wouldn't work in the Vision module. Fixed - system.net.httpGet and httpPost now support basic http authentication, as well as the ability to bypass SSL certificate validation. Fixed - Added missing scripting hints. Added Functionality - The scripting function system.util.getSessionInfo() is now available in all scopes Fixed - The builders for the goBack and goForward actions now correctly indent when using security qualifiers. Fixed - Now system.dataset.addColumn accepts string columns. Fixed - The scipting function system.util.jsonEncode now encodes Unicode characters. Client Fixed - Better error handling when the client's cache dir is not actually a directory. Alarming Fixed - Alarms that are active on a backup redundant node, and cleared on first execution of the master node after recovery, stay active. Fixed - Acknowledging active alarm causing multiple entries in legacy database storage profile. Fixed - Alarm journal pruning mechanism does not respect redundancy, runs on backup when not active. Fixed - Error from alarm journal when database connection is disabled, does not stop when alarm journal is deleted. SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Unable to select target datasource in transaction group query item Misc Fixed - Cannot use string item as "active on value change" trigger. Gateway Fixed - OPC items that have a tag write target do not respect the group trigger. Fixed - Overwriting an existing project through import does not stop the previous version of the groups, resulting in multiple versions of the groups running. Vision - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Fixed bug where components would be pasted in their original locations instead of where the cursor is when the "Constraint to Parent Container Bounds" option is unchecked. Added Functionality - tag history binding's fixed size is now bindable. Fixed - Spotlights now correctly paint when not at 100% zoom. Added Functionality - Added static thumbnails for animated gifs in image management browser instead of just an error icon. Fixed - The "Go Forward" navigation script builder works correctly now. Components Fixed - When using the User Management Component in "Edit Current User" mode, it now reflects changes made when navigating away from and then back to the component. Fixed - Status Chart now correctly clears itself out when its data is cleared out. Added Functionality - Contact types like SMS and Phone only appear if the relevant modules exist. Fixed - Edits to historical tag binding path alias persists even if cancel is pressed Fixed - Day View component now fires property change events with the correct property name for "selectedEvent" Fixed - Day View component now correctly goes all the way to midnight, not 11pm, when in zoom mode Fixed - Dashed line rendering fixed for the "digital step" pen style Added Functionality - Users may now disable the columns selection popup menu that comes with the Alarm Status Table Fixed - Alarm Journal Component now exposes a dataset of selected alarm events. Fixed - Fixed issue with Alarm Status Table not maintaining row height. Fixed - Alarm status table can now correctly unshelve the selected alarms. Added Functionality - Added ability to filter schedules from the schedule management component Added Functionality - The Cylindrical Tank and Level Indicator components now have floating-point values and capacities. Added Functionality - Alarm Status Table component now accepts "day" as a shelving time unit Fixed - Ensured that the User Management component's fields are always editable when opened. Fixed - Equipment Schedule component pauses updates until drag is completed. Fixed - Cannot type arbitrary values into the dropdown used as the table editor for a table column that uses a translation list. Fixed - Concurrent events in the day and week view components now display with consistent ordering Fixed - Selected text in Tree View now displays properly, even if the selected text is longer than the unselected text Added Functionality - A chart configuring extension function has been added to the Easy Chart. Added Functionality - The Alarm Journal now has Active Events, Clear Events, and Ack Events properties on the component that filter for those events. Fixed - Week view now displays events that end at the zoom end-time correctly Fixed - Fixed the calculation that controls the Week View and Day View component's "Hover Time" property, which was reporting time ahead by one hour. Added Functionality - Added "Show Table Header" property to the Alarm Journal table component Client Fixed - Re-sizing a container using system.gui.reshape or system.gui.resize now respects and preserves the layout of the interior contents of the container. Fixed - Template instances now automatically remove any bindings that were for public template params that no longer exist. Added Functionality - Improved loading times for windows with many templates on them Fixed - User management panel allowed blank usernames the 1st time a user was added Fixed - Users now only require one of the required roles for a project, not all of them. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Client Fixed - Fixed a NPE when attempting to write a null value via scripting. User Manual - 7.6.5 ========================================================================================== User Manual Fixed - Improved documentation for table scripting functions. Fixed - system.user function parameters are now properly documented in the user manual. Modified Functionality - Cleaned up the formatting in the pdf version of the user manual. Code examples no longer run off the page. Mobile - ========================================================================================== UI Added Functionality - The mobile module now detects password fields in order to not echo back passwords onto the screen Added Functionality - Numeric keypad on the mobile module now has an "enter" button Backend Added Functionality - The Mobile Module will now run on linux. Instructions for server setup can be found here: http://inductiveautomation.com/support/kb?0=160 VNC Fixed - Fixed issue that caused VNC connections to time out after 2 minutes Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Email Fixed - Makes the use of STARTTLS an opt-in advanced setting, disabled by default. This should clear up issues that resulted in exceptions like the following when trying to send email when connected to a server with no certificate or a self-signed certificate:javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not convert socket to TLSjavax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target Fixed - Added support for UTF-8 characters in email notification subject and message. Alarm Voice Fixed - After unreported error, alarm notification calls stop producing audio, with the error "address already in use". Fixed - Contact field parse error with Mitel 5000 server Alarm SMS Fixed - Phone numbers beginning with a '+' character should now work with the Airlink modems. Alarm Misc Added Functionality - Added a simple example on how to implement an AlarmNotificationProfile and added it to the SDK example project section and to the Programmer's Guide pdf. Modbus Driver - ========================================================================================== Modbus Driver v2 Fixed - Fixed a bug that caused the wrong row of an address mapping in the UI to disappear when deleting rows. Fixed - Added error feedback when trying to save address mappings with invalid prefixes. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Fixed - Fixed issue where in some cases, BOOL arrays inside of UDTs appear as folders. Fixed - Fixed bug where subscriptions can be optimized before the ControlLogix or CompactLogix product information is read causing incorrect tag values for arrays. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== OEE/Downtime Fixed - Product Code Table component was not resetting selected product code when a filter was applied. Added - Property "Ignore Changeover Overrun Production" to Line OEE. When true, any production counts that are generated during changeover overrun will be ignored. Added - Workday Routine name to the console status message when the routine is activated with a reason code. Added - Ability to modify the downtime reason event where key reason detection could not find a blameable cell. Added - Production Bar Chart property "labelFormat" string for formatting the label text. Fixed - Key reason detection not working if first cell is a cell group. Fixed - Cell group cell latching in key reason detection was never unlatched. Improved - OEE Quality calculation now will use production count + waste count if infeed count is not being collected. Schedule Fixed - Schedule View component is not saving custom properties. Modified - ScheduleLine updatePrerunRemainingTime() to check if the scheduled changeover time is 0, then don't go into overrun. Added - property change event "scheduleActivated" on Line Schedule Selector. Fired when the user selects a schedule and returns True (1 in scripting) if the schedule was activated, False (0) otherwise. Improved - Work orders can now be edited (via the script method) even if schedules are assigned to them. Added - Work Order table property, Line Name Filter, to filter by line name(s). Recipe Fixed - Minimum value of a float recipe item was not allowing 0. Fixed - Error when updating recipe item security from treeview if a new role was added. Fixed - Fixed thresholds not working on integer type recipe tag. Fixed - Recipe values not being deleted beyond the first child production item. Those recipe values cannot be deleted, error message says they are inherited. Fixed - Recipe treeview not expanding after navigating away then back to the window. Occurs when window gets cached. Quality Added - SPC selector will show "no selection" in the filter slide out panel. Fixed - Individual control limits not selectable on Individual charts. Improved - Increase the sample measurement count limit from 25 to 250. Fixed - Samples being continuously scheduled every second for a definition regardless of interval settings. Occurs if the definition was ever used with a manual interval. Instrument Interface Fixed - File Monitor Controller does not disable monitoring if the instrument interface configuration is changed. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Fixed UI scrolling issue when the SQLTags browser panel was floating in the Designer Fixed - Fixed Null Pointer Error when doing Find/Replace in System tags. Expressions Fixed - Fixed potential deadlock in date related expression functions Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Editing/creating schedules with the gateway web ui now enforces uniqueness of schedule names correctly. Fixed - Active Directory / Internal hybrid user source now correctly checks for uniqueness of usernames Fixed - Usernams now allow hyphens in them SQLTags Fixed - Scan classes are now scheduled at a fixed rate, instead of fixed delay, so that long execution times will not dramatically shift the run schedule. Fixed - Added protection against duplicate singleton project resources. Fixed - Driven scan classes in "any change" or "one shot" mode can end up executing multiple times concurrently, causing locking and thread issues. Fixed - system.tag.queryHistory using interval return sizes not correct over daylight savings time changes. Fixed - Properties missing from csv and xml tag export/import: Deadband Mode, Engineering limit enforcement, Historical timestmap source, Historical deadband mode. Fixed - If an expression tag refers to a tag that is disabled, its quality will be disabled, which is misleading. It now reports "reference not found". Fixed - Users are now prohbited from naming tag providers "System" or "Client". Fixed - Tag export was blocking the UI thread, causing problems with large tag sets. It is now also possible to cancel an export in progress. Fixed - Renaming member tags in udts to already defined names results in unstable behavior in the editor. Fixed - Alarm display path cannot be bound to non-string tag or expression Fixed - Tag alarm settings occasionally displayed for alarm modes for which they don't apply. Fixed - Alarm property expression editor does not show the correct tag reference tree when editing a UDT. Fixed - Tag history "max time between records" editor limits value to 9999. Now limits to Integer.Max_Value (2^31-1). Fixed - Error importing tag xml for tags with alarm properties that are bound to blank expressions. Also improved the reporting of line numbers in failed xml imports. Modified Functionality - UDT tag multi-instance wizard no longer puts a default space between the tag name and generated number. It also detects and applies number padding. Fixed - Incorrect behavior in Tag Multi-instance wizard when non-default tag provider is selected. Also fixes error caused when project does not have a default tag provider. Fixed - Sub-type tags not updated automatically in browse tree when base changes, requires tree to be refreshed. Fixed - Identical paths stored to a single tag history database from multiple Ignition systems cause continuous new entries in the sqlth_te table (note: identical paths inside of multiple providers on a single gateway still not supported) Fixed - Overrides on new inherited tag udt creation aren't always saved. Added Functionality - UDT parameter formatting now supports subtraction as well as addition. Gateway Fixed - Client launchers would fail with error 'The element type "sun.java2d.noddraw" must be terminated by the matching end-tag ""' when Direct Draw was disabled on the Gateway Settings page. Fixed - Made a change to help limited Vision systems not have ghost sessions across system restarts. Fixed - wrapper.log is now in the correct location after restoring a Windows Gateway backup on a Linux system. This change applies to new Windows installations only. To apply this change to an existing Windows installation, open data\ignition.conf and change the wrapper.logfile entry to logs/wrapper.log Added Functionality - Added option to restrict anonymous bind requests for Active Directory Added Functionality - Active Directory (LDAP) now supports paging results for very large directory systems Fixed - Duplicate role names are now prevented Added Functionality - There is now a setting for database connections called Validation Timeout which specifies the time between database validation checks in milliseconds. The default is 10 seconds. Redundancy Fixed - Removed socket timeout condition, as failure is already detected by other mechanisms. Several other small changes to reduce false failovers, and the necessity of full runtime state transfers. Native Client Launchers Fixed - Native client launchers will now use standard Ignition icons (orange and white colors) for desktop shortcuts. Previously, the native launcher icon was used (blue and orange colors) for desktop shortcuts. Fixed - The address of the currently configured Gateway is now always saved in client launcher desktop shortcuts. Fixed - Linux native client launcher desktop shortcuts would fail with the message "There was an error launching the application" when clientlauncher.sh was located in a folder with spaces in the folder name. Fixed - Native client launchers no longer fail with a HTML.Version SaxParserException when the Ignition Gateway uses port 80 or port 443 and the manually entered Gateway URL does not specify a port. Fixed - Native client launchers were unable to launch hidden projects. Hidden projects can now be launched from the command line by specifying the project name during launch. Fixed - JVM settings, such as PermGen memory allocation, can be set for clients launched with client launchers. See the User Manual for examples. Added Functionality - Client tag values can now be set upon startup when using native client launchers. Added Functionality - Native Client Launchers can now be used to create temporary connections to Gateways other than the configured Gateway. Recent Gateway connections are now shown immediately on the Available Gateways list without waiting for messages from other Gateways. A dropdown containing recent Gateway connections has also been added to the Manual Configuration page. Modified Functionality - Client launcher now joins multicast group on all network interfaces that support multicast. Modified Functionality - New installs of native client launchers will now store data in /.ignition/clientlauncher-data. Existing installs of native client launchers will use the old locations. Fixed - Native Client Launchers did not display foreign characters correctly on some systems. Scripting Fixed - When choosing "yes" to save the project in the Desginer after doing a File > Open, scripting wouldn't work in the Vision module. Fixed - system.net.httpGet and httpPost now support basic http authentication, as well as the ability to bypass SSL certificate validation. Fixed - Added missing scripting hints. Added Functionality - The scripting function system.util.getSessionInfo() is now available in all scopes Fixed - The builders for the goBack and goForward actions now correctly indent when using security qualifiers. Fixed - Now system.dataset.addColumn accepts string columns. Fixed - The scipting function system.util.jsonEncode now encodes Unicode characters. Client Fixed - Better error handling when the client's cache dir is not actually a directory. Alarming Fixed - Alarms that are active on a backup redundant node, and cleared on first execution of the master node after recovery, stay active. Fixed - Acknowledging active alarm causing multiple entries in legacy database storage profile. Fixed - Alarm journal pruning mechanism does not respect redundancy, runs on backup when not active. Fixed - Error from alarm journal when database connection is disabled, does not stop when alarm journal is deleted. SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Unable to select target datasource in transaction group query item Misc Fixed - Cannot use string item as "active on value change" trigger. Gateway Fixed - OPC items that have a tag write target do not respect the group trigger. Fixed - Overwriting an existing project through import does not stop the previous version of the groups, resulting in multiple versions of the groups running. Vision - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Fixed bug where components would be pasted in their original locations instead of where the cursor is when the "Constraint to Parent Container Bounds" option is unchecked. Added Functionality - tag history binding's fixed size is now bindable. Fixed - Spotlights now correctly paint when not at 100% zoom. Added Functionality - Added static thumbnails for animated gifs in image management browser instead of just an error icon. Fixed - The "Go Forward" navigation script builder works correctly now. Components Fixed - When using the User Management Component in "Edit Current User" mode, it now reflects changes made when navigating away from and then back to the component. Fixed - Status Chart now correctly clears itself out when its data is cleared out. Added Functionality - Contact types like SMS and Phone only appear if the relevant modules exist. Fixed - Edits to historical tag binding path alias persists even if cancel is pressed Fixed - Day View component now fires property change events with the correct property name for "selectedEvent" Fixed - Day View component now correctly goes all the way to midnight, not 11pm, when in zoom mode Fixed - Dashed line rendering fixed for the "digital step" pen style Added Functionality - Users may now disable the columns selection popup menu that comes with the Alarm Status Table Fixed - Alarm Journal Component now exposes a dataset of selected alarm events. Fixed - Fixed issue with Alarm Status Table not maintaining row height. Fixed - Alarm status table can now correctly unshelve the selected alarms. Added Functionality - Added ability to filter schedules from the schedule management component Added Functionality - The Cylindrical Tank and Level Indicator components now have floating-point values and capacities. Added Functionality - Alarm Status Table component now accepts "day" as a shelving time unit Fixed - Ensured that the User Management component's fields are always editable when opened. Fixed - Equipment Schedule component pauses updates until drag is completed. Fixed - Cannot type arbitrary values into the dropdown used as the table editor for a table column that uses a translation list. Fixed - Concurrent events in the day and week view components now display with consistent ordering Fixed - Selected text in Tree View now displays properly, even if the selected text is longer than the unselected text Added Functionality - A chart configuring extension function has been added to the Easy Chart. Added Functionality - The Alarm Journal now has Active Events, Clear Events, and Ack Events properties on the component that filter for those events. Fixed - Week view now displays events that end at the zoom end-time correctly Fixed - Fixed the calculation that controls the Week View and Day View component's "Hover Time" property, which was reporting time ahead by one hour. Added Functionality - Added "Show Table Header" property to the Alarm Journal table component Client Fixed - Re-sizing a container using system.gui.reshape or system.gui.resize now respects and preserves the layout of the interior contents of the container. Fixed - Template instances now automatically remove any bindings that were for public template params that no longer exist. Added Functionality - Improved loading times for windows with many templates on them Fixed - User management panel allowed blank usernames the 1st time a user was added Fixed - Users now only require one of the required roles for a project, not all of them. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Client Fixed - Fixed a NPE when attempting to write a null value via scripting. User Manual - 7.6.5 ========================================================================================== User Manual Fixed - Improved documentation for table scripting functions. Fixed - system.user function parameters are now properly documented in the user manual. Modified Functionality - Cleaned up the formatting in the pdf version of the user manual. Code examples no longer run off the page. Mobile - ========================================================================================== UI Added Functionality - The mobile module now detects password fields in order to not echo back passwords onto the screen Added Functionality - Numeric keypad on the mobile module now has an "enter" button Backend Added Functionality - The Mobile Module will now run on linux. Instructions for server setup can be found here: http://inductiveautomation.com/support/kb?0=160 VNC Fixed - Fixed issue that caused VNC connections to time out after 2 minutes Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Email Fixed - Makes the use of STARTTLS an opt-in advanced setting, disabled by default. This should clear up issues that resulted in exceptions like the following when trying to send email when connected to a server with no certificate or a self-signed certificate:javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not convert socket to TLSjavax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target Fixed - Added support for UTF-8 characters in email notification subject and message. Alarm Voice Fixed - After unreported error, alarm notification calls stop producing audio, with the error "address already in use". Fixed - Contact field parse error with Mitel 5000 server Alarm SMS Fixed - Phone numbers beginning with a '+' character should now work with the Airlink modems. Alarm Misc Added Functionality - Added a simple example on how to implement an AlarmNotificationProfile and added it to the SDK example project section and to the Programmer's Guide pdf. Modbus Driver - ========================================================================================== Modbus Driver v2 Fixed - Fixed a bug that caused the wrong row of an address mapping in the UI to disappear when deleting rows. Fixed - Added error feedback when trying to save address mappings with invalid prefixes. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Fixed - Fixed issue where in some cases, BOOL arrays inside of UDTs appear as folders. Fixed - Fixed bug where subscriptions can be optimized before the ControlLogix or CompactLogix product information is read causing incorrect tag values for arrays. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== OEE/Downtime Fixed - Product Code Table component was not resetting selected product code when a filter was applied. Added - Property "Ignore Changeover Overrun Production" to Line OEE. When true, any production counts that are generated during changeover overrun will be ignored. Added - Workday Routine name to the console status message when the routine is activated with a reason code. Added - Ability to modify the downtime reason event where key reason detection could not find a blameable cell. Added - Production Bar Chart property "labelFormat" string for formatting the label text. Fixed - Key reason detection not working if first cell is a cell group. Fixed - Cell group cell latching in key reason detection was never unlatched. Improved - OEE Quality calculation now will use production count + waste count if infeed count is not being collected. Schedule Fixed - Schedule View component is not saving custom properties. Modified - ScheduleLine updatePrerunRemainingTime() to check if the scheduled changeover time is 0, then don't go into overrun. Added - property change event "scheduleActivated" on Line Schedule Selector. Fired when the user selects a schedule and returns True (1 in scripting) if the schedule was activated, False (0) otherwise. Improved - Work orders can now be edited (via the script method) even if schedules are assigned to them. Added - Work Order table property, Line Name Filter, to filter by line name(s). Recipe Fixed - Minimum value of a float recipe item was not allowing 0. Fixed - Error when updating recipe item security from treeview if a new role was added. Fixed - Fixed thresholds not working on integer type recipe tag. Fixed - Recipe values not being deleted beyond the first child production item. Those recipe values cannot be deleted, error message says they are inherited. Fixed - Recipe treeview not expanding after navigating away then back to the window. Occurs when window gets cached. Quality Added - SPC selector will show "no selection" in the filter slide out panel. Fixed - Individual control limits not selectable on Individual charts. Improved - Increase the sample measurement count limit from 25 to 250. Fixed - Samples being continuously scheduled every second for a definition regardless of interval settings. Occurs if the definition was ever used with a manual interval. Instrument Interface Fixed - File Monitor Controller does not disable monitoring if the instrument interface configuration is changed. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Fixed UI scrolling issue when the SQLTags browser panel was floating in the Designer Fixed - Fixed Null Pointer Error when doing Find/Replace in System tags. Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Editing/creating schedules with the gateway web ui now enforces uniqueness of schedule names correctly. Fixed - Active Directory / Internal hybrid user source now correctly checks for uniqueness of usernames Fixed - Usernams now allow hyphens in them SQLTags Fixed - Scan classes are now scheduled at a fixed rate, instead of fixed delay, so that long execution times will not dramatically shift the run schedule. Fixed - Added protection against duplicate singleton project resources. Fixed - Driven scan classes in "any change" or "one shot" mode can end up executing multiple times concurrently, causing locking and thread issues. Fixed - system.tag.queryHistory using interval return sizes not correct over daylight savings time changes. Fixed - Properties missing from csv and xml tag export/import: Deadband Mode, Engineering limit enforcement, Historical timestmap source, Historical deadband mode. Fixed - If an expression tag refers to a tag that is disabled, its quality will be disabled, which is misleading. It now reports "reference not found". Fixed - Users are now prohbited from naming tag providers "System" or "Client". Fixed - Tag export was blocking the UI thread, causing problems with large tag sets. It is now also possible to cancel an export in progress. Fixed - Renaming member tags in udts to already defined names results in unstable behavior in the editor. Fixed - Alarm display path cannot be bound to non-string tag or expression Fixed - Tag alarm settings occasionally displayed for alarm modes for which they don't apply. Fixed - Alarm property expression editor does not show the correct tag reference tree when editing a UDT. Fixed - Tag history "max time between records" editor limits value to 9999. Now limits to Integer.Max_Value (2^31-1). Fixed - Error importing tag xml for tags with alarm properties that are bound to blank expressions. Also improved the reporting of line numbers in failed xml imports. Modified Functionality - UDT tag multi-instance wizard no longer puts a default space between the tag name and generated number. It also detects and applies number padding. Fixed - Incorrect behavior in Tag Multi-instance wizard when non-default tag provider is selected. Also fixes error caused when project does not have a default tag provider. Fixed - Sub-type tags not updated automatically in browse tree when base changes, requires tree to be refreshed. Fixed - Identical paths stored to a single tag history database from multiple Ignition systems cause continuous new entries in the sqlth_te table (note: identical paths inside of multiple providers on a single gateway still not supported) Fixed - Overrides on new inherited tag udt creation aren't always saved. Added Functionality - UDT parameter formatting now supports subtraction as well as addition. Gateway Fixed - Client launchers would fail with error 'The element type "sun.java2d.noddraw" must be terminated by the matching end-tag ""' when Direct Draw was disabled on the Gateway Settings page. Fixed - Made a change to help limited Vision systems not have ghost sessions across system restarts. Fixed - wrapper.log is now in the correct location after restoring a Windows Gateway backup on a Linux system. This change applies to new Windows installations only. To apply this change to an existing Windows installation, open data\ignition.conf and change the wrapper.logfile entry to logs/wrapper.log Added Functionality - Added option to restrict anonymous bind requests for Active Directory Added Functionality - Active Directory (LDAP) now supports paging results for very large directory systems Fixed - Duplicate role names are now prevented Added Functionality - There is now a setting for database connections called Validation Timeout which specifies the time between database validation checks in milliseconds. The default is 10 seconds. Redundancy Fixed - Removed socket timeout condition, as failure is already detected by other mechanisms. Several other small changes to reduce false failovers, and the necessity of full runtime state transfers. Native Client Launchers Fixed - Native client launchers will now use standard Ignition icons (orange and white colors) for desktop shortcuts. Previously, the native launcher icon was used (blue and orange colors) for desktop shortcuts. Fixed - The address of the currently configured Gateway is now always saved in client launcher desktop shortcuts. Fixed - Linux native client launcher desktop shortcuts would fail with the message "There was an error launching the application" when clientlauncher.sh was located in a folder with spaces in the folder name. Fixed - Native client launchers no longer fail with a HTML.Version SaxParserException when the Ignition Gateway uses port 80 or port 443 and the manually entered Gateway URL does not specify a port. Fixed - Native client launchers were unable to launch hidden projects. Hidden projects can now be launched from the command line by specifying the project name during launch. Fixed - JVM settings, such as PermGen memory allocation, can be set for clients launched with client launchers. See the User Manual for examples. Added Functionality - Client tag values can now be set upon startup when using native client launchers. Added Functionality - Native Client Launchers can now be used to create temporary connections to Gateways other than the configured Gateway. Recent Gateway connections are now shown immediately on the Available Gateways list without waiting for messages from other Gateways. A dropdown containing recent Gateway connections has also been added to the Manual Configuration page. Modified Functionality - Client launcher now joins multicast group on all network interfaces that support multicast. Modified Functionality - New installs of native client launchers will now store data in /.ignition/clientlauncher-data. Existing installs of native client launchers will use the old locations. Fixed - Native Client Launchers did not display foreign characters correctly on some systems. Scripting Fixed - When choosing "yes" to save the project in the Desginer after doing a File > Open, scripting wouldn't work in the Vision module. Fixed - system.net.httpGet and httpPost now support basic http authentication, as well as the ability to bypass SSL certificate validation. Fixed - Added missing scripting hints. Added Functionality - The scripting function system.util.getSessionInfo() is now available in all scopes Fixed - The builders for the goBack and goForward actions now correctly indent when using security qualifiers. Fixed - Now system.dataset.addColumn accepts string columns. Fixed - The scipting function system.util.jsonEncode now encodes Unicode characters. Client Fixed - Better error handling when the client's cache dir is not actually a directory. Alarming Fixed - Alarms that are active on a backup redundant node, and cleared on first execution of the master node after recovery, stay active. Fixed - Acknowledging active alarm causing multiple entries in legacy database storage profile. Fixed - Alarm journal pruning mechanism does not respect redundancy, runs on backup when not active. Fixed - Error from alarm journal when database connection is disabled, does not stop when alarm journal is deleted. SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Unable to select target datasource in transaction group query item Misc Fixed - Cannot use string item as "active on value change" trigger. Gateway Fixed - OPC items that have a tag write target do not respect the group trigger. Fixed - Overwriting an existing project through import does not stop the previous version of the groups, resulting in multiple versions of the groups running. Vision - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Fixed bug where components would be pasted in their original locations instead of where the cursor is when the "Constraint to Parent Container Bounds" option is unchecked. Added Functionality - tag history binding's fixed size is now bindable. Fixed - Spotlights now correctly paint when not at 100% zoom. Added Functionality - Added static thumbnails for animated gifs in image management browser instead of just an error icon. Fixed - The "Go Forward" navigation script builder works correctly now. Components Fixed - When using the User Management Component in "Edit Current User" mode, it now reflects changes made when navigating away from and then back to the component. Fixed - Status Chart now correctly clears itself out when its data is cleared out. Added Functionality - Contact types like SMS and Phone only appear if the relevant modules exist. Fixed - Edits to historical tag binding path alias persists even if cancel is pressed Fixed - Day View component now fires property change events with the correct property name for "selectedEvent" Fixed - Day View component now correctly goes all the way to midnight, not 11pm, when in zoom mode Fixed - Dashed line rendering fixed for the "digital step" pen style Added Functionality - Users may now disable the columns selection popup menu that comes with the Alarm Status Table Fixed - Alarm Journal Component now exposes a dataset of selected alarm events. Fixed - Fixed issue with Alarm Status Table not maintaining row height. Fixed - Alarm status table can now correctly unshelve the selected alarms. Added Functionality - Added ability to filter schedules from the schedule management component Added Functionality - The Cylindrical Tank and Level Indicator components now have floating-point values and capacities. Added Functionality - Alarm Status Table component now accepts "day" as a shelving time unit Fixed - Ensured that the User Management component's fields are always editable when opened. Fixed - Equipment Schedule component pauses updates until drag is completed. Fixed - Cannot type arbitrary values into the dropdown used as the table editor for a table column that uses a translation list. Fixed - Concurrent events in the day and week view components now display with consistent ordering Fixed - Selected text in Tree View now displays properly, even if the selected text is longer than the unselected text Added Functionality - A chart configuring extension function has been added to the Easy Chart. Added Functionality - The Alarm Journal now has Active Events, Clear Events, and Ack Events properties on the component that filter for those events. Fixed - Week view now displays events that end at the zoom end-time correctly Fixed - Fixed the calculation that controls the Week View and Day View component's "Hover Time" property, which was reporting time ahead by one hour. Added Functionality - Added "Show Table Header" property to the Alarm Journal table component Client Fixed - Re-sizing a container using system.gui.reshape or system.gui.resize now respects and preserves the layout of the interior contents of the container. Fixed - OS X with JRE7 now accepts keyboard input in full screen mode. Fixed - Template instances now automatically remove any bindings that were for public template params that no longer exist. Added Functionality - Improved loading times for windows with many templates on them Fixed - User management panel allowed blank usernames the 1st time a user was added Fixed - Users now only require one of the required roles for a project, not all of them. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Client Fixed - Fixed a NPE when attempting to write a null value via scripting. User Manual - 7.6.5-rc4 ========================================================================================== User Manual Fixed - Improved documentation for table scripting functions. Fixed - system.user function parameters are now properly documented in the user manual. Modified Functionality - Cleaned up the formatting in the pdf version of the user manual. Code examples no longer run off the page. Mobile - ========================================================================================== UI Added Functionality - The mobile module now detects password fields in order to not echo back passwords onto the screen Added Functionality - Numeric keypad on the mobile module now has an "enter" button Backend Added Functionality - The Mobile Module will now run on linux. Instructions for server setup can be found here: http://inductiveautomation.com/support/kb?0=160 VNC Fixed - Fixed issue that caused VNC connections to time out after 2 minutes Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Email Fixed - Makes the use of STARTTLS an opt-in advanced setting, disabled by default. This should clear up issues that resulted in exceptions like the following when trying to send email when connected to a server with no certificate or a self-signed certificate:javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not convert socket to TLSjavax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target Fixed - Added support for UTF-8 characters in email notification subject and message. Alarm Voice Fixed - After unreported error, alarm notification calls stop producing audio, with the error "address already in use". Fixed - Contact field parse error with Mitel 5000 server Alarm SMS Fixed - Phone numbers beginning with a '+' character should now work with the Airlink modems. Alarm Misc Added Functionality - Added a simple example on how to implement an AlarmNotificationProfile and added it to the SDK example project section and to the Programmer's Guide pdf. Modbus Driver - ========================================================================================== Modbus Driver v2 Fixed - Fixed a bug that caused the wrong row of an address mapping in the UI to disappear when deleting rows. Fixed - Added error feedback when trying to save address mappings with invalid prefixes. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Fixed - Fixed issue where in some cases, BOOL arrays inside of UDTs appear as folders. Fixed - Fixed bug where subscriptions can be optimized before the ControlLogix or CompactLogix product information is read causing incorrect tag values for arrays. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== OEE/Downtime Fixed - Product Code Table component was not resetting selected product code when a filter was applied. Added - Property "Ignore Changeover Overrun Production" to Line OEE. When true, any production counts that are generated during changeover overrun will be ignored. Added - Workday Routine name to the console status message when the routine is activated with a reason code. Added - Ability to modify the downtime reason event where key reason detection could not find a blameable cell. Added - Production Bar Chart property "labelFormat" string for formatting the label text. Fixed - Key reason detection not working if first cell is a cell group. Fixed - Cell group cell latching in key reason detection was never unlatched. Improved - OEE Quality calculation now will use production count + waste count if infeed count is not being collected. Schedule Fixed - Schedule View component is not saving custom properties. Modified - ScheduleLine updatePrerunRemainingTime() to check if the scheduled changeover time is 0, then don't go into overrun. Added - property change event "scheduleActivated" on Line Schedule Selector. Fired when the user selects a schedule and returns True (1 in scripting) if the schedule was activated, False (0) otherwise. Improved - Work orders can now be edited (via the script method) even if schedules are assigned to them. Added - Work Order table property, Line Name Filter, to filter by line name(s). Recipe Fixed - Minimum value of a float recipe item was not allowing 0. Fixed - Error when updating recipe item security from treeview if a new role was added. Fixed - Fixed thresholds not working on integer type recipe tag. Fixed - Recipe values not being deleted beyond the first child production item. Those recipe values cannot be deleted, error message says they are inherited. Fixed - Recipe treeview not expanding after navigating away then back to the window. Occurs when window gets cached. Quality Added - SPC selector will show "no selection" in the filter slide out panel. Fixed - Individual control limits not selectable on Individual charts. Improved - Increase the sample measurement count limit from 25 to 250. Fixed - Samples being continuously scheduled every second for a definition regardless of interval settings. Occurs if the definition was ever used with a manual interval. Instrument Interface Fixed - File Monitor Controller does not disable monitoring if the instrument interface configuration is changed. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Fixed UI scrolling issue when the SQLTags browser panel was floating in the Designer Fixed - Fixed Null Pointer Error when doing Find/Replace in System tags. SQLTags Fixed - Users are now prohbited from naming tag providers "System" or "Client". Fixed - Tag export was blocking the UI thread, causing problems with large tag sets. It is now also possible to cancel an export in progress. Fixed - Renaming member tags in udts to already defined names results in unstable behavior in the editor. Fixed - Alarm display path cannot be bound to non-string tag or expression Fixed - Tag alarm settings occasionally displayed for alarm modes for which they don't apply. Fixed - Alarm property expression editor does not show the correct tag reference tree when editing a UDT. Fixed - Tag history "max time between records" editor limits value to 9999. Now limits to Integer.Max_Value (2^31-1). Fixed - Error importing tag xml for tags with alarm properties that are bound to blank expressions. Also improved the reporting of line numbers in failed xml imports. Modified Functionality - UDT tag multi-instance wizard no longer puts a default space between the tag name and generated number. It also detects and applies number padding. Fixed - Incorrect behavior in Tag Multi-instance wizard when non-default tag provider is selected. Also fixes error caused when project does not have a default tag provider. Fixed - Sub-type tags not updated automatically in browse tree when base changes, requires tree to be refreshed. Fixed - Identical paths stored to a single tag history database from multiple Ignition systems cause continuous new entries in the sqlth_te table (note: identical paths inside of multiple providers on a single gateway still not supported) Fixed - Overrides on new inherited tag udt creation aren't always saved. Added Functionality - UDT parameter formatting now supports subtraction as well as addition. Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Active Directory / Internal hybrid user source now correctly checks for uniqueness of usernames Fixed - Usernams now allow hyphens in them Gateway Fixed - Client launchers would fail with error 'The element type "sun.java2d.noddraw" must be terminated by the matching end-tag ""' when Direct Draw was disabled on the Gateway Settings page. Fixed - Made a change to help limited Vision systems not have ghost sessions across system restarts. Fixed - wrapper.log is now in the correct location after restoring a Windows Gateway backup on a Linux system. This change applies to new Windows installations only. To apply this change to an existing Windows installation, open data\ignition.conf and change the wrapper.logfile entry to logs/wrapper.log Added Functionality - Added option to restrict anonymous bind requests for Active Directory Added Functionality - Active Directory (LDAP) now supports paging results for very large directory systems Fixed - Duplicate role names are now prevented Added Functionality - There is now a setting for database connections called Validation Timeout which specifies the time between database validation checks in milliseconds. The default is 10 seconds. Scripting Fixed - Added missing scripting hints. Added Functionality - The scripting function system.util.getSessionInfo() is now available in all scopes Fixed - The builders for the goBack and goForward actions now correctly indent when using security qualifiers. Fixed - Now system.dataset.addColumn accepts string columns. Fixed - The scipting function system.util.jsonEncode now encodes Unicode characters. Native Client Launchers Added Functionality - Client tag values can now be set upon startup when using native client launchers. Added Functionality - Native Client Launchers can now be used to create temporary connections to Gateways other than the configured Gateway. Recent Gateway connections are now shown immediately on the Available Gateways list without waiting for messages from other Gateways. A dropdown containing recent Gateway connections has also been added to the Manual Configuration page. Modified Functionality - Client launcher now joins multicast group on all network interfaces that support multicast. Modified Functionality - New installs of native client launchers will now store data in /.ignition/clientlauncher-data. Existing installs of native client launchers will use the old locations. Fixed - Native Client Launchers did not display foreign characters correctly on some systems. Client Fixed - Better error handling when the client's cache dir is not actually a directory. Alarming Fixed - Acknowledging active alarm causing multiple entries in legacy database storage profile. Fixed - Alarm journal pruning mechanism does not respect redundancy, runs on backup when not active. Fixed - Error from alarm journal when database connection is disabled, does not stop when alarm journal is deleted. SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Gateway Fixed - OPC items that have a tag write target do not respect the group trigger. Fixed - Overwriting an existing project through import does not stop the previous version of the groups, resulting in multiple versions of the groups running. Vision - ========================================================================================== Designer Added Functionality - tag history binding's fixed size is now bindable. Fixed - Spotlights now correctly paint when not at 100% zoom. Added Functionality - Added static thumbnails for animated gifs in image management browser instead of just an error icon. Fixed - The "Go Forward" navigation script builder works correctly now. Components Added Functionality - Contact types like SMS and Phone only appear if the relevant modules exist. Fixed - Edits to historical tag binding path alias persists even if cancel is pressed Fixed - Day View component now fires property change events with the correct property name for "selectedEvent" Fixed - Day View component now correctly goes all the way to midnight, not 11pm, when in zoom mode Fixed - Dashed line rendering fixed for the "digital step" pen style Added Functionality - Users may now disable the columns selection popup menu that comes with the Alarm Status Table Fixed - Alarm Journal Component now exposes a dataset of selected alarm events. Fixed - Fixed issue with Alarm Status Table not maintaining row height. Fixed - Alarm status table can now correctly unshelve the selected alarms. Added Functionality - Added ability to filter schedules from the schedule management component Added Functionality - The Cylindrical Tank and Level Indicator components now have floating-point values and capacities. Added Functionality - Alarm Status Table component now accepts "day" as a shelving time unit Fixed - Ensured that the User Management component's fields are always editable when opened. Fixed - Equipment Schedule component pauses updates until drag is completed. Fixed - Cannot type arbitrary values into the dropdown used as the table editor for a table column that uses a translation list. Fixed - Concurrent events in the day and week view components now display with consistent ordering Fixed - Selected text in Tree View now displays properly, even if the selected text is longer than the unselected text Added Functionality - A chart configuring extension function has been added to the Easy Chart. Added Functionality - The Alarm Journal now has Active Events, Clear Events, and Ack Events properties on the component that filter for those events. Fixed - Week view now displays events that end at the zoom end-time correctly Fixed - Fixed the calculation that controls the Week View and Day View component's "Hover Time" property, which was reporting time ahead by one hour. Added Functionality - Added "Show Table Header" property to the Alarm Journal table component Client Fixed - Template instances now automatically remove any bindings that were for public template params that no longer exist. Added Functionality - Improved loading times for windows with many templates on them Fixed - User management panel allowed blank usernames the 1st time a user was added Fixed - Users now only require one of the required roles for a project, not all of them. User Manual - 7.6.5-rc3 ========================================================================================== User Manual Fixed - Improved documentation for table scripting functions. Fixed - system.user function parameters are now properly documented in the user manual. Modified Functionality - Cleaned up the formatting in the pdf version of the user manual. Code examples no longer run off the page. Mobile - ========================================================================================== UI Added Functionality - The mobile module now detects password fields in order to not echo back passwords onto the screen Added Functionality - Numeric keypad on the mobile module now has an "enter" button Backend Added Functionality - The Mobile Module will now run on linux. Instructions for server setup can be found here: http://inductiveautomation.com/support/kb?0=160 Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Email Fixed - Makes the use of STARTTLS an opt-in advanced setting, disabled by default. This should clear up issues that resulted in exceptions like the following when trying to send email when connected to a server with no certificate or a self-signed certificate:javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not convert socket to TLSjavax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target Fixed - Added support for UTF-8 characters in email notification subject and message. Alarm Voice Fixed - Contact field parse error with Mitel 5000 server Alarm Misc Added Functionality - Added a simple example on how to implement an AlarmNotificationProfile and added it to the SDK example project section and to the Programmer's Guide pdf. Modbus Driver - ========================================================================================== Modbus Driver v2 Fixed - Fixed a bug that caused the wrong row of an address mapping in the UI to disappear when deleting rows. Fixed - Added error feedback when trying to save address mappings with invalid prefixes. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Fixed - Fixed issue where in some cases, BOOL arrays inside of UDTs appear as folders. Fixed - Fixed bug where subscriptions can be optimized before the ControlLogix or CompactLogix product information is read causing incorrect tag values for arrays. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== OEE/Downtime Fixed - Product Code Table component was not resetting selected product code when a filter was applied. Added - Property "Ignore Changeover Overrun Production" to Line OEE. When true, any production counts that are generated during changeover overrun will be ignored. Added - Workday Routine name to the console status message when the routine is activated with a reason code. Added - Ability to modify the downtime reason event where key reason detection could not find a blameable cell. Added - Production Bar Chart property "labelFormat" string for formatting the label text. Fixed - Key reason detection not working if first cell is a cell group. Fixed - Cell group cell latching in key reason detection was never unlatched. Improved - OEE Quality calculation now will use production count + waste count if infeed count is not being collected. Schedule Fixed - Schedule View component is not saving custom properties. Modified - ScheduleLine updatePrerunRemainingTime() to check if the scheduled changeover time is 0, then don't go into overrun. Added - property change event "scheduleActivated" on Line Schedule Selector. Fired when the user selects a schedule and returns True (1 in scripting) if the schedule was activated, False (0) otherwise. Improved - Work orders can now be edited (via the script method) even if schedules are assigned to them. Added - Work Order table property, Line Name Filter, to filter by line name(s). Recipe Fixed - Fixed thresholds not working on integer type recipe tag. Fixed - Recipe values not being deleted beyond the first child production item. Those recipe values cannot be deleted, error message says they are inherited. Fixed - Recipe treeview not expanding after navigating away then back to the window. Occurs when window gets cached. Quality Fixed - Individual control limits not selectable on Individual charts. Improved - Increase the sample measurement count limit from 25 to 250. Fixed - Samples being continuously scheduled every second for a definition regardless of interval settings. Occurs if the definition was ever used with a manual interval. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== SQLTags Fixed - Scale Factor, Engineering Limit Clamp Mode, and Historical timestamp source missing from tag xml export/import. Fixed - Duplicate tags paths and min/max aggregation in tag history queries can cause infinite loop (high cpu/memory). Native Client Launchers Fixed - Client launchers would fail with error 'The element type "sun.java2d.noddraw" must be terminated by the matching end-tag ""' when Direct Draw was disabled on the Gateway Settings page. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Complex (udt) based dynamic properties occasionally attempting to incorrectly write back to tags in the data type when initialized. Fixed - Alert emails now use UTF-8 encoding for better international character support Fixed - This bug was caused by a fix to bug# 135. Now, the arrow keys can once again control selection in the drop down list. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Client Fixed - Fixed a deadlock that could occur when the UA client gets disconnected. This caused it to be unable to reconnect. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Fixed - Validate RunUUID before recording to analysis. Added - Workday Routine name to the status message when the routine is activated with a reason code. Analysis Improved - Deleting/Restoring a run with the analysis controller requires comparing by Run Identifier. This will allow display of invalid Run Identifiers. Added - Compare by Run Identifier. Allows displaying invalid Run Identifiers. Added - Production Bar Chart property "labelFormat" string for formatting the label text. Added - Warning message to analysis controller when deleting/restoring run and the compare by is not correct. OEE/Downtime Added - IgnoreChangeoverCountsProperty that wil ignore production counts if in changeover overrun and the property is set. Added - ability to re-assign the downtime if the event is key cell could not find a blameable cell. Fixed - Cell not recording events in a similar fashion as Line. E.g. run start does not record the 0 time. Improved - OEE Quality calculation now will use production count + waste count if infeed count is not being collected. Added - Line DT Bypass Reason Code for the cell. Allows the cell to record a specified down time while it is bypassed. Improved - Key Reason downtime detection. Added - Line schedule view properties. scheduleOnly property will display only the scheduled times from the schedule table. allowDropInPast allows schedules to be dropped into the past. Fixed - Line schedule view hides overlapping schedules. Fixed - SequenceDate (based on shift start date) was incorrect with the shift that crosses midnight. Added methods to ShiftUtilities that will determine the correct shift start date. Fixed - Key reason detection not working if first cell is a cell group. Fixed - Cell group cell latching in key reason detection was never unlatched. Schedule Fixed - Schedule view does not handle workday routines that cross midnight. Added - Analysis Time Chart ability to update while zoomed. Added - Schedule view dropping a schedule over an existing schedule will ask if you want the dropped schedule to start to the end of the existing schedule. Previously the existing schedule was always moved after the dropped schedule. Added - Schedule view property Allow Drop Schedule in the Past, allows dropping schedules at any time, even if they may never be able to run automatically since they are in the past. Improved - Work orders can now be edited (via the script method) even if schedules are assigned to them. Added - LineNameFilter Property to Work Order table. Allows filtering work orders to the specific line. Fixed - Line Schedule view not retaining custom properties. Recipe Fixed - Recipe treeview not expanding after navigating away then back to the window. Occurs when window gets cached. Fixed - Recipe values not being deleted after the first child production item. Those recipe values cannot be deleted, error message says they are inherited. SPC/Quality Fixed - Samples being continuously scheduled every second for a definition regardless of interval settings. Occurs if the definition was ever used with a manual interval. Improved - SPC charts will ignore non-required attribute data if not entered during the sample entry. Previously was displaying as 0. Improved - Lookup of additional factors while selecting a SPC definition. Instrument Interface Improved - Parse template handling of CSV rows data. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Fixed Null Pointer Error when doing Find/Replace in System tags. Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Usernams now allow hyphens in them SQLTags Fixed - Tag history "max time between records" editor limits value to 9999. Now limits to Integer.Max_Value (2^31-1). Fixed - Error importing tag xml for tags with alarm properties that are bound to blank expressions. Also improved the reporting of line numbers in failed xml imports. Modified Functionality - UDT tag multi-instance wizard no longer puts a default space between the tag name and generated number. It also detects and applies number padding. Fixed - Incorrect behavior in Tag Multi-instance wizard when non-default tag provider is selected. Also fixes error caused when project does not have a default tag provider. Fixed - Sub-type tags not updated automatically in browse tree when base changes, requires tree to be refreshed. Fixed - Identical paths stored to a single tag history database from multiple Ignition systems cause continuous new entries in the sqlth_te table (note: identical paths inside of multiple providers on a single gateway still not supported) Fixed - Overrides on new inherited tag udt creation aren't always saved. Added Functionality - UDT parameter formatting now supports subtraction as well as addition. Gateway Fixed - wrapper.log is now in the correct location after restoring a Windows Gateway backup on a Linux system. This change applies to new Windows installations only. To apply this change to an existing Windows installation, open data\ignition.conf and change the wrapper.logfile entry to logs/wrapper.log Added Functionality - Added option to restrict anonymous bind requests for Active Directory Added Functionality - Active Directory (LDAP) now supports paging results for very large directory systems Fixed - Duplicate role names are now prevented Added Functionality - There is now a setting for database connections called Validation Timeout which specifies the time between database validation checks in milliseconds. The default is 10 seconds. Native Client Launchers Added Functionality - Native Client Launchers can now be used to create temporary connections to Gateways other than the configured Gateway. Recent Gateway connections are now shown immediately on the Available Gateways list without waiting for messages from other Gateways. A dropdown containing recent Gateway connections has also been added to the Manual Configuration page. Modified Functionality - Client launcher now joins multicast group on all network interfaces that support multicast. Modified Functionality - New installs of native client launchers will now store data in /.ignition/clientlauncher-data. Existing installs of native client launchers will use the old locations. Fixed - Native Client Launchers did not display foreign characters correctly on some systems. Scripting Fixed - The builders for the goBack and goForward actions now correctly indent when using security qualifiers. Fixed - Now system.dataset.addColumn accepts string columns. Fixed - The scipting function system.util.jsonEncode now encodes Unicode characters. Client Fixed - Better error handling when the client's cache dir is not actually a directory. Alarming Fixed - Error from alarm journal when database connection is disabled, does not stop when alarm journal is deleted. SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Gateway Fixed - OPC items that have a tag write target do not respect the group trigger. Fixed - Overwriting an existing project through import does not stop the previous version of the groups, resulting in multiple versions of the groups running. Vision - ========================================================================================== Designer Added Functionality - tag history binding's fixed size is now bindable. Fixed - Spotlights now correctly paint when not at 100% zoom. Added Functionality - Added static thumbnails for animated gifs in image management browser instead of just an error icon. Fixed - The "Go Forward" navigation script builder works correctly now. Components Added Functionality - Alarm Status Table component now accepts "day" as a shelving time unit Fixed - Ensured that the User Management component's fields are always editable when opened. Fixed - Equipment Schedule component pauses updates until drag is completed. Fixed - Cannot type arbitrary values into the dropdown used as the table editor for a table column that uses a translation list. Fixed - Complex (udt) based dynamic properties occasionally attempting to incorrectly write back to tags in the data type when initialized. Fixed - Concurrent events in the day and week view components now display with consistent ordering Fixed - Selected text in Tree View now displays properly, even if the selected text is longer than the unselected text Added Functionality - A chart configuring extension function has been added to the Easy Chart. Added Functionality - The Alarm Journal now has Active Events, Clear Events, and Ack Events properties on the component that filter for those events. Fixed - Week view now displays events that end at the zoom end-time correctly Fixed - Fixed the calculation that controls the Week View and Day View component's "Hover Time" property, which was reporting time ahead by one hour. Added Functionality - Added "Show Table Header" property to the Alarm Journal table component Client Fixed - Re-sizing a container using system.gui.reshape or system.gui.resize now respects and preserves the layout of the interior contents of the container. Fixed - User management panel allowed blank usernames the 1st time a user was added Fixed - Users now only require one of the required roles for a project, not all of them. User Manual - 7.6.5-rc2 ========================================================================================== User Manual Fixed - system.user function parameters are now properly documented in the user manual. Modified Functionality - Cleaned up the formatting in the pdf version of the user manual. Code examples no longer run off the page. Mobile - ========================================================================================== Backend Added Functionality - The Mobile Module will now run on linux. Instructions for server setup can be found here: http://inductiveautomation.com/support/kb?0=160 Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Email Fixed - Makes the use of STARTTLS an opt-in advanced setting, disabled by default. This should clear up issues that resulted in exceptions like the following when trying to send email when connected to a server with no certificate or a self-signed certificate:javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not convert socket to TLSjavax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target Fixed - Added support for UTF-8 characters in email notification subject and message. Alarm Voice Fixed - Contact field parse error with Mitel 5000 server Alarm Misc Added Functionality - Added a simple example on how to implement an AlarmNotificationProfile and added it to the SDK example project section and to the Programmer's Guide pdf. Modbus Driver - ========================================================================================== Modbus Driver v2 Fixed - Fixed a bug that caused the wrong row of an address mapping in the UI to disappear when deleting rows. Fixed - Added error feedback when trying to save address mappings with invalid prefixes. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Fixed - Fixed bug where subscriptions can be optimized before the ControlLogix or CompactLogix product information is read causing incorrect tag values for arrays. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== OEE/Downtime Added - Property "Ignore Changeover Overrun Production" to Line OEE. When true, any production counts that are generated during changeover overrun will be ignored. Added - Workday Routine name to the console status message when the routine is activated with a reason code. Added - Ability to modify the downtime reason event where key reason detection could not find a blameable cell. Added - Production Bar Chart property "labelFormat" string for formatting the label text. Fixed - Key reason detection not working if first cell is a cell group. Fixed - Cell group cell latching in key reason detection was never unlatched. Improved - OEE Quality calculation now will use production count + waste count if infeed count is not being collected. Schedule Modified - ScheduleLine updatePrerunRemainingTime() to check if the scheduled changeover time is 0, then don't go into overrun. Added - property change event "scheduleActivated" on Line Schedule Selector. Fired when the user selects a schedule and returns True (1 in scripting) if the schedule was activated, False (0) otherwise. Improved - Work orders can now be edited (via the script method) even if schedules are assigned to them. Added - Work Order table property, Line Name Filter, to filter by line name(s). Recipe Fixed - Recipe values not being deleted beyond the first child production item. Those recipe values cannot be deleted, error message says they are inherited. Fixed - Recipe treeview not expanding after navigating away then back to the window. Occurs when window gets cached. Quality Fixed - Samples being continuously scheduled every second for a definition regardless of interval settings. Occurs if the definition was ever used with a manual interval. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Usernams now allow hyphens in them SQLTags Fixed - Identical paths stored to a single tag history database from multiple Ignition systems cause continuous new entries in the sqlth_te table (note: identical paths inside of multiple providers on a single gateway still not supported) Fixed - Overrides on new inherited tag udt creation aren't always saved. Added Functionality - UDT parameter formatting now supports subtraction as well as addition. Gateway Added Functionality - Added option to restrict anonymous bind requests for Active Directory Added Functionality - Active Directory (LDAP) now supports paging results for very large directory systems Fixed - Duplicate role names are now prevented Added Functionality - There is now a setting for database connections called Validation Timeout which specifies the time between database validation checks in milliseconds. The default is 10 seconds. Scripting Fixed - Now system.dataset.addColumn accepts string columns. Fixed - The scipting function system.util.jsonEncode now encodes Unicode characters. Native Client Launchers Modified Functionality - Client launcher now joins multicast group on all network interfaces that support multicast. Modified Functionality - New installs of native client launchers will now store data in /.ignition/clientlauncher-data. Existing installs of native client launchers will use the old locations. Fixed - Native Client Launchers did not display foreign characters correctly on some systems. Client Fixed - Better error handling when the client's cache dir is not actually a directory. Alarming Fixed - Error from alarm journal when database connection is disabled, does not stop when alarm journal is deleted. SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Gateway Fixed - Overwriting an existing project through import does not stop the previous version of the groups, resulting in multiple versions of the groups running. Vision - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Spotlights now correctly paint when not at 100% zoom. Added Functionality - ag history binding's fixed size is now bindable. Added Functionality - Added static thumbnails for animated gifs in image management browser instead of just an error icon. Fixed - The "Go Forward" navigation script builder works correctly now. Components Fixed - Equipment Schedule component pauses updates until drag is completed. Fixed - Cannot type arbitrary values into the dropdown used as the table editor for a table column that uses a translation list. Fixed - When using the User Management Component in "Edit Current User" mode, it now reflects changes made when navigating away from and then back to the component. Fixed - Complex (udt) based dynamic properties occasionally attempting to incorrectly write back to tags in the data type when initialized. Fixed - Concurrent events in the day and week view components now display with consistent ordering Fixed - Selected text in Tree View now displays properly, even if the selected text is longer than the unselected text Added Functionality - A chart configuring extension function has been added to the Easy Chart. Added Functionality - The Alarm Journal now has Active Events, Clear Events, and Ack Events properties on the component that filter for those events. Fixed - Week view now displays events that end at the zoom end-time correctly Fixed - Fixed the calculation that controls the Week View and Day View component's "Hover Time" property, which was reporting time ahead by one hour. Added Functionality - Added "Show Table Header" property to the Alarm Journal table component Client Fixed - Users now only require one of the required roles for a project, not all of them. Mobile - ========================================================================================== Backend Added Functionality - The Mobile Module will now run on linux. Instructions for server setup can be found here: http://inductiveautomation.com/support/kb?0=160 Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Email Fixed - Added support for UTF-8 characters in email notification subject and message. Alarm Voice Fixed - Contact field parse error with Mitel 5000 server Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Fixed - Fixed bug where subscriptions can be optimized before the ControlLogix or CompactLogix product information is read causing incorrect tag values for arrays. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== OEE/Downtime Added - Property "Ignore Changeover Overrun Production" to Line OEE. When true, any production counts that are generated during changeover overrun will be ignored. Added - Workday Routine name to the console status message when the routine is activated with a reason code. Added - Ability to modify the downtime reason event where key reason detection could not find a blameable cell. Added - Production Bar Chart property "labelFormat" string for formatting the label text. Fixed - Key reason detection not working if first cell is a cell group. Fixed - Cell group cell latching in key reason detection was never unlatched. Schedule Modified - ScheduleLine updatePrerunRemainingTime() to check if the scheduled changeover time is 0, then don't go into overrun. Added - property change event "scheduleActivated" on Line Schedule Selector. Fired when the user selects a schedule and returns True (1 in scripting) if the schedule was activated, False (0) otherwise. Quality Fixed - Samples being continuously scheduled every second for a definition regardless of interval settings. Occurs if the definition was ever used with a manual interval. General - 7.6.4 ========================================================================================== Installers Fixed - Fixed issue of Recipe module installing itself when upgrading Ignition from a previous version, whether the module was previously installed or not. Modified Functionality - Ignition Windows installers will now install Java 7 update 25 when the installer cannot locate any Java installation on the machine. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Modified Functionality - Re-introduced tag CSV export, without support for alarming. Fixed - Classic chart X-Axis property customizer now keeps 'Display Date in Title' changes. Fixed - Fixed drop behavior in properties window in OS X. Fixed - Designer now correctly doesn't load modules if their module dependencies aren't present. Fixed - Roster Management component now respects 'disable' security setting. Added Functionality - Entries in the project import dialog box are now sorted alphabetically. Fixed - Momentary button now doesn't write on mouse-up if it is disabled. Added Functionality - Copy-move no longer uses the system clipboard. Fixed - SQLTags Browser now correctly determines when a folder is being dragged. Fixed - Dashed line rendering now works better with dense data in the Easy Chart component. GCU Fixed - Fixed "Go to webpage" link on GCU. Misc Added Functionality - Native client launchers are now available for Windows, Linux and Mac OSX. See the user manual for more information. Expressions Fixed - Fixed a bug in dateArithmetic() function that resulted in the millisecond unit not working unless specified as 'mss'. Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Changing Legacy Notification Profile Min/Max Severity to Medium Low/High causes Internal error Added Functionality - Username now allows spaces. Fixed - Fixed localization for the gateway home/status/configure and designer launch buttons SQLTags Modified Functionality - Maximum size of string based tag properties increased from 4k to 64k. Fixed - Error "The conversion from UNKNOWN to TIMESTAMP is unsupported" when trying to store DateTime tags to an external tag providers running on MS SQL Server. Fixed - Folders exported under Data Types folder not importing correctly. They are being imported under the general folder. Fixed - tag() expression function used inside of alarm property bindings does not support relative path syntax. Fixed - AlertExecEnabled tag property doesn't persist across gateway restarts, and isn't sync'd to redundant backup. Fixed - Parameter overrides in UDT sub members not exported correctly to xml. Fixed - Fixed bug that could cause read-only tags to have a value written to them through the designer tag editor. Fixed - Last UDT (alphabetically) not available in the "new instance" menu Gateway Fixed - Restoring a backup no longer allows backups from future versions Added Functionality - This change allows the user to supply a vm argument to the wrapper such as "wrapper.java.additional.8=-ciphers.dir=data" in ignition.conf as a list of ciphers. The ssl connector protocol is the default JSEE protocol and not APR. So, there is no way to force the server to ultimately decide which cipher to use. If ignition.conf isn't changed, a suite of ciphers is used that protects against the beast attack. Mostly RC4 cipher suite ciphers are used which aren't vulnerable to the BEAST attack. Fixed - The function system.db.beginTransaction now correctly uses a project's default database when run in gateway scope. Fixed - Editing user sources in the gateway now correctly prevents duplicate usernames Fixed - Audit entries for prepared statements now show values instead of ? placeholders. Fixed - Table quote character in db translator creates issues with various system queries. This parameter has been removed. Fixed - Role names with forward slash characters in them can now be used correctly with the Active Directory user source Fixed - Modules that fail on installation are removed from the modules folder. Fixed - Using a barcode scanner with the mobile module resulted in the input text becoming jumbled. Fixed - When writing to a tag referencing a nonexistent OPC-UA server, a new server appeared on the OPC Servers Area. Now, this does not happen. Added Functionality - New boolean field to allow disable of automatic suffix for ActiveDirectory user sources. Fixed - Upgrading from 7.5 now automatically converts the placeholders in the queries of expert DB and AD-to-DB user sources. Fixed - system.dataset.exportExcel() and system.dataset.exportHTML() now correctly escape special characters to ensure valid XML/HTML is generated. Fixed - AD/Internal user sources which are set to not browse for users from active directory can now delete users who were added manually. Scripting Added Functionality - Added Gateway scope to system.util.getProjectName() Fixed - Added connect and read timeout options to system.net.httpPost functions Fixed - Client event scripts in the designer not initialized on startup or after editing the scripts while not in "runtime" mode. Fixed - System.dataset.addColumn now properly accepts booleans. Fixed - Scripting system now correctly supports UTF-8 encoded strings. Added Functionality - Added system.alarm.unshelve() command. Client Fixed - Fixed race condition in the way the client and designer load images that could cause a frozen UI in rare circumstances. Alarming Fixed - References to tags in custom subject/message alarm properties don't work correctly. Added Functionality - Added System tags to show how many alarms are currently in any of the 4 states. Fixed - Several improvements to alarm state management that should help keep redundant synchronization accurate. Aims to fix old alarm states becoming visible again on failover, and alarm states that are stuck as "active" after failover. Fixed - Error encountered when executing journal query with multiple filter conditions specified (display path, source, and min priority, for example) SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Hour & event meter opc items in a triggered block group only update on trigger, instead of each cycle, as the standard/historical groups do. Vision - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Alarm pipeline dropdowns now includes "None" option to select no pipeline on an alarm. Fixed - Fixed the context sensitive scripting help inside the Client Menubar script area Fixed - Dependency arrows now correctly work when zoomed in or out. Fixed - Fixed bug with templates not showing binding icons in project browser. Fixed - Editing Integer, Float, and Long properties now correctly support null values. Added Functionality - The component script editor is no longer always on top of other windows. Misc Fixed - Removed javascript reference to 'console' from homepage dropdown buttons that was breaking functionality in Internet Explorer Components Added Functionality - Added an option to the Image component to skip the client's image cache, which could be important for dynamically generated images. Fixed - Momentary buttons with non-default control values caused issues with the find/replace system Fixed - Fixed the week view's working hours and zoom hours to accept values up to midnight Added Functionality - Easychart now correctly shows tickmarks < 1E-7, chooses better autorange for values < 1 Fixed - Not all cells were being repainted when the selected column changed, which could cause issues if the getBackgroundAt extension function switched colors based upon the selected column. Added Functionality - Added "Auto Expansion Level" property on TreeView component. Fixed - Fixed synchronization issue with the date range component when zoomed down into the minute range. Added Functionality - Added start and end date properties for historical mode date range editor in Easy Chart.Added separate foreground and background color properties for date range editors in Easy Chart. Fixed - Entering an out-of-bounds value in a numeric text field no longer requires a second press of 'enter' in order to accept a valid value. Added Functionality - Added property to set gap between subplots on Easy Chart. Added Functionality - Added custom properties to pie chart and bar chart Added Functionality - Added property for Alarm Status Table header font. Added Functionality - Added a maximum attachment byte size to the Comments Panel component. Fixed - The Alarm Status Table's footer will hide it's visual separator if all of the utility buttons are removed. Fixed - Bindings on properties of template instances that depended on other properties of the template instance didn't evaluate correctly on window startup. Fixed - Classic chart component's dashed rendering now works better with dense data Fixed - Tree View component now correctly reflects changes to icons. Added Functionality - When viewing shelved alarms in the Alarm Status Table the source filter is now taken into consideration. Fixed - The properties of the Alarm Status Table that hid various UI components such as the ack and shelve buttons now work correctly in the client. Fixed - Exposed moving analog indicator's "processValue" property to the binding system. Client Fixed - The numeric popup numpad now keeps trailing zeroes if entered. Added Functionality - A keyboard accelerator has been added to open up the diagnostics window in the client. The keyboard shortcut is ctrl+shift+F7. Fixed - Fixed potential ConcurrentModificationException when switching users. Fixed - Fixed system.security.switchUser not re-evaluating tag permissions Fixed - The bug with the diagnostics window of the client always being on top has been fixed. Fixed - Third party on-screen keyboard applications can cause the system.util.getInactivitySeconds() feature to be incorrect. Fixed - When binding shape bounds, dividing by zero in an expression could cause a shape to disappear because of NaN value. Fixed - Modules were not correctly given the chance to customize the deserializer in the Vision client. [SDK] Fixed - The function system.util.getSystemFlags() properly sets the FULLSCREEN_FLAG to true when the client is launched in fullscreen mode. Added Functionality - Images now have a new option to make them load their images in a background thread for a more responsive UI and quicker window loading. Fixed - Fixed binding issue caused by using a mixed-case version of the name of a built-in property name as a custom property with bidirectional bindings. Fixed - Client reload now preserves window ordering. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Gateway Web Interface Added Functionality - The driver status entry on the system status page now shows both the total number of devices as well as the number that currently have connection-related errors. Client Fixed - Fixed bugs in UA client subscription bookkeeping that lead to inconsistent subscription state, especially when using driven or leased scan classes where the slow rate was 0. Server Fixed - Fixed a bug in device subscription bookkeeping that could lead to tags getting "stuck" with bad or unknown quality until the tag or subscription they were in was modified. Fixed - Newly generated server certificates will now include the AuthorityKeyIdentifier X509 extension. Serial Support - ========================================================================================== Scripting Added Functionality - Added a sendBreak() call to the serial module's scripting functions. Mobile - ========================================================================================== UI Fixed - When using the mobile module, KeyEvent objects had an incorrect (zero) keyCode property. Fixed - Mobile keyboard no longer shows up for input components which have chosen a touchscreen mode of "None" Backend Modified Functionality - Mobile module will now re-create its session on login if needed, decreasing instances of "Session not initialized" errors. Fixed - Added mobile keyboard support for the password field of the "Lock screen" Fixed - Fixed issue that could cause the gateway's HTTP threadpool to be consumed if the socket connection between the gateway and the mobile client became blocked. Fixed - The Mobile Module now works with Java 7u40 and later. Fixed - Fixed javascript issue that made the mobile module not load on IE9 Added Functionality - Added option for the mobile site to not automatically select the project when only one mobile-enabled project exists. Fixed - Added the exclamation point and brace characters to the mobile popup keyboard Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Email Added Functionality - Enable use of STARTTLS command (when supported by the server) on SSL/TLS connections. Added Functionality - Added a configurable timeout setting to the EmailNotificationProfile. Added Functionality - Added auditing support for email alarm notification and acknowledgement. Alarm Voice Fixed - Voice notification modules re-built to include support for 64-bit linux. Fixed - Voice notification not respecting sip "expires" message header, leads to dropped sessions on some servers. Alarm SMS Added Functionality - Implemented auditing for SMS notification profiles. Fixed - SMS Notification Module now automatically splits up long alarm messages into multiple text messages. Added Functionality - Added a 'Custom SMS Message' property to alarm config, similar to the existing 'Custom Email Message' property. Added Functionality - New option to allow the use of only numeric acknowledgement codes for the sms system. Alarm Designer Fixed - Editing pipeline dropout conditions in the designer could lead to multiple pipelines incorrectly sharing the same set of dropout conditions. Fixed - Alarm Notification module now gives access to alarm pipelines in Designer when Vision module is not present. Reporting - ========================================================================================== Components Added Functionality - Report viewer new has an option to disable retaining the page number when reloading a report. OPC-COM - ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Subscription will now periodically attempt to subscribe to failed items (items for which the opc server reports failure codes during subscription) TCP/UDP Driver - ========================================================================================== TCP Driver Added Functionality - Added an 'Is Connected' diagnostic tag. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Fixed - Fixed "Received (successful) but there is a group number miss match." warning message from showing in the logs. This was caused when writing strings to the ControlLogix or CompactLogix processors and had no negative effects other than the warning message. MicroLogix/PLC5/SLC Drivers Fixed - Added support for SLC and MicroLogix processors to access bits in I/O words other than word 0. Added Functionality - Optimized reads for MicroLogix, SLC and PLC-5 processors when reading timers, counters and control registers into fewer requests. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Fixed - Validate RunUUID before recording to analysis. Improved - Deleting/Restoring a run with the analysis controller requires comparing by Run Identifier. This will allow display of invalid Run Identifiers. Fixed - On resume run, the run end date time was not being cleared in the runtime data tables. This would allow the purge run utility to potentially delete an active run. Fixed - Constant error "Unable to verify production database table schemas". Creating a production model in an empty database will not create the tables unless the Production module is re-started. Fixed - PMIProductionLineCellSelector not setting the Cell Name property after selection. Fixed - PostGreSQL database not creating proper indices. OEE/Downtime Added - Analysis Time Chart ability to update while zoomed. Added - Line schedule view properties. scheduleOnly property will display only the scheduled times from the schedule table. allowDropInPast allows schedules to be dropped into the past. Fixed - Line schedule view hides overlapping schedules. Added - Line DT Bypass Reason Code for cells. Allows the cell to record a specified down time while it is bypassed. Improved - Key Reason downtime detection. Fixed - Shift OEE tags not equal to the run tags when a run is first started. Fixed - Active downtime does not reflect Operator selected reason. Fixed - Console log error during updating of a downtime event, column cannot be '' Added - Shift planned downtime property. Fixed - Operator downtime reason not using correct cell when downtime is re-triggered internally. Fixed - Calculate IdealStandardVariance from the IdealStandardCount, not standard count. Schedule Added - Schedule view, dropping a schedule over an existing schedule will ask if you want the dropped schedule to start to the end of the existing schedule. Previously the existing schedule was always moved after the dropped schedule. Added - Schedule view property Allow Drop Schedule in the Past, allows dropping schedules at any time, even if they may never be able to run automatically since they are in the past. Fixed - Schedule view does not handle workday routines that cross midnight. Fixed - Schedule view shows log error if line does not have a product code assigned or is disabled. Analysis Added - Compare by Run Identifier. Allows displaying invalid Run Identifiers. Recipe Improved - Recipe Editor component will not collapse when the value editor filter is changed. SPC/Quality Improved - SPC charts will ignore non-required attribute data if not entered during the sample entry. Previously was displaying as 0. Improved - method for getting the last samples taken speed improvement. Added - PMISampleEntry component property scripting name "sampleTakenBy" for "Sample Taken By" property. The original "user" scripting name will also work. Added - "settingsBorder" property to PMISPCSelector to allow adding a border. Fixed - PMISPCController clearing all custom property bindings when the definition is changed event though the custom property exists in the new definition. Fixed - SPC Data Type Selector causes error if no data type is selected. Instrument Interface Improved - Parse template handling of CSV rows data. General - 7.6.4-rc4 ========================================================================================== Installers Modified Functionality - Ignition Windows installers will now install Java 7 update 25 when the installer cannot locate any Java installation on the machine. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Classic chart X-Axis property customizer now keeps 'Display Date in Title' changes. Fixed - Fixed drop behavior in properties window in OS X. Fixed - Designer now correctly doesn't load modules if their module dependencies aren't present. Fixed - Roster Management component now respects 'disable' security setting. Added Functionality - Entries in the project import dialog box are now sorted alphabetically. Fixed - Momentary button now doesn't write on mouse-up if it is disabled. Added Functionality - Copy-move no longer uses the system clipboard. Fixed - SQLTags Browser now correctly determines when a folder is being dragged. Fixed - Dashed line rendering now works better with dense data in the Easy Chart component. GCU Fixed - Fixed "Go to webpage" link on GCU. Misc Added Functionality - Native client launchers are now available for Windows, Linux and Mac OSX. See the user manual for more information. Expressions Fixed - Fixed a bug in dateArithmetic() function that resulted in the millisecond unit not working unless specified as 'mss'. SQLTags Fixed - Error "The conversion from UNKNOWN to TIMESTAMP is unsupported" when trying to store DateTime tags to an external tag providers running on MS SQL Server. Fixed - Folders exported under Data Types folder not importing correctly. They are being imported under the general folder. Fixed - tag() expression function used inside of alarm property bindings does not support relative path syntax. Fixed - AlertExecEnabled tag property doesn't persist across gateway restarts, and isn't sync'd to redundant backup. Fixed - Parameter overrides in UDT sub members not exported correctly to xml. Fixed - Fixed bug that could cause read-only tags to have a value written to them through the designer tag editor. Fixed - Last UDT (alphabetically) not available in the "new instance" menu Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Changing Legacy Notification Profile Min/Max Severity to Medium Low/High causes Internal error Added Functionality - Username now allows spaces. Fixed - Fixed localization for the gateway home/status/configure and designer launch buttons Gateway Added Functionality - This change allows the user to supply a vm argument to the wrapper such as "wrapper.java.additional.8=-ciphers.dir=data" in ignition.conf as a list of ciphers. The ssl connector protocol is the default JSEE protocol and not APR. So, there is no way to force the server to ultimately decide which cipher to use. If ignition.conf isn't changed, a suite of ciphers is used that protects against the beast attack. Mostly RC4 cipher suite ciphers are used which aren't vulnerable to the BEAST attack. Fixed - The function system.db.beginTransaction now correctly uses a project's default database when run in gateway scope. Fixed - Editing user sources in the gateway now correctly prevents duplicate usernames Fixed - Audit entries for prepared statements now show values instead of ? placeholders. Fixed - Table quote character in db translator creates issues with various system queries. This parameter has been removed. Fixed - Role names with forward slash characters in them can now be used correctly with the Active Directory user source Fixed - Modules that fail on installation are removed from the modules folder. Fixed - Using a barcode scanner with the mobile module resulted in the input text becoming jumbled. Fixed - When writing to a tag referencing a nonexistent OPC-UA server, a new server appeared on the OPC Servers Area. Now, this does not happen. Added Functionality - New boolean field to allow disable of automatic suffix for ActiveDirectory user sources. Fixed - Upgrading from 7.5 now automatically converts the placeholders in the queries of expert DB and AD-to-DB user sources. Fixed - system.dataset.exportExcel() and system.dataset.exportHTML() now correctly escape special characters to ensure valid XML/HTML is generated. Fixed - AD/Internal user sources which are set to not browse for users from active directory can now delete users who were added manually. Scripting Added Functionality - Added Gateway scope to system.util.getProjectName() Fixed - Added connect and read timeout options to system.net.httpPost functions Fixed - Client event scripts in the designer not initialized on startup or after editing the scripts while not in "runtime" mode. Fixed - System.dataset.addColumn now properly accepts booleans. Fixed - Scripting system now correctly supports UTF-8 encoded strings. Added Functionality - Added system.alarm.unshelve() command. Client Fixed - Fixed race condition in the way the client and designer load images that could cause a frozen UI in rare circumstances. Alarming Fixed - References to tags in custom subject/message alarm properties don't work correctly. Added Functionality - Added System tags to show how many alarms are currently in any of the 4 states. Fixed - Several improvements to alarm state management that should help keep redundant synchronization accurate. Aims to fix old alarm states becoming visible again on failover, and alarm states that are stuck as "active" after failover. Fixed - Error encountered when executing journal query with multiple filter conditions specified (display path, source, and min priority, for example) SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Hour & event meter opc items in a triggered block group only update on trigger, instead of each cycle, as the standard/historical groups do. Vision - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Alarm pipeline dropdowns now includes "None" option to select no pipeline on an alarm. Fixed - Fixed the context sensitive scripting help inside the Client Menubar script area Fixed - Dependency arrows now correctly work when zoomed in or out. Fixed - Fixed bug with templates not showing binding icons in project browser. Fixed - Editing Integer, Float, and Long properties now correctly support null values. Added Functionality - The component script editor is no longer always on top of other windows. Components Fixed - Momentary buttons with non-default control values caused issues with the find/replace system Fixed - Fixed the week view's working hours and zoom hours to accept values up to midnight Added Functionality - Easychart now correctly shows tickmarks < 1E-7, chooses better autorange for values < 1 Fixed - Not all cells were being repainted when the selected column changed, which could cause issues if the getBackgroundAt extension function switched colors based upon the selected column. Added Functionality - Added "Auto Expansion Level" property on TreeView component. Fixed - Fixed synchronization issue with the date range component when zoomed down into the minute range. Added Functionality - Added start and end date properties for historical mode date range editor in Easy Chart.Added separate foreground and background color properties for date range editors in Easy Chart. Fixed - Entering an out-of-bounds value in a numeric text field no longer requires a second press of 'enter' in order to accept a valid value. Added Functionality - Added property to set gap between subplots on Easy Chart. Added Functionality - Added custom properties to pie chart and bar chart Added Functionality - Added property for Alarm Status Table header font. Added Functionality - Added a maximum attachment byte size to the Comments Panel component. Fixed - The Alarm Status Table's footer will hide it's visual separator if all of the utility buttons are removed. Fixed - Bindings on properties of template instances that depended on other properties of the template instance didn't evaluate correctly on window startup. Fixed - Classic chart component's dashed rendering now works better with dense data Fixed - Tree View component now correctly reflects changes to icons. Added Functionality - When viewing shelved alarms in the Alarm Status Table the source filter is now taken into consideration. Fixed - The properties of the Alarm Status Table that hid various UI components such as the ack and shelve buttons now work correctly in the client. Fixed - Exposed moving analog indicator's "processValue" property to the binding system. Client Fixed - The numeric popup numpad now keeps trailing zeroes if entered. Added Functionality - A keyboard accelerator has been added to open up the diagnostics window in the client. The keyboard shortcut is ctrl+shift+F7. Fixed - Fixed potential ConcurrentModificationException when switching users. Fixed - Fixed system.security.switchUser not re-evaluating tag permissions Fixed - The bug with the diagnostics window of the client always being on top has been fixed. Fixed - Third party on-screen keyboard applications can cause the system.util.getInactivitySeconds() feature to be incorrect. Fixed - When binding shape bounds, dividing by zero in an expression could cause a shape to disappear because of NaN value. Fixed - Modules were not correctly given the chance to customize the deserializer in the Vision client. [SDK] Fixed - The function system.util.getSystemFlags() properly sets the FULLSCREEN_FLAG to true when the client is launched in fullscreen mode. Added Functionality - Images now have a new option to make them load their images in a background thread for a more responsive UI and quicker window loading. Fixed - Fixed binding issue caused by using a mixed-case version of the name of a built-in property name as a custom property with bidirectional bindings. Fixed - Client reload now preserves window ordering. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Gateway Web Interface Added Functionality - The driver status entry on the system status page now shows both the total number of devices as well as the number that currently have connection-related errors. Client Fixed - Fixed bugs in UA client subscription bookkeeping that lead to inconsistent subscription state, especially when using driven or leased scan classes where the slow rate was 0. Server Fixed - Fixed a bug in device subscription bookkeeping that could lead to tags getting "stuck" with bad or unknown quality until the tag or subscription they were in was modified. Fixed - Newly generated server certificates will now include the AuthorityKeyIdentifier X509 extension. Serial Support - ========================================================================================== Scripting Added Functionality - Added a sendBreak() call to the serial module's scripting functions. Mobile - ========================================================================================== UI Fixed - When using the mobile module, KeyEvent objects had an incorrect (zero) keyCode property. Fixed - Mobile keyboard no longer shows up for input components which have chosen a touchscreen mode of "None" Backend Modified Functionality - Mobile module will now re-create its session on login if needed, decreasing instances of "Session not initialized" errors. Fixed - Added mobile keyboard support for the password field of the "Lock screen" Fixed - Fixed issue that could cause the gateway's HTTP threadpool to be consumed if the socket connection between the gateway and the mobile client became blocked. Fixed - The Mobile Module now works with Java 7u40 and later. Fixed - Fixed javascript issue that made the mobile module not load on IE9 Added Functionality - Added option for the mobile site to not automatically select the project when only one mobile-enabled project exists. Fixed - Added the exclamation point and brace characters to the mobile popup keyboard Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Email Added Functionality - Added a configurable timeout setting to the EmailNotificationProfile. Added Functionality - Added auditing support for email alarm notification and acknowledgement. Alarm Voice Fixed - Voice notification modules re-built to include support for 64-bit linux. Fixed - Voice notification not respecting sip "expires" message header, leads to dropped sessions on some servers. Alarm SMS Added Functionality - Implemented auditing for SMS notification profiles. Fixed - SMS Notification Module now automatically splits up long alarm messages into multiple text messages. Added Functionality - Added a 'Custom SMS Message' property to alarm config, similar to the existing 'Custom Email Message' property. Added Functionality - New option to allow the use of only numeric acknowledgement codes for the sms system. Alarm Designer Fixed - Editing pipeline dropout conditions in the designer could lead to multiple pipelines incorrectly sharing the same set of dropout conditions. Fixed - Alarm Notification module now gives access to alarm pipelines in Designer when Vision module is not present. Reporting - ========================================================================================== Components Added Functionality - Report viewer new has an option to disable retaining the page number when reloading a report. OPC-COM - ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Subscription will now periodically attempt to subscribe to failed items (items for which the opc server reports failure codes during subscription) TCP/UDP Driver - ========================================================================================== TCP Driver Added Functionality - Added an 'Is Connected' diagnostic tag. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Fixed - Fixed "Received (successful) but there is a group number miss match." warning message from showing in the logs. This was caused when writing strings to the ControlLogix or CompactLogix processors and had no negative effects other than the warning message. MicroLogix/PLC5/SLC Drivers Fixed - Added support for SLC and MicroLogix processors to access bits in I/O words other than word 0. Added Functionality - Optimized reads for MicroLogix, SLC and PLC-5 processors when reading timers, counters and control registers into fewer requests. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Fixed - Validate RunUUID before recording to analysis. Improved - Deleting/Restoring a run with the analysis controller requires comparing by Run Identifier. This will allow display of invalid Run Identifiers. Fixed - On resume run, the run end date time was not being cleared in the runtime data tables. This would allow the purge run utility to potentially delete an active run. Fixed - Constant error "Unable to verify production database table schemas". Creating a production model in an empty database will not create the tables unless the Production module is re-started. Fixed - PMIProductionLineCellSelector not setting the Cell Name property after selection. Fixed - PostGreSQL database not creating proper indices. OEE/Downtime Added - Line schedule view properties. scheduleOnly property will display only the scheduled times from the schedule table. allowDropInPast allows schedules to be dropped into the past. Fixed - Line schedule view hides overlapping schedules. Added - Line DT Bypass Reason Code for cells. Allows the cell to record a specified down time while it is bypassed. Improved - Key Reason downtime detection. Fixed - Shift OEE tags not equal to the run tags when a run is first started. Fixed - Active downtime does not reflect Operator selected reason. Fixed - Console log error during updating of a downtime event, column cannot be '' Added - Shift planned downtime property. Fixed - Operator downtime reason not using correct cell when downtime is re-triggered internally. Fixed - Calculate IdealStandardVariance from the IdealStandardCount, not standard count. Analysis Added - Compare by Run Identifier. Allows displaying invalid Run Identifiers. Recipe Improved - Recipe Editor component will not collapse when the value editor filter is changed. SPC/Quality Improved - SPC charts will ignore non-required attribute data if not entered during the sample entry. Previously was displaying as 0. Improved - method for getting the last samples taken speed improvement. Added - PMISampleEntry component property scripting name "sampleTakenBy" for "Sample Taken By" property. The original "user" scripting name will also work. Added - "settingsBorder" property to PMISPCSelector to allow adding a border. Fixed - PMISPCController clearing all custom property bindings when the definition is changed event though the custom property exists in the new definition. Fixed - SPC Data Type Selector causes error if no data type is selected. Instrument Interface Improved - Parse template handling of CSV rows data. General - 7.6.4-rc3 ========================================================================================== Installers Modified Functionality - Ignition Windows installers will now install Java 7 update 25 when the installer cannot locate any Java installation on the machine. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Fixed drop behavior in properties window in OS X. Fixed - Designer now correctly doesn't load modules if their module dependencies aren't present. Fixed - Roster Management component now respects 'disable' security setting. Added Functionality - Entries in the project import dialog box are now sorted alphabetically. Fixed - Momentary button now doesn't write on mouse-up if it is disabled. Added Functionality - Copy-move no longer uses the system clipboard. Fixed - SQLTags Browser now correctly determines when a folder is being dragged. Fixed - Dashed line rendering now works better with dense data in the Easy Chart component. GCU Fixed - Fixed "Go to webpage" link on GCU. Misc Added Functionality - Native client launchers are now available for Windows, Linux and Mac OSX. See the user manual for more information. Expressions Fixed - Fixed a bug in dateArithmetic() function that resulted in the millisecond unit not working unless specified as 'mss'. Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Fixed localization for the gateway home/status/configure and designer launch buttons SQLTags Fixed - Error "The conversion from UNKNOWN to TIMESTAMP is unsupported" when trying to store DateTime tags to an external tag providers running on MS SQL Server. Fixed - Folders exported under Data Types folder not importing correctly. They are being imported under the general folder. Fixed - tag() expression function used inside of alarm property bindings does not support relative path syntax. Fixed - AlertExecEnabled tag property doesn't persist across gateway restarts, and isn't sync'd to redundant backup. Fixed - Parameter overrides in UDT sub members not exported correctly to xml. Fixed - Fixed bug that could cause read-only tags to have a value written to them through the designer tag editor. Fixed - Last UDT (alphabetically) not available in the "new instance" menu Gateway Fixed - Audit entries for prepared statements now show values instead of ? placeholders. Fixed - Table quote character in db translator creates issues with various system queries. This parameter has been removed. Fixed - Role names with forward slash characters in them can now be used correctly with the Active Directory user source Fixed - Modules that fail on installation are removed from the modules folder. Fixed - Using a barcode scanner with the mobile module resulted in the input text becoming jumbled. Fixed - When writing to a tag referencing a nonexistent OPC-UA server, a new server appeared on the OPC Servers Area. Now, this does not happen. Added Functionality - New boolean field to allow disable of automatic suffix for ActiveDirectory user sources. Fixed - Upgrading from 7.5 now automatically converts the placeholders in the queries of expert DB and AD-to-DB user sources. Fixed - system.dataset.exportExcel() and system.dataset.exportHTML() now correctly escape special characters to ensure valid XML/HTML is generated. Fixed - AD/Internal user sources which are set to not browse for users from active directory can now delete users who were added manually. Scripting Fixed - Added connect and read timeout options to system.net.httpPost functions Fixed - Client event scripts in the designer not initialized on startup or after editing the scripts while not in "runtime" mode. Fixed - System.dataset.addColumn now properly accepts booleans. Fixed - Scripting system now correctly supports UTF-8 encoded strings. Added Functionality - Added system.alarm.unshelve() command. Client Fixed - The Designer/Client displays a missing Permissions attribute warning during launch when using Java 7 update 45. Fixed - Fixed race condition in the way the client and designer load images that could cause a frozen UI in rare circumstances. Alarming Fixed - References to tags in custom subject/message alarm properties don't work correctly. Added Functionality - Added System tags to show how many alarms are currently in any of the 4 states. Fixed - Several improvements to alarm state management that should help keep redundant synchronization accurate. Aims to fix old alarm states becoming visible again on failover, and alarm states that are stuck as "active" after failover. Fixed - Error encountered when executing journal query with multiple filter conditions specified (display path, source, and min priority, for example) SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Hour & event meter opc items in a triggered block group only update on trigger, instead of each cycle, as the standard/historical groups do. Vision - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Fixed bug with templates not showing binding icons in project browser. Fixed - Editing Integer, Float, and Long properties now correctly support null values. Added Functionality - The component script editor is no longer always on top of other windows. Components Added Functionality - Easychart now correctly shows tickmarks < 1E-7, chooses better autorange for values < 1 Fixed - Not all cells were being repainted when the selected column changed, which could cause issues if the getBackgroundAt extension function switched colors based upon the selected column. Added Functionality - Added "Auto Expansion Level" property on TreeView component. Fixed - Fixed synchronization issue with the date range component when zoomed down into the minute range. Added Functionality - Added start and end date properties for historical mode date range editor in Easy Chart.Added separate foreground and background color properties for date range editors in Easy Chart. Fixed - Entering an out-of-bounds value in a numeric text field no longer requires a second press of 'enter' in order to accept a valid value. Added Functionality - Added property to set gap between subplots on Easy Chart. Added Functionality - Added custom properties to pie chart and bar chart Added Functionality - Added property for Alarm Status Table header font. Added Functionality - Added a maximum attachment byte size to the Comments Panel component. Fixed - The Alarm Status Table's footer will hide it's visual separator if all of the utility buttons are removed. Fixed - Bindings on properties of template instances that depended on other properties of the template instance didn't evaluate correctly on window startup. Fixed - Classic chart component's dashed rendering now works better with dense data Fixed - Tree View component now correctly reflects changes to icons. Added Functionality - When viewing shelved alarms in the Alarm Status Table the source filter is now taken into consideration. Fixed - The properties of the Alarm Status Table that hid various UI components such as the ack and shelve buttons now work correctly in the client. Fixed - Exposed moving analog indicator's "processValue" property to the binding system. Client Fixed - Fixed potential ConcurrentModificationException when switching users. Added Functionality - A keyboard accelerator has been added to open up the diagnostics window in the client. The keyboard shortcut is ctrl+shift+F7. Fixed - Fixed system.security.switchUser not re-evaluating tag permissions Fixed - The bug with the diagnostics window of the client always being on top has been fixed. Fixed - Third party on-screen keyboard applications can cause the system.util.getInactivitySeconds() feature to be incorrect. Fixed - When binding shape bounds, dividing by zero in an expression could cause a shape to disappear because of NaN value. Fixed - Modules were not correctly given the chance to customize the deserializer in the Vision client. [SDK] Fixed - The function system.util.getSystemFlags() properly sets the FULLSCREEN_FLAG to true when the client is launched in fullscreen mode. Added Functionality - Images now have a new option to make them load their images in a background thread for a more responsive UI and quicker window loading. Fixed - Fixed binding issue caused by using a mixed-case version of the name of a built-in property name as a custom property with bidirectional bindings. Fixed - Client reload now preserves window ordering. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Gateway Web Interface Added Functionality - The driver status entry on the system status page now shows both the total number of devices as well as the number that currently have connection-related errors. Client Fixed - Fixed bugs in UA client subscription bookkeeping that lead to inconsistent subscription state, especially when using driven or leased scan classes where the slow rate was 0. Server Fixed - Fixed a bug in device subscription bookkeeping that could lead to tags getting "stuck" with bad or unknown quality until the tag or subscription they were in was modified. Fixed - Newly generated server certificates will now include the AuthorityKeyIdentifier X509 extension. Serial Support - ========================================================================================== Scripting Added Functionality - Added a sendBreak() call to the serial module's scripting functions. Mobile - ========================================================================================== UI Fixed - When using the mobile module, KeyEvent objects had an incorrect (zero) keyCode property. Fixed - Mobile keyboard no longer shows up for input components which have chosen a touchscreen mode of "None" Backend Modified Functionality - Mobile module will now re-create its session on login if needed, decreasing instances of "Session not initialized" errors. Fixed - Added mobile keyboard support for the password field of the "Lock screen" Fixed - Fixed issue that could cause the gateway's HTTP threadpool to be consumed if the socket connection between the gateway and the mobile client became blocked. Fixed - The Mobile Module now works with Java 7u40 and later. Fixed - Fixed javascript issue that made the mobile module not load on IE9 Added Functionality - Added option for the mobile site to not automatically select the project when only one mobile-enabled project exists. Fixed - Added the exclamation point and brace characters to the mobile popup keyboard Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Email Added Functionality - Added a configurable timeout setting to the EmailNotificationProfile. Added Functionality - Added auditing support for email alarm notification and acknowledgement. Alarm Voice Fixed - Voice notification modules re-built to include support for 64-bit linux. Fixed - Voice notification not respecting sip "expires" message header, leads to dropped sessions on some servers. Alarm SMS Added Functionality - Implemented auditing for SMS notification profiles. Fixed - SMS Notification Module now automatically splits up long alarm messages into multiple text messages. Added Functionality - Added a 'Custom SMS Message' property to alarm config, similar to the existing 'Custom Email Message' property. Added Functionality - New option to allow the use of only numeric acknowledgement codes for the sms system. Alarm Designer Fixed - Editing pipeline dropout conditions in the designer could lead to multiple pipelines incorrectly sharing the same set of dropout conditions. Fixed - Alarm Notification module now gives access to alarm pipelines in Designer when Vision module is not present. Reporting - ========================================================================================== Components Added Functionality - Report viewer new has an option to disable retaining the page number when reloading a report. OPC-COM - ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Subscription will now periodically attempt to subscribe to failed items (items for which the opc server reports failure codes during subscription) TCP/UDP Driver - ========================================================================================== TCP Driver Added Functionality - Added an 'Is Connected' diagnostic tag. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Fixed - Fixed "Received (successful) but there is a group number miss match." warning message from showing in the logs. This was caused when writing strings to the ControlLogix or CompactLogix processors and had no negative effects other than the warning message. MicroLogix/PLC5/SLC Drivers Fixed - Added support for SLC and MicroLogix processors to access bits in I/O words other than word 0. Added Functionality - Optimized reads for MicroLogix, SLC and PLC-5 processors when reading timers, counters and control registers into fewer requests. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Fixed - Validate RunUUID before recording to analysis. Improved - Deleting/Restoring a run with the analysis controller requires comparing by Run Identifier. This will allow display of invalid Run Identifiers. Fixed - On resume run, the run end date time was not being cleared in the runtime data tables. This would allow the purge run utility to potentially delete an active run. Fixed - Constant error "Unable to verify production database table schemas". Creating a production model in an empty database will not create the tables unless the Production module is re-started. Fixed - PMIProductionLineCellSelector not setting the Cell Name property after selection. Fixed - PostGreSQL database not creating proper indices. OEE/Downtime Added - Line DT Bypass Reason Code for cells. Allows the cell to record a specified down time while it is bypassed. Improved - Key Reason downtime detection. Fixed - Shift OEE tags not equal to the run tags when a run is first started. Fixed - Active downtime does not reflect Operator selected reason. Fixed - Console log error during updating of a downtime event, column cannot be '' Added - Shift planned downtime property. Fixed - Operator downtime reason not using correct cell when downtime is re-triggered internally. Fixed - Calculate IdealStandardVariance from the IdealStandardCount, not standard count. Analysis Added - Compare by Run Identifier. Allows displaying invalid Run Identifiers. Recipe Improved - Recipe Editor component will not collapse when the value editor filter is changed. SPC/Quality Improved - SPC charts will ignore non-required attribute data if not entered during the sample entry. Previously was displaying as 0. Improved - method for getting the last samples taken speed improvement. Added - PMISampleEntry component property scripting name "sampleTakenBy" for "Sample Taken By" property. The original "user" scripting name will also work. Added - "settingsBorder" property to PMISPCSelector to allow adding a border. Fixed - PMISPCController clearing all custom property bindings when the definition is changed event though the custom property exists in the new definition. Fixed - SPC Data Type Selector causes error if no data type is selected. Instrument Interface Improved - Parse template handling of CSV rows data. General - 7.5.11 ========================================================================================== Installers Modified Functionality - Ignition Windows installers will now install Java 7 update 25 when the installer cannot locate any Java installation on the machine. Fixed - /tomcat/ssl.key will no longer be overwritten during upgrade. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Expressions Fixed - Fixed a bug in dateArithmetic() function that resulted in the millisecond unit not working unless specified as 'mss'. Gateway Added Functionality - Native client launchers are now available for Windows, Linux and Mac OSX. See the user manual for more information. Scripting Fixed - Scripting system now correctly supports UTF-8 encoded strings. Client Fixed - The Designer/Client displays a missing Permissions attribute warning during launch when using Java 7 update 45. Vision - ========================================================================================== Client Fixed - Fixed issue popping up touchscreen keyboard on the Text Area component. Mobile - ========================================================================================== Backend Fixed - Mobile module is now compatible with Java 7u40 and later. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Fixed - Fixed issue where multiple overlapping processor status requests are scheduled using up bandwidth on CIP connections.This can cause other read and write requests to timeout resulting in bad tag quality or failed writes. Fixed - Fixed issue with how tag arrays are handled in the ControlLogix L74 processors compared to the other L7x processors. Array indexes were offset by 2. MicroLogix/PLC5/SLC Drivers Fixed - Fixed issue where in redundant Ignition environments, the same connection serial numbers were being used for the master and backup. This might cause an ownership conflict error to be returned back from the ControlLogix Gateway. Fixed - Added support for SLC and MicroLogix processors to access bits in I/O words other than word 0. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Fixed - PostgreSQL error with server version 9.3 on internally using escaped strings. Fixed - Standard variance count tag for shift is not being calculated correctly. Fixed - On resume run, the run end date time was not being cleared in the runtime data tables. This would allow the purge run utility to potentially delete an active run. Fixed - Constant error "Unable to verify production database table schemas". Creating a production model in an empty database will not create the tables unless the Production module is re-started. Fixed - PMIProductionLineCellSelector not setting the Cell Name property after selection. Fixed - PostGreSQL database not creating proper indices. Changed - MES Installers will only work with Ignition gateway 7.5.10 or greater OEE/Downtime Added - PMIProductCodeSelector property "setLineProductCode". When true will attempt to set the line to the selected product code. This was the default previously. Now the selector can be used to just select a Product code without any default action. Fixed - Stored SPC settings do not update when the underlying Sample definition is renamed Added - Shift Planned Downtime (Minutes) tag. Displays the planned downtime during the current shift for the current run. Fixed - Shift OEE tags values one update cycle behind run tags at the beginning of the run. Fixed - Active downtime tag does not reflect operator selected reason. Fixed - Downtime reason not using operator selected cell if the downtime event is re-triggered internally. For instance, on a shift change. Add default filter Include Recordable. Previously was returning all downtime by default. SPC/Quality Fixed - XBar control limits to show on both XBar Range and XBar Standard Deviation charts. Also, fixed Moving Range control limits to show on both Individual and Median charts. Fixed - Stored SPC settings do not update when the underlying Sample definition is renamed Improved - method for getting the last samples taken speed improvement. Fixed - PMIStoredSPCSelector cannot create a new stored settings manually. Fixed - SPC charts not showing the left axis when the table is hidden. Added - script property sampleTakenBy in addition to user to the Sample Entry component. Fixed - SPCController is clearing all custom property bindings when the definition changed even though those properties exist in the new definition. Fixed - SPC Data Type Selector causes error if no data type is selected. Fixed - Frequency charts cannot get data if the definition has multiple measurements. Added - border property for the PMISPCSelector component Recipe Added - new Recipe Value Name filter property to the recipe editor. Improved - Recipe Editor component will not collapse when the value editor filter is changed. General - 7.6.4-rc2 ========================================================================================== Installers Modified Functionality - Ignition Windows installers will now install Java 7 update 25 when the installer cannot locate any Java installation on the machine. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Added Functionality - Entries in the project import dialog box are now sorted alphabetically. Fixed - Momentary button now doesn't write on mouse-up if it is disabled. Added Functionality - Copy-move no longer uses the system clipboard. Fixed - SQLTags Browser now correctly determines when a folder is being dragged. Fixed - Dashed line rendering now works better with dense data in the Easy Chart component. GCU Fixed - Fixed "Go to webpage" link on GCU. Misc Added Functionality - Native client launchers are now available for Windows, Linux and Mac OSX. See the user manual for more information. Expressions Fixed - Fixed a bug in dateArithmetic() function that resulted in the millisecond unit not working unless specified as 'mss'. Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Fixed localization for the gateway home/status/configure and designer launch buttons SQLTags Fixed - Parameter overrides in UDT sub members not exported correctly to xml. Fixed - Fixed bug that could cause read-only tags to have a value written to them through the designer tag editor. Fixed - Last UDT (alphabetically) not available in the "new instance" menu Gateway Fixed - Role names with forward slash characters in them can now be used correctly with the Active Directory user source Fixed - Modules that fail on installation are removed from the modules folder. Fixed - Using a barcode scanner with the mobile module resulted in the input text becoming jumbled. Fixed - When writing to a tag referencing a nonexistent OPC-UA server, a new server appeared on the OPC Servers Area. Now, this does not happen. Added Functionality - New boolean field to allow disable of automatic suffix for ActiveDirectory user sources. Fixed - Upgrading from 7.5 now automatically converts the placeholders in the queries of expert DB and AD-to-DB user sources. Fixed - system.dataset.exportExcel() and system.dataset.exportHTML() now correctly escape special characters to ensure valid XML/HTML is generated. Fixed - AD/Internal user sources which are set to not browse for users from active directory can now delete users who were added manually. Scripting Fixed - System.dataset.addColumn now properly accepts booleans. Fixed - Scripting system now correctly supports UTF-8 encoded strings. Added Functionality - Added system.alarm.unshelve() command. Client Fixed - The Designer/Client displays a missing Permissions attribute warning during launch when using Java 7 update 45. Fixed - Fixed race condition in the way the client and designer load images that could cause a frozen UI in rare circumstances. Alarming Fixed - References to tags in custom subject/message alarm properties don't work correctly. Added Functionality - Added System tags to show how many alarms are currently in any of the 4 states. Fixed - Several improvements to alarm state management that should help keep redundant synchronization accurate. Aims to fix old alarm states becoming visible again on failover, and alarm states that are stuck as "active" after failover. Fixed - Error encountered when executing journal query with multiple filter conditions specified (display path, source, and min priority, for example) SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Hour & event meter opc items in a triggered block group only update on trigger, instead of each cycle, as the standard/historical groups do. Vision - ========================================================================================== Designer Added Functionality - The component script editor is no longer always on top of other windows. Components Fixed - Bindings on properties of template instances that depended on other properties of the template instance didn't evaluate correctly on window startup. Fixed - Classic chart component's dashed rendering now works better with dense data Fixed - Tree View component now correctly reflects changes to icons. Added Functionality - When viewing shelved alarms in the Alarm Status Table the source filter is now taken into consideration. Fixed - The properties of the Alarm Status Table that hid various UI components such as the ack and shelve buttons now work correctly in the client. Fixed - Exposed moving analog indicator's "processValue" property to the binding system. Client Fixed - Third party on-screen keyboard applications can cause the system.util.getInactivitySeconds() feature to be incorrect. Fixed - When binding shape bounds, dividing by zero in an expression could cause a shape to disappear because of NaN value. Fixed - Modules were not correctly given the chance to customize the deserializer in the Vision client. [SDK] Fixed - The function system.util.getSystemFlags() properly sets the FULLSCREEN_FLAG to true when the client is launched in fullscreen mode. Added Functionality - Images now have a new option to make them load their images in a background thread for a more responsive UI and quicker window loading. Fixed - Fixed binding issue caused by using a mixed-case version of the name of a built-in property name as a custom property with bidirectional bindings. Fixed - Client reload now preserves window ordering. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Gateway Web Interface Added Functionality - The driver status entry on the system status page now shows both the total number of devices as well as the number that currently have connection-related errors. Server Fixed - Newly generated server certificates will now include the AuthorityKeyIdentifier X509 extension. Client Fixed - Fixed bugs in UA client subscription bookkeeping that lead to inconsistent subscription state, especially when using driven or leased scan classes where the slow rate was 0. Serial Support - ========================================================================================== Scripting Added Functionality - Added a sendBreak() call to the serial module's scripting functions. Mobile - ========================================================================================== UI Fixed - When using the mobile module, KeyEvent objects had an incorrect (zero) keyCode property. Fixed - Mobile keyboard no longer shows up for input components which have chosen a touchscreen mode of "None" Backend Fixed - Fixed issue that could cause the gateway's HTTP threadpool to be consumed if the socket connection between the gateway and the mobile client became blocked. Fixed - The Mobile Module now works with Java 7u40 and later. Fixed - Fixed javascript issue that made the mobile module not load on IE9 Added Functionality - Added option for the mobile site to not automatically select the project when only one mobile-enabled project exists. Fixed - Added the exclamation point and brace characters to the mobile popup keyboard Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Voice Fixed - Voice notification not respecting sip "expires" message header, leads to dropped sessions on some servers. Alarm SMS Fixed - SMS Notification Module now automatically splits up long alarm messages into multiple text messages. Added Functionality - Added a 'Custom SMS Message' property to alarm config, similar to the existing 'Custom Email Message' property. Added Functionality - New option to allow the use of only numeric acknowledgement codes for the sms system. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Fixed - Fixed "Received (successful) but there is a group number miss match." warning message from showing in the logs. This was caused when writing strings to the ControlLogix or CompactLogix processors and had no negative effects other than the warning message. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Added - PMIProductCodeSelector property "setLineProductCode". When true will attempt to set the line to the selected product code. This was the default previously. Now the selector can be used to just select a Product code without any default action. Fixed - PostgreSQL error with server version 9.3 on internally using escaped strings. Improved - When using shift compare by in analysis the shift will be collected correct if shifts span multiple days. Fixed - On resume run, the run end date time was not being cleared in the runtime data tables. This would allow the purge run utility to potentially delete an active run. Fixed - Constant error "Unable to verify production database table schemas". Creating a production model in an empty database will not create the tables unless the Production module is re-started. Fixed - PMIProductionLineCellSelector not setting the Cell Name property after selection. Fixed - PostGreSQL database not creating proper indices. OEE/Downtime Fixed - Shift OEE tags not equal to the run tags when a run is first started. Fixed - Active downtime does not reflect Operator selected reason. Fixed - Console log error during updating of a downtime event, column cannot be '' Added - Shift planned downtime property. Fixed - Operator downtime reason not using correct cell when downtime is re-triggered internally. Fixed - Calculate IdealStandardVariance from the IdealStandardCount, not standard count. SPC/Quality Fixed - Stored SPC definitions do not update if the underlying sample SPC definition name is renamed. Fixed - XBar control limits to show on both XBar Range and XBar Standard Deviation charts. Also, fixed Moving Range control limits to show on both Individual and Median charts. Improved - method for getting the last samples taken speed improvement. Fixed - Frequency charts not displaying data samples with multiple measurements. Added - PMISampleEntry component property scripting name "sampleTakenBy" for "Sample Taken By" property. The original "user" scripting name will also work. Added - "settingsBorder" property to PMISPCSelector to allow adding a border. Fixed - PMISPCController clearing all custom property bindings when the definition is changed event though the custom property exists in the new definition. Fixed - SPC Data Type Selector causes error if no data type is selected. Recipe Added - Recipe Value Name Filter property to the recipe editor. Allows returning value names in the recipe that match the filter. The * character in the filter will replace all characters and the ? character will replace the character at that position. General - 7.5.11-rc3 ========================================================================================== Installers Fixed - /tomcat/ssl.key will no longer be overwritten during upgrade. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Expressions Fixed - Fixed a bug in dateArithmetic() function that resulted in the millisecond unit not working unless specified as 'mss'. Gateway Added Functionality - Native client launchers are now available for Windows, Linux and Mac OSX. See the user manual for more information. Vision - ========================================================================================== Client Fixed - Fixed issue popping up touchscreen keyboard on the Text Area component. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Fixed - Fixed issue where multiple overlapping processor status requests are scheduled using up bandwidth on CIP connections.This can cause other read and write requests to timeout resulting in bad tag quality or failed writes. Fixed - Fixed issue with how tag arrays are handled in the ControlLogix L74 processors compared to the other L7x processors. Array indexes were offset by 2. MicroLogix/PLC5/SLC Drivers Fixed - Fixed issue where in redundant Ignition environments, the same connection serial numbers were being used for the master and backup. This might cause an ownership conflict error to be returned back from the ControlLogix Gateway. Fixed - Added support for SLC and MicroLogix processors to access bits in I/O words other than word 0. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Fixed - Standard variance count tag for shift is not being calculated correctly. Fixed - On resume run, the run end date time was not being cleared in the runtime data tables. This would allow the purge run utility to potentially delete an active run. Fixed - Constant error "Unable to verify production database table schemas". Creating a production model in an empty database will not create the tables unless the Production module is re-started. Fixed - PMIProductionLineCellSelector not setting the Cell Name property after selection. Fixed - PostGreSQL database not creating proper indices. Changed - MES Installers will only work with Ignition gateway 7.5.10 or greater OEE/Downtime Fixed - Stored SPC settings do not update when the underlying Sample definition is renamed Added - Shift Planned Downtime (Minutes) tag. Displays the planned downtime during the current shift for the current run. Fixed - Shift OEE tags values one update cycle behind run tags at the beginning of the run. Fixed - Active downtime tag does not reflect operator selected reason. Fixed - Downtime reason not using operator selected cell if the downtime event is re-triggered internally. For instance, on a shift change. Add default filter Include Recordable. Previously was returning all downtime by default. SPC/Quality Fixed - Stored SPC settings do not update when the underlying Sample definition is renamed Improved - method for getting the last samples taken speed improvement. Fixed - PMIStoredSPCSelector cannot create a new stored settings manually. Fixed - SPC charts not showing the left axis when the table is hidden. Added - script property sampleTakenBy in addition to user to the Sample Entry component. Fixed - SPCController is clearing all custom property bindings when the definition changed even though those properties exist in the new definition. Fixed - SPC Data Type Selector causes error if no data type is selected. Fixed - Frequency charts cannot get data if the definition has multiple measurements. Added - border property for the PMISPCSelector component Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Misc Added Functionality - Native client launchers are now available for Windows, Linux and Mac OSX. See the user manual for more information. Expressions Fixed - Fixed a bug in dateArithmetic() function that resulted in the millisecond unit not working unless specified as 'mss'. SQLTags Fixed - Last UDT (alphabetically) not available in the "new instance" menu Alarming Fixed - Several improvements to alarm state management that should help keep redundant synchronization accurate. Aims to fix old alarm states becoming visible again on failover, and alarm states that are stuck as "active" after failover. Fixed - Error encountered when executing journal query with multiple filter conditions specified (display path, source, and min priority, for example) OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Gateway Web Interface Added Functionality - The driver status entry on the system status page now shows both the total number of devices as well as the number that currently have connection-related errors. Server Fixed - Newly generated server certificates will now include the AuthorityKeyIdentifier X509 extension. Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm SMS Fixed - SMS Notification Module now automatically splits up long alarm messages into multiple text messages. Added Functionality - Added a 'Custom SMS Message' property to alarm config, similar to the existing 'Custom Email Message' property. Added Functionality - New option to allow the use of only numeric acknowledgement codes for the sms system. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Fixed - On resume run, the run end date time was not being cleared in the runtime data tables. This would allow the purge run utility to potentially delete an active run. Fixed - Constant error "Unable to verify production database table schemas". Creating a production model in an empty database will not create the tables unless the Production module is re-started. Fixed - PMIProductionLineCellSelector not setting the Cell Name property after selection. Fixed - PostGreSQL database not creating proper indices. OEE/Downtime Fixed - Shift OEE tags not equal to the run tags when a run is first started. Fixed - Active downtime does not reflect Operator selected reason. Fixed - Console log error during updating of a downtime event, column cannot be '' Added - Shift planned downtime property. Fixed - Operator downtime reason not using correct cell when downtime is re-triggered internally. Fixed - Calculate IdealStandardVariance from the IdealStandardCount, not standard count. SPC/Quality Improved - method for getting the last samples taken speed improvement. Fixed - Frequency charts not displaying data samples with multiple measurements. Added - PMISampleEntry component property scripting name "sampleTakenBy" for "Sample Taken By" property. The original "user" scripting name will also work. Added - "settingsBorder" property to PMISPCSelector to allow adding a border. Fixed - PMISPCController clearing all custom property bindings when the definition is changed event though the custom property exists in the new definition. Fixed - SPC Data Type Selector causes error if no data type is selected. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Fixed - Fixed issue with how tag arrays are handled in the ControlLogix L74 processors compared to the other L7x processors. Array indexes were offset by 2. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== NOTE: These modules will require that the Ignition gateway be upgraded to 7.5.10 General Fixed - On resume run, the run end date time was not being cleared in the runtime data tables. This would allow the purge run utility to potentially delete an active run. Fixed - Constant error "Unable to verify production database table schemas". Creating a production model in an empty database will not create the tables unless the Production module is re-started. Fixed - PMIProductionLineCellSelector not setting the Cell Name property after selection. Fixed - PostGreSQL database not creating proper indices. Changed - MES Installers will only work with Ignition gateway 7.5.10 or greater OEE/Downtime Add default filter Include Recordable. Previously was returning all downtime by default. SPC/Quality Improved - method for getting the last samples taken speed improvement. Fixed - PMIStoredSPCSelector cannot create a new stored settings manually. Fixed - SPC charts not showing the left axis when the table is hidden. Added - script property sampleTakenBy in addition to user to the Sample Entry component. Fixed - SPCController is clearing all custom property bindings when the definition changed even though those properties exist in the new definition. Fixed - SPC Data Type Selector causes error if no data type is selected. Fixed - Frequency charts cannot get data if the definition has multiple measurements. Added - border property for the PMISPCSelector component Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Gateway Added Functionality - Native client launchers are now available for Windows, Linux and Mac OSX. See the user manual for more information. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - This bug was caused by a fix to bug# 135. Now, the arrow keys can once again control selection in the drop down list. Client Fixed - Fixed issue popping up touchscreen keyboard on the Text Area component. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Fixed - Fixed issue with how tag arrays are handled in the ControlLogix L74 processors compared to the other L7x processors. Array indexes were offset by 2. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== NOTE: These modules will require that the Ignition gateway be upgraded to 7.5.10 General Changed - MES Installers will only work with Ignition gateway 7.5.10 or greater SPC/Quality Fixed - Frequency charts cannot get data if the definition has multiple measurements. Added - border property for the PMISPCSelector component Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== SQLTags Fixed - Unknown column error when listing historical tags from Oracle. Redundancy Fixed - Partial history mode does not function properly, data is held instead of forwarded by the backup node. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Fixed the bug where the Numeric Text Field was always in overwrite mode. Fixed - Fixed potential NPE setting the selected tab of a tab strip in a binding on client startup. Client Fixed - When menu items with no children were added to the top-level of the client menu bar, they took up too much space. This has been fixed. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Client Fixed - Fixed race condition that could cause some tags coming from an OPC-UA connection to NOT receive their initial value. For tags with static values this would leave the tag with a bad quality and no value. Commonly, the value could then be obtained by disabling and then re-enabling the tag (or any other action that caused the tag to be re-subscribed). Mobile - ========================================================================================== UI Fixed - Mobile module's project login page now checks the project's required roles earlier, to avoid an unnecessary load. Won't Fix - Mobile homepage now requires login if the regular homepage is role-restricted. Added Functionality - Mobile keyboard now automatically shows up when a text component is focused. Fixed - Mobile module now uses custom project icons. Added Functionality - Mobile client can now detect orientation change (portrait vs landscape) and change the size of the project automatically if the project is in fit-to-device mode. Added Functionality - Auto-fit to device now correctly detects mobile browser size. Added Functionality - New built-in keyboard for mobile clients makes input consistent across all mobile devices. Added Functionality - Mobile module has newly-redesigned menu bar to replace old circle menu Backend Added Functionality - Session timeout for mobile sessions is now user-definable. Added Functionality - URL parameters passed into the mobile page now are assigned to same-named client tags, if applicable. Added Functionality - Mobile module now works with Java 7. Note: Java 6 is no longer supported for the Mobile Module. Added Functionality - Mobile client now can recover from network errors such as timeouts. A reconnecting screen is shown, which goes away if the connection is re-established. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== MicroLogix/PLC5/SLC Drivers Fixed - Fixed issue where SLC, MicroLogix and PLC5 driver hangs when Ownership Conflict (0x6A) status received for read requests. TCP/UDP Driver - ========================================================================================== TCP Driver Fixed - *IMPORTANT* The tag addresses for the message, field value, last write time, and write-back message tags has changed. The OPC item path for SQLTags using these values must be updated.Fixed bug in the TCP driver that could cause it not work start or function properly when the message delimiter, field delimiter, or write-back message delimiter settings were empty. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== NOTE: These modules will require that the Ignition gateway be upgraded to 7.5.10 General Changed - MES Installers will only work with Ignition gateway 7.5.10 or greater SPC/Quality Fixed - Frequency charts cannot get data if the definition has multiple measurements. Added - border property for the PMISPCSelector component General - 7.6.3 ========================================================================================== Build Fixed - Installers would throw an error when attempting to run install-ignition.bat when 8dot3name is disabled on a machine running Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 7 or Windows 8. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Fixed intermittent scroll-lock issue in the Designer's output console. Fixed - Fixed bug that could case event scripts to not work after doing a "Save As" Added Functionality - An options dialog now pops up when a user tries to write to a tag in the designer when not in full read/write mode. The user can either not write to the tag, enable read/write mode and write to tag, or write once. Fixed - When switching between the extension function panel and the event handler panel, the event handler scripts could be inadvertently removed. Expressions Added Functionality - Added exponentiation expression: pow(number,number) Misc Modified Functionality - The Ignition Platform and module version numbers have been updated. The new format is major.minor.revision.YYYYMMDDHH. For example, Platform version will now be Gateway Web Interface Added Functionality - If a user enters the wrong credentials five times, log-on will be locked out for five minutes. Improved Functionality - Major speedup to homepage loading time, especially when many projects are listed. Fixed - Errors occurred during installation of a module were getting swallowed and not show to the user, only logged. Added Functionality - Added option to the copy-project page to make the new copy disabled, useful for making backups of projects. Fixed - Fixed the OPC quick client live values function. Fixed - Fixed the 'write' functionality in the OPC Quick-Client. SQLTags Fixed - Duplicate tags paths and min/max aggregation in tag history queries can cause infinite loop (high cpu/memory). Fixed - Transaction groups continue to run when project is disabled. Fixed - Tag alarm overrides aren't properly written to xml export. Fixed - Possible error initializing tags when using bound alarm deadband (using OPC tags inside of a UDT). Fixed - Alarms won't clear if value comes in during bad quality. Fixed - UDT parameter data type is not imported correctly from xml. Fixed - The AlertCurrentSeverity property on tags is not updated correctly. Gateway Fixed - A read timeout option has been added to the three AD user sources which specifies the time allowed for LDAP read operations. Added Functionality - Added new option to user sources: "Cache Validation Timeout" which specifies the amount of time between updates to the cache for a user source. This option was added to cut down on network traffic for AD user sources. Fixed - The spaces were being stripped off of passwords during validation, password setting, and logging into the gateway. Added Functionality - Exposed attribute for user's full name for AD sources. Fixed - When adding two consecutive users with the same password, the password wasn't saved correctly because property change events aren't fired unless the properties are the same. So, the password is set to "" after every password setting. Fixed - Historical pre-processing system can hold database connections open for long periods of time, causing misleading status displays and stats. Fixed - Existing duplicate authentication profiles cause faulted gateway on 7.6 upgrade Scripting Added Functionality - The system.alarm.acknowldege function now is available from Gateway scripts. An extra string argument specifying the name of the user who acknowledged the alarm has been added as the third argument. Added Functionality - Added the option in system.dataset.toCSV to export with or without localization. Non-localized strings allow the CSV to be re-imported more reliably. Alarming Fixed - Alarm status queries with multiple path constraints can result in duplicate results. Fixed - Alarm events now drop out of notification pipelines when the alarm enabled property becomes false. Modified Functionality - Dynamic changes to alarm active and clear time deadbands will now immediately affect outstanding events. Fixed - Fixes bug where the pipeline drop-down boxes when editing an alarm was populated using only the leaf node of a pipeline's path, instead of the entire path, causing pipelines residing inside folders and jump blocks targeting pipelines inside folders to not work correctly. Fixed - Alarm deadband doesn't work for equality alarm type. Fixed - When using an alarm with a bound setpoint and non-zero deadband, changing the setpoint by more than the deadband while active does not cause the tag to become clear. Added Functionality - New itemPath and itemName properties available for use in alarm messages and expressions. Fixed - "Any Change" alarm mode not visible for Above/Below Setpoint modes. "Legacy Send Clear" not editable if set on the alarm. Fixed - Legacy alarm upgrader ensures that "Send Clear" is enabled on "any change" mode alarms. Fixed - Legacy "Send Clear" alarm property not being displayed on upgraded alarms. SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Code Review Fixed - system.tag.read() and .readAll() return different results for disabled tags. Both now return [null, disabled]. Gateway Fixed - String typed OPC items become Int4 after upgrade to 7.6.2 Vision - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Fixed ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception on edit of datasets for PMIChart. Fixed - Fixed issue that caused the font editor to not be editable by directly typing in changes to the font. Fixed - When editing the Client Menu Bar items, you can now add items back in if you removed all the root items. Fixed - The script editor window now opens in the same place is it was previously after the first time it has been opened. Components Added Functionality - New features for the alarm status table: Better sorting control, new onDoubleClicked extension function, and binding control over filtering parameters. Fixed - Fixed the problem with Easy chart X-trace not printing correctly. Added Functionality - The Tree View component now allows updating of nodes without the collapsing of tree paths or the altering of selection. Also, the Auto Expand property only applies on startup or if there are any structural changes to the Tree View. Added Functionality - The ability to disable the Comments Panel has been added. Added Functionality - Made the Bar Chart's 'data' property a bound property so that it fires property change events. Fixed - Shelving alarms with blank display paths in the alarm status table can cause all alarms to be shelved. Added Functionality - The "visible" property is now available for being bound to on most components. Fixed - The Numeric Label component now can correctly display semi-transparent backgrounds. The "opaque" property is now called "fillBackground" Added Functionality - New extension function "configureChart" allows for easy scripting access to the underlying chart inside the Classic Chart component and correct timing for altering that chart via scripting. Added Functionality - Now the classic chart component supports subplots for category plots. Added Functionality - Added ability to select dot size for the Easy Chart's dot style renderer Added Functionality - The Table component now has an option for touch screen mode: Automatic or None. In Automatic mode, editable columns are touchscreen-aware and will pop up an appropriate popup keyboard. In None mode, editable columns have no special handling for touchscreen mode. Fixed - Fixed bug in the Table component that could cause large datasets to not be sorted correctly when using the built-in sorting. Added Functionality - New extension functions on alarm status and alarm journal tables to allow for custom filtering. Added Functionality - New extension functions on alarm status table for controlling availability of acknowledgement and shelving UI. Added Functionality - Added a "Notes area" to the alarm status and alarm journal tables, to have a place where the notes for the selected alarm(s) is viewable in a multi-line format. Added Functionality - Alarm Status Table and Alarm Journal Table now have a customizable date format. Added Functionality - There have been properties added to allow the user to customize the format of the decimal representation of the x-trace values in easy chart. These properties are called X-trace Large Number Format, X-Trace Small Number Format, and X-Trace Number Format Threshold. If a number is below the threshold, the small number format is used. Otherwise, the large number format is used. Added Functionality - Added "enabled" properties to the Alarm Status Table and Alarm Journal Table components. Added Functionality - Added a max-hold time to the Momentary Button component. Client Fixed - Interval based tag history binding with non divisible range to interval ratio leads to large query window. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Server Fixed - Fixed a bug in AbstractDriver that could lead to "removeNode() called with a difference Node instance than was added" warnings when restarting/reconnecting a driver/module.This bug had no ill side effects other than the warning message. Client Modified Functionality - Subscriptions set to a rate of zero now get their items unsubscribe instead of having publishing disabled. When using Ignition's built-in OPC-UA server this will result in polling at the driver level for those items stopping as well. Added Functionality - Added support for writing array values. Misc - null ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Updated the PDF Viewer module so that it correctly keeps PDFs open across window opens/closes. Mobile - ========================================================================================== Backend Fixed - Fixed "Too Long for RSA" error message when logging into the mobile module with a very long username. Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Email Fixed - Fixed a bug that caused email to a user with multiple email addresses defined, one or more of which was empty, to fail. Added Functionality - Added an advanced setting to email notification profiles that allows Java mail Session debugging to be turned on/off. Alarm Gateway Fixed - Fixed issue that caused user's schedule adjustments to not be evaluated correctly during alarm notification. Reporting - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - The reporting component did not accept the column types returned by the query alarm status call. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Fixed - PMIProductionLineCellSelector selected cell name property not updating correctly. Fixed - Constant error "Unable to verify production database table schemas". Creating a production model in an empty database will not create the tables unless the Production module is re-started. Fixed - Production rate per hour calculation jumps high after a communication loss occurs. Fixed - PMIScheduleLineView does not correctly show runs that have been ran if the schedule is outside the view dates but the run is in the view dates Fixed - PMIProductCodeSelector can start a run if the selectedProductCode property is written to directly with an unknown product code. Added - PMIScheduleSelector properties to ignore disabled work orders or inactive product codes Added - PMIProductioLineSelector properties line name filter and item path filter to allow filtering of the lines displayed in the selector Added - PMIScheduleLineView property eventDisplayFormat to allow custom description on schedule items Added - script function to set the maximum percentage of the OEE factors, system.oee.setOEEFactorCap(key, maxPercent). Previously were capped at 100%. Improved - Product Code tables components (Product Code Table, Product Code Line Table and Product Code Properties Table) will auto link when dropped on a container. Added - PostgreSQL database support Fixed - PMIProductionCommentsPanel, PMIRunScheduleController, PMIProductCodeSelector and PMIProductCodeLineTable generates a console error when dropped on a window. Added - Read Only property to PMIProductCodeTable, PMIProductCodeLineTable and PMIProductCodePropertiesTable Added - tag drag and drop capability in production model. Fixed - shift could not be determined if checking exactly at midnight. Fixed - Redundant backup node not getting correct active status when restarted. Fixed - adding a OPC server causes console error Downtime Fixed - Downtime analysis compare by shift not correct with runs that span multiple days Fixed - Non defined reason code always records as code 0. Need to log and record the actual code so it can be properly handled. Fixed - Downtime table does not display downtime events if the reason description is not found. Only can see it in analysis. Fixed - Cell Planned Downtime being recorded as un-planned downtime at the line level. Problem introduced in RC-1. Fixed - Cell group downtime time not acurate when run starts with cell group cell(s) down. Fixed - Historical downtime edit would not carry through time adjustments to analysis. Instrument Interface Fixed - FileMonitorController not stopping auto monitoring of files until client closed. Schedule Fixed - Schedule View component not updating active run completion automatically. Fixed - Allow schedule view to display percent done even if greater than 100% Fixed - reset schedule cache script function is always returning false. Fixed - Schedule vs Actual binding function showing any non recordable downtime as planned. If downtime is not recordable or planned it should display as other. SPC/Quality Fixed - PMIStoredSPCSelector cannot create a new stored settings manually. Fixed - SPC charts not showing the left axis when the table is hidden. Added - Log sql tag path if the sql tag collector tag is not found, previously was just logging an NPE Fixed - Sample Intervals "Once at Production Start" and "Once at Production End" not creating a scheduled sample. Improved - SPC Tag Collector execution times. Added - Line color property to control limits. The color is defined in the designer in the control limit definition. Each control limit definition can have their own color. The color is used to display the control limit on control charts. Added - New marker symbol for control limit that matches the same color as the control limit. Added - New marker image path property to the control charts so that a custom marker image can be displayed in place of the default marker symbol. Added - New font property to the control charts for the marker labels. General - 7.6.3-rc4 ========================================================================================== Build Fixed - Installers would throw an error when attempting to run install-ignition.bat when 8dot3name is disabled on a machine running Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 7 or Windows 8. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Fixed intermittent scroll-lock issue in the Designer's output console. Fixed - Fixed bug that could case event scripts to not work after doing a "Save As" Added Functionality - An options dialog now pops up when a user tries to write to a tag in the designer when not in full read/write mode. The user can either not write to the tag, enable read/write mode and write to tag, or write once. Fixed - When switching between the extension function panel and the event handler panel, the event handler scripts could be inadvertently removed. Misc Modified Functionality - The Ignition Platform and module version numbers have been updated. The new format is major.minor.revision.YYYYMMDDHH. For example, Platform version will now be Expressions Added Functionality - Added exponentiation expression: pow(number,number) SQLTags Fixed - Tag alarm overrides aren't properly written to xml export. Fixed - Duplicate tags paths and min/max aggregation in tag history queries can cause infinite loop (high cpu/memory). Fixed - Transaction groups continue to run when project is disabled. Fixed - Possible error initializing tags when using bound alarm deadband (using OPC tags inside of a UDT). Fixed - Alarms won't clear if value comes in during bad quality. Fixed - UDT parameter data type is not imported correctly from xml. Fixed - The AlertCurrentSeverity property on tags is not updated correctly. Gateway Web Interface Added Functionality - If a user enters the wrong credentials five times, log-on will be locked out for five minutes. Improved Functionality - Major speedup to homepage loading time, especially when many projects are listed. Fixed - Errors occurred during installation of a module were getting swallowed and not show to the user, only logged. Added Functionality - Added option to the copy-project page to make the new copy disabled, useful for making backups of projects. Fixed - Fixed the OPC quick client live values function. Fixed - Fixed the 'write' functionality in the OPC Quick-Client. Gateway Added Functionality - Added new option to user sources: "Cache Validation Timeout" which specifies the amount of time between updates to the cache for a user source. This option was added to cut down on network traffic for AD user sources. Fixed - The spaces were being stripped off of passwords during validation, password setting, and logging into the gateway. Added Functionality - Exposed attribute for user's full name for AD sources. Fixed - When adding two consecutive users with the same password, the password wasn't saved correctly because property change events aren't fired unless the properties are the same. So, the password is set to "" after every password setting. Fixed - A read timeout option has been added to the three AD user sources which specifies the time allowed for LDAP read operations. Fixed - Historical pre-processing system can hold database connections open for long periods of time, causing misleading status displays and stats. Fixed - Existing duplicate authentication profiles cause faulted gateway on 7.6 upgrade Scripting Added Functionality - The system.alarm.acknowldege function now is available from Gateway scripts. An extra string argument specifying the name of the user who acknowledged the alarm has been added as the third argument. Added Functionality - Added the option in system.dataset.toCSV to export with or without localization. Non-localized strings allow the CSV to be re-imported more reliably. Alarming Fixed - Alarm status queries with multiple path constraints can result in duplicate results. Modified Functionality - Dynamic changes to alarm active and clear time deadbands will now immediately affect outstanding events. Fixed - Alarm events now drop out of notification pipelines when the alarm enabled property becomes false. Fixed - Fixes bug where the pipeline drop-down boxes when editing an alarm was populated using only the leaf node of a pipeline's path, instead of the entire path, causing pipelines residing inside folders and jump blocks targeting pipelines inside folders to not work correctly. Fixed - Alarm deadband doesn't work for equality alarm type. Fixed - When using an alarm with a bound setpoint and non-zero deadband, changing the setpoint by more than the deadband while active does not cause the tag to become clear. Added Functionality - New itemPath and itemName properties available for use in alarm messages and expressions. Fixed - "Any Change" alarm mode not visible for Above/Below Setpoint modes. "Legacy Send Clear" not editable if set on the alarm. Fixed - Legacy alarm upgrader ensures that "Send Clear" is enabled on "any change" mode alarms. Fixed - Legacy "Send Clear" alarm property not being displayed on upgraded alarms. SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Code Review Fixed - system.tag.read() and .readAll() return different results for disabled tags. Both now return [null, disabled]. Gateway Fixed - String typed OPC items become Int4 after upgrade to 7.6.2 Vision - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - When editing the Client Menu Bar items, you can now add items back in if you removed all the root items. Fixed - Fixed issue that caused the font editor to not be editable by directly typing in changes to the font. Fixed - Fixed ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception on edit of datasets for PMIChart. Fixed - The script editor window now opens in the same place is it was previously after the first time it has been opened. Components Added Functionality - The Tree View component now allows updating of nodes without the collapsing of tree paths or the altering of selection. Also, the Auto Expand property only applies on startup or if there are any structural changes to the Tree View. Added Functionality - Made the Bar Chart's 'data' property a bound property so that it fires property change events. Fixed - Shelving alarms with blank display paths in the alarm status table can cause all alarms to be shelved. Added Functionality - The "visible" property is now available for being bound to on most components. Fixed - The Numeric Label component now can correctly display semi-transparent backgrounds. The "opaque" property is now called "fillBackground" Added Functionality - New extension function "configureChart" allows for easy scripting access to the underlying chart inside the Classic Chart component and correct timing for altering that chart via scripting. Added Functionality - Now the classic chart component supports subplots for category plots. Added Functionality - Added ability to select dot size for the Easy Chart's dot style renderer Added Functionality - The Table component now has an option for touch screen mode: Automatic or None. In Automatic mode, editable columns are touchscreen-aware and will pop up an appropriate popup keyboard. In None mode, editable columns have no special handling for touchscreen mode. Added Functionality - The ability to disable the Comments Panel has been added. Added Functionality - New features for the alarm status table: Better sorting control, new onDoubleClicked extension function, and binding control over filtering parameters. Fixed - Fixed bug in the Table component that could cause large datasets to not be sorted correctly when using the built-in sorting. Added Functionality - New extension functions on alarm status and alarm journal tables to allow for custom filtering. Added Functionality - New extension functions on alarm status table for controlling availability of acknowledgement and shelving UI. Added Functionality - Added a "Notes area" to the alarm status and alarm journal tables, to have a place where the notes for the selected alarm(s) is viewable in a multi-line format. Added Functionality - Alarm Status Table and Alarm Journal Table now have a customizable date format. Added Functionality - There have been properties added to allow the user to customize the format of the decimal representation of the x-trace values in easy chart. These properties are called X-trace Large Number Format, X-Trace Small Number Format, and X-Trace Number Format Threshold. If a number is below the threshold, the small number format is used. Otherwise, the large number format is used. Added Functionality - Added "enabled" properties to the Alarm Status Table and Alarm Journal Table components. Added Functionality - Added a max-hold time to the Momentary Button component. Client Fixed - Interval based tag history binding with non divisible range to interval ratio leads to large query window. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Server Fixed - Fixed a bug in AbstractDriver that could lead to "removeNode() called with a difference Node instance than was added" warnings when restarting/reconnecting a driver/module.This bug had no ill side effects other than the warning message. Client Modified Functionality - Subscriptions set to a rate of zero now get their items unsubscribe instead of having publishing disabled. When using Ignition's built-in OPC-UA server this will result in polling at the driver level for those items stopping as well. Added Functionality - Added support for writing array values. Misc - null ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Updated the PDF Viewer module so that it correctly keeps PDFs open across window opens/closes. Mobile - ========================================================================================== Backend Fixed - Fixed "Too Long for RSA" error message when logging into the mobile module with a very long username. Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Email Fixed - Fixed a bug that caused email to a user with multiple email addresses defined, one or more of which was empty, to fail. Added Functionality - Added an advanced setting to email notification profiles that allows Java mail Session debugging to be turned on/off. Alarm Gateway Fixed - Fixed issue that caused user's schedule adjustments to not be evaluated correctly during alarm notification. Reporting - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - The reporting component did not accept the column types returned by the query alarm status call. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Fixed - Production rate per hour calculation jumps high after a communication loss occurs. Fixed - PMIScheduleLineView does not correctly show runs that have been ran if the schedule is outside the view dates but the run is in the view dates Fixed - PMIProductCodeSelector can start a run if the selectedProductCode property is written to directly with an unknown product code. Added - PMIScheduleSelector properties to ignore disabled work orders or inactive product codes Added - PMIProductioLineSelector properties line name filter and item path filter to allow filtering of the lines displayed in the selector Added - PMIScheduleLineView property eventDisplayFormat to allow custom description on schedule items Added - script function to set the maximum percentage of the OEE factors, system.oee.setOEEFactorCap(key, maxPercent). Previously were capped at 100%. Improved - Product Code tables components (Product Code Table, Product Code Line Table and Product Code Properties Table) will auto link when dropped on a container. Added - PostgreSQL database support Fixed - PMIProductionCommentsPanel, PMIRunScheduleController, PMIProductCodeSelector and PMIProductCodeLineTable generates a console error when dropped on a window. Added - Read Only property to PMIProductCodeTable, PMIProductCodeLineTable and PMIProductCodePropertiesTable Added - tag drag and drop capability in production model. Fixed - shift could not be determined if checking exactly at midnight. Fixed - Redundant backup node not getting correct active status when restarted. Fixed - adding a OPC server causes console error Downtime Fixed - Cell Planned Downtime being recorded as un-planned downtime at the line level. Problem introduced in RC-1. Fixed - Downtime analysis compare by shift not correct with runs that span multiple days Fixed - Non defined reason code always records as code 0. Need to log and record the actual code so it can be properly handled. Fixed - Downtime table does not display downtime events if the reason description is not found. Only can see it in analysis. Fixed - Cell group downtime time not acurate when run starts with cell group cell(s) down. Fixed - Historical downtime edit would not carry through time adjustments to analysis. Instrument Interface Fixed - FileMonitorController not stopping auto monitoring of files until client closed. Schedule Fixed - Schedule View component not updating active run completion automatically. Fixed - Allow schedule view to display percent done even if greater than 100% Fixed - reset schedule cache script function is always returning false. Fixed - Schedule vs Actual binding function showing any non recordable downtime as planned. If downtime is not recordable or planned it should display as other. SPC/Quality Added - Log sql tag path if the sql tag collector tag is not found, previosly was just logging an NPE Fixed - Sample Intervals "Once at Production Start" and "Once at Production End" not creating a scheduled sample. Improved - SPC Tag Collector execution times. Added - Line color property to control limits. The color is defined in the designer in the control limit definition. Each control limit definition can have their own color. The color is used to display the control limit on control charts. Added - New marker symbol for control limit that matches the same color as the control limit. Added - New marker image path property to the control charts so that a custom marker image can be displayed in place of the default marker symbol. Added - New font property to the control charts for the marker labels. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== SQLTags Fixed - Unknown column error when listing historical tags from Oracle. Redundancy Fixed - Partial history mode does not function properly, data is held instead of forwarded by the backup node. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Fixed the bug where the Numeric Text Field was always in overwrite mode. Fixed - Fixed potential NPE setting the selected tab of a tab strip in a binding on client startup. Client Fixed - When menu items with no children were added to the top-level of the client menu bar, they took up too much space. This has been fixed. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Client Fixed - Fixed race condition that could cause some tags coming from an OPC-UA connection to NOT receive their initial value. For tags with static values this would leave the tag with a bad quality and no value. Commonly, the value could then be obtained by disabling and then re-enabling the tag (or any other action that caused the tag to be re-subscribed). Mobile - ========================================================================================== UI Fixed - Mobile module's project login page now checks the project's required roles earlier, to avoid an unnecessary load. Won't Fix - Mobile homepage now requires login if the regular homepage is role-restricted. Added Functionality - Mobile keyboard now automatically shows up when a text component is focused. Fixed - Mobile module now uses custom project icons. Added Functionality - Mobile client can now detect orientation change (portrait vs landscape) and change the size of the project automatically if the project is in fit-to-device mode. Added Functionality - Auto-fit to device now correctly detects mobile browser size. Added Functionality - New built-in keyboard for mobile clients makes input consistent across all mobile devices. Added Functionality - Mobile module has newly-redesigned menu bar to replace old circle menu Backend Added Functionality - Session timeout for mobile sessions is now user-definable. Added Functionality - URL parameters passed into the mobile page now are assigned to same-named client tags, if applicable. Added Functionality - Mobile module now works with Java 7. Note: Java 6 is no longer supported for the Mobile Module. Added Functionality - Mobile client now can recover from network errors such as timeouts. A reconnecting screen is shown, which goes away if the connection is re-established. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Fixed - Fixed "Received (successful) but there is a group number miss match." warning message from showing in the logs. This was caused when writing strings to the ControlLogix or CompactLogix processors and had no negative effects other than the warning message. MicroLogix/PLC5/SLC Drivers Fixed - Fixed issue where SLC, MicroLogix and PLC5 driver hangs when Ownership Conflict (0x6A) status received for read requests. TCP/UDP Driver - ========================================================================================== TCP Driver Fixed - *IMPORTANT* The tag addresses for the message, field value, last write time, and write-back message tags has changed. The OPC item path for SQLTags using these values must be updated.Fixed bug in the TCP driver that could cause it not work start or function properly when the message delimiter, field delimiter, or write-back message delimiter settings were empty. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Fixed - Production rate per hour calculation jumps high after a communication loss occurs. Fixed - Additional factors in production model does not allow tag drag-n-drop Fixed - PMIProductCodeSelector can start a run if the selectedProductCode property is written to directly with a unknown product code. Added - Line name filter and item path filter properties to Production Line Selector. Allows filtering of the lines displayed in the selector Added - script function to set the max OEE factor percentage. Improved - Product code tables will auto-link when dropped on a container. Added - PostgreSQL support Added - read only property to product code components Fixed - PMProductionCommentsPanel, PMIProductCodeSelector, PMIProductCodeLineTable causes a console error when dropped on a window. Added - Tag drag and drop capability in production model. Fixed - shift could not be determined if checking exactly at midnight. Fixed - Redundant backup node not getting correct active status when restarted. Fixed - Production model popup menu on a certain tables causes error if a row is not selected. Downtime Fixed - Cell Planned Downtime being recorded as un-planned downtime at the line level. Problem introduced in build Fixed - Non defined reason code always records as code 0. Need to log and record the actual code so it can be properly handled. Fixed - Downtime table does not display downtime events if the reason description is not found. Only can see it in analysis. Fixed - Cell group downtime time not acurate when run starts with cell group cell(s) down. Fixed - Historical downtime edit would not carry through time adjustments to analysis Fixed - Downtime analysis does not display notes unless filtered on "Note exists". Fixed - If a downtime reason is defined for reason code 1 it displays as an active downtime description but no downtime is recorded. (Defining a reason for code 1 should have no effect on the system since this is the reserved running state.) Analysis Fixed - Downtime analysis compare by Shift is incorrect with runs that span multiple days. Added - slide out panel to Analysis Selector. Replaces pop-up list. Fixed - "Save As" not working in Pie and Bar chart on Analysis window. Recipe Fixed - Recipe export will add .csv extension if none is given. Instrument Interface Fixed - FileMonitorController was not stopping auto monitoring of files once started. Schedule Added - PMILineScheduleSelector properties to ignore disabled work orders or inactive product codes Added - PMIScheduleLineView property eventDisplayFormat to allow custom description on schedule items Fixed - PMIScheduleLineView not displaying actual run times that differ greatly from the schedule. Fixed - Schedule View component not updating active run completion automatically. Fixed - Allow schedule view to display percent done even if greater than 100% Fixed - reset schedule cache script function is always returning false. Fixed - Schedule vs Actual binding function showing any non recordable downtime as planned. If downtime is not recordable or planned it should display as other. SPC Fixed - sample intervals once at production start and end not working Fixed - Gateway log error when trying to set a control limit to an invalid value. Improved - Method to determine collector active samples Fixed - Inactive signals are being evaluated Fixed - SPC quality definitions and samples are not being propagated to the auxiliary/mirror datasource Fixed - Issue where tag collectors were scheduling samples instead of creating samples with measurements. Added - Additional factors property to SPC Controller component. This allows displaying additional factor values in the table of value and attribute based control chart components. Added - Scroll X property to value and attribute based control chart components to reflect the scroll position of the table. Fixed - Timed Interval (Seconds) depends on Trace to be enabled to calculate. Added - Line color property to control limits. The color is defined in the designer in the control limit definition. Each control limit definition can have their own color. The color is used to display the control limit on control charts. Added - New marker symbol for control limit that matches the same color as the control limit. Added - New marker image path property to the control charts so that a custom marker image can be displayed in place of the default marker symbol. Added - New font property to the control charts for the marker labels. General - 7.6.3-rc3 ========================================================================================== Build Fixed - Installers would throw an error when attempting to run install-ignition.bat when 8dot3name is disabled on a machine running Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 7 or Windows 8. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Added Functionality - An options dialog now pops up when a user tries to write to a tag in the designer when not in full read/write mode. The user can either not write to the tag, enable read/write mode and write to tag, or write once. Fixed - When switching between the extension function panel and the event handler panel, the event handler scripts could be inadvertently removed. Fixed - Fixed bug that could case event scripts to not work after doing a "Save As" Misc Modified Functionality - The Ignition Platform and module version numbers have been updated. The new format is major.minor.revision.YYYYMMDDHH. For example, Platform version will now be Gateway Web Interface Added Functionality - If a user enters the wrong credentials five times, log-on will be locked out for five minutes. Fixed - Fixed the OPC quick client live values function. Fixed - Fixed the 'write' functionality in the OPC Quick-Client. SQLTags Fixed - Transaction groups continue to run when project is disabled. Fixed - Possible error initializing tags when using bound alarm deadband (using OPC tags inside of a UDT). Fixed - Alarms won't clear if value comes in during bad quality. Fixed - UDT parameter data type is not imported correctly from xml. Fixed - The AlertCurrentSeverity property on tags is not updated correctly. Gateway Added Functionality - Exposed attribute for user's full name for AD sources. Fixed - When adding two consecutive users with the same password, the password wasn't saved correctly because property change events aren't fired unless the properties are the same. So, the password is set to "" after every password setting. Fixed - A read timeout option has been added to the three AD user sources which specifies the time allowed for LDAP read operations. Fixed - Historical pre-processing system can hold database connections open for long periods of time, causing misleading status displays and stats. Fixed - Existing duplicate authentication profiles cause faulted gateway on 7.6 upgrade Added Functionality - Added new option to user sources: "Cache Validation Timeout" which specifies the amount of time between updates to the cache for a user source. This option was added to cut down on network traffic for AD user sources. Scripting Added Functionality - Added the option in system.dataset.toCSV to export with or without localization. Non-localized strings allow the CSV to be re-imported more reliably. Added Functionality - The system.alarm.acknowldege function now is available from Gateway scripts. An extra string argument specifying the name of the user who acknowledged the alarm has been added as the third argument. Alarming Fixed - Alarm deadband doesn't work for equality alarm type. Fixed - When using an alarm with a bound setpoint and non-zero deadband, changing the setpoint by more than the deadband while active does not cause the tag to become clear. Added Functionality - New itemPath and itemName properties available for use in alarm messages and expressions. Fixed - "Any Change" alarm mode not visible for Above/Below Setpoint modes. "Legacy Send Clear" not editable if set on the alarm. Fixed - Legacy alarm upgrader ensures that "Send Clear" is enabled on "any change" mode alarms. Fixed - Legacy "Send Clear" alarm property not being displayed on upgraded alarms. SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Code Review Fixed - system.tag.read() and .readAll() return different results for disabled tags. Both now return [null, disabled]. Gateway Fixed - String typed OPC items become Int4 after upgrade to 7.6.2 Vision - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - The script editor window now opens in the same place is it was previously after the first time it has been opened. Components Added Functionality - There have been properties added to allow the user to customize the format of the decimal representation of the x-trace values in easy chart. These properties are called X-trace Large Number Format, X-Trace Small Number Format, and X-Trace Number Format Threshold. If a number is below the threshold, the small number format is used. Otherwise, the large number format is used. Added Functionality - Added "enabled" properties to the Alarm Status Table and Alarm Journal Table components. Added Functionality - New extension functions on alarm status table for controlling availability of acknowledgement and shelving UI. Added Functionality - Added a "Notes area" to the alarm status and alarm journal tables, to have a place where the notes for the selected alarm(s) is viewable in a multi-line format. Added Functionality - Alarm Status Table and Alarm Journal Table now have a customizable date format. Added Functionality - Added a max-hold time to the Momentary Button component. Added Functionality - New extension functions on alarm status and alarm journal tables to allow for custom filtering. Fixed - Fixed bug in the Table component that could cause large datasets to not be sorted correctly when using the built-in sorting. Client Fixed - Interval based tag history binding with non divisible range to interval ratio leads to large query window. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Server Fixed - Fixed a bug in AbstractDriver that could lead to "removeNode() called with a difference Node instance than was added" warnings when restarting/reconnecting a driver/module.This bug had no ill side effects other than the warning message. Client Added Functionality - Added support for writing array values. Misc - null ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Updated the PDF Viewer module so that it correctly keeps PDFs open across window opens/closes. Mobile - ========================================================================================== Backend Fixed - Fixed "Too Long for RSA" error message when logging into the mobile module with a very long username. Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Email Added Functionality - Added an advanced setting to email notification profiles that allows Java mail Session debugging to be turned on/off. Reporting - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - The reporting component did not accept the column types returned by the query alarm status call. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Fixed - PMIScheduleLineView does not correctly show runs that have been ran if the schedule is outside the view dates but the run is in the view dates Fixed - PMIProductCodeSelector can start a run if the selectedProductCode property is written to directly with an unknown product code. Added - PMIScheduleSelector properties to ignore disabled work orders or inactive product codes Added - PMIProductioLineSelector properties line name filter and item path filter to allow filtering of the lines displayed in the selector Added - PMIScheduleLineView property eventDisplayFormat to allow custom description on schedule items Added - script function to set the maximum percentage of the OEE factors, system.oee.setOEEFactorCap(key, maxPercent). Previously were capped at 100%. Improved - Product Code tables components (Product Code Table, Product Code Line Table and Product Code Properties Table) will auto link when dropped on a container. Added - PostgreSQL database support Fixed - PMIProductionCommentsPanel, PMIRunScheduleController, PMIProductCodeSelector and PMIProductCodeLineTable generates a console error when dropped on a window. Added - Read Only property to PMIProductCodeTable, PMIProductCodeLineTable and PMIProductCodePropertiesTable Added - tag drag and drop capability in production model. Fixed - shift could not be determined if checking exactly at midnight. Fixed - Redundant backup node not getting correct active status when restarted. Fixed - adding a OPC server causes console error Downtime Fixed - Downtime analysis compare by shift not correct with runs that span multiple days Fixed - Non defined reason code always records as code 0. Need to log and record the actual code so it can be properly handled. Fixed - Downtime table does not display downtime events if the reason description is not found. Only can see it in analysis. Fixed - Cell group downtime time not acurate when run starts with cell group cell(s) down. Fixed - Historical downtime edit would not carry through time adjustments to analysis. Instrument Interface Fixed - FileMonitorController not stopping auto monitoring of files until client closed. Schedule Fixed - Schedule View component not updating active run completion automatically. Fixed - Allow schedule view to display percent done even if greater than 100% Fixed - reset schedule cache script function is always returning false. Fixed - Schedule vs Actual binding function showing any non recordable downtime as planned. If downtime is not recordable or planned it should display as other. SPC/Quality Fixed - Sample Intervals "Once at Production Start" and "Once at Production End" not creating a scheduled sample. Improved - SPC Tag Collector execution times. Added - Line color property to control limits. The color is defined in the designer in the control limit definition. Each control limit definition can have their own color. The color is used to display the control limit on control charts. Added - New marker symbol for control limit that matches the same color as the control limit. Added - New marker image path property to the control charts so that a custom marker image can be displayed in place of the default marker symbol. Added - New font property to the control charts for the marker labels. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== SQLTags Fixed - Unknown column error when listing historical tags from Oracle. Redundancy Fixed - Partial history mode does not function properly, data is held instead of forwarded by the backup node. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Fixed the bug where the Numeric Text Field was always in overwrite mode. Fixed - Fixed potential NPE setting the selected tab of a tab strip in a binding on client startup. Client Fixed - When menu items with no children were added to the top-level of the client menu bar, they took up too much space. This has been fixed. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Client Fixed - Fixed race condition that could cause some tags coming from an OPC-UA connection to NOT receive their initial value. For tags with static values this would leave the tag with a bad quality and no value. Commonly, the value could then be obtained by disabling and then re-enabling the tag (or any other action that caused the tag to be re-subscribed). Mobile - ========================================================================================== UI Fixed - Mobile module's project login page now checks the project's required roles earlier, to avoid an unnecessary load. Fixed - Mobile homepage now requires login if the regular homepage is role-restricted. Added Functionality - Mobile keyboard now automatically shows up when a text component is focused. Fixed - Mobile module now uses custom project icons. Added Functionality - Mobile client can now detect orientation change (portrait vs landscape) and change the size of the project automatically if the project is in fit-to-device mode. Added Functionality - Auto-fit to device now correctly detects mobile browser size. Added Functionality - New built-in keyboard for mobile clients makes input consistent across all mobile devices. Added Functionality - Mobile module has newly-redesigned menu bar to replace old circle menu Backend Added Functionality - Session timeout for mobile sessions is now user-definable. Added Functionality - URL parameters passed into the mobile page now are assigned to same-named client tags, if applicable. Added Functionality - Mobile module now works with Java 7. Note: Java 6 is no longer supported for the Mobile Module. Added Functionality - Mobile client now can recover from network errors such as timeouts. A reconnecting screen is shown, which goes away if the connection is re-established. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Fixed - Fixed "Received (successful) but there is a group number miss match." warning message from showing in the logs. This was caused when writing strings to the ControlLogix or CompactLogix processors and had no negative effects other than the warning message. MicroLogix/PLC5/SLC Drivers Fixed - Fixed issue where SLC, MicroLogix and PLC5 driver hangs when Ownership Conflict (0x6A) status received for read requests. TCP/UDP Driver - ========================================================================================== TCP Driver Fixed - *IMPORTANT* The tag addresses for the message, field value, last write time, and write-back message tags has changed. The OPC item path for SQLTags using these values must be updated.Fixed bug in the TCP driver that could cause it not work start or function properly when the message delimiter, field delimiter, or write-back message delimiter settings were empty. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== NOTE: All installed MES installer modules will need to be upgraded to this release. These include: SPC-Installer, RECIPE-Installer and OEEDT-Installer. General Added - script function to set the max OEE factor percentage. Improved - Product code tables will auto-link when dropped on a container. Added - PostgreSQL support Added - read only property to product code components Fixed - PMProductionCommentsPanel, PMIProductCodeSelector, PMIProductCodeLineTable causes a console error when dropped on a window. Added - Tag drag and drop capability in production model. Fixed - shift could not be determined if checking exactly at midnight. Fixed - Redundant backup node not getting correct active status when restarted. Fixed - Production model popup menu on a certain tables causes error if a row is not selected. Downtime Fixed - Non defined reason code always records as code 0. Need to log and record the actual code so it can be properly handled. Fixed - Downtime table does not display downtime events if the reason description is not found. Only can see it in analysis. Fixed - Cell group downtime time not acurate when run starts with cell group cell(s) down. Fixed - Historical downtime edit would not carry through time adjustments to analysis Fixed - Downtime analysis does not display notes unless filtered on "Note exists". Fixed - If a downtime reason is defined for reason code 1 it displays as an active downtime description but no downtime is recorded. (Defining a reason for code 1 should have no effect on the system since this is the reserved running state.) Analysis Added - slide out panel to Analysis Selector. Replaces pop-up list. Fixed - "Save As" not working in Pie and Bar chart on Analysis window. Recipe Fixed - Recipe export will add .csv extension if none is given. Instrument Interface Fixed - FileMonitorController was not stopping auto monitoring of files once started. Schedule Fixed - Schedule View component not updating active run completion automatically. Fixed - Allow schedule view to display percent done even if greater than 100% Fixed - reset schedule cache script function is always returning false. Fixed - Schedule vs Actual binding function showing any non recordable downtime as planned. If downtime is not recordable or planned it should display as other. SPC Improved - Method to determine collector active samples Fixed - Inactive signals are being evaluated Fixed - SPC quality definitions and samples are not being propagated to the auxiliary/mirror datasource Fixed - Issue where tag collectors were scheduling samples instead of creating samples with measurements. Added - Additional factors property to SPC Controller component. This allows displaying additional factor values in the table of value and attribute based control chart components. Added - Scroll X property to value and attribute based control chart components to reflect the scroll position of the table. Fixed - Timed Interval (Seconds) depends on Trace to be enabled to calculate. Added - Line color property to control limits. The color is defined in the designer in the control limit definition. Each control limit definition can have their own color. The color is used to display the control limit on control charts. Added - New marker symbol for control limit that matches the same color as the control limit. Added - New marker image path property to the control charts so that a custom marker image can be displayed in place of the default marker symbol. Added - New font property to the control charts for the marker labels. General - 7.6.3-rc2 ========================================================================================== Build Fixed - Installers would throw an error when attempting to run install-ignition.bat when 8dot3name is disabled on a machine running Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 7 or Windows 8. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - When switching between the extension function panel and the event handler panel, the event handler scripts could be inadvertently removed. Misc Fixed - Added the option to export dataset to csv with localized strings, but made the default have non-localized strings. The Dataset Editor's copy functionality only works with non-localized strings. SQLTags Fixed - Transaction groups continue to run when project is disabled. Fixed - Possible error initializing tags when using bound alarm deadband (using OPC tags inside of a UDT). Fixed - Alarms won't clear if value comes in during bad quality. Fixed - UDT parameter data type is not imported correctly from xml. Fixed - The AlertCurrentSeverity property on tags is not updated correctly. Gateway Web Interface Added Functionality - If a user enters the wrong credentials five times, log-on will be locked out for five minutes. Fixed - Fixed the 'write' functionality in the OPC Quick-Client. Fixed - Fixed the OPC quick client live values function. Gateway Fixed - A read timeout option has been added to the three AD user sources which specifies the time allowed for LDAP read operations. It is an advanced option on the web interface. Fixed - Historical pre-processing system can hold database connections open for long periods of time, causing misleading status displays and stats. Fixed - Existing duplicate authentication profiles cause faulted gateway on 7.6 upgrade Fixed - When adding two consecutive users with the same password, the password wasn't saved correctly because property change events aren't fired unless the properties are the same. So, the password is set to "" after every password setting. Added Functionality - Added new option to user sources: "Cache Validation Timeout" which specifies the amount of time between updates to the cache for a user source. This option was added to cut down on network traffic for AD user sources. Added Functionality - Exposed attribute for user's full name for AD sources. Alarming Fixed - Alarm deadband doesn't work for equality alarm type. Fixed - When using an alarm with a bound setpoint and non-zero deadband, changing the setpoint by more than the deadband while active does not cause the tag to become clear. Added Functionality - New itemPath and itemName properties available for use in alarm messages and expressions. Fixed - "Any Change" alarm mode not visible for Above/Below Setpoint modes. "Legacy Send Clear" not editable if set on the alarm. Fixed - Legacy alarm upgrader ensures that "Send Clear" is enabled on "any change" mode alarms. Fixed - Legacy "Send Clear" alarm property not being displayed on upgraded alarms. SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Code Review Fixed - system.tag.read() and .readAll() return different results for disabled tags. Both now return [null, disabled]. Gateway Fixed - String typed OPC items become Int4 after upgrade to 7.6.2 Vision - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - The script editor window now opens in the same place is it was previously after the first time it has been opened. Components Added Functionality - There have been properties added to allow the user to customize the format of the decimal representation of the x-trace values in easy chart. These properties are called X-trace Large Number Format, X-Trace Small Number Format, and X-Trace Number Format Threshold. If a number is below the threshold, the small number format is used. Otherwise, the large number format is used. Added Functionality - Added "enabled" properties to the Alarm Status Table and Alarm Journal Table components. Added Functionality - Added a max-hold time to the Momentary Button component. Fixed - Fixed the problem with Easy chart X-trace not printing correctly. Client Fixed - Interval based tag history binding with non divisible range to interval ratio leads to large query window. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Server Fixed - Fixed a bug in AbstractDriver that could lead to "removeNode() called with a difference Node instance than was added" warnings when restarting/reconnecting a driver/module.This bug had no ill side effects other than the warning message. Misc - null ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Updated the PDF Viewer module so that it correctly keeps PDFs open across window opens/closes. Reporting - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - The reporting component did not accept the column types returned by the query alarm status call. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Added - script function to set the maximum percentage of the OEE factors, system.oee.setOEEFactorCap(key, maxPercent). Previously were capped at 100%. Improved - Product Code tables components (Product Code Table, Product Code Line Table and Product Code Properties Table) will auto link when dropped on a container. Added - PostgreSQL database support Fixed - PMIProductionCommentsPanel, PMIRunScheduleController, PMIProductCodeSelector and PMIProductCodeLineTable generates a console error when dropped on a window. Added - Read Only property to PMIProductCodeTable, PMIProductCodeLineTable and PMIProductCodePropertiesTable Added - tag drag and drop capability in production model. Fixed - shift could not be determined if checking exactly at midnight. Fixed - Redundant backup node not getting correct active status when restarted. Fixed - adding a OPC server causes console error Downtime Fixed - Downtime analysis compare by shift not correct with runs that span multiple days Fixed - Non defined reason code always records as code 0. Need to log and record the actual code so it can be properly handled. Fixed - Downtime table does not display downtime events if the reason description is not found. Only can see it in analysis. Fixed - Cell group downtime time not acurate when run starts with cell group cell(s) down. Fixed - Historical downtime edit would not carry through time adjustments to analysis. Instrument Interface Fixed - FileMonitorController not stopping auto monitoring of files until client closed. Schedule Fixed - Schedule View component not updating active run completion automatically. Fixed - Allow schedule view to display percent done even if greater than 100% Fixed - reset schedule cache script function is always returning false. Fixed - Schedule vs Actual binding function showing any non recordable downtime as planned. If downtime is not recordable or planned it should display as other. SPC Improved - SPC Tag Collector execution times. Added - Line color property to control limits. The color is defined in the designer in the control limit definition. Each control limit definition can have their own color. The color is used to display the control limit on control charts. Added - New marker symbol for control limit that matches the same color as the control limit. Added - New marker image path property to the control charts so that a custom marker image can be displayed in place of the default marker symbol. Added - New font property to the control charts for the marker labels. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== SQLTags Fixed - Unknown column error when listing historical tags from Oracle. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Client Fixed - Fixed race condition that could cause some tags coming from an OPC-UA connection to NOT receive their initial value. For tags with static values this would leave the tag with a bad quality and no value. Commonly, the value could then be obtained by disabling and then re-enabling the tag (or any other action that caused the tag to be re-subscribed). Mobile - ========================================================================================== UI Added Functionality - New built-in keyboard for mobile clients makes input consistent across all mobile devices. Fixed - Mobile module now uses custom project icons. Fixed - Mobile module's project login page now checks the project's required roles earlier, to avoid an unnecessary load. Fixed - Mobile homepage now requires login if the regular homepage is role-restricted. Added Functionality - Auto-fit to device now correctly detects mobile browser size. Added Functionality - Mobile client can now detect orientation change (portrait vs landscape) and change the size of the project automatically if the project is in fit-to-device mode. Added Functionality - Mobile keyboard now automatically shows up when a text component is focused. Added Functionality - Mobile module has newly-redesigned menu bar to replace old circle menu Backend Added Functionality - Mobile client now can recover from network errors such as timeouts. A reconnecting screen is shown, which goes away if the connection is re-established. Added Functionality - Mobile module now works with Java 7. Note: Java 6 is no longer supported for the Mobile Module. Added Functionality - URL parameters passed into the mobile page now are assigned to same-named client tags, if applicable. Added Functionality - Session timeout for mobile sessions is now user-definable. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== NOTE: All MES installer modules will need to be upgraded to this release. These include: SPC-Installer, RECIPE-Installer and OEEDT-Installer. General Added - read only property to product code components Fixed - PMProductionCommentsPanel causes a console error when dropped on a window. The linePath was null when notifySessionListener was called. Fixed - PMIProductCodeSelector generates a console error when dropped on a window. NotifySesionListener was not checking if linePath was null. Fixed - PMIProductCodeLineTable generates a console error when dropped on a window. refreshList was not checking if productCodeID was null. Fixed - PMProductionCommentsPanel causes a console error when dropped on a window. The linePath was null when notifySessionListener was called. Added - tag drag and drop capability in production model. Downtime Fixed - Non defined reason code always records as code 0. Need to log and record the actual code so it can be properly handled. Fixed - Downtime table does not display downtime events if the reason description is not found. Only can see it in analysis. Fixed - Cell group downtime time not acurate when run starts with cell group cell(s) down. Analysis Added - slide out panel to Analysis Selector. Replaces pop-up list. Recipe Fixed - Recipe export will add .csv extension if none is given. SPC Added - Line color property to control limits. The color is defined in the designer in the control limit definition. Each control limit definition can have their own color. The color is used to display the control limit on control charts. Added - New marker symbol for control limit that matches the same color as the control limit. Added - New marker image path property to the control charts so that a custom marker image can be displayed in place of the default marker symbol. Added - New font property to the control charts for the marker labels. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== SQLTags Fixed - Unknown column error when listing historical tags from Oracle. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Client Fixed - Fixed race condition that could cause some tags coming from an OPC-UA connection to NOT receive their initial value. For tags with static values this would leave the tag with a bad quality and no value. Commonly, the value could then be obtained by disabling and then re-enabling the tag (or any other action that caused the tag to be re-subscribed). Mobile - ========================================================================================== UI Added Functionality - New built-in keyboard for mobile clients makes input consistent across all mobile devices. Fixed - Mobile module now uses custom project icons. Fixed - Mobile module's project login page now checks the project's required roles earlier, to avoid an unnecessary load. Fixed - Mobile homepage now requires login if the regular homepage is role-restricted. Added Functionality - Auto-fit to device now correctly detects mobile browser size. Added Functionality - Mobile client can now detect orientation change (portrait vs landscape) and change the size of the project automatically if the project is in fit-to-device mode. Added Functionality - Mobile keyboard now automatically shows up when a text component is focused. Added Functionality - Mobile module has newly-redesigned menu bar to replace old circle menu Backend Added Functionality - Mobile client now can recover from network errors such as timeouts. A reconnecting screen is shown, which goes away if the connection is re-established. Added Functionality - Mobile module now works with Java 7. Note: Java 6 is no longer supported for the Mobile Module. Added Functionality - URL parameters passed into the mobile page now are assigned to same-named client tags, if applicable. Added Functionality - Session timeout for mobile sessions is now user-definable. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== NOTE: All MES installer modules will need to be upgraded to this release. These include: SPC-Installer, RECIPE-Installer and OEEDT-Installer. General Added - read only property to product code components Fixed - PMProductionCommentsPanel causes a console error when dropped on a window. The linePath was null when notifySessionListener was called. Fixed - PMIProductCodeSelector generates a console error when dropped on a window. NotifySesionListener was not checking if linePath was null. Fixed - PMIProductCodeLineTable generates a console error when dropped on a window. refreshList was not checking if productCodeID was null. Fixed - PMProductionCommentsPanel causes a console error when dropped on a window. The linePath was null when notifySessionListener was called. Added - tag drag and drop capability in production model. Downtime Fixed - Non defined reason code always records as code 0. Need to log and record the actual code so it can be properly handled. Fixed - Downtime table does not display downtime events if the reason description is not found. Only can see it in analysis. Fixed - Cell group downtime time not acurate when run starts with cell group cell(s) down. Analysis Added - slide out panel to Analysis Selector. Replaces pop-up list. Recipe Fixed - Recipe export will add .csv extension if none is given. SPC Added - Line color property to control limits. The color is defined in the designer in the control limit definition. Each control limit definition can have their own color. The color is used to display the control limit on control charts. Added - New marker symbol for control limit that matches the same color as the control limit. Added - New marker image path property to the control charts so that a custom marker image can be displayed in place of the default marker symbol. Added - New font property to the control charts for the marker labels. General - 7.6.3-rc1 ========================================================================================== Build Fixed - Installers would throw an error when attempting to run install-ignition.bat when 8dot3name is disabled on a machine running Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 7 or Windows 8. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - When switching between the extension function panel and the event handler panel, the event handler scripts could be inadvertently removed. Misc Fixed - Added the option to export dataset to csv with localized strings, but made the default have non-localized strings. The Dataset Editor's copy functionality only works with non-localized strings. Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Fixed the 'write' functionality in the OPC Quick-Client. Fixed - Fixed the OPC quick client live values function. SQLTags Fixed - The AlertCurrentSeverity property on tags is not updated correctly. Fixed - Possible error initializing tags when using bound alarm deadband (using OPC tags inside of a UDT). Fixed - Alarms won't clear if value comes in during bad quality. Gateway Fixed - Historical pre-processing system can hold database connections open for long periods of time, causing misleading status displays and stats. Fixed - Existing duplicate authentication profiles cause faulted gateway on 7.6 upgrade Fixed - When adding two consecutive users with the same password, the password wasn't saved correctly because property change events aren't fired unless the properties are the same. So, the password is set to "" after every password setting. Added Functionality - Added new option to user sources: "Cache Validation Timeout" which specifies the amount of time between updates to the cache for a user source. This option was added to cut down on network traffic for AD user sources. Added Functionality - Exposed attribute for user's full name for AD sources. Alarming Fixed - Alarm deadband doesn't work for equality alarm type. Fixed - When using an alarm with a bound setpoint and non-zero deadband, changing the setpoint by more than the deadband while active does not cause the tag to become clear. Mobile - ========================================================================================== Backend Added Functionality - Mobile Module now requires Java 7, Java 6 is no longer supported for the Mobile Module. SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Code Review Fixed - system.tag.read() and .readAll() return different results for disabled tags. Both now return [null, disabled]. Vision - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - The script editor window now opens in the same place is it was previously after the first time it has been opened. Components Added Functionality - Added "enabled" properties to the Alarm Status Table and Alarm Journal Table components. Added Functionality - Added a max-hold time to the Momentary Button component. Fixed - Fixed the problem with Easy chart X-trace not printing correctly. Misc - null ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Updated the PDF Viewer module so that it correctly keeps PDFs open across window opens/closes. Reporting - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - The reporting component did not accept the column types returned by the query alarm status call. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Added - PostgreSQL database support Fixed - PMIProductionCommentsPanel, PMIRunScheduleController, PMIProductCodeSelector and PMIProductCodeLineTable generates a console error when dropped on a window. Added - Read Only property to PMIProductCodeTable, PMIProductCodeLineTable and PMIProductCodePropertiesTable Added - tag drag and drop capability in production model. Fixed - shift could not be determined if checking exactly at midnight. Fixed - Redundant backup node not getting correct active status when restarted. Fixed - adding a OPC server causes console error Downtime Fixed - Non defined reason code always records as code 0. Need to log and record the actual code so it can be properly handled. Fixed - Downtime table does not display downtime events if the reason description is not found. Only can see it in analysis. Fixed - Cell group downtime time not acurate when run starts with cell group cell(s) down. Fixed - Historical downtime edit would not carry through time adjustments to analysis. Instrument Interface Fixed - FileMonitorController not stopping auto monitoring of files until client closed. Schedule Fixed - Schedule View component not updating active run completion automatically. Fixed - Allow schedule view to display percent done even if greater than 100% Fixed - reset schedule cache script function is always returning false. Fixed - Schedule vs Actual binding function showing any non recordable downtime as planned. If downtime is not recordable or planned it should display as other. SPC Improved - SPC Tag Collector execution times. Added - Line color property to control limits. The color is defined in the designer in the control limit definition. Each control limit definition can have their own color. The color is used to display the control limit on control charts. Added - New marker symbol for control limit that matches the same color as the control limit. Added - New marker image path property to the control charts so that a custom marker image can be displayed in place of the default marker symbol. Added - New font property to the control charts for the marker labels. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Added Functionality - Added multi-column display option for the List component. Added the properties Layout Orientation and Visible Row Count. Added Functionality - In the script playground, a clear button was added that just clears the output. Added Functionality - Changed the Edit Tab Icon popup in tab strip customizer , so the user can select the icon and the icon alignment at the same time without having to re-open the edit popup multiple times. SQLTags Fixed - Occasional error when concurrently editing multiple tags in a udt. Fixed - Alarm with time deadband fires active event even if alarm is disabled during deadband period. Gateway Added Functionality - Exposed attribute for user's full name for AD sources. Added Functionality - Added attributes for the active directory user source to pull contact info from active directory. Fixed - The internal user source didn't correctly save changes to a user's schedule adjustments. Added Functionality - Added an option to the AD/Internal hybrid user source to not query Active Directory for the full list of users. Client Fixed - Clients running Java 7 which connect to a 7.6.1 Gateway would throw a JARSigningException when attempting to launch the client. Alarming Fixed - Exception encountered when using the legacy system.alert.queryAlertStatus function. Fixed - Fixed issue with alternating schedules not evaluating correctly. Fixed - Tag xml import assumes default type of string, whereas export uses int4. Data type is now always written, and the default type is always int4. Fixed - Alarm tag references don't recover if the referenced tag is not available during initialization. Fixed - Incorrect system name and path used for alarms in transaction groups when passing through to legacy notification and storage systems. Vision - ========================================================================================== Designer Added Functionality - Implemented property binding, and dynamic property undo actions. Components Added Functionality - Added options to the Alarm Journal Table. Now, when targeting a row , a popup menu that has two options: "Target Alarm Source" or "Target Event Id" is displayed. Client Fixed - The 'self' variable in extension functions was unable to easily reference component custom properties. Added Functionality - Added a tooltip to the Status Chart. Also, an extension function was added to the status chart called getTootipText which can be overriden to display a user formatted string for the tooltip. Return None in ext. function to not display tooltip. The following link gives an example script to use in the extension function.https://gist.github.com/anonymous/786c812e29c77369f15d OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Client Fixed - Fixed race condition that could cause some tags coming from an OPC-UA connection to NOT receive their initial value. For tags with static values this would leave the tag with a bad quality and no value. Commonly, the value could then be obtained by disabling and then re-enabling the tag (or any other action that caused the tag to be re-subscribed). Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Email Fixed - 'Acked By' associated data wasn't being set properly when receiving an ack via email. Alarm Voice Fixed - Error opening RTP channel prevents further calls from executing. Modbus Driver - ========================================================================================== Modbus Driver v2 Fixed - Fixes a bug that could lead to an "Internal Error" page when saving or using back/forward buttons on the Modbus address map configuration UI. TCP/UDP Driver - ========================================================================================== TCP Driver Fixed - Fixed bug in the TCP driver that could cause it not work start or function properly when the message delimiter, field delimiter, or write-back message delimiter settings were empty. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Added - tag drag and drop capability in production model. Fixed - Cannot add an OPC server, causes console error Fixed - shift could not be determined if checking exactly at midnight. Fixed - Redundant backup node not getting correct active status when restarted. Downtime Fixed - Non defined reason code always records as code 0. Need to log and record the actual code so it can be properly handled. Fixed - Downtime table does not display downtime events if the reason description is not found. Only can see it in analysis. Fixed - Cell group downtime time not acurate when run starts with cell group cell(s) down. Fixed - Historical downtime edit would not carry through time adjustments to analysis. Instrument Interface Fixed - FileMonitorController not stopping auto monitoring of files until client closed. Schedule Added - Line color property to control limits. The color is defined in the designer in the control limit definition. Each control limit definition can have their own color. The color is used to display the control limit on control charts. Added - New marker symbol for control limit that matches the same color as the control limit. Added - New marker image path property to the control charts so that a custom marker image can be displayed in place of the default marker symbol. Added - New font property to the control charts for the marker labels. Fixed - Schedule View component not updating active run completion automatically. Fixed - Allow schedule view to display percent done even if greater than 100% Fixed - reset schedule cache script function is always returning false. Fixed - Schedule vs Actual binding function showing any non recordable downtime as planned. If downtime is not recordable or planned it should display as other. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Fixed the bug in which moving tabs left or right in the tab strip customizer rendered tabs un-editable. Fixed - The Sound Player Component threw an exception on some Linux installations that don't support volume or mute controls. Misc Fixed - Fixed the bug where the temp files were being removed by the OS. Ignition now uses its own private temp directory. Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Fixed the bug where the security check on downloading gateway backup breaks with rolenames that have spaces. SQLTags Fixed - The same path multiple times in a tag history query results in an error. Fixed - DB Writes status in group does not show correct value. Fixed - Historical tag list shows retired tags. Fixed - Engineering limit enforcement does not prevent out of range writes. Gateway Fixed - system.db.runPrepUpdate now supports any unicode character in its argument array. Fixed - A faulted module could cause the designer to launch in a loop Scripting Fixed - A gateway timer script with a rate or delay of zero could cause the Gateway to fault on startup Module SDK Fixed - SimpleTagProvider doesn't update subscriptions correctly on startup, and when tags are removed. SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - SQLTags history discrete mode doesn't respect the max time between records setting. Gateway Fixed - Failure to write to opc items (or tags) does not trigger failure handshake. Fixed - Trigger and items operating separately on subscribed values, could result in a different value being stored than that used for the trigger. Vision - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Tab strips that were created in 7.5.6 or earlier and customized in 7.5.7 or 7.5.8 failed to deserialize correctly. Misc Fixed - Fixed the bug where removing of a tab in the tab strip customizer caused a coercsion error. Fixed - Fixed the bug with the Tabstrip component not swapping windows when selectedTab property changes via scripting or binding. Components Fixed - The Moving Analog Indicator now correctly repaints itself when the setpoint and interlock values are changed. Client Fixed - Fixed bug in system.tag.writeAll() introduced in 7.5.8 Fixed - Fixed the bug where the client Menu Bar worked when the Gateway Connection Lost dialog was displayed. Fixed - When given an invalid window path, system.nav.openWindow() could possibly open another window that did exist at a different path. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Client Fixed - UA client more gracefully handle read, write, and browse calls that occur while not connected. Fixed - Fixes an NPE that caused the following error to be logged (quite often...) when connected to some 3rd-party UA servers: GRAVE: Could not dispatch event: [PublishResponse requestHandle=60249] to handler [wrapper public void com.inductiveautomation.xopc.client.stack.FilteredEventSubscriber.filterEvent(java.lang.Object)] Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Fixed - Fixed occasional problem where stale tag quality is returned when writing to ControlLogix / CompactLogix values. When this happens the values are not written to the processor. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== NOTE: All MES installer modules will need to be upgraded to this release. These include: SPC-Installer, RECIPE-Installer and OEEDT-Installer. General Added - tag drag and drop capability in production model. Fixed - shift could not be determined if checking exactly at midnight. Fixed - Redundant backup node not getting correct active status when restarted. Fixed - Production model popup menu on a certain tables causes error if a row is not selected. Downtime Fixed - Non defined reason code always records as code 0. Need to log and record the actual code so it can be properly handled. Fixed - Downtime table does not display downtime events if the reason description is not found. Only can see it in analysis. Fixed - Cell group downtime time not acurate when run starts with cell group cell(s) down. Fixed - Historical downtime edit would not carry through time adjustments to analysis Fixed - Downtime analysis does not display notes unless filtered on "Note exists". Fixed - If a downtime reason is defined for reason code 1 it displays as an active downtime description but no downtime is recorded. (Defining a reason for code 1 should have no effect on the system since this is the reserved running state.) Analysis Added - slide out panel to Analysis Selector. Replaces pop-up list. Fixed - "Save As" not working in Pie and Bar chart on Analysis window. Recipe Fixed - Recipe export will add .csv extension if none is given. Instrument Interface Fixed - FileMonitorController was not stopping auto monitoring of files once started. Schedule Fixed - Schedule View component not updating active run completion automatically. Fixed - Allow schedule view to display percent done even if greater than 100% Fixed - reset schedule cache script function is always returning false. Fixed - Schedule vs Actual binding function showing any non recordable downtime as planned. If downtime is not recordable or planned it should display as other. SPC Improved - Method to determine collector active samples Fixed - Inactive signals are being evaluated Fixed - SPC quality definitions and samples are not being propagated to the auxiliary/mirror datasource Fixed - Issue where tag collectors were scheduling samples instead of creating samples with measurements. Added - Additional factors property to SPC Controller component. This allows displaying additional factor values in the table of value and attribute based control chart components. Added - Scroll X property to value and attribute based control chart components to reflect the scroll position of the table. Fixed - Timed Interval (Seconds) depends on Trace to be enabled to calculate. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Client Fixed - Fixed race condition that could cause some tags coming from an OPC-UA connection to NOT receive their initial value. For tags with static values this would leave the tag with a bad quality and no value. Commonly, the value could then be obtained by disabling and then re-enabling the tag (or any other action that caused the tag to be re-subscribed). Mobile - ========================================================================================== UI Fixed - Mobile module's login page now checks the project's required roles earlier, to avoid an unnecessary load. Backend Added Functionality - Mobile module now works with Java 7 OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== NOTE: All MES installer modules will need to be upgraded to this release. These include: SPC-Installer, RECIPE-Installer and OEEDT-Installer. General Added - tag drag and drop capability in production model. Downtime Fixed - Non defined reason code always records as code 0. Need to log and record the actual code so it can be properly handled. Fixed - Downtime table does not display downtime events if the reason description is not found. Only can see it in analysis. Fixed - Cell group downtime time not acurate when run starts with cell group cell(s) down. Analysis Added - slide out panel to Analysis Selector. Replaces pop-up list. Recipe Fixed - Recipe export will add .csv extension if none is given. SPC Added - Line color property to control limits. The color is defined in the designer in the control limit definition. Each control limit definition can have their own color. The color is used to display the control limit on control charts. Added - New marker symbol for control limit that matches the same color as the control limit. Added - New marker image path property to the control charts so that a custom marker image can be displayed in place of the default marker symbol. Added - New font property to the control charts for the marker labels. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Added Functionality - Added multi-column display option for the List component. Added the properties Layout Orientation and Visible Row Count. Added Functionality - In the script playground, a clear button was added that just clears the output. Added Functionality - Changed the Edit Tab Icon popup in tab strip customizer , so the user can select the icon and the icon alignment at the same time without having to re-open the edit popup multiple times. SQLTags Fixed - Occasional error when concurrently editing multiple tags in a udt. Fixed - Alarm with time deadband fires active event even if alarm is disabled during deadband period. Gateway Added Functionality - Added attributes for the active directory user source to pull contact info from active directory. Fixed - The internal user source didn't correctly save changes to a user's schedule adjustments. Added Functionality - Added an option to the AD/Internal hybrid user source to not query Active Directory for the full list of users. Client Fixed - Clients running Java 7 which connect to a 7.6.1 Gateway would throw a JARSigningException when attempting to launch the client. Alarming Fixed - Exception encountered when using the legacy system.alert.queryAlertStatus function. Fixed - Fixed issue with alternating schedules not evaluating correctly. Fixed - Tag xml import assumes default type of string, whereas export uses int4. Data type is now always written, and the default type is always int4. Fixed - Alarm tag references don't recover if the referenced tag is not available during initialization. Fixed - Incorrect system name and path used for alarms in transaction groups when passing through to legacy notification and storage systems. Vision - ========================================================================================== Designer Added Functionality - Implemented property binding, and dynamic property undo actions. Components Added Functionality - Added options to the Alarm Journal Table. Now, when targeting a row , a popup menu that has two options: "Target Alarm Source" or "Target Event Id" is displayed. Client Added Functionality - Added a tooltip to the Status Chart. Also, an extension function was added to the status chart called getTootipText which can be overriden to display a user formatted string for the tooltip. Return None in ext. function to not display tooltip. The following link gives an example script to use in the extension function.https://gist.github.com/anonymous/786c812e29c77369f15d Fixed - The 'self' variable in extension functions was unable to easily reference component custom properties. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Client Fixed - Fixed race condition that could cause some tags coming from an OPC-UA connection to NOT receive their initial value. For tags with static values this would leave the tag with a bad quality and no value. Commonly, the value could then be obtained by disabling and then re-enabling the tag (or any other action that caused the tag to be re-subscribed). Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Email Fixed - 'Acked By' associated data wasn't being set properly when receiving an ack via email. Alarm Voice Fixed - Error opening RTP channel prevents further calls from executing. Modbus Driver - ========================================================================================== Modbus Driver v2 Fixed - Fixes a bug that could lead to an "Internal Error" page when saving or using back/forward buttons on the Modbus address map configuration UI. TCP/UDP Driver - ========================================================================================== TCP Driver Fixed - Fixed bug in the TCP driver that could cause it not work start or function properly when the message delimiter, field delimiter, or write-back message delimiter settings were empty. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Added - tag drag and drop capability in production model. Fixed - shift could not be determined if checking exactly at midnight. Fixed - Redundant backup node not getting correct active status when restarted. Fixed - adding a OPC server causes console error Downtime Fixed - Non defined reason code always records as code 0. Need to log and record the actual code so it can be properly handled. Fixed - Downtime table does not display downtime events if the reason description is not found. Only can see it in analysis. Fixed - Cell group downtime time not acurate when run starts with cell group cell(s) down. Fixed - Historical downtime edit would not carry through time adjustments to analysis. Instrument Interface Fixed - FileMonitorController not stopping auto monitoring of files until client closed. Schedule Fixed - Schedule View component not updating active run completion automatically. Fixed - Allow schedule view to display percent done even if greater than 100% Fixed - reset schedule cache script function is always returning false. Fixed - Schedule vs Actual binding function showing any non recordable downtime as planned. If downtime is not recordable or planned it should display as other. SPC Added - Line color property to control limits. The color is defined in the designer in the control limit definition. Each control limit definition can have their own color. The color is used to display the control limit on control charts. Added - New marker symbol for control limit that matches the same color as the control limit. Added - New marker image path property to the control charts so that a custom marker image can be displayed in place of the default marker symbol. Added - New font property to the control charts for the marker labels. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Fixed the bug in which moving tabs left or right in the tab strip customizer rendered tabs un-editable. Fixed - The Sound Player Component threw an exception on some Linux installations that don't support volume or mute controls. Misc Fixed - Fixed the bug where the temp files were being removed by the OS. Ignition now uses its own private temp directory. Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Fixed the bug where the security check on downloading gateway backup breaks with rolenames that have spaces. SQLTags Fixed - The same path multiple times in a tag history query results in an error. Fixed - DB Writes status in group does not show correct value. Fixed - Historical tag list shows retired tags. Fixed - Engineering limit enforcement does not prevent out of range writes. Gateway Fixed - system.db.runPrepUpdate now supports any unicode character in its argument array. Fixed - A faulted module could cause the designer to launch in a loop Scripting Fixed - A gateway timer script with a rate or delay of zero could cause the Gateway to fault on startup Module SDK Fixed - SimpleTagProvider doesn't update subscriptions correctly on startup, and when tags are removed. SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - SQLTags history discrete mode doesn't respect the max time between records setting. Gateway Fixed - Failure to write to opc items (or tags) does not trigger failure handshake. Fixed - Trigger and items operating separately on subscribed values, could result in a different value being stored than that used for the trigger. Vision - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Tab strips that were created in 7.5.6 or earlier and customized in 7.5.7 or 7.5.8 failed to deserialize correctly. Misc Fixed - Fixed the bug where removing of a tab in the tab strip customizer caused a coercsion error. Fixed - Fixed the bug with the Tabstrip component not swapping windows when selectedTab property changes via scripting or binding. Components Fixed - The Moving Analog Indicator now correctly repaints itself when the setpoint and interlock values are changed. Client Fixed - Fixed bug in system.tag.writeAll() introduced in 7.5.8 Fixed - Fixed the bug where the client Menu Bar worked when the Gateway Connection Lost dialog was displayed. Fixed - When given an invalid window path, system.nav.openWindow() could possibly open another window that did exist at a different path. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Client Fixed - UA client more gracefully handle read, write, and browse calls that occur while not connected. Fixed - Fixes an NPE that caused the following error to be logged (quite often...) when connected to some 3rd-party UA servers: GRAVE: Could not dispatch event: [PublishResponse requestHandle=60249] to handler [wrapper public void com.inductiveautomation.xopc.client.stack.FilteredEventSubscriber.filterEvent(java.lang.Object)] Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Fixed - Fixed occasional problem where stale tag quality is returned when writing to ControlLogix / CompactLogix values. When this happens the values are not written to the processor. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== NOTE: All MES installer modules will need to be upgraded to this release. These include: SPC-Installer, RECIPE-Installer and OEEDT-Installer. General Added - tag drag and drop capability in production model. Fixed - shift could not be determined if checking exactly at midnight. Fixed - Redundant backup node not getting correct active status when restarted. Fixed - Production model popup menu on a certain tables causes error if a row is not selected. Downtime Fixed - Non defined reason code always records as code 0. Need to log and record the actual code so it can be properly handled. Fixed - Downtime table does not display downtime events if the reason description is not found. Only can see it in analysis. Fixed - Cell group downtime time not acurate when run starts with cell group cell(s) down. Fixed - Historical downtime edit would not carry through time adjustments to analysis Fixed - Downtime analysis does not display notes unless filtered on "Note exists". Fixed - If a downtime reason is defined for reason code 1 it displays as an active downtime description but no downtime is recorded. (Defining a reason for code 1 should have no effect on the system since this is the reserved running state.) Analysis Added - slide out panel to Analysis Selector. Replaces pop-up list. Fixed - "Save As" not working in Pie and Bar chart on Analysis window. Recipe Fixed - Recipe export will add .csv extension if none is given. Instrument Interface Fixed - FileMonitorController was not stopping auto monitoring of files once started. Schedule Fixed - Schedule View component not updating active run completion automatically. Fixed - Allow schedule view to display percent done even if greater than 100% Fixed - reset schedule cache script function is always returning false. Fixed - Schedule vs Actual binding function showing any non recordable downtime as planned. If downtime is not recordable or planned it should display as other. SPC Improved - Method to determine collector active samples Fixed - Inactive signals are being evaluated Fixed - SPC quality definitions and samples are not being propagated to the auxiliary/mirror datasource Fixed - Issue where tag collectors were scheduling samples instead of creating samples with measurements. Added - Additional factors property to SPC Controller component. This allows displaying additional factor values in the table of value and attribute based control chart components. Added - Scroll X property to value and attribute based control chart components to reflect the scroll position of the table. Fixed - Timed Interval (Seconds) depends on Trace to be enabled to calculate. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Added Functionality - In the script playground, a clear button was added that just clears the output. Added Functionality - Changed the Edit Tab Icon popup in tab strip customizer , so the user can select the icon and the icon alignment at the same time without having to re-open the edit popup multiple times. Added Functionality - Added multi-column display option for the List component. Added the properties Layout Orientation and Visible Row Count. SQLTags Fixed - Occasional error when concurrently editing multiple tags in a udt. Fixed - Alarm with time deadband fires active event even if alarm is disabled during deadband period. Gateway Added Functionality - Added attributes for the active directory user source to pull contact info from active directory. Fixed - The internal user source didn't correctly save changes to a user's schedule adjustments. Added Functionality - Added an option to the AD/Internal hybrid user source to not query Active Directory for the full list of users. Alarming Fixed - Exception encountered when using the legacy system.alert.queryAlertStatus function. Fixed - Tag xml import assumes default type of string, whereas export uses int4. Data type is now always written, and the default type is always int4. Fixed - Alarm tag references don't recover if the referenced tag is not available during initialization. Fixed - Incorrect system name and path used for alarms in transaction groups when passing through to legacy notification and storage systems. Vision - ========================================================================================== Designer Added Functionality - Implemented property binding, and dynamic property undo actions. Components Added Functionality - Added options to the Alarm Journal Table. Now, when targeting a row , a popup menu that has two options: "Target Alarm Source" or "Target Event Id" is displayed. Client Added Functionality - Added a tooltip to the Status Chart. Also, an extension function was added to the status chart called getTootipText which can be overriden to display a user formatted string for the tooltip. Return None in ext. function to not display tooltip. The following link gives an example script to use in the extension function.https://gist.github.com/anonymous/786c812e29c77369f15d Fixed - The 'self' variable in extension functions was unable to easily reference component custom properties. Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Voice Fixed - Error opening RTP channel prevents further calls from executing. Modbus Driver - ========================================================================================== Modbus Driver v2 Fixed - Fixes a bug that could lead to an "Internal Error" page when saving or using back/forward buttons on the Modbus address map configuration UI. TCP/UDP Driver - ========================================================================================== TCP Driver Fixed - Fixed bug in the TCP driver that could cause it not work start or function properly when the message delimiter, field delimiter, or write-back message delimiter settings were empty. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Fixed - shift could not be determined if checking exactly at midnight. Fixed - Redundant backup node not getting correct active status when restarted. Fixed - adding a OPC server causes console error Downtime Fixed - Historical downtime edit would not carry through time adjustments to analysis. Instrument Interface Fixed - FileMonitorController not stopping auto monitoring of files until client closed. Schedule Fixed - Schedule View component not updating active run completion automatically. Fixed - Allow schedule view to display percent done even if greater than 100% Fixed - reset schedule cache script function is always returning false. Fixed - Schedule vs Actual binding function showing any non recordable downtime as planned. If downtime is not recordable or planned it should display as other. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== SQLTags Fixed - Occasional error when concurrently editing multiple tags in a udt. Fixed - Alarm with time deadband fires active event even if alarm is disabled during deadband period. Gateway Added Functionality - Added attributes for the active directory user source to pull contact info from active directory. Fixed - The internal user source didn't correctly save changes to a user's schedule adjustments. Added Functionality - Added an option to the AD/Internal hybrid user source to not query Active Directory for the full list of users. Alarming Fixed - Tag xml import assumes default type of string, whereas export uses int4. Data type is now always written, and the default type is always int4. Fixed - Alarm tag references don't recover if the referenced tag is not available during initialization. Fixed - Incorrect system name and path used for alarms in transaction groups when passing through to legacy notification and storage systems. Vision - ========================================================================================== Client Fixed - The 'self' variable in extension functions was unable to easily reference component custom properties. Alarm Notification - ========================================================================================== Alarm Voice Fixed - Error opening RTP channel prevents further calls from executing. Modbus Driver - ========================================================================================== Modbus Driver v2 Fixed - Fixes a bug that could lead to an "Internal Error" page when saving or using back/forward buttons on the Modbus address map configuration UI. TCP/UDP Driver - ========================================================================================== TCP Driver Fixed - Fixed bug in the TCP driver that could cause it not work start or function properly when the message delimiter, field delimiter, or write-back message delimiter settings were empty. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Fixed - shift could not be determined if checking exactly at midnight. Fixed - Redundant backup node not getting correct active status when restarted. Fixed - adding a OPC server causes console error Downtime Fixed - Historical downtime edit would not carry through time adjustments to analysis. Instrument Interface Fixed - FileMonitorController not stopping auto monitoring of files until client closed. Schedule Fixed - Schedule View component not updating active run completion automatically. Fixed - Allow schedule view to display percent done even if greater than 100% Fixed - reset schedule cache script function is always returning false. Fixed - Schedule vs Actual binding function showing any non recordable downtime as planned. If downtime is not recordable or planned it should display as other. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== SQLTags Fixed - Occasional error when concurrently editing multiple tags in a udt. Fixed - Alarm with time deadband fires active event even if alarm is disabled during deadband period. Gateway Added Functionality - Added attributes for the active directory user source to pull contact info from active directory. Fixed - The internal user source didn't correctly save changes to a user's schedule adjustments. Added Functionality - Added an option to the AD/Internal hybrid user source to not query Active Directory for the full list of users. Alarming Fixed - Incorrect system name and path used for alarms in transaction groups when passing through to legacy notification and storage systems. Vision - ========================================================================================== Client Fixed - The 'self' variable in extension functions was unable to easily reference component custom properties. Alarm Notification - null ========================================================================================== Voice Fixed - Error opening RTP channel prevents further calls from executing. Modbus Driver - ========================================================================================== Modbus Driver v2 Fixed - Fixes a bug that could lead to an "Internal Error" page when saving or using back/forward buttons on the Modbus address map configuration UI. TCP/UDP Driver - ========================================================================================== TCP Driver Fixed - Fixed bug in the TCP driver that could cause it not work start or function properly when the message delimiter, field delimiter, or write-back message delimiter settings were empty. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Fixed - shift could not be determined if checking exactly at midnight. Fixed - Redundant backup node not getting correct active status when restarted. Fixed - adding a OPC server causes console error Downtime Fixed - Historical downtime edit would not carry through time adjustments to analysis. Instrument Interface Fixed - FileMonitorController not stopping auto monitoring of files until client closed. Schedule Fixed - Schedule View component not updating active run completion automatically. Fixed - Allow schedule view to display percent done even if greater than 100% Fixed - reset schedule cache script function is always returning false. Fixed - Schedule vs Actual binding function showing any non recordable downtime as planned. If downtime is not recordable or planned it should display as other. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - The Sound Player Component threw an exception on some Linux installations that don't support volume or mute controls. Misc Fixed - Fixed the bug where the temp files were being removed by the OS. Ignition now uses its own private temp directory. Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Fixed the bug where the security check on downloading gateway backup breaks with rolenames that have spaces. SQLTags Fixed - The same path multiple times in a tag history query results in an error. Fixed - Historical tag list shows retired tags. Fixed - Historical tags not marked as retired on delete or rename. Fixed - DB Writes status in group does not show correct value. Gateway Fixed - system.db.runPrepUpdate now supports any unicode character in its argument array. Scripting Fixed - A gateway timer script with a rate or delay of zero could cause the Gateway to fault on startup Module SDK Fixed - SimpleTagProvider doesn't update subscriptions correctly on startup, and when tags are removed. SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - SQLTags history discrete mode doesn't respect the max time between records setting. Gateway Fixed - Trigger and items operating separately on subscribed values, could result in a different value being stored than that used for the trigger. Fixed - Failure to write to opc items (or tags) does not trigger failure handshake. Vision - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Tab strips that were created in 7.5.6 or earlier and customized in 7.5.7 or 7.5.8 failed to deserialize correctly. Misc Fixed - Fixed the bug with the Tabstrip component not swapping windows when selectedTab property changes via scripting or binding. Components Fixed - The Moving Analog Indicator now correctly repaints itself when the setpoint and interlock values are changed. Client Fixed - Fixed the bug where the client Menu Bar worked when the Gateway Connection Lost dialog was displayed. Fixed - When given an invalid window path, system.nav.openWindow() could possibly open another window that did exist at a different path. Fixed - Fixed bug in system.tag.writeAll() introduced in 7.5.8 Alarm Notification - null ========================================================================================== Gateway Fixed - Fixed bug that made it impossible to delete on-call rosters. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Fixed - Fixed occasional problem where stale tag quality is returned when writing to ControlLogix / CompactLogix values. When this happens the values are not written to the processor. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== NOTE: All MES installer modules will need to be upgraded to this release. These include: SPC-Installer, RECIPE-Installer and OEEDT-Installer. General Fixed - shift could not be determined if checking exactly at midnight. Fixed - Redundant backup node not getting correct active status when restarted. Fixed - Production model popup menu on a certain tables causes error if a row is not selected. Analysis Fixed - "Save As" not working in Pie and Bar chart on Analysis window. Downtime Fixed - Historical downtime edit would not carry through time adjustments to analysis Fixed - Downtime analysis does not display notes unless filtered on "Note exists". Fixed - If a downtime reason is defined for reason code 1 it displays as an active downtime description but no downtime is recorded. (Defining a reason for code 1 should have no effect on the system since this is the reserved running state.) Instrument Interface Fixed - FileMonitorController was not stopping auto monitoring of files once started. Schedule Fixed - Schedule View component not updating active run completion automatically. Fixed - Allow schedule view to display percent done even if greater than 100% Fixed - reset schedule cache script function is always returning false. Fixed - Schedule vs Actual binding function showing any non recordable downtime as planned. If downtime is not recordable or planned it should display as other. SPC Improved - Method to determine collector active samples Fixed - Inactive signals are being evaluated Fixed - SPC quality definitions and samples are not being propagated to the auxiliary/mirror datasource Fixed - Issue where tag collectors were scheduling samples instead of creating samples with measurements. Added - Additional factors property to SPC Controller component. This allows displaying additional factor values in the table of value and attribute based control chart components. Added - Scroll X property to value and attribute based control chart components to reflect the scroll position of the table. Fixed - Timed Interval (Seconds) depends on Trace to be enabled to calculate. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== SQLTags Fixed - Occasional error when concurrently editing multiple tags in a udt. Fixed - Alarm with time deadband fires active event even if alarm is disabled during deadband period. Gateway Added Functionality - Added attributes for the active directory user source to pull contact info from active directory. Fixed - The internal user source didn't correctly save changes to a user's schedule adjustments. Added Functionality - Added an option to the AD/Internal hybrid user source to not query Active Directory for the full list of users. Alarming Fixed - Incorrect system name and path used for alarms in transaction groups when passing through to legacy notification and storage systems. Alarm Notification - null ========================================================================================== Voice Fixed - Error opening RTP channel prevents further calls from executing. Modbus Driver - ========================================================================================== Modbus Driver v2 Fixed - Fixes a bug that could lead to an "Internal Error" page when saving or using back/forward buttons on the Modbus address map configuration UI. TCP/UDP Driver - ========================================================================================== TCP Driver Fixed - Fixed bug in the TCP driver that could cause it not work start or function properly when the message delimiter, field delimiter, or write-back message delimiter settings were empty. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Initial 7.6 BETA2 build Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== SQLTags Fixed - Cannot delete alarm from UDT tag. Fixed - References to integer parameters in UDTs are expanded with incorrect formatting. Gateway Fixed - Serialization errors caused by transaction groups with alarms. Scripting Fixed - The scripting function system.net.sendEmail stopped working with attachments in 7.6.0. Alarming Fixed - Time based alarm deadbands not operating correctly. Fixed - Weekday schedules evaluated Tuesday-Saturday instead of Monday-Friday. Fixed - Alarm deadbands set (or modified) when the alarm was inactive can cause the alarm to report active. Vision - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Fixed an NPE when editing a template's custom props. Components Fixed - The alarm priority filtering was not working correctly on the alarm journal component. Fixed - Fixed serialization issue on the alarm status table if the header was hidden. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Driver API Fixed - Fixed a bug that caused driver diagnostics tags to go bad quality any time the driver reconnected after the initial connect. Alarm Notification - null ========================================================================================== Designer Added Functionality - Added extension functions to the roster management component for filtering available rosters and users. Misc Added Functionality - Added refreshRosterList() method to the roster management panel, and made it automatically refresh when its containing window is opened. Fixed - Fixed issue in the web-ui for managing rosters where the delete link could delete the wrong user. Voice Fixed - Invalid pin number still allows user to hear the alarm message. Fixed - Dropout conditions not correctly consulted in delay between calls. Gateway Fixed - Switch block used on priority only comparing name, not integer value. Modbus Driver - ========================================================================================== Modbus Driver v2 Fixed - Fixed a bug that caused saved changes to the address map to only show up when browsing once the driver has been restarted (edit/saved). Fixed - Fixed a bug where large address maps (more than ~115 rows) would not get converted properly upon upgrading from 1.5.x to 1.6.0. TCP/UDP Driver - ========================================================================================== TCP Driver Fixed - Fixed a bug that led to an Internal Error page on the gateway after modifying or disabling a device using the generic TCP driver. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Fixed a bug that caused tags in the DairyDemo Sim and SLC Sim drivers to remain static. SLC Driver Fixed - Add missing property names when configuring/editing a SLC device. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== Initial 7.6 release Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Fixed the bug where the security check on downloading gateway backup breaks with rolenames that have spaces. SQLTags Fixed - DB Writes status in group does not show correct value. Gateway Fixed - system.db.runPrepUpdate now supports any unicode character in it's argument array. Module SDK Fixed - SimpleTagProvider doesn't update subscriptions correctly on startup, and when tags are removed. SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Gateway Fixed - Trigger and items operating separately on subscribed values, could result in a different value being stored than that used for the trigger. Fixed - Failure to write to opc items (or tags) does not trigger failure handshake. Vision - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Tab strips that were created in 7.5.6 or earlier and customized in 7.5.7 or 7.5.8 failed to deserialize correctly. Components Fixed - Fixed the bug with the Moving Analog Indicator not showing changes to low or low low alarm setpoint until the high alarm setpoint has been changed. Also, the method setLoInterlock now repaints in the manner setHiInterlock does. Client Fixed - When given an invalid window path, system.nav.openWindow() could possibly open another window that did exist at a different path. Fixed - Fixed bug in system.tag.writeAll() introduced in 7.5.8 Alarm Notification - null ========================================================================================== Gateway Fixed - Fixed bug that made it impossible to delete on-call rosters. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Fixed - Fixed occasional problem where stale tag quality is returned when writing to ControlLogix / CompactLogix values. When this happens the values are not written to the processor. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Fixed - Writing to a Production OPC tag generates a console error if the value is the same as the current value. Improved - Store and Forward is bypassed unless the datasource is actually unavailable. Fixed - Production model popup menu on a certain tables causes error if a row is not selected. Downtime Fixed - Downtime analysis filter by Reason was not displaying as an option. Fixed - Downtime analysis does not display notes unless filtered on "Note exists". Fixed - If a downtime reason is defined for reason code 1 it displays as an active downtime description but no downtime is recorded. (Defining a reason for code 1 should have no effect on the system since this is the reserved running state.) Schedule Fixed - ScheduleView component line filter not working correct SPC Fixed - SPC quality definitions and samples are not being propagated to the auxiliary/mirror datasource Fixed - Issue where tag collectors were scheduling samples instead of creating samples with measurements. Added - Additional factors property to SPC Controller component. This allows displaying additional factor values in the table of value and attribute based control chart components. Added - Scroll X property to value and attribute based control chart components to reflect the scroll position of the table. Fixed - Timed Interval (Seconds) depends on Trace to be enabled to calculate. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== SQLTags Fixed - Cannot delete alarm from UDT tag. Fixed - References to integer parameters in UDTs are expanded with incorrect formatting. Gateway Fixed - Serialization errors caused by transaction groups with alarms. Scripting Fixed - The scripting function system.net.sendEmail stopped working with attachments in 7.6.0. Alarming Fixed - Time based alarm deadbands not operating correctly. Fixed - Weekday schedules evaluated Tuesday-Saturday instead of Monday-Friday. Fixed - Alarm deadbands set (or modified) when the alarm was inactive can cause the alarm to report active. Vision - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Fixed an NPE when editing a template's custom props. Components Fixed - The alarm priority filtering was not working correctly on the alarm journal component. Fixed - Fixed serialization issue on the alarm status table if the header was hidden. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Driver API Fixed - Fixed a bug that caused driver diagnostics tags to go bad quality any time the driver reconnected after the initial connect. Alarm Notification - null ========================================================================================== Misc Added Functionality - Added refreshRosterList() method to the roster management panel, and made it automatically refresh when its containing window is opened. Fixed - Fixed issue in the web-ui for managing rosters where the delete link could delete the wrong user. Voice Fixed - Invalid pin number still allows user to hear the alarm message. Fixed - Dropout conditions not correctly consulted in delay between calls. Gateway Fixed - Switch block used on priority only comparing name, not integer value. Modbus Driver - ========================================================================================== Modbus Driver v2 Fixed - Fixed a bug that caused saved changes to the address map to only show up when browsing once the driver has been restarted (edit/saved). Fixed - Fixed a bug where large address maps (more than ~115 rows) would not get converted properly upon upgrading from 1.5.x to 1.6.0. TCP/UDP Driver - ========================================================================================== TCP Driver Fixed - Fixed a bug that led to an Internal Error page on the gateway after modifying or disabling a device using the generic TCP driver. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Fixed a bug that caused tags in the DairyDemo Sim and SLC Sim drivers to remain static. SLC Driver Fixed - Add missing property names when configuring/editing a SLC device. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Initial 7.6 BETA2 build Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== SQLTags Fixed - Cannot delete alarm from UDT tag. Fixed - References to integer parameters in UDTs are expanded with incorrect formatting. Gateway Fixed - Serialization errors caused by transaction groups with alarms. Scripting Fixed - The scripting function system.net.sendEmail stopped working with attachments in 7.6.0. Alarming Fixed - Weekday schedules evaluated Tuesday-Saturday instead of Monday-Friday. Fixed - Alarm deadbands set (or modified) when the alarm was inactive can cause the alarm to report active. Vision - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Fixed an NPE when editing a template's custom props. Components Fixed - The alarm priority filtering was not working correctly on the alarm journal component. Fixed - Fixed serialization issue on the alarm status table if the header was hidden. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Driver API Fixed - Fixed a bug that caused driver diagnostics tags to go bad quality any time the driver reconnected after the initial connect. Alarm Notification - null ========================================================================================== Misc Added Functionality - Added refreshRosterList() method to the roster management panel, and made it automatically refresh when its containing window is opened. Fixed - Fixed issue in the web-ui for managing rosters where the delete link could delete the wrong user. Voice Fixed - Invalid pin number still allows user to hear the alarm message. Fixed - Dropout conditions not correctly consulted in delay between calls. Gateway Fixed - Switch block used on priority only comparing name, not integer value. Modbus Driver - ========================================================================================== Modbus Driver v2 Fixed - Fixed a bug that caused saved changes to the address map to only show up when browsing once the driver has been restarted (edit/saved). Fixed - Fixed a bug where large address maps (more than ~115 rows) would not get converted properly upon upgrading from 1.5.x to 1.6.0. TCP/UDP Driver - ========================================================================================== TCP Driver Fixed - Fixed a bug that led to an Internal Error page on the gateway after modifying or disabling a device using the generic TCP driver. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Fixed a bug that caused tags in the DairyDemo Sim and SLC Sim drivers to remain static. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Initial 7.6 BETA2 build Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== SQLTags Fixed - References to integer parameters in UDTs are expanded with incorrect formatting. Gateway Fixed - Serialization errors caused by transaction groups with alarms. Scripting Fixed - The scripting function system.net.sendEmail stopped working with attachments in 7.6.0. Alarming Fixed - Weekday schedules evaluated Tuesday-Saturday instead of Monday-Friday. Fixed - Alarm deadbands set (or modified) when the alarm was inactive can cause the alarm to report active. Vision - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Fixed an NPE when editing a template's custom props. Components Fixed - The alarm priority filtering was not working correctly on the alarm journal component. Fixed - Fixed serialization issue on the alarm status table if the header was hidden. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Driver API Fixed - Fixed a bug that caused driver diagnostics tags to go bad quality any time the driver reconnected after the initial connect. Alarm Notification - null ========================================================================================== Misc Added Functionality - Added refreshRosterList() method to the roster management panel, and made it automatically refresh when its containing window is opened. Fixed - Fixed issue in the web-ui for managing rosters where the delete link could delete the wrong user. Voice Fixed - Dropout conditions not correctly consulted in delay between calls. Modbus Driver - ========================================================================================== Modbus Driver v2 Fixed - Fixed a bug that caused saved changes to the address map to only show up when browsing once the driver has been restarted (edit/saved). Fixed - Fixed a bug where large address maps (more than ~115 rows) would not get converted properly upon upgrading from 1.5.x to 1.6.0. TCP/UDP Driver - ========================================================================================== TCP Driver Fixed - Fixed a bug that led to an Internal Error page on the gateway after modifying or disabling a device using the generic TCP driver. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Fixed a bug that caused tags in the DairyDemo Sim and SLC Sim drivers to remain static. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Initial 7.6 BETA2 build Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== SQLTags Fixed - References to integer parameters in UDTs are expanded with incorrect formatting. Gateway Fixed - Serialization errors caused by transaction groups with alarms. Alerting Fixed - Alarm deadbands set (or modified) when the alarm was inactive can cause the alarm to report active. Scripting Fixed - The scripting function system.net.sendEmail stopped working with attachments in 7.6.0. Vision - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Fixed an NPE when editing a template's custom props. Components Fixed - The alarm priority filtering was not working correctly on the alarm journal component. Fixed - Fixed serialization issue on the alarm status table if the header was hidden. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Driver API Fixed - Fixed a bug that caused driver diagnostics tags to go bad quality any time the driver reconnected after the initial connect. Alarm Notification - null ========================================================================================== Misc Added Functionality - Added refreshRosterList() method to the roster management panel, and made it automatically refresh when its containing window is opened. Fixed - Fixed issue in the web-ui for managing rosters where the delete link could delete the wrong user. Voice Fixed - Dropout conditions not correctly consulted in delay between calls. Modbus Driver - ========================================================================================== Modbus Driver v2 Fixed - Fixed a bug where large address maps (more than ~115 rows) would not get converted properly upon upgrading from 1.5.x to 1.6.0. TCP/UDP Driver - ========================================================================================== TCP Driver Fixed - Fixed a bug that led to an Internal Error page on the gateway after modifying or disabling a device using the generic TCP driver. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Initial 7.6 BETA2 build Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== SQLTags Fixed - References to integer parameters in UDTs are expanded with incorrect formatting. Gateway Fixed - Serialization errors caused by transaction groups with alarms. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Driver API Fixed - Fixed a bug that caused driver diagnostics tags to go bad quality any time the driver reconnected after the initial connect. Alarm Notification - null ========================================================================================== Voice Fixed - Dropout conditions not correctly consulted in delay between calls. Modbus Driver - ========================================================================================== Modbus Driver v2 Fixed - Fixed a bug where large address maps (more than ~115 rows) would not get converted properly upon upgrading from 1.5.x to 1.6.0. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General Initial 7.6 BETA2 build Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Fixed bug with jsonDecode converting Strings With Numbers Into Integers. Quoted numbers are now parsed as strings. Fixed - Now, when a user has a project open up in the designer and then tries to edit the project on the web interface; a warning is displayed and the user isn't allowed to edit the project on the web interface until the project is closed in the designer. Also, when the user has the project edit page on the web interface open, and then opens the project in the designer; the user isn't allowed to save the project on the web interface until the project is closed in the designer. In this case, an error message is displayed on the project edit page when a user clicks saved on the web interface. SQLTags Modified Functionality - Future data queried from tag historian returns "last good value", now returns bad quality. Vision - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Fixed the bug where there was an NPE when editing a template's custom props. The earlier version didn't properly handle the dynamic properties on the VisionTemplate. Added Functionality - Dragging multiple tags onto the designer is now supported, creating a stack of the component of your choosing. Misc Fixed - When an edit to the numeric text was made that was out of bounds, updates weren't deferred, and the Error When Out of Bounds property was true, infinite recursion occurred. Components Fixed - Fixed bug where editable boolean column in table component prevents cell from becoming the selected cell when clicked. Fixed - It was difficult to scroll down using the dropdown box if the data property was polling. Client Fixed - system.tag.writeAll() now works for client tags. Fixed - Clients launched maximized collapse down to 0x0 when restored. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== NOTE: IF YOU HAVE BOTH THE SPC AND OEE MODULES INSTALLED THEY MUST BOTH BE UPDATED. General Fixed - Console log shows error on final execute if the line is not enabled. Fixed - Work order controller not reflecting proper numbers on run resume. Fixed - Occasionally Production Model will not start with upgrade to 7.5.5. Caused by ClassNotFound Error when loading old projects so no projects will load into the Production Model. Fixed - Licensing showing maximum sites exceeded event though excess sites are disabled Fixed - Gateway script call of selectRun immediately after endRun would not record all information for the ended run. Added - Optional auxiliary/mirror analysis datasource setting. This datasource will record a duplicate of the analysis data. See the "MES Module Configuration" section in the manual for more information. Fixed - Project tag provider setting not being used Fixed - Run selector component not displaying runs created without a work order Fixed - Datetime data type with MSSQL not working with "British English" language set for the login connection. Fixed - Last OPC values not calculating/recording on end of production run. Change - Purge Manager check cutoff date with current time and not only from midnight. Added - Script method extractProductionItem() to get a requested production item (Enterprise, Area, Line, etc.) from a line path. Downtime Fixed - RemoteOperatorReasonCode not changing the last reason if it was a planned downtime. Was only selecting the last recordable downtime. Added - Rollup Interval (Seconds) property to the downtime table. Rolls up events that are identical and occurred within this many seconds of each other. If set to less than 1 then no roll up will occurr. Added - Display Cutoff Duration (Minutes) property to the downtime table. Events older than cutoff minutes will not be displayed. Applicable only when Display Filter Type is set to Display Cutoff Duration (Minutes). Fixed - If the operator selects a downtime reason where planned downtime and record downtime is false the event time is not being added back to the run time. Added - Short downtime detection. If a short downtime threshold is set then stops less than the threshold will not be counted in OEE Availability. See the "Production Model Configuration -> Line Configuration" section in the manual for more information. Added - Short downtime field to the downtime table. See the "Component Reference -> Down Time Table" section in the manual for more information. Improved - Calculation of Analysis run time, downtime and planned downtime values when changing downtime type between unplanned and planned. Added - Property in downtime table operator selection tree view to allow auto expanding of reason selections under the current selection. Fixed - Remote Operator Reason Code not working if reason detection is Line State. Fixed - downtime history binding function not showing line downtime top reasons, only cell. Schedule Added - PMILineScheduleView component. Shows the line status, schedules, schedule event status and allows drag and drop re-scheduling. Fixed - LineScheduleView component locks up going into Daylight Savings Time. SPC Fixed - bug where sample states caused NPEs when a sample was schedule in the future beyond the coming due minutes. Fixed - Importing tag collectors from CSV file not initializing correct Analysis Fixed - Analysis table not exporting strings with quotes for CSV Improved - performance of Analysis Time Chart. Added - Message if the provider is invalid or provider does not contain the requested datapoint. Fixed - PMIAnalysisController not firing property change events for provider name and compare by properties. Added - Reason Code and Automatic Reason Code datapoints Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== System Added Functionality - Expanded "Authentication Profiles" into broader "User Source" system which supports contact information, schedules, and language preferences. More user source types are now editable from within Ignition. Added Functionality - New alarm configuration abilities for tags. Tags may contain multiple alarms, there are many new types of alarms, alarm configuration properties may be bound to dynamic data, and alarms can have associated data attached to them. Added Functionality - Schedules can now be defined within Ignition. These schedules can control when users may log in, as well as when they are available to receive alarm notifications. Added Functionality - Alarms can now be shelved to temporarily remove them from the alarm status system. Added Functionality - Alarm journaling has changed, now support much more detailed historical journal format, can use Store and Forward system. Designer Added Functionality - Tag editing UI changed to support new alarm configuration options and multiple alarms per tag. Alarm Notification - - NEW MODULE ========================================================================================== Designer Added Functionality - Introduced new concept: Alarm notification pipelines. These allow for a new way to define alarm notification logic via a drag-and-drop interface. Gateway Added Functionality - New email notification profile sends alarm notification messages via email, including option to acknowledge alarms via a link. Components Added Functionality - New Roster Management Panel allows for built-in way to administer On-Call Rosters from the Vision Client Voice Notification - - NEW MODULE ========================================================================================== Gateway Added Functionality - New voice notification module sends alarm notification messages by calling users on the phone. Text to speech is used to annunciate the alarm message, and acknowledgment is possible via touch-tone response. SMS Notification - - NEW MODULE ========================================================================================== Gateway Added Functionality - New SMS notification module sends alarm notification messages by sending a text message. Acknowledgment is possible by responding to the message with a short code. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Added Functionality - New alarm status table supports shelving, ad-hoc charting, custom row styling, and detail alarm information viewing. Added Functionality - New alarm journal table provides built-in user interface for exploring the history of alarming through the journal system. Added Functionality - New User Administration Panel component allows for built-in way to administer users, roles, and contact information from the Vision client. Added Functionality - New Schedule Administration Panel component allows for built-in way to administer schedules from the Vision client. Added Functionality - New "Extension Function" system allows for more customization of components such as the Table and User Admin Panel.Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Added Functionality - Added alarm journal viewer component. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== Initial 7.6 release Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Added Functionality - Added alarm journal viewer component. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General OEE module Fix - Error in delete schedule entry where the time field was the wrong type. Fix - Production model icon not showing the accurate state of the production model. Fix - don't fire line name change event if the default of "" is the property name Improved - new additional factors available without restarting production model. Scheduler Improved - Allow any scheduled entry to auto run (if Auto Start Schedule Entries is true). Previously only production runs were auto run. Downtime Fix - Run paused shift entries not correct for two 12 hour shifts. Analysis Added - "Maintenance Elapsed Time" and "Maintenance Elapsed Time Hours" datapoints. Use in conjunction with "Schedule Type=Maintenance" filter General - 7.5.5-beta7 ========================================================================================== Installers Fixed - Upgrading to 7.5 from 7.4 or earlier on Windows Server 2008 would cause installer error messages when the Java architecture (32-bit or 64-bit) did not match the Ignition architecture. Build Fixed - Installers would sometimes throw an error when attempting to run install-ignition.bat. A relative path is now used to run .bat files in the installers instead of a full path. Added Functionality - Upgraded Java Service Wrapper to 3.5.15 Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Improved image scaling quality Fixed - Fixed an issue that caused templates to be started up twice, which made query bindings double-up. Fixed - Client Tag rename in right click option disabled. Fixed - When zoomed in or out, pasted components could "miss" their intended container and end up on the root container. Fixed - Tag value editor doesn't respect locale, always treats value as "US English" locale. Fixed - Upgraded Jython to 2.5.3. SQLTags Added Functionality - New option to enforce engineering limits on tags, resulting in bad quality if the tag's value exceeds the range. Added Functionality - New "exponential filter" scale mode for tags. Fixed - Bad quality data incorrectly affecting interpolation of historical values. Fixed - Incorrectly interpolated values when using realtime queries and the client tag history cache, causes occasional erroneous spikes in the data that disappear when the cache is cleared. Fixed - Writing to the Enabled property of a tag did not work correctly. Now allows you to disable and re-enable the tag, persistently storing the new state across restarts. Fixed - CurrentDateTime and Timezone gateway status tags. Added Functionality - UDT parameter offsets can now be references to other parameters. For example, "{Param1+OffsetParam}". Fixed - Leased tags referenced in custom alert messages may trigger high cpu and memory. Fixed - Editing of UDT can cause member float values to round. Added Functionality - UDT parameter offsets can now be references to other parameter values, such as "{Param1+Param2}". Fixed - Unable to write to a boolean tag in an external provider (driven by a different instance) from the tag tree in the designer. Scripting Added Functionality - Changed system.db.createSProcCall to allow registering null values for parameters. Fixed - Datasets could return NaN instead of null for double or float columns in some circumstances. Fixed - system.tag.readAll function did not work to read Client scoped tags. Client Fixed - Fixed a bug that could cause clients to run out-of-date scripting (Jython) code when that code was located in a hierarchy one or more levels deeper than the 'app' package. Restarting the client would cause the latest code to again be run. SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Gateway Fixed - Various improvement to schedule execution to prevent lockup issues and improve schedule accuracy. Vision - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - When the paintable canvas is duplicated, it re-installs its default painting script. Fixed - Equipment schedule view was losing it's dynamic properties on save. Fixed - Designers did not release the resource lock for modifying client tags correctly Misc Fixed - Animated gifs broke in 7.5.4, now fixed and working in the standard image component. Components Added Functionality - Added read only, bindable "instanceName" property to templates so they can detect their runtime instance's name. Fixed - Multi-state indicator component did not correctly render semi-transparent background colors. Fixed - Fixed how the one-shot button's "disableWhileWriting" feature interacts with the component's enabled property, so that the two features can be used in conjunction. Fixed - Fixed race condition that could cause the momentary button to keep it's bit latched on. Client Fixed - Fixed bug where indirect UDT bindings on root container properties could lose their indirection and become "stuck" after a hot-update caused by a designer save. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Driver API Fixed - Fixed a deadlock during driver shutdown. Symptomatic behavior includes a gateway that hangs on the device configuration page after saving with one or more threads showing BLOCKED status afterward. Client Modified Functionality - UA connections receiving values timestamped in the future now longer log messages at a WARNING level or set bad quality. Instead, a message is logged at DEBUG level and the quality is left untouched. Fixed - Fixed a bug in UA client connections when calculating PublishRequest timeout values in the presence of really slow subscriptions (really slow scan classes or groups).In severe cases this could cause the UA connection to cycle between "Connected" and "Disconnected" while logging errors about the timeout value being negative. Server Fixed - Fixed a bug where a driver node would always use the lowest sampling rate it had ever seen when determining if its value was currently stale rather than the lowest rate of current monitored items. This only occurred if there were more than one monitored items for the given node.This was especially likely to manifest itself when one tag from a leased scan class and one tag from a direct scan class were subscribed to the same node. Serial Support - ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Fixed a crash on Windows Server 2008 R2. Mobile - ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Browsers that didn't send the User-Agent header made the Mobile Module's homepage panel break. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Fixed - Fixed issued where the driver is returning a folder type when the OPC path is invalid. Fixed - Fixed potential for overlapping browses when tags are added or modified in a ControlLogix or CompactLogix processor. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== NOTE: IF YOU HAVE BOTH THE SPC AND OEE MODULES INSTALLED THEY MUST BOTH BE UPDATED. General Added - Optional auxiliary/mirror analysis datasource setting. This datasource will record a duplicate of the analysis data. See the "MES Module Configuration" section in the manual for more information. Fix - Project tag provider setting not being used Fix - Run selector component not displaying runs created without a work order Fix - Datetime data type with MSSQL not working with "British English" language set for the login connection. Fix - Last OPC values not calculating/recording on end of production run. Change - Purge Manager check cutoff date with current time and not only from midnight. Added - Script method extractProductionItem() to get a requested production item (Enterprise, Area, Line, etc.) from a line path. Downtime Fix - If the operator selects a downtime reason where planned downtime and record downtime is false the event time is not being added back to the run time. Added - Short downtime detection. If a short downtime threshold is set then stops less than the threshold will not be counted in OEE Availability. See the "Production Model Configuration -> Line Configuration" section in the manual for more information. Added - Short downtime field to the downtime table. See the "Component Reference -> Down Time Table" section in the manual for more information. Improved - Calculation of Analysis run time, downtime and planned downtime values when changing downtime type between unplanned and planned. Added - Property in downtime table operator selection tree view to allow auto expanding of reason selections under the current selection. Fix - Remote Operator Reason Code not working if reason detection is Line State. Fix - downtime history binding function not showing line downtime top reasons, only cell. Schedule Added - PMILineScheduleView component. Shows the line status, schedules, schedule event status and allows drag and drop re-scheduling. Fixed - LineScheduleView component locks up going into Daylight Savings Time. SPC Fix - Importing tag collectors from CSV file not initializing correct Analysis Fix - Analysis table not exporting strings with quotes for CSV Improved - performance of Analysis Time Chart. Added - Message if the provider is invalid or provider does not contain the requested datapoint. Fix - PMIAnalysisController not firing property change events for provider name and compare by properties. General - 7.5.5-beta6 ========================================================================================== Installers Fixed - Upgrading to 7.5 from 7.4 or earlier on Windows Server 2008 would cause installer error messages when the Java architecture (32-bit or 64-bit) did not match the Ignition architecture. Build Fixed - Installers would sometimes throw an error when attempting to run install-ignition.bat. A relative path is now used to run .bat files in the installers instead of a full path. Added Functionality - Upgraded Java Service Wrapper to 3.5.15 Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Fixed an issue that caused templates to be started up twice, which made query bindings double-up. Fixed - Client Tag rename in right click option disabled. Fixed - When zoomed in or out, pasted components could "miss" their intended container and end up on the root container. Fixed - Tag value editor doesn't respect locale, always treats value as "US English" locale. Fixed - Upgraded Jython to 2.5.3. SQLTags Fixed - Bad quality data incorrectly affecting interpolation of historical values. Fixed - Incorrectly interpolated values when using realtime queries and the client tag history cache, causes occasional erroneous spikes in the data that disappear when the cache is cleared. Fixed - Writing to the Enabled property of a tag did not work correctly. Now allows you to disable and re-enable the tag, persistently storing the new state across restarts. Fixed - CurrentDateTime and Timezone gateway status tags. Added Functionality - UDT parameter offsets can now be references to other parameters. For example, "{Param1+OffsetParam}". Fixed - Leased tags referenced in custom alert messages may trigger high cpu and memory. Fixed - Editing of UDT can cause member float values to round. Added Functionality - UDT parameter offsets can now be references to other parameter values, such as "{Param1+Param2}". Fixed - Unable to write to a boolean tag in an external provider (driven by a different instance) from the tag tree in the designer. Scripting Fixed - Datasets could return NaN instead of null for double or float columns in some circumstances. Fixed - system.tag.readAll function did not work to read Client scoped tags. Client Fixed - Fixed a bug that could cause clients to run out-of-date scripting (Jython) code when that code was located in a hierarchy one or more levels deeper than the 'app' package. Restarting the client would cause the latest code to again be run. SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Gateway Fixed - Various improvement to schedule execution to prevent lockup issues and improve schedule accuracy. Vision - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - When the paintable canvas is duplicated, it re-installs its default painting script. Fixed - Equipment schedule view was losing it's dynamic properties on save. Fixed - Designers did not release the resource lock for modifying client tags correctly Misc Fixed - Animated gifs broke in 7.5.4, now fixed and working in the standard image component. Components Added Functionality - Added read only, bindable "instanceName" property to templates so they can detect their runtime instance's name. Fixed - Multi-state indicator component did not correctly render semi-transparent background colors. Fixed - Fixed how the one-shot button's "disableWhileWriting" feature interacts with the component's enabled property, so that the two features can be used in conjunction. Fixed - Fixed race condition that could cause the momentary button to keep it's bit latched on. Client Fixed - Fixed bug where indirect UDT bindings on root container properties could lose their indirection and become "stuck" after a hot-update caused by a designer save. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Driver API Fixed - Fixed a deadlock during driver shutdown. Symptomatic behavior includes a gateway that hangs on the device configuration page after saving with one or more threads showing BLOCKED status afterward. Server Fixed - Fixed a bug where a driver node would always use the lowest sampling rate it had ever seen when determining if its value was currently stale rather than the lowest rate of current monitored items. This only occurred if there were more than one monitored items for the given node.This was especially likely to manifest itself when one tag from a leased scan class and one tag from a direct scan class were subscribed to the same node. Serial Support - ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Fixed a crash on Windows Server 2008 R2. Mobile - ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Browsers that didn't send the User-Agent header made the Mobile Module's homepage panel break. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Fixed - Fixed issued where the driver is returning a folder type when the OPC path is invalid. Fixed - Fixed potential for overlapping browses when tags are added or modified in a ControlLogix or CompactLogix processor. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== NOTE: IF YOU HAVE BOTH THE SPC AND OEE MODULES INSTALLED THEY MUST BOTH BE UPDATED. General Added - Optional auxiliary/mirror analysis datasource setting. This datasource will record a duplicate of the analysis data. See the "MES Module Configuration" section in the manual for more information. Fix - Project tag provider setting not being used Fix - Run selector component not displaying runs created without a work order Fix - Datetime data type with MSSQL not working with "British English" language set for the login connection. Fix - Last OPC values not calculating/recording on end of production run. Change - Purge Manager check cutoff date with current time and not only from midnight. Added - Script method extractProductionItem() to get a requested production item (Enterprise, Area, Line, etc.) from a line path. Downtime Fix - If the operator selects a downtime reason where planned downtime and record downtime is false the event time is not being added back to the run time. Added - Short downtime detection. If a short downtime threshold is set then stops less than the threshold will not be counted in OEE Availability. See the "Production Model Configuration -> Line Configuration" section in the manual for more information. Added - Short downtime field to the downtime table. See the "Component Reference -> Down Time Table" section in the manual for more information. Improved - Calculation of Analysis run time, downtime and planned downtime values when changing downtime type between unplanned and planned. Added - Property in downtime table operator selection tree view to allow auto expanding of reason selections under the current selection. Fix - Remote Operator Reason Code not working if reason detection is Line State. Fix - downtime history binding function not showing line downtime top reasons, only cell. Schedule Added - PMILineScheduleView component. Shows the line status, schedules, schedule event status and allows drag and drop re-scheduling. Fixed - LineScheduleView component locks up going into Daylight Savings Time. SPC Fix - Importing tag collectors from CSV file not initializing correct Analysis Fix - Analysis table not exporting strings with quotes for CSV Improved - performance of Analysis Time Chart. Added - Message if the provider is invalid or provider does not contain the requested datapoint. Fix - PMIAnalysisController not firing property change events for provider name and compare by properties. General - 7.5.5-beta5 ========================================================================================== Installers Fixed - Upgrading to 7.5 from 7.4 or earlier on Windows Server 2008 would cause installer error messages when the Java architecture (32-bit or 64-bit) did not match the Ignition architecture. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - When zoomed in or out, pasted components could "miss" their intended container and end up on the root container. Fixed - Tag value editor doesn't respect locale, always treats value as "US English" locale. Fixed - Upgraded Jython to 2.5.3. SQLTags Fixed - CurrentDateTime and Timezone gateway status tags. Added Functionality - UDT parameter offsets can now be references to other parameters. For example, "{Param1+OffsetParam}". Fixed - Leased tags referenced in custom alert messages may trigger high cpu and memory. Fixed - Editing of UDT can cause member float values to round. Added Functionality - UDT parameter offsets can now be references to other parameter values, such as "{Param1+Param2}". Fixed - Unable to write to a boolean tag in an external provider (driven by a different instance) from the tag tree in the designer. Scripting Fixed - system.tag.readAll function did not work to read Client scoped tags. Client Fixed - Fixed a bug that could cause clients to run out-of-date scripting (Jython) code when that code was located in a hierarchy one or more levels deeper than the 'app' package. Restarting the client would cause the latest code to again be run. SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Gateway Fixed - Various improvement to schedule execution to prevent lockup issues and improve schedule accuracy. Vision - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - When the paintable canvas is duplicated, it re-installs its default painting script. Fixed - Equipment schedule view was losing it's dynamic properties on save. Fixed - Designers did not release the resource lock for modifying client tags correctly Misc Fixed - Animated gifs broke in 7.5.4, now fixed and working in the standard image component. Components Fixed - Multi-state indicator component did not correctly render semi-transparent background colors. Fixed - Fixed how the one-shot button's "disableWhileWriting" feature interacts with the component's enabled property, so that the two features can be used in conjunction. Fixed - Fixed race condition that could cause the momentary button to keep it's bit latched on. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Driver API Fixed - Fixed a deadlock during driver shutdown. Symptomatic behavior includes a gateway that hangs on the device configuration page after saving with one or more threads showing BLOCKED status afterward. Server Fixed - Fixed a bug where a driver node would always use the lowest sampling rate it had ever seen when determining if its value was currently stale rather than the lowest rate of current monitored items. This only occurred if there were more than one monitored items for the given node.This was especially likely to manifest itself when one tag from a leased scan class and one tag from a direct scan class were subscribed to the same node. Serial Support - ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Fixed a crash on Windows Server 2008 R2. Mobile - ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Browsers that didn't send the User-Agent header made the Mobile Module's homepage panel break. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Fixed - Fixed potential for overlapping browses when tags are added or modified in a ControlLogix or CompactLogix processor. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General OEE Fix - Project tag provider setting not being used Added - Script method to add a comment to the current run. Fix - drop down editor in line configuration displays blank instead of actual setting. Fix - issue where NPE error occurred if a Production Location existed in a line and OEE is being used. Fix - bug in the AnalysisManager where no filter options were being returned for additional factors that names included spaces. Fix - PMIRunSelector not reseting run id when changing line path Change - Purge Manager check cutoff date with current time and not only from midnight. Added - Script method extractProductionItem() to get a requested production item (Enterprise, Area, Line, etc.) from a line path. Change - Modified AnalysisDataset so that setValueAt will work with null values. Schedule Added - PMILineScheduleView component. Shows the line status, schedules, schedule event status and allows drag and drop re-scheduling. Fixed - LineScheduleView component locks up going into Daylight Savings Time. Downtime Added - Short downtime detection. If a short downtime threshold is set then stops less than the threshold will not be counted in OEE Availability. Fix - If a parent reason is set as "Never" for operator selectable then it would create a separate node for each subreason. Fix - PMIProductionTimeChart Scheduled vs. Actual binding function not working with cell groups. Fix - Remote Operator Reason Code not working if reason detection is Line State. Fix - downtime history binding function not showing line downtime top reasons, only cell. Analysis Fix - Analysis table not exporting strings with quotes for CSV Improved - performance of Analysis Time Chart. Added - Message if the provider is invalid or provider does not contain the requested datapoint. Fix - PMIAnalysisController not firing property change events for provider name and compare by properties. SPC Fix - Importing tag collectors from CSV file not initializing correct General - 7.5.5-beta4 ========================================================================================== Installers Fixed - Upgrading to 7.5 from 7.4 or earlier on Windows Server 2008 would cause installer error messages when the Java architecture (32-bit or 64-bit) did not match the Ignition architecture. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - When zoomed in or out, pasted components could "miss" their intended container and end up on the root container. Fixed - Tag value editor doesn't respect locale, always treats value as "US English" locale. Fixed - Upgraded Jython to 2.5.3. SQLTags Fixed - CurrentDateTime and Timezone gateway status tags. Added Functionality - UDT parameter offsets can now be references to other parameters. For example, "{Param1+OffsetParam}". Fixed - Leased tags referenced in custom alert messages may trigger high cpu and memory. Fixed - Editing of UDT can cause member float values to round. Added Functionality - UDT parameter offsets can now be references to other parameter values, such as "{Param1+Param2}". Fixed - Unable to write to a boolean tag in an external provider (driven by a different instance) from the tag tree in the designer. Scripting Fixed - system.tag.readAll function did not work to read Client scoped tags. Client Fixed - Fixed a bug that could cause clients to run out-of-date scripting (Jython) code when that code was located in a hierarchy one or more levels deeper than the 'app' package. Restarting the client would cause the latest code to again be run. SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Gateway Fixed - Various improvement to schedule execution to prevent lockup issues and improve schedule accuracy. Vision - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - When the paintable canvas is duplicated, it re-installs its default painting script. Fixed - Equipment schedule view was losing it's dynamic properties on save. Fixed - Designers did not release the resource lock for modifying client tags correctly Misc Fixed - Animated gifs broke in 7.5.4, now fixed and working in the standard image component. Components Fixed - Multi-state indicator component did not correctly render semi-transparent background colors. Fixed - Fixed how the one-shot button's "disableWhileWriting" feature interacts with the component's enabled property, so that the two features can be used in conjunction. Fixed - Fixed race condition that could cause the momentary button to keep it's bit latched on. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Driver API Fixed - Fixed a deadlock during driver shutdown. Symptomatic behavior includes a gateway that hangs on the device configuration page after saving with one or more threads showing BLOCKED status afterward. Server Fixed - Fixed a bug where a driver node would always use the lowest sampling rate it had ever seen when determining if its value was currently stale rather than the lowest rate of current monitored items. This only occurred if there were more than one monitored items for the given node.This was especially likely to manifest itself when one tag from a leased scan class and one tag from a direct scan class were subscribed to the same node. Serial Support - ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Fixed a crash on Windows Server 2008 R2. Mobile - ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Browsers that didn't send the User-Agent header made the Mobile Module's homepage panel break. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Fixed - Fixed potential for overlapping browses when tags are added or modified in a ControlLogix or CompactLogix processor. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General OEE Fix - Project tag provider setting not being used Added - Script method to add a comment to the current run. Fix - drop down editor in line configuration displays blank instead of actual setting. Fix - issue where NPE error occurred if a Production Location existed in a line and OEE is being used. Fix - bug in the AnalysisManager where no filter options were being returned for additional factors that names included spaces. Fix - PMIRunSelector not reseting run id when changing line path Change - Purge Manager check cutoff date with current time and not only from midnight. Added - Script method extractProductionItem() to get a requested production item (Enterprise, Area, Line, etc.) from a line path. Change - Modified AnalysisDataset so that setValueAt will work with null values. Schedule Added - PMILineScheduleView component. Shows the line status, schedules, schedule event status and allows drag and drop re-scheduling. Fixed - LineScheduleView component locks up going into Daylight Savings Time. Downtime Added - Short downtime detection. If a short downtime threshold is set then stops less than the threshold will not be counted in OEE Availability. Fix - If a parent reason is set as "Never" for operator selectable then it would create a separate node for each subreason. Fix - PMIProductionTimeChart Scheduled vs. Actual binding function not working with cell groups. Fix - Remote Operator Reason Code not working if reason detection is Line State. Fix - downtime history binding function not showing line downtime top reasons, only cell. Analysis Fix - Analysis table not exporting strings with quotes for CSV Improved - performance of Analysis Time Chart. Added - Message if the provider is invalid or provider does not contain the requested datapoint. Fix - PMIAnalysisController not firing property change events for provider name and compare by properties. SPC Fix - Importing tag collectors from CSV file not initializing correct General - 7.5.5-beta3 ========================================================================================== Installers Fixed - Upgrading to 7.5 from 7.4 or earlier on Windows Server 2008 would cause installer error messages when the Java architecture (32-bit or 64-bit) did not match the Ignition architecture. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - When zoomed in or out, pasted components could "miss" their intended container and end up on the root container. Fixed - Tag value editor doesn't respect locale, always treats value as "US English" locale. Fixed - Upgraded Jython to 2.5.3. SQLTags Fixed - CurrentDateTime and Timezone gateway status tags. Added Functionality - UDT parameter offsets can now be references to other parameters. For example, "{Param1+OffsetParam}". Fixed - Leased tags referenced in custom alert messages may trigger high cpu and memory. Fixed - Editing of UDT can cause member float values to round. Added Functionality - UDT parameter offsets can now be references to other parameter values, such as "{Param1+Param2}". Fixed - Unable to write to a boolean tag in an external provider (driven by a different instance) from the tag tree in the designer. Scripting Fixed - system.tag.readAll function did not work to read Client scoped tags. SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Gateway Fixed - Various improvement to schedule execution to prevent lockup issues and improve schedule accuracy. Vision - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Designers did not release the resource lock for modifying client tags correctly Misc Fixed - Animated gifs broke in 7.5.4, now fixed and working in the standard image component. Components Fixed - Fixed how the one-shot button's "disableWhileWriting" feature interacts with the component's enabled property, so that the two features can be used in conjunction. Fixed - Fixed race condition that could cause the momentary button to keep it's bit latched on. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Driver API Fixed - Fixed a deadlock during driver shutdown. Symptomatic behavior includes a gateway that hangs on the device configuration page after saving with one or more threads showing BLOCKED status afterward. Server Fixed - Fixed a bug where a driver node would always use the lowest sampling rate it had ever seen when determining if its value was currently stale rather than the lowest rate of current monitored items. This only occurred if there were more than one monitored items for the given node.This was especially likely to manifest itself when one tag from a leased scan class and one tag from a direct scan class were subscribed to the same node. Mobile - ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Browsers that didn't send the User-Agent header made the Mobile Module's homepage panel break. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General OEE Fix - Project tag provider setting not being used Added - Script method to add a comment to the current run. Fix - drop down editor in line configuration displays blank instead of actual setting. Fix - issue where NPE error occurred if a Production Location existed in a line and OEE is being used. Fix - bug in the AnalysisManager where no filter options were being returned for additional factors that names included spaces. Fix - PMIRunSelector not reseting run id when changing line path Change - Purge Manager check cutoff date with current time and not only from midnight. Added - Script method extractProductionItem() to get a requested production item (Enterprise, Area, Line, etc.) from a line path. Change - Modified AnalysisDataset so that setValueAt will work with null values. Schedule Added - PMILineScheduleView component. Shows the line status, schedules, schedule event status and allows drag and drop re-scheduling. Fixed - LineScheduleView component locks up going into Daylight Savings Time. Downtime Added - Short downtime detection. If a short downtime threshold is set then stops less than the threshold will not be counted in OEE Availability. Fix - If a parent reason is set as "Never" for operator selectable then it would create a separate node for each subreason. Fix - PMIProductionTimeChart Scheduled vs. Actual binding function not working with cell groups. Fix - Remote Operator Reason Code not working if reason detection is Line State. Fix - downtime history binding function not showing line downtime top reasons, only cell. Analysis Fix - Analysis table not exporting strings with quotes for CSV Improved - performance of Analysis Time Chart. Added - Message if the provider is invalid or provider does not contain the requested datapoint. Fix - PMIAnalysisController not firing property change events for provider name and compare by properties. SPC Fix - Importing tag collectors from CSV file not initializing correct General - 7.5.5-beta2 ========================================================================================== Installers Fixed - Upgrading to 7.5 from 7.4 or earlier on Windows Server 2008 would cause installer error messages when the Java architecture (32-bit or 64-bit) did not match the Ignition architecture. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - When zoomed in or out, pasted components could "miss" their intended container and end up on the root container. Fixed - Tag value editor doesn't respect locale, always treats value as "US English" locale. Fixed - Upgraded Jython to 2.5.3. SQLTags Added Functionality - UDT parameter offsets can now be references to other parameters. For example, "{Param1+OffsetParam}". Fixed - Leased tags referenced in custom alert messages may trigger high cpu and memory. Fixed - Editing of UDT can cause member float values to round. Added Functionality - UDT parameter offsets can now be references to other parameter values, such as "{Param1+Param2}". Fixed - Unable to write to a boolean tag in an external provider (driven by a different instance) from the tag tree in the designer. Scripting Fixed - system.tag.readAll function did not work to read Client scoped tags. Vision - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Designers did not release the resource lock for modifying client tags correctly Misc Fixed - Animated gifs broke in 7.5.4, now fixed and working in the standard image component. Components Fixed - Fixed how the one-shot button's "disableWhileWriting" feature interacts with the component's enabled property, so that the two features can be used in conjunction. Fixed - Fixed race condition that could cause the momentary button to keep it's bit latched on. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Driver API Fixed - Fixed a deadlock during driver shutdown. Symptomatic behavior includes a gateway that hangs on the device configuration page after saving with one or more threads showing BLOCKED status afterward. Server Fixed - Fixed a bug where a driver node would always use the lowest sampling rate it had ever seen when determining if its value was currently stale rather than the lowest rate of current monitored items. This only occurred if there were more than one monitored items for the given node.This was especially likely to manifest itself when one tag from a leased scan class and one tag from a direct scan class were subscribed to the same node. Mobile - ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Browsers that didn't send the User-Agent header made the Mobile Module's homepage panel break. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General OEE Fix - Project tag provider setting not being used Added - Script method to add a comment to the current run. Fix - drop down editor in line configuration displays blank instead of actual setting. Fix - issue where NPE error occurred if a Production Location existed in a line and OEE is being used. Fix - bug in the AnalysisManager where no filter options were being returned for additional factors that names included spaces. Fix - PMIRunSelector not reseting run id when changing line path Change - Purge Manager check cutoff date with current time and not only from midnight. Added - Script method extractProductionItem() to get a requested production item (Enterprise, Area, Line, etc.) from a line path. Change - Modified AnalysisDataset so that setValueAt will work with null values. Schedule Added - PMILineScheduleView component. Shows the line status, schedules, schedule event status and allows drag and drop re-scheduling. Fixed - LineScheduleView component locks up going into Daylight Savings Time. Downtime Added - Short downtime detection. If a short downtime threshold is set then stops less than the threshold will not be counted in OEE Availability. Fix - If a parent reason is set as "Never" for operator selectable then it would create a separate node for each subreason. Fix - PMIProductionTimeChart Scheduled vs. Actual binding function not working with cell groups. Fix - Remote Operator Reason Code not working if reason detection is Line State. Fix - downtime history binding function not showing line downtime top reasons, only cell. Analysis Fix - Analysis table not exporting strings with quotes for CSV Improved - performance of Analysis Time Chart. Added - Message if the provider is invalid or provider does not contain the requested datapoint. Fix - PMIAnalysisController not firing property change events for provider name and compare by properties. SPC Fix - Importing tag collectors from CSV file not initializing correct Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== SQLTags Fixed - Leased tags referenced in custom alert messages may trigger high cpu and memory. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== Analysis Added - "Is Planned Downtime" datapoint. If 1 this downtime was a planned downtime Improved - allow up to 7 compare by entries. Use with caution as this can slow the return significantly. General Added - client/designer scripting of selectRun and selectNextRun to system.schedule, previously only accessable from gateway scripts. Fixed - pasting of production model items correctly handles child items. Fixed - when switching projects in designer previous project production model items displayed in components. Fixed - Menu items labels displaying garbled text Fixed - run paused downtime entries not respecting disabled shifts. General - 7.5.4 ========================================================================================== Installers Added Functionality - Added new command line parameter for Linux (--serviceuser), which allows a Linux user to create a new "service user" during a new install. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Added Functionality - Made the "Update Project" menu item accessible via keyboard shortcut and toolbar. Added Functionality - Added enabled/disabled option for timer scripts and tag-change scripts. Fixed - Designer could freeze when opening the image management window if very large images or animated gifs had been uploaded. Added Functionality - Made the date selector components property support null timestamps. Fixed - Re-capture button on custom palette didn't work due to locking error. Added Functionality - Ability to filter for history and alerting state in tag search window. SQLTags Modified Functionality - When using a deadband of 0 on tag history, values will only be stored when some aspect of the tag changes, such as value or timestamp (previously stored a value each evaluation). Modified Functionality - Can now specify as a setting the threshold used to determine scan class staleness in tag history system. Fixed - Expression tags that reference other tags may require multiple executions before the referenced values are available/correct. Fixed - Historical partitions not aligning to the 0th millisecond of the intended time frame. Fixed - In SQLTags History preprocessed tables, values from previous windows are occasionally forwarded to newer windows. Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Logging into the Gateway's config section couldn't handle roles with spaces in them. Alerting Fixed - UDT overrides that revert settings back to default values do not get properly applied during CSV import. Gateway Fixed - Changed auditing so that all calls to runUpdateQuery are logged regardless of affected count. Added Functionality - Added timeout options to system.net.httpGet Scripting Fixed - In foreign locales, floating point values could get altered when running system.db.runPrepUpdate Added Functionality - Added auditing for stored procedure calls under "sproc" audit key. SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Gateway Fixed - Issue preventing cascaded item execution, can possibly lead to incorrect values for item references in groups. Fixed - Groups using custom where clause may not correctly update all columns when the target row changes. Vision - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - UI freeze when the equipment schedule view included the a time range when daylight savings time ends. Fixed - Changed the pie chart to display a quality overlay if the dataset contains values than cannot be coerced to numbers instead of popping up error boxes. Components Fixed - Constant value pens on the easy chart's value incorrect in locales that use comma for decimal point and period for thousands separator. Client Added Functionality - Added system flag for detecting staging mode. Added Functionality - Added column specifiers for the table component's image map and translation map features. Fixed - Login screen controls sometimes clipped when using non-english locales. Mobile - ========================================================================================== UI Fixed - Mobile module failed in iOS6 after being added as a homepage shortcut due to Mobile Safari aggressive caching issue. Reporting - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Barcode component in the reporting system now has the option to hide the text. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Fixed - Fixed potential issue when tag subscriptions change, tags may be set to incorrect values for a brief moment. Fixed - Fixed "Error parsing template reply" exception that is occurring when some predefined data types are used in a tag or UDT. SLC Driver Fixed - Fixed error when connecting to SLC 5/04 processors through DHRIO module preventing device to enter connected state. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General OEE module Fix - Error in delete schedule entry where the time field was the wrong type. Fix - Production model icon not showing the accurate state of the production model. Fix - don't fire line name change event if the default of "" is the property name Improved - new additional factors available without restarting production model. Scheduler Improved - Allow any scheduled entry to auto run (if Auto Start Schedule Entries is true). Previously only production runs were auto run. Downtime Fix - Run paused shift entries not correct for two 12 hour shifts. Analysis Added - "Maintenance Elapsed Time" and "Maintenance Elapsed Time Hours" datapoints. Use in conjunction with "Schedule Type=Maintenance" filter Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Designer could freeze when opening the image management window if very large images or animated gifs had been uploaded. Added Functionality - Made the date selector components property support null timestamps. Fixed - Re-capture button on custom palette didn't work due to locking error. Added Functionality - Ability to filter for history and alerting state in tag search window. SQLTags Modified Functionality - When using a deadband of 0 on tag history, values will only be stored when some aspect of the tag changes, such as value or timestamp (previously stored a value each evaluation). Modified Functionality - Can now specify as a setting the threshold used to determine scan class staleness in tag history system. Fixed - Expression tags that reference other tags may require multiple executions before the referenced values are available/correct. Fixed - Historical partitions not aligning to the 0th millisecond of the intended time frame. Fixed - In SQLTags History preprocessed tables, values from previous windows are occasionally forwarded to newer windows. Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Logging into the Gateway's config section couldn't handle roles with spaces in them. Alerting Fixed - UDT overrides that revert settings back to default values do not get properly applied during CSV import. Gateway Added Functionality - Added timeout options to system.net.httpGet SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Gateway Fixed - Issue preventing cascaded item execution, can possibly lead to incorrect values for item references in groups. Fixed - Groups using custom where clause may not correctly update all columns when the target row changes. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Constant value pens on the easy chart's value incorrect in locales that use comma for decimal point and period for thousands separator. Client Fixed - Login screen controls sometimes clipped when using non-english locales. Mobile - ========================================================================================== UI Fixed - Mobile module failed in iOS6 after being added as a homepage shortcut due to Mobile Safari aggressive caching issue. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Fixed - Fixed "Error parsing template reply" exception that is occurring when some predefined data types are used in a tag or UDT. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General OEE Added - Script method to add a comment to the current run. Fix - drop down editor in line configuration displays blank instead of actual setting. Fix - issue where NPE error occurred if a Production Location existed in a line and OEE is being used. Fix - bug in the AnalysisManager where no filter options were being returned for additional factors that names included spaces. Fix - PMIRunSelector not reseting run id when changing line path Change - Purge Manager check cutoff date with current time and not only from midnight. Added - Script method extractProductionItem() to get a requested production item (Enterprise, Area, Line, etc.) from a line path. Change - Modified AnalysisDataset so that setValueAt will work with null values. Schedule Added - PMILineScheduleView component. Shows the line status, schedules, schedule event status and allows drag and drop re-scheduling. Downtime Fix - If a parent reason is set as "Never" for operator selectable then it would create a separate node for each subreason. Fix - PMIProductionTimeChart Scheduled vs. Actual binding function not working with cell groups. Fix - Remote Operator Reason Code not working if reason detection is Line State. Fix - downtime history binding function not showing line downtime top reasons, only cell. Analysis Fix - Analysis table not exporting strings with quotes for CSV Improved - performance of Analysis Time Chart. Added - Message if the provider is invalid or provider does not contain the requested datapoint. Fix - PMIAnalysisController not firing property change events for provider name and compare by properties. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Designer could freeze when opening the image management window if very large images or animated gifs had been uploaded. Added Functionality - Made the date selector components property support null timestamps. Fixed - Re-capture button on custom palette didn't work due to locking error. Added Functionality - Ability to filter for history and alerting state in tag search window. SQLTags Modified Functionality - When using a deadband of 0 on tag history, values will only be stored when some aspect of the tag changes, such as value or timestamp (previously stored a value each evaluation). Modified Functionality - Can now specify as a setting the threshold used to determine scan class staleness in tag history system. Fixed - Expression tags that reference other tags may require multiple executions before the referenced values are available/correct. Fixed - Historical partitions not aligning to the 0th millisecond of the intended time frame. Fixed - In SQLTags History preprocessed tables, values from previous windows are occasionally forwarded to newer windows. Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Logging into the Gateway's config section couldn't handle roles with spaces in them. Alerting Fixed - UDT overrides that revert settings back to default values do not get properly applied during CSV import. Gateway Added Functionality - Added timeout options to system.net.httpGet SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Gateway Fixed - Groups using custom where clause may not correctly update all columns when the target row changes. Vision - ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Constant value pens on the easy chart's value incorrect in locales that use comma for decimal point and period for thousands separator. Mobile - ========================================================================================== UI Fixed - Mobile module failed in iOS6 after being added as a homepage shortcut due to Mobile Safari aggressive caching issue. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Fixed - Fixed "Error parsing template reply" exception that is occurring when some predefined data types are used in a tag or UDT. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General OEE Added - Script method to add a comment to the current run. Fix - drop down editor in line configuration displays blank instead of actual setting. Fix - issue where NPE error occurred if a Production Location existed in a line and OEE is being used. Fix - bug in the AnalysisManager where no filter options were being returned for additional factors that names included spaces. Fix - PMIRunSelector not reseting run id when changing line path Change - Purge Manager check cutoff date with current time and not only from midnight. Added - Script method extractProductionItem() to get a requested production item (Enterprise, Area, Line, etc.) from a line path. Change - Modified AnalysisDataset so that setValueAt will work with null values. Schedule Added - PMILineScheduleView component. Shows the line status, schedules, schedule event status and allows drag and drop re-scheduling. Downtime Fix - If a parent reason is set as "Never" for operator selectable then it would create a separate node for each subreason. Fix - PMIProductionTimeChart Scheduled vs. Actual binding function not working with cell groups. Fix - Remote Operator Reason Code not working if reason detection is Line State. Fix - downtime history binding function not showing line downtime top reasons, only cell. Analysis Fix - Analysis table not exporting strings with quotes for CSV Improved - performance of Analysis Time Chart. Added - Message if the provider is invalid or provider does not contain the requested datapoint. Fix - PMIAnalysisController not firing property change events for provider name and compare by properties. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Added Functionality - Ability to filter for history and alerting state in tag search window. SQLTags Modified Functionality - When using a deadband of 0 on tag history, values will only be stored when some aspect of the tag changes, such as value or timestamp (previously stored a value each evaluation). Modified Functionality - Can now specify as a setting the threshold used to determine scan class staleness in tag history system. Fixed - Expression tags that reference other tags may require multiple executions before the referenced values are available/correct. Fixed - Historical partitions not aligning to the 0th millisecond of the intended time frame. Fixed - In SQLTags History preprocessed tables, values from previous windows are occasionally forwarded to newer windows. Alerting Fixed - UDT overrides that revert settings back to default values do not get properly applied during CSV import. SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Gateway Fixed - Groups using custom where clause may not correctly update all columns when the target row changes. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Fixed - Fixed "Error parsing template reply" exception that is occurring when some predefined data types are used in a tag or UDT. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General OEE Added - Script method to add a comment to the current run. Fix - drop down editor in line configuration displays blank instead of actual setting. Fix - issue where NPE error occurred if a Production Location existed in a line and OEE is being used. Fix - bug in the AnalysisManager where no filter options were being returned for additional factors that names included spaces. Fix - PMIRunSelector not reseting run id when changing line path Change - Purge Manager check cutoff date with current time and not only from midnight. Added - Script method extractProductionItem() to get a requested production item (Enterprise, Area, Line, etc.) from a line path. Schedule Added - PMILineScheduleView component. Shows the line status, schedules, schedule event status and allows drag and drop re-scheduling. Downtime Fix - If a parent reason is set as "Never" for operator selectable then it would create a separate node for each subreason. Fix - PMIProductionTimeChart Scheduled vs. Actual binding function not working with cell groups. Fix - Remote Operator Reason Code not working if reason detection is Line State. Analysis Fix - Analysis table not exporting strings with quotes for CSV Improved - performance of Analysis Time Chart. Added - Message if the provider is invalid or provider does not contain the requested datapoint. Fix - PMIAnalysisController not firing property change events for provider name and compare by properties. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Designer Added Functionality - Ability to filter for history and alerting state in tag search window. SQLTags Modified Functionality - When using a deadband of 0 on tag history, values will only be stored when some aspect of the tag changes, such as value or timestamp (previously stored a value each evaluation). Modified Functionality - Can now specify as a setting the threshold used to determine scan class staleness in tag history system. Fixed - Expression tags that reference other tags may require multiple executions before the referenced values are available/correct. Fixed - Historical partitions not aligning to the 0th millisecond of the intended time frame. Fixed - In SQLTags History preprocessed tables, values from previous windows are occasionally forwarded to newer windows. Alerting Fixed - UDT overrides that revert settings back to default values do not get properly applied during CSV import. SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Gateway Fixed - Groups using custom where clause may not correctly update all columns when the target row changes. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Fixed - Fixed "Error parsing template reply" exception that is occurring when some predefined data types are used in a tag or UDT. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General OEE Added - Script method to add a comment to the current run. Fix - drop down editor in line configuration displays blank instead of actual setting. Fix - issue where NPE error occurred if a Production Location existed in a line and OEE is being used. Fix - bug in the AnalysisManager where no filter options were being returned for additional factors that names included spaces. Fix - PMIRunSelector not reseting run id when changing line path Downtime Fix - If a parent reason is set as "Never" for operator selectable then it would create a separate node for each subreason. Fix - PMIProductionTimeChart Scheduled vs. Actual binding function not working with cell groups. Analysis Fix - Analysis table not exporting strings with quotes for CSV Improved - performance of Analysis Time Chart. General - 7.5.3 ========================================================================================== Build Fixed - Modified installers to properly preserve user login information for the Ignition Windows service when upgrading from 7.3 or later. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== Gateway Fixed - When restoring backups made on 64-bit machines, ignition.conf Java memory settings would be too large when restoring on a 32-bit machine. This would prevent the Gateway from restarting after restoration. The restoration code has been modified to automatically cap the ignition.conf memory settings at 1024MB during a 32-bit restoration. Redundancy Fixed - When using redundancy, with the backup active, value changes for memory tags are not correctly synchronized to the master when it comes back up. SQLBridge - ========================================================================================== Designer Added Functionality - Scheduled execution support for stored procedure, block, and historical groups. Vision - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Tags can now be copied and pasted between designers. Fixed - Issue that caused a NumberFormatException to be thrown when opening a window with a cell update binding on it whose values could not be coerced to their destination type. Fixed - Issue that caused a ClassCastException to be shown when double-clicking on a group of shapes Client Fixed - Printing under Java 7 would complain about missing key: tab.general.vkMnemonic and fail to print. Fixed - Fixed issue that could cause quality overlays on properties bound to expressions to get stuck upon opening a window. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Server Fixed - Fixed a race condition that could lead to non-deterministic write ordering when multiple UA WriteRequests arrived consecutively within a very small period of time. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Added Functionality - Improved detection of program being downloaded into ControlLogix and CompactLogix processors. Also, greatly improved browse speed by the driver after download is complete. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General OEE module Fix - Error in delete schedule entry where the time field was the wrong type. Fix - Production model icon not showing the accurate state of the production model. Fix - don't fire line name change event if the default of "" is the property name Improved - new additional factors available without restarting production model. Scheduler Improved - Allow any scheduled entry to auto run (if Auto Start Schedule Entries is true). Previously only production runs were auto run. Downtime Fix - Run paused shift entries not correct for two 12 hour shifts. Analysis Added - "Maintenance Elapsed Time" and "Maintenance Elapsed Time Hours" datapoints. Use in conjunction with "Schedule Type=Maintenance" filter General - 7.5.1 ========================================================================================== Installers Added Functionality - Added --autoupgrade flag to binary installers to perform silent upgrades from the command line. See the User Manual for examples. Ignition Platform - ========================================================================================== GCU Fixed - The gwcmd command-line GCU tool will now run on installations using Java 7. Added Functionality - The GCU for Windows is now wrapped in a gcu.exe file. The .exe file will ask for execution permission on Windows systems that use UAC (such as Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008). This will prevent file permission errors on these systems when using the GCU. Expressions Fixed - The stringFormat expression returned it's contents as a QualifiedValue instead of String SQLTags Fixed - Renaming a UDT definition back to a previous name does not automatically update instance tags that were set to use the original parent name. Fixed - Error when renaming a folder that was created implicitly due to the "path" value in a csv import. Fixed - No longer allows the deletion of UDT instance member tags (only the type definition should allow this edit), and fixes the inability to browse tags that follows such an action. Gateway Fixed - Added an ignition.conf property that will cause the file to always be reloaded after Gateway restorations. Previously, the old ignition.conf remained in memory, even though the file was replaced during restoration. Fixed - Fixed issue that could cause database connections to hang at "Unknown" if SQL Server integrated security was used but the DLLs were not located correctly. Fixed - Fixed issue with legacy FactoryPMI conversion failing with a NoSuchMethodException: ClientTagFolder.getDataType() Fixed - Overridden custom tag permissions on UDT tags/instances do not get stored or used. Vision - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Rotating objects with the rotate-right or rotate-left buttons made them move if they were in sub-containers. Fixed - Historical tag browser results duplicated for each database connection defined in the gateway. Components Fixed - Tag history density feature not working when system name not explicitly provided in tag path. Fixed - Error when setting interval length to "0" in tag history binding screen. OPC-UA - ========================================================================================== Client Fixed - Fixed a bug that caused Bad_TypeMismatch when writing to an unsigned byte node on a UA server. Server Fixed - "Discovery Server Enabled" and "Allow Untrusted Certificates" settings can now be set to false. Fixed - Various UA information model nodes (ServerStatus, BuildInfo, CurrentTime, etc...) missing in the 1.5.0 release have been restored. Fixed - Fixed bug where AccessLevel and UserAccessLevel attributes were returning a signed byte instead of unsigned byte. Fixed - Reading the EventNotifier attribute on a node now returns an unsigned byte instead of signed, as per part 3 of the OPC-UA spec. Serial Support - ========================================================================================== Scripting Fixed - Added explicit openSerialPort() and closeSerialPort() functions that must be used after configureSerialPort() and before using read/write calls. Ports are no longer implicitly opened and closed in the read/write calls. Mobile - ========================================================================================== Backend Fixed - Mobile module could hang after loading on 7.5.0 Modbus Driver - ========================================================================================== Modbus Driver v2 Added Functionality - Added "Read Multiple Discrete Inputs Allowed" property. Added Functionality - Added "Read Multiple Coils Allowed" property. Added Functionality - Added a property ("Allow Read Multiple Registers Request") that can be disabled to force all items to be read in individual requests. Must be used with caution... Fixed - Hostname and Port diagnostics tags were missing in version 2.5.0. Allen-Bradley Drivers - ========================================================================================== ControlLogix/CompactLogix Drivers Fixed - Fixed BOOL array tag offset issue for CompactLogix Lxx ER and ControlLogix L7x processros. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General OEE module Fix - Error in delete schedule entry where the time field was the wrong type. Fix - Production model icon not showing the accurate state of the production model. Fix - don't fire line name change event if the default of "" is the property name Improved - new additional factors available without restarting production model. Scheduler Improved - Allow any scheduled entry to auto run (if Auto Start Schedule Entries is true). Previously only production runs were auto run. Downtime Fix - Run paused shift entries not correct for two 12 hour shifts. Analysis Added - "Maintenance Elapsed Time" and "Maintenance Elapsed Time Hours" datapoints. Use in conjunction with "Schedule Type=Maintenance" filter Vision - ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Error message the Designer when using Java 7: "Comparison method violates its general contract!" OPC-COM - ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Error "Bounds of result set does not match that of value set" when write is performed against disconnected server. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General OEE module Fix - Error in delete schedule entry where the time field was the wrong type. Fix - Production model icon not showing the accurate state of the production model. Fix - don't fire line name change event if the default of "" is the property name Improved - new additional factors available without restarting production model. OPC-COM - ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Error "Bounds of result set does not match that of value set" when write is performed against disconnected server. OEEDT-Installer-Module- ========================================================================================== General OEE module Fix - Error in delete schedule entry where the time field was the wrong type. Fix - Production model icon not showing the accurate state of the production model. Fix - don't fire line name change event if the default of "